




P1-103 Fetal growth and metabolic risk factors in the children at theage of 6 years; data from the Pune Maternal Nutrition Study Fisher, D.J.;Yajnik, C.S.;Coyaji, K.;Chinchwadkar, M.;Joglekar, C.;Rao, S.;Fall, C.H.D.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P2-81 Dietary intakes of folate and vitamin B12 in female urbanslum-dwellers in Mumbai, India Chheda, P.;Devi, S.;Margetts, B.M.;Fall, C.H.D.;Potdar, R.D.;Sahariah, S.A.;Kehoe, S.;Fisher, D.J.;Rao, S.;Taskar, V.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P2-82 Maternal predictors of fetal size in early pregnancy; the PuneMaternal Nutrition Study Fisher, D.J.;Yajnik, C.S.;Coyaji, K.;Chinchwadkar, M.;Joglekar, C.;Rao, S.;Fall, C.H.D.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P2-86 Maternal folic acid supplementation alters fatty acid profile ingastric milk at birth in Wistar rat Joshi, S.;Kulkarni, A.;Dalal, S.;Rao, S.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P2-119 Waist circumference performs better in predicting risk ofhypertension among adult Indians Rao, S.;Parab, P.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P2-120 Somatic disproportion predicts risk of high blood pressure amongadolescent girls in India Rao, S.;Kanade, A.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
3C-5 Maternal deficiency of vitamin B12 limits the effects of folicacid supplementation on pregnancy outcome and growth in rat offspring Rao, S.;Dalal, S.;Kulkarni, A.;Joshi, S.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
6D-4 Associations between maternal nutrition during pregnancy andplasma leptin concentrations in rural Indian children; Pune MaternalNutrition Study Naik, S.S.;Deshpande, J.A.;Bhat, D.S.;Joglekar, C.;Deshpande, V.U.;Deokar, T.M.;Rao, S.;Hirve, S.S.;Fall, C.;Yajnik, C.S.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
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