



Prone sleeping infants have a reduced ability to lose heat Tuffnell, C.S.;Petersen, S.A.;Wailoo, M.P.; Early Human Development 1995-10-02 查看
Increased infant axillary temperatures in non-REM sleep duringmother-infant bed-sharing Richard, C.A.; Early Human Development 1999-06-01 查看
Increased infant axillary temperatures in non-REM sleep duringmother-infant bed-sharing Richard, C.A.; Early Human Development 1999-06-01 查看
Gender-related differences in rectal temperature in human neonates Nagy, E.; Early Human Development 2001-08-01 查看
Newborn skin temperature two days postpartum during breastfeedingrelated to different labour ward practices Jonas, W.;Wiklund, I.;Nissen, E.;Ransjo-Arvidson, A.B.;Uvnas-Moberg, K.; Early Human Development 2007-01-01 查看
Gut microbiota in preterm infants with gross blood in stools: Aprospective, controlled study Said, M.B.;Hays, S.;Maucort-Boulch, D.;Oulmaati, A.;Hantova, S.;Loys, C.M.;Jumas-Bilak, E.;Picaud, J.C.; Early Human Development 2014-10-01 查看
The role of elevated central-peripheral temperature difference in earlydetection of late-onset sepsis in preterm infants Ussat, M.;Vogtmann, C.;Gebauer, C.;Pulzer, F.;Thome, U.;Knupfer, M.; Early Human Development 2015-12-01 查看
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