


Structured observation of motor performance (SOMP-I) applied to neonatallyhealthy fullterm infants at the ages of 0-10 months Persson, K.;Stromberg, B.; Early Human Development 1995-01-30 查看
Follow-up by questionnaire? Stewart, A.L.;Roth, S.C.;Kirkbride, V.; Early Human Development 1995-04-14 查看
Structured Observation of Motor Performance (SOMP-I) applied to preterm andfull term infants who needed neonatal intensive care. A cross-sectionalanalysis of progress and quality of motor performance at ages 0-10 months Persson, K.;Stromberg, B.; Early Human Development 1995-11-24 查看
Development in mother-infant en face interaction of high-risk newborninfants: A longitudinal follow-up from 0 to 7 months Kashiwagi, H.;Shirataki, S.; Early Human Development 1995-11-24 查看
Which better predicts later outcome in fullterm infants: quality of generalmovements or neurological examination? Cioni, G.;Prechtl, H.F.R.;Ferrari, F.;Paolicelli, P.B.;Einspieler, C.;Roversi, M.F.; Early Human Development 1997-11-24 查看
Visual-motor function of very low birth weight and full-term children at312 to 4 years of age Liebhardt, G.;Sontheimer, D.;Linderkamp, O.; Early Human Development 2000-01-01 查看
Looking back in time: outcome of a national cohort of very preterm infantsborn in The Netherlands in 1983 Walther, F.J.;den Ouden, A.L.;Verloove-Vanhorick, S.P.; Early Human Development 2000-09-01 查看
Non-nutritive sucking in sick preterm infants Hafstrom, M.;Kjellmer, I.; Early Human Development 2001-06-01 查看
Behavior in term, small for gestational age preschoolers Sommerfelt, K.;Andersson, H.W.;Sonnander, K.;Ahlsten, G.;Ellertsen, B.;Markestad, T.;Jacobsen, G.;Bakketeig, L.S.; Early Human Development 2001-12-01 查看
Neonatal respiratory mechanics and development of bronchialhyperresponsiveness in preterm infants Snepvangers, Y.;Peter de Winter, J.;Burger, H.;Brouwers, H.;Van der Ent, C.K.; Early Human Development 2004-07-01 查看
Follow up of children after antenatal treatment for alloimmunethrombocytopenia Radder, C.M.;de Haan, M.J.J.;Brand, A.;Stoelhorst, G.M.S.J.;Veen, S.;Kanhai, H.H.H.; Early Human Development 2004-10-01 查看
Outcome at 2 years for very low birthweight infants in a geographicalpopulation: Risk factors, cost, and impact of congenital anomalies On behalf of the East Anglian Very Low Birthweight Project;Salt, A.;D'Amore, A.;Ahluwalia, J.;Seward, A.;Kaptoge, S.;Halliday, S.;Dorling, J.; Early Human Development 2006-02-01 查看
Outcome at 2 years for very low birthweight infants in a geographicalpopulation: Risk factors, cost, and impact of congenital anomalies On behalf of the East Anglian Very Low Birthweight Project;Salt, A.;D'Amore, A.;Ahluwalia, J.;Seward, A.;Kaptoge, S.;Halliday, S.;Dorling, J.; Early Human Development 2006-02-01 查看
Follow up of infants following discharge from the neonatal unit:Structure and process Dorling, J.S.;Field, D.J.; Early Human Development 2006-03-01 查看
Neurodevelopmental follow-up after preterm birth: follow up after twoyears Salt, A.;Redshaw, M.; Early Human Development 2006-03-01 查看
Are abnormal fidgety movements an early marker for complex minorneurological dysfunction at puberty? Einspieler, C.;Marschik, P.B.;Milioti, S.;Nakajima, Y.;Bos, A.F.;Prechtl, H.F.R.; Early Human Development 2007-08-01 查看
Heart rate variability during REM and non-REM sleep in preterm neonateswith and without abnormal cardiorespiratory events Vandeput, S.;Naulaers, G.;Daniels, H.;Van Huffel, S.; Early Human Development 2009-10-01 查看
Heart rate variability during REM and non-REM sleep in preterm neonateswith and without abnormal cardiorespiratory events Vandeput, S.;Naulaers, G.;Daniels, H.;Van Huffel, S.; Early Human Development 2009-10-01 查看
Infant outcomes of assisted reproduction Williams, C.;Sutcliffe, A.; Early Human Development 2009-11-01 查看
Growth and health outcome of 102 2-year-old children conceived afterpreimplantation genetic diagnosis or screening Desmyttere, S.;Bonduelle, M.;Nekkebroeck, J.;Roelants, M.;Liebaers, I.;De Schepper, J.; Early Human Development 2009-12-01 查看
Predicting neurosensory disabilities at two years of age in a nationalcohort of extremely premature infants Leversen, K.T.;Sommerfelt, K.;Ronnestad, A.;Kaaresen, P.I.;Farstad, T.;Skranes, J.;Stoen, R.;Elgen, I.B.;Rettedal, S.;Eide, G.E.;Irgens, L.M.;Markestad, T.; Early Human Development 2010-09-01 查看
Predicting neurosensory disabilities at two years of age in a nationalcohort of extremely premature infants Leversen, K.T.;Sommerfelt, K.;Ronnestad, A.;Kaaresen, P.I.;Farstad, T.;Skranes, J.;Stoen, R.;Elgen, I.B.;Rettedal, S.;Eide, G.E.;Irgens, L.M.;Markestad, T.; Early Human Development 2010-09-01 查看
Cardiovascular and metabolic outcome in 6-8year old offspring of womenwith type 1 diabetes with near-optimal glycaemic control during pregnancy Rijpert, M.;Evers, I.M.;de Valk, H.W.;de Vroede, M.A.M.J.;Tersteeg-Kamperman, M.;Heijnen, C.J.;Visser, G.H.A.; Early Human Development 2011-01-01 查看
Very preterm children free of disability or delay at age 2: Predictorsof schooling at age 8 for the Epipage study group;Charkaluk, M.L.;Truffert, P.;Marchand-Martin, L.;Mur, S.;Kaminski, M.;Ancel, P.Y.;Pierrat, V.; Early Human Development 2011-04-01 查看
Very preterm children free of disability or delay at age 2: Predictorsof schooling at age 8 for the Epipage study group;Charkaluk, M.L.;Truffert, P.;Marchand-Martin, L.;Mur, S.;Kaminski, M.;Ancel, P.Y.;Pierrat, V.; Early Human Development 2011-04-01 查看
Long-term neurological outcome of term-born children treated with twoor more anti-epileptic drugs during the neonatal period van der Heide, M.J.;Roze, E.;van der Veere, C.N.;ter Horst, H.J.;Brouwer, O.F.;Bos, A.F.; Early Human Development 2012-01-01 查看
Follow-up of the survivors of congenital diaphragmatic hernia Rocha, G.;Azevedo, I.;Pinto, J.C.;Guimaraes, H.; Early Human Development 2012-04-01 查看
Change in cognitive abilities over time during preschool age in lowrisk preterm children Caravale, B.;Mirante, N.;Vagnoni, C.;Vicari, S.; Early Human Development 2012-06-01 查看
Change in cognitive abilities over time during preschool age in lowrisk preterm children Caravale, B.;Mirante, N.;Vagnoni, C.;Vicari, S.; Early Human Development 2012-06-01 查看
Birth weight- and fetal weight-growth restriction: Impact onneurodevelopment for the ELGAN Study Investigators;Streimish, I.G.;Ehrenkranz, R.A.;Allred, E.N.;O'Shea, T.M.;Kuban, K.C.K.;Paneth, N.;Leviton, A.; Early Human Development 2012-09-01 查看
Congenital toxoplasmosis Bollani, L.;Strocchio, L.;Stronati, M.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Early prediction of cerebral palsy after neonatal intensive care usingmotor development trajectories in infancy Maitre, N.L.;Slaughter, J.C.;Aschner, J.L.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Early prediction of cerebral palsy after neonatal intensive care usingmotor development trajectories in infancy Maitre, N.L.;Slaughter, J.C.;Aschner, J.L.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Early prediction of cerebral palsy after neonatal intensive care usingmotor development trajectories in infancy Maitre, N.L.;Slaughter, J.C.;Aschner, J.L.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Early prediction of cerebral palsy after neonatal intensive care usingmotor development trajectories in infancy Maitre, N.L.;Slaughter, J.C.;Aschner, J.L.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Feeding and drinking skills in preterm and low birth weight infantscompared to full term infants at a corrected age of nine months den Boer, S.L.;Schipper, J.A.; Early Human Development 2013-06-01 查看
Movement variation in infants born following IVF/ICSI with and withoutovarian hyperstimulation Schendelaar, P.;Heineman, K.R.;Heineman, M.J.;Jongbloed-Pereboom, M.;La Bastide-Van Gemert, S.;Middelburg, K.J.;Van den Heuvel, E.R.;Hadders-Algra, M.; Early Human Development 2013-07-01 查看
Movement variation in infants born following IVF/ICSI with and withoutovarian hyperstimulation Schendelaar, P.;Heineman, K.R.;Heineman, M.J.;Jongbloed-Pereboom, M.;La Bastide-Van Gemert, S.;Middelburg, K.J.;Van den Heuvel, E.R.;Hadders-Algra, M.; Early Human Development 2013-07-01 查看
Movement variation in infants born following IVF/ICSI with and withoutovarian hyperstimulation Schendelaar, P.;Heineman, K.R.;Heineman, M.J.;Jongbloed-Pereboom, M.;La Bastide-Van Gemert, S.;Middelburg, K.J.;Van den Heuvel, E.R.;Hadders-Algra, M.; Early Human Development 2013-07-01 查看
Predicting the outcome of specific language impairment at five years ofage through early developmental assessment in preterm infants Woods, P.L.;Rieger, I.;Wocadlo, C.;Gordon, A.; Early Human Development 2014-10-01 查看
Child and environmental factors associated with leisure participationin adolescents born extremely preterm Dahan-Oliel, N.;Mazer, B.;Maltais, D.B.;Riley, P.;Nadeau, L.;Majnemer, A.; Early Human Development 2014-10-01 查看
Neonatal ventilation strategies and long-term respiratory outcomes Shetty, S.;Greenough, A.; Early Human Development 2014-11-01 查看
Neonatal ventilation strategies and long-term respiratory outcomes Shetty, S.;Greenough, A.; Early Human Development 2014-11-01 查看
Neonatal ventilation strategies and long-term respiratory outcomes Shetty, S.;Greenough, A.; Early Human Development 2014-11-01 查看
Neonatal intensive care and late preterm infants: Health and familyfunctioning at three years McGowan, J.E.;Alderdice, F.A.;Boylan, J.;Holmes, V.A.;Jenkins, J.;Craig, S.;Perra, O.;Johnston, L.; Early Human Development 2014-04-01 查看
Characterizing early detection of language difficulties in childrenborn preterm Boyer, J.;Flamant, C.;Boussicault, G.;Berlie, I.;Gascoin, G.;Branger, B.;N'Guyen The Tich, S.;Roze, J.C.; Early Human Development 2014-06-01 查看
Challenges of neurodevelopmental follow-up for extremely preterminfants at two years L. Orton, J.;McGinley, J.L.;Fox, L.M.;Spittle, A.J.; Early Human Development 2015-12-01 查看
Longitudinal study of very low birth weight infants until 9years ofage; attention deficit hyperactivity and autistic features are correlatedwith their cognitive functions Ochiai, M.;Ichiyama, M.;Iwayama, M.;Sakai, Y.;Yoshida, K.;Hara, T.; Early Human Development 2015-12-01 查看
Specific characteristics of abnormal general movements are associatedwith functional outcome at school age Hamer, E.G.;Bos, A.F.;Hadders-Algra, M.; Early Human Development 2016-04-01 查看
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