篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Skin blood flow oscillations respond more effectively to rhythmic thermalstimulation than to continuous or periodic breathing in newborn infants |
Jahnukainen, T.;Lindqvist, A.;Jalonen, J.;Valimaki, I.; |
Early Human Development |
1995-08-18 |
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Microbial characteristics and severity of coagulase-negative staphylococcalsepticaemia in premature neonates |
Neal, T.J.;Jawaheer, G.;Shaw, N.J.; |
Early Human Development |
1995-08-18 |
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Maternal polydrug use including cocaine and postnatal infant sleeparchitecture: preliminary observations and implications for respiratorycontrol and behavior |
Gingras, J.L.;Feibel, J.B.;Dalley, L.B.;Muelenaer, A.;Knight, C.G.; |
Early Human Development |
1995-11-24 |
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Development in mother-infant en face interaction of high-risk newborninfants: A longitudinal follow-up from 0 to 7 months |
Kashiwagi, H.;Shirataki, S.; |
Early Human Development |
1995-11-24 |
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Newborns' sleep-wake patterns: the role of maternal, delivery and infantfactors |
Sadeh, A.;Dark, I.;Vohr, B.R.; |
Early Human Development |
1996-02-23 |
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Neonatal sucking behaviour and its development until 14 months |
Iwayama, K.;Eishima, M.; |
Early Human Development |
1997-01-03 |
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Neonatal sucking behaviour and its development until 14 months |
Iwayama, K.;Eishima, M.; |
Early Human Development |
1997-01-03 |
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Non-invasive blood pressure measurements and aortic blood flow velocity inneonates |
Rahiala, E.;Tikanoja, T.; |
Early Human Development |
1997-09-19 |
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Non-invasive blood pressure measurements and aortic blood flow velocity inneonates |
Rahiala, E.;Tikanoja, T.; |
Early Human Development |
1997-09-19 |
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Posture, spontaneous movements, and behavioural state organisation ininfants affected by brain malformations |
Ferrari, F.;Prechtl, H.F.R.;Cioni, G.;Roversi, M.F.;Einspieler, C.;Gallo, C.;Paolicelli, P.B.;Cavazzuti, G.B.; |
Early Human Development |
1997-11-24 |
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Some current controversies on nutritional requirements of full-term andpre-term newborn infants |
Bayes, R.;Campoy, C.;Molina-Font, J.A.; |
Early Human Development |
1998-12-01 |
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Evaluation of carnitine nutritional status in full-term newborn infants |
Campoy, C.;Bayes, R.;Peinado, J.M.;Rivero, M.;Lopez, C.;Molina-Font, J.A.; |
Early Human Development |
1998-12-01 |
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Variation in fontanelle size with gestational age |
Adeyemo, A.A.;Omotade, O.O.; |
Early Human Development |
1999-04-01 |
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Secretory IgA, free secretory component and IgD in saliva of newborninfants |
Seidel, B.M.;Schubert, S.;Schulze, B.;Borte, M.; |
Early Human Development |
2001-05-01 |
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Role of intrapartum hypoxia in carnitine nutritional status during theearly neonatal period |
Bayes, R.;Campoy, C.;Goicoechea, A.;Peinado, J.M.a.;Pedrosa, T.;Baena, R.M.a.;Lopez, C.;Rivero, M.;Molina-Font, J.A.; |
Early Human Development |
2001-11-01 |
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Indications of improved cognitive development at one year of age amonginfants born very prematurely who received care based on the NewbornIndividualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP) |
Kleberg, A.;Westrup, B.;Stjernqvist, K.;Lagercrantz, H.; |
Early Human Development |
2002-07-01 |
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Time for a cool head-neuroprotection becomes a reality |
Wyatt, J.S.;Robertson, N.J.; |
Early Human Development |
2005-01-01 |
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Urodilatin excretion and its correlation with sodium excretion inhealthy full-term newborn infants |
Manganaro, R.;Mami, C.;Mancuso, A.;Saitta, G.;Marseglia, L.;Gemelli, M.; |
Early Human Development |
2006-10-01 |
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Using cerebral ultrasound effectively in the newborn infant |
Leijser, L.M.;de Vries, L.S.;Cowan, F.M.; |
Early Human Development |
2006-12-01 |
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Skin conductance as a measure of pain and stress in hospitalised infants |
Harrison, D.;Boyce, S.;Loughnan, P.;Dargaville, P.;Storm, H.;Johnston, L.; |
Early Human Development |
2006-09-01 |
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Autonomic organization of respirocardial function in healthy humanneonates in quiet and active sleep |
Frasch, M.G.;Zwiener, U.;Hoyer, D.;Eiselt, M.; |
Early Human Development |
2007-04-01 |
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Autonomic organization of respirocardial function in healthy humanneonates in quiet and active sleep |
Frasch, M.G.;Zwiener@?, U.;Hoyer, D.;Eiselt, M.; |
Early Human Development |
2007-04-01 |
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Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus - Not gone but sometimesforgotten |
Maisels, M.J.; |
Early Human Development |
2009-11-01 |
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Congenital and acquired developmental problems of the upper airway innewborns and infants |
Lyons, M.;Vlastarakos, P.V.;Nikolopoulos, T.P.; |
Early Human Development |
2012-12-01 |
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Congenital and acquired developmental problems of the upper airway innewborns and infants |
Lyons, M.;Vlastarakos, P.V.;Nikolopoulos, T.P.; |
Early Human Development |
2012-12-01 |
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How to develop a business case to establish a neonatal pulse oximetryprogramme for screening of congenital heart defects |
Ewer, A.K.; |
Early Human Development |
2012-12-01 |
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How to develop a business case to establish a neonatal pulse oximetryprogramme for screening of congenital heart defects |
Ewer, A.K.; |
Early Human Development |
2012-12-01 |
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The use of oxygen for delivery room resuscitation of newborn infants innon-Western countries |
Koh, J.;Yeo, C.L.;Wright, I.;Lui, K.;Saugstad, O.;Tarnow-Mordi, W.;Smyth, J.;Oei, J.L.; |
Early Human Development |
2012-08-01 |
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Evidence for CCHD screening and its practical application using pulseoximetry |
Ewer, A.K.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-09-01 |
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IUGR and infections |
Longo, S.;Borghesi, A.;Tzialla, C.;Stronati, M.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-03-01 |
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A synopsis of 2007 ACCM clinical practice parameters for hemodynamicsupport of term newborn and infant septic shock |
Carcillo, J.A.; |
Early Human Development |
2014-03-01 |
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The current and future roles of neonatal infection surveillanceprogrammes in combating antimicrobial resistance |
Cailes, B.;Vergnano, S.;Kortsalioudaki, C.;Heath, P.;Sharland, M.; |
Early Human Development |
2015-11-01 |
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The current and future roles of neonatal infection surveillanceprogrammes in combating antimicrobial resistance |
Cailes, B.;Vergnano, S.;Kortsalioudaki, C.;Heath, P.;Sharland, M.; |
Early Human Development |
2015-11-01 |
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The current and future roles of neonatal infection surveillanceprogrammes in combating antimicrobial resistance |
Cailes, B.;Vergnano, S.;Kortsalioudaki, C.;Heath, P.;Sharland, M.; |
Early Human Development |
2015-11-01 |
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Kangaroo-mother care method and neurobehavior of preterm infants |
Silva, M.G.d.C.;Barros, M.C.d.M.;Pessoa, U.M.L.;Guinsburg, R.; |
Early Human Development |
2016-04-01 |
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Neurobehaviour and neurological development in the first month afterbirth for infants born between 32-42 weeks' gestation |
Spittle, A.J.;Walsh, J.;Olsen, J.E.;McInnes, E.;Eeles, A.L.;Brown, N.C.;Anderson, P.J.;Doyle, L.W.;Cheong, J.L.Y.; |
Early Human Development |
2016-05-01 |
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Neurobehaviour and neurological development in the first month afterbirth for infants born between 32-42 weeks' gestation |
Spittle, A.J.;Walsh, J.;Olsen, J.E.;McInnes, E.;Eeles, A.L.;Brown, N.C.;Anderson, P.J.;Doyle, L.W.;Cheong, J.L.Y.; |
Early Human Development |
2016-05-01 |
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