


2nd to 4th digit ratios, fetal testosterone and estradiol Lutchmaya, S.;Baron-Cohen, S.;Raggatt, P.;Knickmeyer, R.;Manning, J.T.; Early Human Development 2004-04-01 查看
Correlations between digit ratio and infertility in Chinese men Lu, H.;Huo, Z.h.;Liu, Y.j.;Shi, Z.y.;Zhao, J.l.; Early Human Development 2012-11-01 查看
Digit ratio (2D:4D) in newborns: Influences of prenatal testosteroneand maternal environment Ventura, T.;Gomes, M.C.;Pita, A.;Neto, M.T.;Taylor, A.; Early Human Development 2013-02-01 查看
Digit ratio (2D:4D) is associated with gastric cancer Nicolas Hopp, R.;de Souza Lima, N.C.;Filho, J.L.;Filho, M.S.;Lima, C.S.P.;Jorge, J.; Early Human Development 2013-05-01 查看
Digit ratio (2D:4D) is associated with gastric cancer Nicolas Hopp, R.;de Souza Lima, N.C.;Filho, J.L.;Filho, M.S.;Lima, C.S.P.;Jorge, J.; Early Human Development 2013-05-01 查看
Second to fourth digit ratio, handedness and testicular germ cell tumors Trabert, B.;Graubard, B.I.;Erickson, R.L.;Zhang, Y.;McGlynn, K.A.; Early Human Development 2013-07-01 查看
Second to fourth digit ratio, handedness and testicular germ cell tumors Trabert, B.;Graubard, B.I.;Erickson, R.L.;Zhang, Y.;McGlynn, K.A.; Early Human Development 2013-07-01 查看
Second to fourth digit ratio, handedness and testicular germ cell tumors Trabert, B.;Graubard, B.I.;Erickson, R.L.;Zhang, Y.;McGlynn, K.A.; Early Human Development 2013-07-01 查看
Reliability of a field based 2D:4D measurement technique in children Ranson, R.M.;Taylor, S.R.;Stratton, G.; Early Human Development 2013-08-01 查看
Reliability of a field based 2D:4D measurement technique in children Ranson, R.M.;Taylor, S.R.;Stratton, G.; Early Human Development 2013-08-01 查看
Can digit ratio (2D:4D) studies be helpful in explaining the aetiologyof idiopathic gynecomastia? Kasielska-Trojan, A.;Antoszewski, B.; Early Human Development 2015-01-01 查看
Adult digit ratio (2D:4D) is not related to umbilical cord androgen orestrogen concentrations, their ratios or net bioactivity Hollier, L.P.;Keelan, J.A.;Jamnadass, E.S.L.;Maybery, M.T.;Hickey, M.;Whitehouse, A.J.O.; Early Human Development 2015-02-01 查看
The second to fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) in Saudi boys with autism: Apotential screening tool Al-Zaid, F.S.;Alhader, A.A.;AL-Ayadhi, L.Y.; Early Human Development 2015-07-01 查看
Second to fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) and coronary heart disease Lu, H.;Ma, Z.;Zhao, J.;Huo, Z.; Early Human Development 2015-07-01 查看
The second to fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) in Saudi boys with autism: Apotential screening tool Al-Zaid, F.S.;Alhader, A.A.;AL-Ayadhi, L.Y.; Early Human Development 2015-07-01 查看
Second to fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) and coronary heart disease Lu, H.;Ma, Z.;Zhao, J.;Huo, Z.; Early Human Development 2015-07-01 查看
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