- Amir, L.H. (3)
- Baricco, M. (3)
- Bertino, E. (3)
- Coscia, A. (3)
- Cresi, F. (3)
- Geddes, D.T. (4)
- Giuliani, F. (3)
- Lai, C.T. (4)
- Sakalidis, V.S. (4)
- Uvnas-Moberg, K. (3)
篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Nutritional correlates of frequency and length of breastfeeds in ruralBangladesh |
Zeitlin, M.F.;Ahmed, N.U.; |
Early Human Development |
1995-04-14 |
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Different patterns of oxytocin, prolactin but not cortisol release duringbreastfeeding in women delivered by Caesarean section or by the vaginalroute |
Nissen, E.;Uvnas-Moberg, K.;Svensson, K.;Stock, S.;Widstrom, A.-M.;Winberg, J.; |
Early Human Development |
1996-07-05 |
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Different patterns of oxytocin, prolactin but not cortisol releaseduring breastfeeding in women delivered by Caesarean section or by thevaginal route |
Nissen, E.;Uvnas-Moberg, K.;Svensson, K.;Stock, S.;Widstrom, A.M.;Winberg, J.; |
Early Human Development |
1996-07-05 |
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The development of preterm infants' breastfeeding behavior |
Nyqvist, K.H.;Sjoden, P.-O.;Ewald, U.; |
Early Human Development |
1999-07-01 |
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Night-time non-nutritive sucking in infants aged 1 to 5 months:relationship with infant state, breastfeeding, and bed-sharing versusroom-sharing |
Pollard, K.;Fleming, P.;Young, J.;Sawczenko, A.;Blair, P.; |
Early Human Development |
1999-12-01 |
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Night-time non-nutritive sucking in infants aged 1 to 5 months:relationship with infant state, breastfeeding, and bed-sharing versusroom-sharing |
Pollard, K.;Fleming, P.;Young, J.;Sawczenko, A.;Blair, P.; |
Early Human Development |
1999-12-01 |
查看 |
Maternal smoking and reduced duration of breastfeeding: a review ofpossible mechanisms |
Amir, L.H.; |
Early Human Development |
2001-08-01 |
查看 |
Maternal lactation for preterm newborn infants |
Aguayo, J.; |
Early Human Development |
2001-11-01 |
查看 |
Breastfeeding and the HIV positive mother: the debate continues |
Coutsoudis, A.; |
Early Human Development |
2005-01-01 |
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Breast milk and cytomegalovirus infection in preterm infants |
Hamprecht, K.;Goelz, R.;Maschmann, J.; |
Early Human Development |
2005-12-01 |
查看 |
Preparation for parenting multiple birth children |
Leonard, L.G.;Denton, J.; |
Early Human Development |
2006-06-01 |
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Newborn skin temperature two days postpartum during breastfeedingrelated to different labour ward practices |
Jonas, W.;Wiklund, I.;Nissen, E.;Ransjo-Arvidson, A.B.;Uvnas-Moberg, K.; |
Early Human Development |
2007-01-01 |
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Postnatal maternal cortisol levels predict temperament in healthybreastfed infants |
Glynn, L.M.;Davis, E.P.;Schetter, C.D.;Chicz-DeMet, A.;Hobel, C.J.;Sandman, C.A.; |
Early Human Development |
2007-10-01 |
查看 |
Postnatal maternal cortisol levels predict temperament in healthybreastfed infants |
Glynn, L.M.;Davis, E.P.;Schetter, C.D.;Chicz-DeMet, A.;Hobel, C.J.;Sandman, C.A.; |
Early Human Development |
2007-10-01 |
查看 |
''Breast is best'': The evidence |
Kramer, M.S.; |
Early Human Development |
2010-11-01 |
查看 |
Encouraging breastfeeding: A relational perspective |
Dykes, F.;Flacking, R.; |
Early Human Development |
2010-11-01 |
查看 |
Management of pregnancy complicated by diabetes - Maternal glycaemiccontrol during pregnancy and neonatal management |
Williams, A.;Modder, J.; |
Early Human Development |
2010-05-01 |
查看 |
Care procedures for healthy term newborn in maternity ward: The''open'' nursery |
Memo, L.;Longo, G.;Soriani, P.; |
Early Human Development |
2011-03-01 |
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The health impact of social disadvantage in early childhood; theGeneration R study |
Raat, H.;Wijtzes, A.;Jaddoe, V.W.V.;Moll, H.A.;Hofman, A.;Mackenbach, J.P.; |
Early Human Development |
2011-11-01 |
查看 |
The evidence for public health recommendations on infant feeding |
Fewtrell, M.S.; |
Early Human Development |
2011-11-01 |
查看 |
Development of a technique for evaluating temporal parameters ofsucking in breastfeeding preterm newborns |
Rocha, A.D.;Lopes, J.M.d.A.;Ramos, J.R.M.;Gomes, S.C.;Lucena, S.L.;Medeiros, A.;Moreira, M.E.L.; |
Early Human Development |
2011-08-01 |
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An overlooked aspect of the human breast: Areolar glands in relationwith breastfeeding pattern, neonatal weight gain, and the dynamics oflactation |
Doucet, S.;Soussignan, R.;Sagot, P.;Schaal, B.; |
Early Human Development |
2012-02-01 |
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Tongue movement and intra-oral vacuum of term infants duringbreastfeeding and feeding from an experimental teat that released milkunder vacuum only |
Geddes, D.T.;Sakalidis, V.S.;Hepworth, A.R.;McClellan, H.L.;Kent, J.C.;Lai, C.T.;Hartmann, P.E.; |
Early Human Development |
2012-06-01 |
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Tongue movement and intra-oral vacuum of term infants duringbreastfeeding and feeding from an experimental teat that released milkunder vacuum only |
Geddes, D.T.;Sakalidis, V.S.;Hepworth, A.R.;McClellan, H.L.;Kent, J.C.;Lai, C.T.;Hartmann, P.E.; |
Early Human Development |
2012-06-01 |
查看 |
Maternal diet and breastfeeding: A case for rethinking physiologicalexplanations for breastfeeding determinants |
Amir, L.H.;Donath, S.M.; |
Early Human Development |
2012-07-01 |
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Maternal diet and breastfeeding: A case for rethinking physiologicalexplanations for breastfeeding determinants |
Amir, L.H.;Donath, S.M.; |
Early Human Development |
2012-07-01 |
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Benefits of donor milk in the feeding of preterm infants |
Bertino, E.;Giuliani, F.;Baricco, M.;Di Nicola, P.;Peila, C.;Vassia, C.;Chiale, F.;Pirra, A.;Cresi, F.;Martano, C.;Coscia, A.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-10-01 |
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Maternal milk protects infants against bronchiolitis during the firstyear of life. Results from an Italian cohort of newborns |
Collaborators, on behalf of the 'Italian Neonatology Study Group on RSV;Infections';Lanari, M.;Prinelli, F.;Adorni, F.;Di Santo, S.;Faldella, G.;Silvestri, M.;Musicco, M.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-06-01 |
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Benefits of donor milk in the feeding of preterm infants |
Bertino, E.;Giuliani, F.;Baricco, M.;Di Nicola, P.;Peila, C.;Vassia, C.;Chiale, F.;Pirra, A.;Cresi, F.;Martano, C.;Coscia, A.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-10-01 |
查看 |
Chemical contaminants in breast milk |
Picone, S.;Paolillo, P.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-10-01 |
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Benefits of donor milk in the feeding of preterm infants |
Bertino, E.;Giuliani, F.;Baricco, M.;Di Nicola, P.;Peila, C.;Vassia, C.;Chiale, F.;Pirra, A.;Cresi, F.;Martano, C.;Coscia, A.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-10-01 |
查看 |
Breastfeeding promotion and neonatological practices |
Davanzo, R.;De Cunto, A.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-10-01 |
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Maternal milk protects infants against bronchiolitis during the firstyear of life. Results from an Italian cohort of newborns |
Collaborators, on behalf of the 'Italian Neonatology Study Group on RSV;Infections';Lanari, M.;Prinelli, F.;Adorni, F.;Di Santo, S.;Faldella, G.;Silvestri, M.;Musicco, M.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-06-01 |
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Tongue tie: The evidence for frenotomy |
Brookes, A.;Bowley, D.M.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-11-01 |
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Tongue tie: The evidence for frenotomy |
Brookes, A.;Bowley, D.M.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-11-01 |
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Tongue tie: The evidence for frenotomy |
Brookes, A.;Bowley, D.M.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-11-01 |
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Trends in care practices reflecting parental involvement in neonatalcare |
Raiskila, S.;Axelin, A.;Rapeli, S.;Vasko, I.;Lehtonen, L.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-12-01 |
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Trends in care practices reflecting parental involvement in neonatalcare |
Raiskila, S.;Axelin, A.;Rapeli, S.;Vasko, I.;Lehtonen, L.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-12-01 |
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Symptoms of eating disorders and feeding practices in obese mothers |
Zanardo, V.;Straface, G.;Benevento, B.;Gambina, I.;Cavallin, F.;Trevisanuto, D.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-02-01 |
查看 |
Effects of pre-feeding oral stimulation on oral feeding in preterminfants: A randomized clinical trial |
Bache, M.;Pizon, E.;Jacobs, J.;Vaillant, M.;Lecomte, A.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-03-01 |
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Perinatal dioxin exposure and psychosocial and behavioral developmentin school-aged children |
Kono, Y.;Oka, A.;Tada, H.;Itabashi, K.;Matsui, E.;Nakamura, Y.; |
Early Human Development |
2015-09-01 |
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Vacuum characteristics of the sucking cycle and relationships with milkremoval from the breast in term infants |
Cannon, A.M.;Sakalidis, V.S.;Lai, C.T.;Perrella, S.L.;Geddes, D.T.; |
Early Human Development |
2016-05-01 |
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Vacuum characteristics of the sucking cycle and relationships with milkremoval from the breast in term infants |
Cannon, A.M.;Sakalidis, V.S.;Lai, C.T.;Perrella, S.L.;Geddes, D.T.; |
Early Human Development |
2016-05-01 |
查看 |