- Brodsky, N.L. (3)
- Girard, N. (3)
- Hurt, H. (3)
- Luttikhuizen dos Santos, E.S. (3)
- Oosterlaan, J. (3)
- Topol, D. (4)
- Tucker, R. (4)
- Vohr, B. (4)
- de Kieviet, J.F. (3)
- van Elburg, R.M. (3)
篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Developmental outcomes and environmental correlates of very lowbirthweight, cocaine-exposed infants |
Singer, L.T.;Hawkins, S.;Huang, J.;Davillier, M.;Baley, J.; |
Early Human Development |
2001-09-01 |
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Twin children's language development |
Thorpe, K.; |
Early Human Development |
2006-06-01 |
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Events at early development: Are they associated with early wordproduction and neurodevelopmental abilities at the preschool age? |
Marschik, P.B.;Einspieler, C.;Garzarolli, B.;Prechtl, H.F.R.; |
Early Human Development |
2007-02-01 |
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Events at early development: Are they associated with early wordproduction and neurodevelopmental abilities at the preschool age? |
Marschik, P.B.;Einspieler, C.;Garzarolli, B.;Prechtl, H.F.R.; |
Early Human Development |
2007-02-01 |
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Does preterm birth increase a child's risk for language impairment? |
Sansavini, A.;Guarini, A.;Justice, L.M.;Savini, S.;Broccoli, S.;Alessandroni, R.;Faldella, G.; |
Early Human Development |
2010-12-01 |
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Association of maternal communicative behavior with child vocabulary at1824months for children with congenital hearing loss |
Vohr, B.;Pierre, L.S.;Topol, D.;Jodoin-Krauzyk, J.;Bloome, J.;Tucker, R.; |
Early Human Development |
2010-04-01 |
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Maternal life events during pregnancy and offspring language ability inmiddle childhood: The Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort Study |
Whitehouse, A.J.O.;Robinson, M.;Zubrick, S.R.;Ang, Q.W.;Stanley, F.J.;Pennell, C.E.; |
Early Human Development |
2010-08-01 |
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The effects of maternal stress and child language ability on behavioraloutcomes of children with congenital hearing loss at 18-24months |
Topol, D.;Girard, N.;Pierre, L.St.;Tucker, R.;Vohr, B.; |
Early Human Development |
2011-12-01 |
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Preverbal Skills as Mediators for Language Outcome in Preterm and FullTerm Children |
De Schuymer, L.;De Groote, I.;Beyers, W.;Striano, T.;Roeyers, H.; |
Early Human Development |
2011-04-01 |
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Preverbal skills as mediators for language outcome in preterm and fullterm children |
De Schuymer, L.;De Groote, I.;Beyers, W.;Striano, T.;Roeyers, H.; |
Early Human Development |
2011-04-01 |
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A prospective study of maternal anxiety, perceived stress, anddepressive symptoms in relation to infant cognitive development |
Keim, S.A.;Daniels, J.L.;Dole, N.;Herring, A.H.;Siega-Riz, A.M.;Scheidt, P.C.; |
Early Human Development |
2011-05-01 |
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Language outcomes and service provision of preschool children withcongenital hearing loss |
Vohr, B.;Topol, D.;Girard, N.;St. Pierre, L.;Watson, V.;Tucker, R.; |
Early Human Development |
2012-07-01 |
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Language outcomes and service provision of preschool children withcongenital hearing loss |
Vohr, B.;Topol, D.;Girard, N.;St. Pierre, L.;Watson, V.;Tucker, R.; |
Early Human Development |
2012-07-01 |
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Predictive value of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development ondevelopment of very preterm/very low birth weight children: A meta-analysis |
Luttikhuizen dos Santos, E.S.;de Kieviet, J.F.;Konigs, M.;van Elburg, R.M.;Oosterlaan, J.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-07-01 |
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Predictive value of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development ondevelopment of very preterm/very low birth weight children: A meta-analysis |
Luttikhuizen dos Santos, E.S.;de Kieviet, J.F.;Konigs, M.;van Elburg, R.M.;Oosterlaan, J.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-07-01 |
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Predictive value of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development ondevelopment of very preterm/very low birth weight children: A meta-analysis |
Luttikhuizen dos Santos, E.S.;de Kieviet, J.F.;Konigs, M.;van Elburg, R.M.;Oosterlaan, J.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-07-01 |
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Early vocabulary in full term and preterm Estonian children |
Schults, A.;Tulviste, T.;Haan, E.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-09-01 |
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The effect of socioeconomic status on the language outcome of preterminfants at toddler age |
Wild, K.T.;Betancourt, L.M.;Brodsky, N.L.;Hurt, H.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-09-01 |
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The effect of socioeconomic status on the language outcome of preterminfants at toddler age |
Wild, K.T.;Betancourt, L.M.;Brodsky, N.L.;Hurt, H.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-09-01 |
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Early vocabulary in full term and preterm Estonian children |
Schults, A.;Tulviste, T.;Haan, E.; |
Early Human Development |
2013-09-01 |
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Associations between maternal scaffolding and executive functioning in3 and 4year olds born very low birth weight and normal birth weight |
Lowe, J.;Erickson, S.J.;MacLean, P.;Duvall, S.W.;Ohls, R.K.;Duncan, A.F.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-10-01 |
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Language development of low risk preterm infants up to the age of30months |
Perez-Pereira, M.;Fernandez, P.;Gomez-Taibo, M.L.;Resches, M.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-10-01 |
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Auditory neural myelination is associated with early childhood languagedevelopment in premature infants |
Amin, S.B.;Vogler-Elias, D.;Orlando, M.;Wang, H.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-10-01 |
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Early relations between language development and the quality ofmother-child interaction in very-low-birth-weight children |
Stolt, S.;Korja, R.;Matomaki, J.;Lapinleimu, H.;Haataja, L.;Lehtonen, L.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-05-01 |
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Early relations between language development and the quality ofmother-child interaction in very-low-birth-weight children |
Stolt, S.;Korja, R.;Matomaki, J.;Lapinleimu, H.;Haataja, L.;Lehtonen, L.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-05-01 |
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Characterizing early detection of language difficulties in childrenborn preterm |
Boyer, J.;Flamant, C.;Boussicault, G.;Berlie, I.;Gascoin, G.;Branger, B.;N'Guyen The Tich, S.;Roze, J.C.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-06-01 |
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Developmental outcomes of early-identified children who are hard ofhearing at 12 to 18months of age |
Stika, C.J.;Eisenberg, L.S.;Johnson, K.C.;Henning, S.C.;Colson, B.G.;Ganguly, D.H.;DesJardin, J.L.; |
Early Human Development |
2015-01-01 |
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Cognitive and language performance in children is associated withmaternal social anxiety disorder: A study of young mothers in southernBrazil |
Castelli, R.D.;de Avila Quevedo, L.;da Cunha Coelho, F.M.;Lopez, M.A.;da Silva, R.A.;Bohm, D.M.;de Mattos Souza, L.D.;de Matos, M.B.;Pinheiro, K.A.T.;Pinheiro, R.T.; |
Early Human Development |
2015-12-01 |
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Socioeconomic (SES) differences in language are evident in femaleinfants at 7months of age |
Betancourt, L.M.;Brodsky, N.L.;Hurt, H.; |
Early Human Development |
2015-12-01 |
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Using cluster analysis to provide new insights into development of verylow birthweight (VLBW) premature infants |
Ross, G.S.;Foran, L.M.;Barbot, B.;Sossin, K.M.;Perlman, J.M.; |
Early Human Development |
2016-01-01 |
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Using cluster analysis to provide new insights into development of verylow birthweight (VLBW) premature infants |
Ross, G.S.;Foran, L.M.;Barbot, B.;Sossin, K.M.;Perlman, J.M.; |
Early Human Development |
2016-01-01 |
查看 |