


Effects of theophylline on the pattern of spontaneous breathing in preterminfants less than 1000 g of birth weight von Poblotzki, M.;Rieger-Fackeldey, E.;Schulze, A.; Early Human Development 2003-05-01 查看
Sleep apnea in mice: a useful animal model for study of SIDS? Nakamura, A.;Kuwaki, T.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
Clinicopathological correlation between brainstem gliosis using GFAP as amarker and sleep apnea in the sudden infant death syndrome Sawaguchi, T.;Patricia, F.;Kadhim, H.;Groswasser, J.;Sottiaux, M.;Nishida, H.;Kahn, A.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
Pathological data on apoptosis in the brainstem and physiological data onsleep apnea in SIDS victims Sawaguchi, T.;Patricia, F.;Kadhim, H.;Groswasser, J.;Sottiaux, M.;Nishida, H.;Kahn, A.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
Investigation into the correlation in SIDS victims between Alzheimerprecursor protein A4 in the brainstem and sleep apnea Sawaguchi, T.;Patricia, F.;Kadhim, H.;Groswasser, J.;Sottiaux, M.;Nishida, H.;Sawaguchi, A.;Kahn, A.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
The correlation between serotonergic neurons in the brainstem and sleepapnea in SIDS victims Sawaguchi, T.;Patricia, F.;Kadhim, H.;Groswasser, J.;Sottiaux, M.;Nishida, H.;Kahn, A.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
Serotonergic receptors in the midbrain correlated with physiological dataon sleep apnea in SIDS victims Sawaguchi, T.;Ozawa, Y.;Patricia, F.;Kadhim, H.;Groswasser, J.;Sottiaux, M.;Takashima, S.;Nishida, H.;Kahn, A.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
The correlation between ubiquitin in the brainstem and sleep apnea in SIDSvictims Sawaguchi, T.;Patricia, F.;Kadhim, H.;Groswasser, J.;Sottiaux, M.;Nishida, H.;Kahn, A.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
The correlation between microtubule-associated protein 2 in the brainstemof SIDS victims and physiological data on sleep apnea Sawaguchi, T.;Patricia, F.;Kadhim, H.;Groswasser, J.;Sottiaux, M.;Nishida, H.;Kahn, A.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
The correlation between @t protein in the brainstem and sleep apnea in SIDSvictims Sawaguchi, T.;Patricia, F.;Kadhim, H.;Groswasser, J.;Sottiaux, M.;Nishida, H.;Kahn, A.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
The presence of TATA-binding protein in the brainstem, correlated withsleep in apnea SIDS victims Sawaguchi, T.;Patricia, F.;Kadhim, H.;Groswasser, J.;Sottiaux, M.;Nishida, H.;Kahn, A.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
Correlation between the Ki-67 antigen in the brainstem and physiologicaldata on sleep apnea in SIDS victims Sawaguchi, T.;Patricia, F.;Kadhim, H.;Groswasser, J.;Sottiaux, M.;Nishida, H.;Kahn, A.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
Sleep apnea in mice: a useful animal model for study of SIDS? Nakamura, A.;Kuwaki, T.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
Serotonergic receptors in the midbrain correlated with physiological dataon sleep apnea in SIDS victims Sawaguchi, T.;Ozawa, Y.;Patricia, F.;Kadhim, H.;Groswasser, J.;Sottiaux, M.;Takashima, S.;Nishida, H.;Kahn, A.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
The correlation between ubiquitin in the brainstem and sleep apnea in SIDSvictims Sawaguchi, T.;Patricia, F.;Kadhim, H.;Groswasser, J.;Sottiaux, M.;Nishida, H.;Kahn, A.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
The correlation between microtubule-associated protein 2 in the brainstemof SIDS victims and physiological data on sleep apnea Sawaguchi, T.;Patricia, F.;Kadhim, H.;Groswasser, J.;Sottiaux, M.;Nishida, H.;Kahn, A.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
The correlation between @t protein in the brainstem and sleep apnea in SIDSvictims Sawaguchi, T.;Patricia, F.;Kadhim, H.;Groswasser, J.;Sottiaux, M.;Nishida, H.;Kahn, A.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
The presence of TATA-binding protein in the brainstem, correlated withsleep in apnea SIDS victims Sawaguchi, T.;Patricia, F.;Kadhim, H.;Groswasser, J.;Sottiaux, M.;Nishida, H.;Kahn, A.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
Correlation between the Ki-67 antigen in the brainstem and physiologicaldata on sleep apnea in SIDS victims Sawaguchi, T.;Patricia, F.;Kadhim, H.;Groswasser, J.;Sottiaux, M.;Nishida, H.;Kahn, A.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
Clinicopathological correlation between brainstem gliosis using GFAP as amarker and sleep apnea in the sudden infant death syndrome Sawaguchi, T.;Patricia, F.;Kadhim, H.;Groswasser, J.;Sottiaux, M.;Nishida, H.;Kahn, A.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
Pathological data on apoptosis in the brainstem and physiological data onsleep apnea in SIDS victims Sawaguchi, T.;Patricia, F.;Kadhim, H.;Groswasser, J.;Sottiaux, M.;Nishida, H.;Kahn, A.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
Investigation into the correlation in SIDS victims between Alzheimerprecursor protein A4 in the brainstem and sleep apnea Sawaguchi, T.;Patricia, F.;Kadhim, H.;Groswasser, J.;Sottiaux, M.;Nishida, H.;Sawaguchi, A.;Kahn, A.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
The correlation between serotonergic neurons in the brainstem and sleepapnea in SIDS victims Sawaguchi, T.;Patricia, F.;Kadhim, H.;Groswasser, J.;Sottiaux, M.;Nishida, H.;Kahn, A.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
Heart rate variability during REM and non-REM sleep in preterm neonateswith and without abnormal cardiorespiratory events Vandeput, S.;Naulaers, G.;Daniels, H.;Van Huffel, S.; Early Human Development 2009-10-01 查看
Heart rate variability during REM and non-REM sleep in preterm neonateswith and without abnormal cardiorespiratory events Vandeput, S.;Naulaers, G.;Daniels, H.;Van Huffel, S.; Early Human Development 2009-10-01 查看
Kangaroo care: cardio-respiratory relationships between the infant andcaregiver Bloch-Salisbury, E.;Zuzarte, I.;Indic, P.;Bednarek, F.;Paydarfar, D.; Early Human Development 2014-12-01 查看
Kangaroo care: cardio-respiratory relationships between the infant andcaregiver Bloch-Salisbury, E.;Zuzarte, I.;Indic, P.;Bednarek, F.;Paydarfar, D.; Early Human Development 2014-12-01 查看
The effect of caffeine citrate on neural breathing pattern in preterminfants Parikka, V.;Beck, J.;Zhai, Q.;Leppasalo, J.;Lehtonen, L.;Soukka, H.; Early Human Development 2015-10-01 查看
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