


Mapping of the consequences of bilirubin exposure in the immature rat:local cerebral metabolic rates for glucose during moderate and severehyperbilirubinemia Roger, C.;Koziel, V.;Vert, P.;Nehlig, A.; Early Human Development 1995-10-02 查看
The effect of neonatal jaundice on biotinidase activity Schulpis, K.H.;Gavrili, S.;Tjamouranis, J.;Karikas, G.A.;Kapiki, A.;Costalos, C.; Early Human Development 2003-05-01 查看
Developmental changes in serum half-life of (EZ)-cyclobilirubin Okada, H.;Masuya, K.;Yasuda, S.;Okubo, K.;Kawada, K.;Kusaka, T.;Namba, M.;Nishida, T.;Imai, T.;Isobe, K.;Itoh, S.; Early Human Development 2005-07-01 查看
Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus - Not gone but sometimesforgotten Maisels, M.J.; Early Human Development 2009-11-01 查看
Effect of ibuprofen on bilirubin-albumin binding in vitro atconcentrations observed during treatment of patent ductus arteriosus C., D.;Y., K.;L., D.; Early Human Development 2010-05-01 查看
Uniform treatment thresholds for hyperbilirubinemia in preterm infants:Background and synopsis of a national guideline on behalf of the BARTrial studygroup of the Netherlands Neonatal;Research Network;van Imhoff, D.E.;Dijk, P.H.;Hulzebos, C.V.; Early Human Development 2011-08-01 查看
Is it worthwhile using a transcutaneous bilirubinometer in the nursery? Capasso, L.;Parrella, C.;Borrelli, A.C.;Maffucci, R.;Milite, P.;Sodano, A.;Ferrara, T.;Raimondi, F.; Early Human Development 2012-05-01 查看
Validation of transcutaneous bilirubin nomogram in identifying neonatesnot at risk of hyperbilirubinaemia: A prospective, observational,multicenter study Romagnoli, C.;Tiberi, E.;Barone, G.;De Curtis, M.;Regoli, D.;Paolillo, P.;Picone, S.;Anania, S.;Finocchi, M.;Cardiello, V.;Zecca, E.; Early Human Development 2012-01-01 查看
Quality improvement initiatives in neonatal intensive care Fanaroff, A.A.; Early Human Development 2014-09-01 查看
Transcutaneous bilirubinometry is not influenced by term or skin colorin neonates Afanetti, M.;Eleni dit Trolli, S.;Yousef, N.;Jrad, I.;Mokhtari, M.; Early Human Development 2014-08-01 查看
Phototherapy with blue and green mixed-light is as effective againstunconjugated jaundice as blue light and reduces oxidative stress in theGunn rat model Uchida, Y.;Morimoto, Y.;Uchiike, T.;Kamamoto, T.;Hayashi, T.;Arai, I.;Nishikubo, T.;Takahashi, Y.; Early Human Development 2015-07-01 查看
Phototherapy with blue and green mixed-light is as effective againstunconjugated jaundice as blue light and reduces oxidative stress in theGunn rat model Uchida, Y.;Morimoto, Y.;Uchiike, T.;Kamamoto, T.;Hayashi, T.;Arai, I.;Nishikubo, T.;Takahashi, Y.; Early Human Development 2015-07-01 查看
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