


Spectral analysis of fetal heart rate in flat recordings Sibony, O.;Fouillot, J.-P.;Bennaoudia, M.;Luton, D.;Blot, P.;Sureau, C.; Early Human Development 1995-04-28 查看
Spectral analysis of fetal heart rate in flat recordings Sibony, O.;Fouillot, J.P.;Bennaoudia, M.;Luton, D.;Blot, P.;Sureau, C.; Early Human Development 1995-04-28 查看
To what extent does a given heart rate correlate with following heart ratesin the developing human fetus? Ogawa, M.;Yoshizato, T.;Takashima, T.;Koyanagi, T.;Suzuki, T.;Nakano, H.; Early Human Development 1996-02-23 查看
Cardiac and respiratory patterns during sleep in cocaine-exposed neonates Regalado, M.G.;Schechtman, V.L.;Del Angel, A.P.;Bean, X.D.; Early Human Development 1996-03-22 查看
Developmental patterns of heart rate and variability in prematurely-borninfants with apnea of prematurity Henslee, J.A.;Schechtman, V.L.;Lee, M.Y.;Harper, R.M.; Early Human Development 1997-01-03 查看
Variability in cerebral blood flow velocity: observations over one minutein preterm babies Coughtrey, H.;Rennie, J.M.;Evans, D.H.; Early Human Development 1997-01-03 查看
Developmental patterns of heart rate and variability in prematurely-borninfants with apnea of prematurity Henslee, J.A.;Schechtman, V.L.;Lee, M.Y.;Harper, R.M.; Early Human Development 1997-01-03 查看
Variability in cerebral blood flow velocity: observations over one minutein preterm babies Coughtrey, H.;Rennie, J.M.;Evans, D.H.; Early Human Development 1997-01-03 查看
Assessment of acute pain in preterm infants by evaluation of facialexpression and frequency domain analysis of heart rate variability Lindh, V.;Wiklund, U.;Sandman, P.-O.;Hakansson, S.; Early Human Development 1997-04-25 查看
Assessment of acute pain in preterm infants by evaluation of facialexpression and frequency domain analysis of heart rate variability Lindh, V.;Wiklund, U.;Sandman, P.-O.;Hakansson, S.; Early Human Development 1997-04-25 查看
Developmental patterns of heart rate and variability in infants withpersistent apnea of infancy Schechtman, V.L.;Henslee, J.A.;Harper, R.M.; Early Human Development 1998-02-27 查看
Increased amplitude modulation of continuous respiration precedes suddeninfant death syndrome - -Detection by spectral estimation of respirogram Rantonen, T.;Jalonen, J.;Gronlund, J.;Antila, K.;Southall, D.;Valimaki, I.; Early Human Development 1998-11-01 查看
Increased amplitude modulation of continuous respiration precedes suddeninfant death syndrome - -Detection by spectral estimation of respirogram Rantonen, T.;Jalonen, J.;Gronlund, J.;Antila, K.;Southall, D.;Valimaki, I.; Early Human Development 1998-11-01 查看
Gestational age related changes in cardiac dynamics of the fetal baboon Stark, R.I.;Myers, M.M.;Daniel, S.S.;Garland, M.;Kim, Y.I.; Early Human Development 1999-01-01 查看
Body position, sleep states, and cardiorespiratory activity in developinglow birth weight infants Sahni, R.;Schulze, K.F.;Kashyap, S.;Ohira-Kist, K.;Myers, M.M.;Fifer, W.P.; Early Human Development 1999-04-01 查看
Diurnal rhythms of fetal and maternal heart rate in the baboon Stark, R.I.;Garland, M.;Daniel, S.S.;Tropper, P.;Myers, M.M.; Early Human Development 1999-07-01 查看
Periodic spectral components of fetal heart rate variability reflect thechanges in cord arterial base deficit values: a preliminary report Rantonen, T.;Ekholm, E.;Siira, S.;Metsala, T.;Leino, R.;Ekblad, U.;Valimaki, I.; Early Human Development 2001-01-01 查看
Dynamic analysis of beat-to-beat fetal heart rate variability recorded bysquid magnetometer: quantification of sympatho-vagal balance Zhuravlev, Y.E.;Rassi, D.;Mishin, A.A.;Emery, S.J.; Early Human Development 2002-01-01 查看
Maternal anxiety in late pregnancy: effect on fetal movements and fetalheart rate Sjostrom, K.;Valentin, L.;Thelin, T.;Marsal, K.; Early Human Development 2002-04-01 查看
Heart rate variability in response to the sleep-related movements ininfants with and without colic Kirjavainen, J.;Ojala, T.;Huhtala, V.;Kirjavainen, T.;Kero, P.; Early Human Development 2004-08-01 查看
Time domain correlation analysis of heart rate variability in pretermneonates Rassi, D.;Mishin, A.;Zhuravlev, Y.E.;Matthes, J.; Early Human Development 2005-04-01 查看
Short term heart rate variability in healthy neonates: Normative dataand physiological observations Longin, E.;Schaible, T.;Lenz, T.;Konig, S.; Early Human Development 2005-08-01 查看
Heart rate variability during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation andrecovery in severe neonatal disease Longin, E.;Schaible, T.;Demirakca, S.;Lenz, T.;Konig, S.; Early Human Development 2006-02-01 查看
Heart rate variability during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation andrecovery in severe neonatal disease Longin, E.;Schaible, T.;Demirakca, S.;Lenz, T.;Konig, S.; Early Human Development 2006-02-01 查看
Nonlinear analyses of heart rate variability in normal andgrowth-restricted fetuses Kikuchi, A.;Shimizu, T.;Hayashi, A.;Horikoshi, T.;Unno, N.;Kozuma, S.;Taketani, Y.; Early Human Development 2006-04-01 查看
The function of the frontal lobe in neonates for response to a prosodicvoice Saito, Y.;Kondo, T.;Aoyama, S.;Fukumoto, R.;Konishi, N.;Nakamura, K.;Kobayashi, M.;Toshima, T.; Early Human Development 2007-04-01 查看
The function of the frontal lobe in neonates for response to a prosodicvoice Saito, Y.;Kondo, T.;Aoyama, S.;Fukumoto, R.;Konishi, N.;Nakamura, K.;Kobayashi, M.;Toshima, T.; Early Human Development 2007-04-01 查看
Autonomic organization of respirocardial function in healthy humanneonates in quiet and active sleep Frasch, M.G.;Zwiener, U.;Hoyer, D.;Eiselt, M.; Early Human Development 2007-04-01 查看
Autonomic organization of respirocardial function in healthy humanneonates in quiet and active sleep Frasch, M.G.;Zwiener@?, U.;Hoyer, D.;Eiselt, M.; Early Human Development 2007-04-01 查看
Heart rate variability during REM and non-REM sleep in preterm neonateswith and without abnormal cardiorespiratory events Vandeput, S.;Naulaers, G.;Daniels, H.;Van Huffel, S.; Early Human Development 2009-10-01 查看
Heart rate variability during REM and non-REM sleep in preterm neonateswith and without abnormal cardiorespiratory events Vandeput, S.;Naulaers, G.;Daniels, H.;Van Huffel, S.; Early Human Development 2009-10-01 查看
Power spectrum analysis of fetal heart rate variability at near termand post term gestation during active sleep and quiet sleep van Laar, J.O.E.H.;Peters, C.H.L.;Vullings, R.;Houterman, S.;Oei, S.G.; Early Human Development 2009-12-01 查看
Fetal cardiac sympathetic activation is linked with maternal body massindex Ojala, T.;Aaltonen, J.;Siira, S.;Jalonen, J.;Ekholm, E.;Ekblad, U.;Laitinen, K.; Early Human Development 2009-09-01 查看
Kangaroo Care modifies preterm infant heart rate variability inresponse to heel stick pain: Pilot study Cong, X.;Ludington-Hoe, S.M.;McCain, G.;Fu, P.; Early Human Development 2009-09-01 查看
Heart rate variability in infants with central coordination disturbance Bjelakovic, B.;Ilic, S.;Dimitrijevic, L.;Milovanovic, B.;Kostic, G.;Bjelakovic, L.;Lukic, S.; Early Human Development 2010-02-01 查看
Aerobic exercise during pregnancy influences fetal cardiac autonomiccontrol of heart rate and heart rate variability May, L.E.;Glaros, A.;Yeh, H.W.;Clapp, J.F.;Gustafson, K.M.; Early Human Development 2010-04-01 查看
The effect of antenatal steroid treatment on fetal autonomic heart rateregulation revealed by fetal magnetocardiography (fMCG) Schneider, U.;Fiedler, A.;Schroder, B.;Jaekel, S.;Stacke, A.;Hoyer, D.;Schleussner, E.; Early Human Development 2010-05-01 查看
Normalized spectral power of fetal heart rate variability is associatedwith fetal scalp blood pH van Laar, J.O.E.H.;Peters, C.H.L.;Houterman, S.;Wijn, P.F.F.;Kwee, A.;Oei, S.G.; Early Human Development 2011-04-01 查看
Normalized spectral power of fetal heart rate variability is associatedwith fetal scalp blood pH van Laar, J.O.E.H.;Peters, C.H.L.;Houterman, S.;Wijn, P.F.F.;Kwee, A.;Oei, S.G.; Early Human Development 2011-04-01 查看
Assessment of cardio-respiratory interactions in preterm infants bybivariate autoregressive modeling and surrogate data analysis Indic, P.;Bloch-Salisbury, E.;Bednarek, F.;Brown, E.N.;Paydarfar, D.;Barbieri, R.; Early Human Development 2011-07-01 查看
Specific change in spectral power of fetal heart rate variabilityrelated to fetal acidemia during labor: Comparison between preterm and termfetuses Kwon, J.Y.;Park, I.Y.;Shin, J.C.;Song, J.;Tafreshi, R.;Lim, J.; Early Human Development 2012-04-01 查看
Artificial neural networks based prediction of cerebral palsy ininfants with central coordination disturbance Lukic, S.;Cojbasic, Z.;Jovic, N.;Popovic, M.;Bjelakovic, B.;Dimitrijevic, L.;Bjelakovic, L.; Early Human Development 2012-07-01 查看
Artificial neural networks based prediction of cerebral palsy ininfants with central coordination disturbance Lukic, S.;Cojbasic, Z.;Jovic, N.;Popovic, M.;Bjelakovic, B.;Dimitrijevic, L.;Bjelakovic, L.; Early Human Development 2012-07-01 查看
Differences in the sleep states of IUGR and low-risk fetuses: An MCGstudy Sriram, B.;Mencer, M.A.;McKelvey, S.;Siegel, E.R.;Vairavan, S.;Wilson, J.D.;Preissl, H.;Eswaran, H.;Govindan, R.B.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Differences in the sleep states of IUGR and low-risk fetuses: An MCGstudy Sriram, B.;Mencer, M.A.;McKelvey, S.;Siegel, E.R.;Vairavan, S.;Wilson, J.D.;Preissl, H.;Eswaran, H.;Govindan, R.B.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Differences in the sleep states of IUGR and low-risk fetuses: An MCGstudy Sriram, B.;Mencer, M.A.;McKelvey, S.;Siegel, E.R.;Vairavan, S.;Wilson, J.D.;Preissl, H.;Eswaran, H.;Govindan, R.B.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Differences in the sleep states of IUGR and low-risk fetuses: An MCGstudy Sriram, B.;Mencer, M.A.;McKelvey, S.;Siegel, E.R.;Vairavan, S.;Wilson, J.D.;Preissl, H.;Eswaran, H.;Govindan, R.B.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants is associated with cardiacautonomic alteration and predominant parasympathetic stimulation Goudjil, S.;Imestouren, F.;Chazal, C.;Ghostine, G.;Wallois, F.;Leke, A.;Kongolo, G.; Early Human Development 2013-09-01 查看
Do spectral bands of fetal heart rate variability associate withconcomitant fetal scalp pH? Siira, S.M.;Ojala, T.H.;Vahlberg, T.J.;Rosen, K.G.;Ekholm, E.M.; Early Human Development 2013-09-01 查看
Patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants is associated with cardiacautonomic alteration and predominant parasympathetic stimulation Goudjil, S.;Imestouren, F.;Chazal, C.;Ghostine, G.;Wallois, F.;Leke, A.;Kongolo, G.; Early Human Development 2013-09-01 查看
Do spectral bands of fetal heart rate variability associate withconcomitant fetal scalp pH? Siira, S.M.;Ojala, T.H.;Vahlberg, T.J.;Rosen, K.G.;Ekholm, E.M.; Early Human Development 2013-09-01 查看
Aerobic exercise during pregnancy influences infant heart ratevariability at one month of age May, L.E.;Scholtz, S.A.;Suminski, R.;Gustafson, K.M.; Early Human Development 2014-01-01 查看
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