篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Diurnal non-stress test variations in healthy term fetuses. A call forevening appointments for fetal testing |
Petrikovsky, B.M.;Kaplan, G.P.; |
Early Human Development |
1996-02-23 |
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The development of preterm infants' breastfeeding behavior |
Nyqvist, K.H.;Sjoden, P.-O.;Ewald, U.; |
Early Human Development |
1999-07-01 |
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Behavior in term, small for gestational age preschoolers |
Sommerfelt, K.;Andersson, H.W.;Sonnander, K.;Ahlsten, G.;Ellertsen, B.;Markestad, T.;Jacobsen, G.;Bakketeig, L.S.; |
Early Human Development |
2001-12-01 |
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Prenatal maternal cortisol levels and infant behavior during the first 5months |
de Weerth, C.;van Hees, Y.;Buitelaar, J.K.; |
Early Human Development |
2003-11-01 |
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Association between life stress during pregnancy and infant crying inthe first six months postpartum: A prospective longitudinal study |
Wurmser, H.;Rieger, M.;Domogalla, C.;Kahnt, A.;Buchwald, J.;Kowatsch, M.;Kuehnert, N.;Buske-Kirschbaum, A.;Papousek, M.;Pirke, K.M.;von Voss, H.; |
Early Human Development |
2006-05-01 |
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Feeding skill performance in premature infants during the first year |
Pridham, K.;Steward, D.;Thoyre, S.;Brown, R.;Brown, L.; |
Early Human Development |
2007-05-01 |
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Staff opinions regarding the Newborn Individualized Developmental Careand Assessment Program (NIDCAP) |
van der Pal, S.M.;Maguire, C.M.;Cessie, S.L.;Veen, S.;Wit, J.M.;Walther, F.J.;Bruil, J.; |
Early Human Development |
2007-07-01 |
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Association of maternal communicative behavior with child vocabulary at1824months for children with congenital hearing loss |
Vohr, B.;Pierre, L.S.;Topol, D.;Jodoin-Krauzyk, J.;Bloome, J.;Tucker, R.; |
Early Human Development |
2010-04-01 |
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Health-related quality of life, emotional and behavioral problems inmild to moderate prematures at (pre-)school age |
Ketharanathan, N.;Lee, W.;de Mol, A.C.; |
Early Human Development |
2011-10-01 |
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The effects of maternal stress and child language ability on behavioraloutcomes of children with congenital hearing loss at 18-24months |
Topol, D.;Girard, N.;Pierre, L.St.;Tucker, R.;Vohr, B.; |
Early Human Development |
2011-12-01 |
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Effects of iron deficiency on neonatal behavior at different stages ofpregnancy |
Hernandez-Martinez, C.;Canals, J.;Aranda, N.;Ribot, B.;Escribano, J.;Arija, V.; |
Early Human Development |
2011-03-01 |
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Behavior problems of 9-16year old preterm children: Biological,sociodemographic, and intellectual contributions |
Loe, I.M.;Lee, E.S.;Luna, B.;Feldman, H.M.; |
Early Human Development |
2011-04-01 |
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Behavior problems of 9-16year old preterm children: Biological,sociodemographic, and intellectual contributions |
Loe, I.M.;Lee, E.S.;Luna, B.;Feldman, H.M.; |
Early Human Development |
2011-04-01 |
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Executive function skills are associated with reading and parent-ratedchild function in children born prematurely |
Loe, I.M.;Lee, E.S.;Luna, B.;Feldman, H.M.; |
Early Human Development |
2012-02-01 |
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Fetal behavior in normal dichorionic twin pregnancy |
Mulder, E.J.H.;Derks, J.B.;de Laat, M.W.M.;Visser, G.H.A.; |
Early Human Development |
2012-03-01 |
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A longitudinal study on the effects of maternal smoking and secondhandsmoke exposure during pregnancy on neonatal neurobehavior |
Hernandez-Martinez, C.;Arija Val, V.;Escribano Subias, J.;Canals Sans, J.; |
Early Human Development |
2012-06-01 |
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A longitudinal study on the effects of maternal smoking and secondhandsmoke exposure during pregnancy on neonatal neurobehavior |
Hernandez-Martinez, C.;Arija Val, V.;Escribano Subias, J.;Canals Sans, J.; |
Early Human Development |
2012-06-01 |
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Low birth weight and psychiatric morbidity; stability and changebetween adolescence and young adulthood |
Lund, L.K.;Vik, T.;Skranes, J.;Lydersen, S.;Brubakk, A.M.;Indredavik, M.S.; |
Early Human Development |
2012-08-01 |
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Birth weight- and fetal weight-growth restriction: Impact onneurodevelopment |
for the ELGAN Study Investigators;Streimish, I.G.;Ehrenkranz, R.A.;Allred, E.N.;O'Shea, T.M.;Kuban, K.C.K.;Paneth, N.;Leviton, A.; |
Early Human Development |
2012-09-01 |
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Social competence of preschool children born very preterm |
Jones, K.M.;Champion, P.R.;Woodward, L.J.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-10-01 |
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Social competence of preschool children born very preterm |
Jones, K.M.;Champion, P.R.;Woodward, L.J.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-10-01 |
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Social competence of preschool children born very preterm |
Jones, K.M.;Champion, P.R.;Woodward, L.J.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-10-01 |
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Social competence of preschool children born very preterm |
Jones, K.M.;Champion, P.R.;Woodward, L.J.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-10-01 |
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Social-emotional delays at 2years in extremely low gestational agesurvivors: Correlates of impaired orientation/engagement and emotionalregulation |
Boyd, L.A.C.;Msall, M.E.;O'Shea, T.M.;Allred, E.N.;Hounshell, G.;Leviton, A.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-12-01 |
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Behavior and well-being of extremely low birth weight teenagers inIceland |
Georgsdottir, I.;Haraldsson, A.;Dagbjartsson, A.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-12-01 |
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Behavior and well-being of extremely low birth weight teenagers inIceland |
Georgsdottir, I.;Haraldsson, A.;Dagbjartsson, A.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-12-01 |
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Social-emotional delays at 2years in extremely low gestational agesurvivors: Correlates of impaired orientation/engagement and emotionalregulation |
Boyd, L.A.C.;Msall, M.E.;O'Shea, T.M.;Allred, E.N.;Hounshell, G.;Leviton, A.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-12-01 |
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Mode of delivery may influence neonatal responsiveness to maternalseparation |
Olza Fernandez, I.;Marin Gabriel, M.A.;Garcia Murillo, L.;Malalana Martinez, A.M.;Costarelli, V.;Millan Santos, I.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-05-01 |
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Mode of delivery may influence neonatal responsiveness to maternalseparation |
Olza Fernandez, I.;Marin Gabriel, M.A.;Garcia Murillo, L.;Malalana Martinez, A.M.;Costarelli, V.;Millan Santos, I.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-05-01 |
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Developmental effects of micronutrient supplementation and malaria inZanzibari children |
Olney, D.K.;Kariger, P.K.;Stoltzfus, R.J.;Khalfan, S.S.;Ali, N.S.;Tielsch, J.M.;Sazawal, S.;Black, R.;Allen, L.H.;Pollitt, E.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-09-01 |
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Developmental effects of micronutrient supplementation and malaria inZanzibari children |
Olney, D.K.;Kariger, P.K.;Stoltzfus, R.J.;Khalfan, S.S.;Ali, N.S.;Tielsch, J.M.;Sazawal, S.;Black, R.;Allen, L.H.;Pollitt, E.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-09-01 |
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The effects of 'does not apply' on measurement of temperament with theInfant Behavior Questionnaire-Revised: A cautionary tale for very younginfants |
the APrON Study Team;Giesbrecht, G.F.;Dewey, D.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-10-01 |
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Child and environmental factors associated with leisure participationin adolescents born extremely preterm |
Dahan-Oliel, N.;Mazer, B.;Maltais, D.B.;Riley, P.;Nadeau, L.;Majnemer, A.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-10-01 |
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Children with behavioral problems and motor problems have a worseneurological condition than children with behavioral problems only |
Peters, L.H.J.;Maathuis, C.G.B.;Hadders-Algra, M.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-12-01 |
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Children with behavioral problems and motor problems have a worseneurological condition than children with behavioral problems only |
Peters, L.H.J.;Maathuis, C.G.B.;Hadders-Algra, M.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-12-01 |
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Executive function is associated with social competence inpreschool-aged children born preterm or full term |
Alduncin, N.;Huffman, L.C.;Feldman, H.M.;Loe, I.M.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-06-01 |
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Participation and enjoyment of leisure activities in adolescents bornat @?29week gestation |
Dahan-Oliel, N.;Mazer, B.;Riley, P.;Maltais, D.B.;Nadeau, L.;Majnemer, A.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-06-01 |
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Developmental outcomes of early-identified children who are hard ofhearing at 12 to 18months of age |
Stika, C.J.;Eisenberg, L.S.;Johnson, K.C.;Henning, S.C.;Colson, B.G.;Ganguly, D.H.;DesJardin, J.L.; |
Early Human Development |
2015-01-01 |
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Musical intervention and food preferences in girls born with lowerbirth weight |
Braga, C.L.;Farias, B.L.;Reis, R.S.;Agranonik, M.;Silveira, P.P.; |
Early Human Development |
2015-12-01 |
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Profiling the preterm or VLBW born adolescent; implications of theDutch POPS cohort follow-up studies |
van der Pal-de Bruin, K.M.;van der Pal, S.M.;Verloove-Vanhorick, S.P.;Walther, F.J.; |
Early Human Development |
2015-02-01 |
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Sensory processing in preterm preschoolers and its association withexecutive function |
Adams, J.N.;Feldman, H.M.;Huffman, L.C.;Loe, I.M.; |
Early Human Development |
2015-03-01 |
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Perinatal dioxin exposure and psychosocial and behavioral developmentin school-aged children |
Kono, Y.;Oka, A.;Tada, H.;Itabashi, K.;Matsui, E.;Nakamura, Y.; |
Early Human Development |
2015-09-01 |
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Very preterm adolescents show impaired performance with increasingdemands in executive function tasks |
Wehrle, F.M.;Kaufmann, L.;Benz, L.D.;Huber, R.;O'Gorman, R.L.;Latal, B.;Hagmann, C.F.; |
Early Human Development |
2016-01-01 |
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Very preterm adolescents show impaired performance with increasingdemands in executive function tasks |
Wehrle, F.M.;Kaufmann, L.;Benz, L.D.;Huber, R.;O'Gorman, R.L.;Latal, B.;Hagmann, C.F.; |
Early Human Development |
2016-01-01 |
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Using cluster analysis to provide new insights into development of verylow birthweight (VLBW) premature infants |
Ross, G.S.;Foran, L.M.;Barbot, B.;Sossin, K.M.;Perlman, J.M.; |
Early Human Development |
2016-01-01 |
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Using cluster analysis to provide new insights into development of verylow birthweight (VLBW) premature infants |
Ross, G.S.;Foran, L.M.;Barbot, B.;Sossin, K.M.;Perlman, J.M.; |
Early Human Development |
2016-01-01 |
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Diffusion tensor imaging and behavior in premature infants at 8 yearsof age, a randomized controlled trial with long-chain polyunsaturated fattyacids |
Almaas, A.N.;Tamnes, C.K.;Nakstad, B.;Henriksen, C.;Grydeland, H.;Walhovd, K.B.;Fjell, A.M.;Iversen, P.O.;Drevon, C.A.; |
Early Human Development |
2016-04-01 |
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Kangaroo-mother care method and neurobehavior of preterm infants |
Silva, M.G.d.C.;Barros, M.C.d.M.;Pessoa, U.M.L.;Guinsburg, R.; |
Early Human Development |
2016-04-01 |
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Specific characteristics of abnormal general movements are associatedwith functional outcome at school age |
Hamer, E.G.;Bos, A.F.;Hadders-Algra, M.; |
Early Human Development |
2016-04-01 |
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Functional outcome at school age of neonatal post-hemorrhagicventricular dilatation |
Holwerda, J.C.;Van Braeckel, K.N.J.A.;Roze, E.;Hoving, E.W.;Maathuis, C.G.B.;Brouwer, O.F.;Martijn, A.;Bos, A.F.; |
Early Human Development |
2016-05-01 |
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Functional outcome at school age of neonatal post-hemorrhagicventricular dilatation |
Holwerda, J.C.;Van Braeckel, K.N.J.A.;Roze, E.;Hoving, E.W.;Maathuis, C.G.B.;Brouwer, O.F.;Martijn, A.;Bos, A.F.; |
Early Human Development |
2016-05-01 |
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