




P1-132 Early determinants of visual outcome in children and adolescents Rudnicka, A.R.;Owen, C.G.;Richards, M.;Wadsworth, M.E.J.;Strachan, D.P.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P2-43 Birth weight and risk of type 2 diabetes: a quantitativesystematic review of published evidence Whincup, P.H.;Kaye, S.;Owen, C.G.;Huxley, R.;Cook, D.G.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P2-74 Does initial infant feeding programme blood cholesterol in adultlife? A quantitative systematic review of the evidence Owen, C.G.;Whincup, P.H.;Martin, R.M.;Davey Smith, G.D.;Cook, D.G.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
3D-6 Ethnic differences in risk factors for chronic disease have theirorigins in early life: evidence from the CHASE study Whincup, P.H.;Owen, C.G.;Orfei, L.;McKay, C.;Cook, D.G.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
6B-7 Body mass index and risk of coronary heart disease: a lifecourseapproach Owen, C.G.;Whincup, P.H.;Orfei, L.;Chou, Q.;Eriksson, J.;Osmond, C.;Cook, D.G.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
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