


Influence of end expiratory pressure on cerebral blood flow in preterminfants Mullaart, R.A.;Hopman, J.C.W.;Rotteveel, J.J.;Daniels, O.;Stoelinga, G.B.A.;De Haan, A.F.J.;Kollee, L.A.A.; Early Human Development 1995-01-30 查看
Value of antenatal corticosteroid therapy in preterm birth Spinillo, A.;Capuzzo, E.;Ometto, A.;Stronati, M.;Baltaro, F.;Iasci, A.; Early Human Development 1995-05-12 查看
IGFBP-1 in the placenta, membranes and fetal circulation: levels at termand preterm delivery Hills, F.A.;Gunn, L.K.;Hardiman, P.;Thamaratnam, S.;Chard, T.; Early Human Development 1996-01-05 查看
Middle cerebral artery velocimetry as a predictor of hypoxemia in fetuseswith increased resistance to blood flow in the umbilical artery Dubiel, M.;Gudmundsson, S.;Gunnarsson, G.;Marsal, K.; Early Human Development 1997-01-20 查看
Middle cerebral artery velocimetry as a predictor of hypoxemia in fetuseswith increased resistance to blood flow in the umbilical artery Dubiel, M.;Gudmundsson, S.;Gunnarsson, G.;Marsal, K.; Early Human Development 1997-01-20 查看
Lyso-phosphatidylcholine and outcome of preterm babies with respiratorydistress syndrome treated with surfactant O'Hare, M.M.T.;Bingham, A.M.;McMaster, C.;Halahakoon, W.L.J.C.;Corcoran, J.D.;Halliday, H.L.; Early Human Development 1997-09-19 查看
Lyso-phosphatidylcholine and outcome of preterm babies with respiratorydistress syndrome treated with surfactant O'Hare, M.M.T.;Bingham, A.M.;McMaster, C.;Halahakoon, W.L.J.C.;Corcoran, J.D.;Halliday, H.L.; Early Human Development 1997-09-19 查看
Mechanisms initiating lung injury in the preterm Jobe, A.H.;Ikegami, M.; Early Human Development 1998-11-01 查看
Mechanisms initiating lung injury in the preterm Jobe, A.H.;Ikegami, M.; Early Human Development 1998-11-01 查看
Risk for respiratory distress syndrome in preterm infants born to motherscomplicated by placenta previa Lin, C.-H.;Wang, S.-T.;Hsu, Y.-C.;Lin, Y.-J.;Yeh, T.-F.;Chang, F.-M.; Early Human Development 2001-01-01 查看
Periodic spectral components of fetal heart rate variability reflect thechanges in cord arterial base deficit values: a preliminary report Rantonen, T.;Ekholm, E.;Siira, S.;Metsala, T.;Leino, R.;Ekblad, U.;Valimaki, I.; Early Human Development 2001-01-01 查看
The present status of exogenous surfactant for the newborn Curley, A.E.;Halliday, H.L.; Early Human Development 2001-03-01 查看
Pulmonary prostacyclin is associated with less severe respiratory distressin preterm infants Lassus, P.;Viinikka, L.;Ylikorkala, O.;Pohjavuori, M.;Andersson, S.; Early Human Development 2002-04-01 查看
Comparison of single and repeated antenatal corticosteroid therapy toprevent neonatal death and morbidity in the preterm infant Wijnberger, L.D.E.;Mostert, J.M.;van Dam, K.I.;Mol, B.W.J.;Brouwers, H.;Visser, G.H.A.; Early Human Development 2002-04-01 查看
Adrenal suppression and extubation rate after moderately early low-dosedexamethasone therapy in very preterm infants Walther, F.J.;Findlay, R.D.;Durand, M.; Early Human Development 2003-10-01 查看
Nitric oxide-still no consensus Field, D.J.; Early Human Development 2005-01-01 查看
Management of preterm infants with intrauterine growth restriction Fang, S.; Early Human Development 2005-11-01 查看
Optimal strategies for newborn ventilation-a synthesis of the evidence Greenough, A.;Sharma, A.; Early Human Development 2005-12-01 查看
Cardiovascular findings in very low birthweight schoolchildren with andwithout bronchopulmonary dysplasia Korhonen, P.;Hyodynmaa, E.;Lautamatti, V.;Iivainen, T.;Tammela, O.; Early Human Development 2005-06-01 查看
Cost effectiveness of prevention and treatment of neonatal respiratorydistress (RDS) with exogenous surfactant: What has changed in the lastthree decades? Mugford, M.; Early Human Development 2006-02-01 查看
Cost effectiveness of prevention and treatment of neonatal respiratorydistress (RDS) with exogenous surfactant: What has changed in the lastthree decades? Mugford, M.; Early Human Development 2006-02-01 查看
A dose response study of inhaled nitric oxide in hypoxic respiratoryfailure in preterm infants Ahluwalia, J.;Tooley, J.;Cheema, I.;Sweet, D.G.;Curley, A.E.;Halliday, H.L.;Field, D.;Al'malik, H.;Annamalai, S.;Midgley, P.;Hardy, P.;Tomlin, K.;Elbourne, D.; Early Human Development 2006-07-01 查看
Patterns in sleepwakefulness in three-month old infants exposed tomethadone or buprenorphine Sarfi, M.;Martinsen, H.;Bakstad, B.;Roislien, J.;Waal, H.; Early Human Development 2009-12-01 查看
Anxiety disorders before birth and self-perceived distress duringpregnancy: Associations with maternal depression and obstetric, neonataland early childhood outcomes Martini, J.;Knappe, S.;Beesdo-Baum, K.;Lieb, R.;Wittchen, H.U.; Early Human Development 2010-05-01 查看
Echocardiography predicts closure of patent ductus arteriosus inresponse to ibuprofen in infants less than 28week gestational age Pees, C.;Walch, E.;Obladen, M.;Koehne, P.; Early Human Development 2010-08-01 查看
Prediction of developmental performance in preterm infants at two yearsof corrected age: Contribution of the neurological assessment at term age Simard, M.N.;Lambert, J.;Lachance, C.;Audibert, F.;Gosselin, J.; Early Human Development 2011-12-01 查看
Neurodevelopmental outcome over time of preterm born children @?750g atbirth Claas, M.J.;de Vries, L.S.;Bruinse, H.W.;van Haastert, I.C.;Uniken Venema, M.M.A.;Peelen, L.M.;Koopman, C.; Early Human Development 2011-03-01 查看
Psychological distress and early lactation performance in mothers oflate preterm infants Zanardo, V.;Gambina, I.;Begley, C.;Litta, P.;Cosmi, E.;Giustardi, A.;Trevisanuto, D.; Early Human Development 2011-04-01 查看
Psychological distress and early lactation performance in mothers oflate preterm infants Zanardo, V.;Gambina, I.;Begley, C.;Litta, P.;Cosmi, E.;Giustardi, A.;Trevisanuto, D.; Early Human Development 2011-04-01 查看
Serum chemokine levels and developmental outcome in preterm infants Kinjo, T.;Ohga, S.;Ochiai, M.;Honjo, S.;Tanaka, T.;Takahata, Y.;Ihara, K.;Hara, T.; Early Human Development 2011-06-01 查看
Serum chemokine levels and developmental outcome in preterm infants Kinjo, T.;Ohga, S.;Ochiai, M.;Honjo, S.;Tanaka, T.;Takahata, Y.;Ihara, K.;Hara, T.; Early Human Development 2011-06-01 查看
Postnatal growth of preterm born children @?750g at birth Claas, M.J.;de Vries, L.S.;Koopman, C.;Uniken Venema, M.M.A.;Eijsermans, M.J.C.;Bruinse, H.W.;Stuart, A.A.V.; Early Human Development 2011-07-01 查看
Risk factors for intubation-surfactant-extubation (INSURE) failure andmultiple INSURE strategy in preterm infants Dani, C.;Corsini, I.;Poggi, C.; Early Human Development 2012-03-01 查看
The role of plasma N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide inpredicting the severity of transient tachypnea of the newborn Aydemir, O.;Aydemir, C.;Sarikabadayi, Y.U.;Altug, N.;Erdeve, O.;Uras, N.;Oguz, S.S.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2012-05-01 查看
Preterm birth and Assisted Reproductive Technology/ART: Maternalemotional wellbeing and quality of mother-newborn interaction during thefirst three months of life Tallandini, M.A.;Morsan, V.;Macagno, F.; Early Human Development 2012-06-01 查看
Preterm birth and Assisted Reproductive Technology/ART: Maternalemotional wellbeing and quality of mother-newborn interaction during thefirst three months of life Tallandini, M.A.;Morsan, V.;Macagno, F.; Early Human Development 2012-06-01 查看
Outcomes of extremely low birth weight infants with bronchopulmonarydysplasia: Impact of the physiologic definition Natarajan, G.;Pappas, A.;Shankaran, S.;Kendrick, D.E.;Das, A.;Higgins, R.D.;Laptook, A.R.;Bell, E.F.;Stoll, B.J.;Newman, N.;Hale, E.C.;Bara, R.;Walsh, M.C.; Early Human Development 2012-07-01 查看
Outcomes of extremely low birth weight infants with bronchopulmonarydysplasia: Impact of the physiologic definition Natarajan, G.;Pappas, A.;Shankaran, S.;Kendrick, D.E.;Das, A.;Higgins, R.D.;Laptook, A.R.;Bell, E.F.;Stoll, B.J.;Newman, N.;Hale, E.C.;Bara, R.;Walsh, M.C.; Early Human Development 2012-07-01 查看
Parental psychological distress and anxiety after a successful IVF/ICSIprocedure with and without preimplantation genetic screening: Follow-up ofa randomised controlled trial for the PGS study group;Beukers, F.;Houtzager, B.A.;Paap, M.C.S.;Middelburg, K.J.;Hadders-Algra, M.;Bos, A.F.;Kok, J.H.; Early Human Development 2012-09-01 查看
Surfactant therapy: past, present and future Speer, C.P.;Sweet, D.G.;Halliday, H.L.; Early Human Development 2013-06-01 查看
Management of acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndromein infants Moretti, C.;Papoff, P.;Barbara, C.S.;Caresta, E.;Liberati, C.;Midulla, F.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Surfactant therapies to treat pulmonary disorders in young infants Biban, P.;Spaggiari, S.;Andaloro, L.;Sacco, F.;Silvagni, D.;Gaffuri, M.;Bonetti, P.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Surfactant therapy: past, present and future Speer, C.P.;Sweet, D.G.;Halliday, H.L.; Early Human Development 2013-06-01 查看
Reduction of catheter-related bloodstream infections in preterm infantsby the use of catheters with the AgION antimicrobial system Bertini, G.;Elia, S.;Ceciarini, F.;Dani, C.; Early Human Development 2013-01-01 查看
Parental psychological distress during pregnancy and childhoodcardiovascular development. The Generation R Study Taal, H.R.;de Jonge, L.L.;Tiemeier, H.;van Osch-Gevers, L.;Hofman, A.;Verhulst, F.C.;Helbing, W.A.;van der Heijden, A.J.;Jaddoe, V.W.V.; Early Human Development 2013-08-01 查看
Parental psychological distress during pregnancy and childhoodcardiovascular development. The Generation R Study Taal, H.R.;de Jonge, L.L.;Tiemeier, H.;van Osch-Gevers, L.;Hofman, A.;Verhulst, F.C.;Helbing, W.A.;van der Heijden, A.J.;Jaddoe, V.W.V.; Early Human Development 2013-08-01 查看
Administration of surfactant using less invasive techniques as a partof a non-aggressive paradigm towards preterm infants Aguar, M.;Nunez, A.;Cubells, E.;Cernada, M.;Dargaville, P.A.;Vento, M.; Early Human Development 2014-09-01 查看
Effect of placenta previa on neonatal respiratory disorders andamniotic lamellar body counts at 36-38weeks of gestation Tsuda, H.;Kotani, T.;Sumigama, S.;Mano, Y.;Hua, L.;Hayakawa, H.;Hayakawa, M.;Sato, Y.;Kikkawa, F.; Early Human Development 2014-01-01 查看
Effect of placenta previa on neonatal respiratory disorders andamniotic lamellar body counts at 36-38weeks of gestation Tsuda, H.;Kotani, T.;Sumigama, S.;Mano, Y.;Hua, L.;Hayakawa, H.;Hayakawa, M.;Sato, Y.;Kikkawa, F.; Early Human Development 2014-01-01 查看
Associations between parental psychological well-being andsocio-emotional development in 5-year-old preterm children on behalf of the PIPARI Study Group;Huhtala, M.;Korja, R.;Lehtonen, L.;Haataja, L.;Lapinleimu, H.;Rautava, P.; Early Human Development 2014-03-01 查看
Effects of Sustained Lung Inflation, a lung recruitment maneuver inprimary acute respiratory distress syndrome, in respiratory and cerebraloutcomes in preterm infants Grasso, C.;Sciacca, P.;Giacchi, V.;Carpinato, C.;Mattia, C.;Palano, G.M.;Betta, P.; Early Human Development 2015-01-01 查看
N-BiPAP treatment in infants with respiratory distress syndrome: Apopulation study Solevag, A.L.;Kann, I.C.; Early Human Development 2015-10-01 查看
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