


Maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy and physical outcomes up to 5years of age: a longitudinal study O'Callaghan, F.V.;O'Callaghan, M.;Najman, J.M.;Williams, G.M.;Bor, W.; Early Human Development 2003-04-01 查看
Follow up of infants following discharge from the neonatal unit:Structure and process Dorling, J.S.;Field, D.J.; Early Human Development 2006-03-01 查看
Neurodevelopmental follow-up after preterm birth: follow up after twoyears Salt, A.;Redshaw, M.; Early Human Development 2006-03-01 查看
Perinatal management of congenital diaphragmatic hernia Conforti, A.F.;Losty, P.D.; Early Human Development 2006-05-01 查看
Mother-child interaction and child developmental capacities in toddlerswith major birth defects requiring newborn surgery Laing, S.;McMahon, C.;Ungerer, J.;Taylor, A.;Badawi, N.;Spence, K.; Early Human Development 2010-12-01 查看
Family functioning, burden and parenting stress 2years after verypreterm birth Treyvaud, K.;Doyle, L.W.;Lee, K.J.;Roberts, G.;Cheong, J.L.Y.;Inder, T.E.;Anderson, P.J.; Early Human Development 2011-06-01 查看
Family functioning, burden and parenting stress 2years after verypreterm birth Treyvaud, K.;Doyle, L.W.;Lee, K.J.;Roberts, G.;Cheong, J.L.Y.;Inder, T.E.;Anderson, P.J.; Early Human Development 2011-06-01 查看
Sepsis in young infants with congenital heart disease Ascher, S.B.;Smith, P.B.;Clark, R.H.;Cohen-Wolkowiez, M.;Li, J.S.;Watt, K.;Jacqz-Aigrain, E.;Kaguelidou, F.;Manzoni, P.;Benjamin, D.K.; Early Human Development 2012-05-01 查看
Low birth weight and psychiatric morbidity; stability and changebetween adolescence and young adulthood Lund, L.K.;Vik, T.;Skranes, J.;Lydersen, S.;Brubakk, A.M.;Indredavik, M.S.; Early Human Development 2012-08-01 查看
Assessment of motor behaviour in high-risk-infants at 3months predictsmotor and cognitive outcomes in 10years old children Fjortoft, T.;Grunewaldt, K.H.;Lohaugen, G.C.C.;Morkved, S.;Skranes, J.;Evensen, K.A.I.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Assessment of motor behaviour in high-risk-infants at 3months predictsmotor and cognitive outcomes in 10years old children Fjortoft, T.;Grunewaldt, K.H.;Lohaugen, G.C.C.;Morkved, S.;Skranes, J.;Evensen, K.A.I.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Assessment of motor behaviour in high-risk-infants at 3months predictsmotor and cognitive outcomes in 10years old children Fjortoft, T.;Grunewaldt, K.H.;Lohaugen, G.C.C.;Morkved, S.;Skranes, J.;Evensen, K.A.I.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Assessment of motor behaviour in high-risk-infants at 3months predictsmotor and cognitive outcomes in 10years old children Fjortoft, T.;Grunewaldt, K.H.;Lohaugen, G.C.C.;Morkved, S.;Skranes, J.;Evensen, K.A.I.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Sensory profiles obtained from parental reports correlate withindependent assessments of development in very preterm children at 2yearsof age Eeles, A.L.;Anderson, P.J.;Brown, N.C.;Lee, K.J.;Boyd, R.N.;Spittle, A.J.;Doyle, L.W.; Early Human Development 2013-12-01 查看
Sensory profiles obtained from parental reports correlate withindependent assessments of development in very preterm children at 2yearsof age Eeles, A.L.;Anderson, P.J.;Brown, N.C.;Lee, K.J.;Boyd, R.N.;Spittle, A.J.;Doyle, L.W.; Early Human Development 2013-12-01 查看
Infant rolling abilities - the same or different 20years after the backto sleep campaign? Darrah, J.;Bartlett, D.J.; Early Human Development 2013-05-01 查看
Infant rolling abilities - the same or different 20years after the backto sleep campaign? Darrah, J.;Bartlett, D.J.; Early Human Development 2013-05-01 查看
Infant developmental outcomes following prenatal exposure toantidepressants, and maternal depressed mood and positive affect Hanley, G.E.;Brain, U.;Oberlander, T.F.; Early Human Development 2013-08-01 查看
The association between maternal country of birth and neonatalintensive care unit outcomes Uppal, P.;Holland, A.J.A.;Bajuk, B.;Abdel-Latif, M.;Jaffe, A.;Hilder, L.;Lui, K.;Oei, J.L.; Early Human Development 2013-08-01 查看
Infant developmental outcomes following prenatal exposure toantidepressants, and maternal depressed mood and positive affect Hanley, G.E.;Brain, U.;Oberlander, T.F.; Early Human Development 2013-08-01 查看
The association between maternal country of birth and neonatalintensive care unit outcomes Uppal, P.;Holland, A.J.A.;Bajuk, B.;Abdel-Latif, M.;Jaffe, A.;Hilder, L.;Lui, K.;Oei, J.L.; Early Human Development 2013-08-01 查看
Time outside targeted oxygen saturation range and retinopathy ofprematurity Kaufman, D.A.;Zanelli, S.A.;Gurka, M.J.;Davis, M.;Richards, C.P.;Walsh, B.K.; Early Human Development 2014-09-01 查看
Predicting the outcome of specific language impairment at five years ofage through early developmental assessment in preterm infants Woods, P.L.;Rieger, I.;Wocadlo, C.;Gordon, A.; Early Human Development 2014-10-01 查看
The ''neurovascular unit approach'' to evaluate mechanisms ofdysfunctional autoregulation in asphyxiated newborns in the era ofhypothermia therapy Chalak, L.F.;Tarumi, T.;Zhang, R.; Early Human Development 2014-10-01 查看
Neonatal ventilation strategies and long-term respiratory outcomes Shetty, S.;Greenough, A.; Early Human Development 2014-11-01 查看
Translating research into political advocacy to improve infant andchild health Aynsley-Green Kt, A.; Early Human Development 2014-11-01 查看
Neonatal ventilation strategies and long-term respiratory outcomes Shetty, S.;Greenough, A.; Early Human Development 2014-11-01 查看
Translating research into political advocacy to improve infant andchild health Aynsley-Green Kt, A.; Early Human Development 2014-11-01 查看
Neonatal ventilation strategies and long-term respiratory outcomes Shetty, S.;Greenough, A.; Early Human Development 2014-11-01 查看
Translating research into political advocacy to improve infant andchild health Aynsley-Green Kt, A.; Early Human Development 2014-11-01 查看
Commentary on ''Kindergarten classroom functioning of extremelypreterm/extremely low birth weight children'' or ''Leaving no child behind:Promoting educational success for preterm survivors'' Msall, M.E.; Early Human Development 2014-12-01 查看
Differential effects of parenting in preterm and full-term children ondevelopmental outcomes Maupin, A.N.;Fine, J.G.; Early Human Development 2014-12-01 查看
Differential effects of parenting in preterm and full-term children ondevelopmental outcomes Maupin, A.N.;Fine, J.G.; Early Human Development 2014-12-01 查看
Commentary on ''Kindergarten classroom functioning of extremelypreterm/extremely low birth weight children'' or ''Leaving no child behind:Promoting educational success for preterm survivors'' Msall, M.E.; Early Human Development 2014-12-01 查看
Developmental trajectories of children with birth asphyxia through36months of age in low/low-middle income countries Wallander, J.L.;Bann, C.;Chomba, E.;Goudar, S.S.;Pasha, O.;Biasini, F.J.;McClure, E.M.;Thorsten, V.;Wallace, D.;Carlo, W.A.; Early Human Development 2014-07-01 查看
Frequency of anomalies and hospital outcomes in infants withgastroschisis and omphalocele Corey, K.M.;Hornik, C.P.;Laughon, M.M.;McHutchison, K.;Clark, R.H.;Smith, P.B.; Early Human Development 2014-08-01 查看
Developmental outcomes of early-identified children who are hard ofhearing at 12 to 18months of age Stika, C.J.;Eisenberg, L.S.;Johnson, K.C.;Henning, S.C.;Colson, B.G.;Ganguly, D.H.;DesJardin, J.L.; Early Human Development 2015-01-01 查看
Profiling the preterm or VLBW born adolescent; implications of theDutch POPS cohort follow-up studies van der Pal-de Bruin, K.M.;van der Pal, S.M.;Verloove-Vanhorick, S.P.;Walther, F.J.; Early Human Development 2015-02-01 查看
Effect of delayed cord clamping (DCC) on breathing and transition atbirth in very preterm infants Nevill, E.;Meyer, M.P.; Early Human Development 2015-07-01 查看
Effect of delayed cord clamping (DCC) on breathing and transition atbirth in very preterm infants Nevill, E.;Meyer, M.P.; Early Human Development 2015-07-01 查看
Pre-pregnancy maternal obesity in Greece: A case-control analysis Papachatzi, E.;Paparrodopoulos, S.;Papadopoulos, V.;Dimitriou, G.;Vantarakis, A.; Early Human Development 2016-02-01 查看
Correcting for prematurity affects developmental test scores in infantsborn late and moderately preterm Parekh, S.A.;Boyle, E.M.;Guy, A.;Blaggan, S.;Manktelow, B.N.;Wolke, D.;Johnson, S.; Early Human Development 2016-03-01 查看
Benefits of aerobic or resistance training during pregnancy on maternalhealth and perinatal outcomes: A systematic review Perales, M.;Santos-Lozano, A.;Ruiz, J.R.;Lucia, A.;Barakat, R.; Early Human Development 2016-03-01 查看
Improved survival and neurodevelopmental outcomes among extremelypremature infants born near the limit of viability Younge, N.;Smith, P.B.;Gustafson, K.E.;Malcolm, W.;Ashley, P.;Cotten, C.M.;Goldberg, R.N.;Goldstein, R.F.; Early Human Development 2016-04-01 查看
Parental perception of functional status and impact on the family ofchildren with congenital heart surgery Garcia, R.U.;Aggarwal, S.;Natarajan, G.; Early Human Development 2016-05-01 查看
Parental perception of functional status and impact on the family ofchildren with congenital heart surgery Garcia, R.U.;Aggarwal, S.;Natarajan, G.; Early Human Development 2016-05-01 查看
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