



P1-46 Maternal regulation of high fat nourishment during lactationperiod reduce a hypertension of male offspring Takahashi, H.;Okawa, T.;Fujimori, K.;Sato, A.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-47 Regulation of maternal feeding during lactation period maycontrol adulthood hypertension Takahashi, H.;Okawa, T.;Fujimori, K.;Sato, A.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-48 The knowledge of the mothers concerning prevention of rheumaticfever Zandiyeh, Z.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-49 The macro economic and social correlates of a poor start to life:an international comparison of low birth weight rates O'Connor, K.C.;Morton, S.M.B.;Gluckman, P.D.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-50 Maternal diet induced obesity in pregnancy depresses expressionof genes required for mitochondrial biogenosis Argenton, M.;Samuelsson, A.M.;Taylor, P.;Poston, L.;McConnell, J.M.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-51 mRNA expression of genes which regulate energy balance in liver,muscle and adipose tissue in male offspring of rats fed diets differing inprotein and folic acid contents during pregnancy Burdge, G.C.;Slater-Jefferies, J.L.;Hanson, M.A.;Lillycrop, K.A.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-52 Differences in protein and folic acid intake in pregnant ratsinduce sex-specific changes to the epigenetic regulation of hepatic genesin the adult offspring Burdge, G.C.;Slater-Jefferies, J.L.;Hanson, M.A.;Lillycrop, K.A.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-53 Intrauterine (IUGR) growth retardation, gender, and age affectspecific components of the postnatal hepatic IGF-1 STAT5b histone code inrats Fu, Q.;McKnight, R.A.;Yu, X.;Callaway, C.W.;Men, P.;Joss-Moore, L.;Lane, R.H.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-54 Maternal and child glutathione-S-transferase M1 and T1polymorphisms modify effect of maternal smoking in pregnancy on childhoodlung function Henderson, A.J.;Newson, R.B.;Holloway, J.W.;Rose-Zerilli, M.J.;Pembrey, M.E.;Ring, S.M.;Shaheen, S.O.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-55 Two ocular disease genes are epigentically modified andassociated with congenital toxoplasmosis Jamieson, S.E.;de Roubaix, L.A.;Cortina-Borja, M.;Tan, H.K.;Mui, E.;Cordell, H.J.;Mack, D.;Kirisitsand, M.;Miller, E.N.;Peacock, C.S.;Hargrave, A.;Petersen, E.;McLeod, R.;Gilbert, R.E.;Blackwell, J.M.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-56 Effects of nutrition during pregnancy on fetal growth andmaternal constraint Jenkinson, C.M.C.;Earl, A.K.;Blair, H.T.;Kenyon, P.R.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-57 Effect of IGF-1 selection and mid-pregnancy shearing on lambbirthweight Jenkinson, C.M.C.;Blair, H.T.;Kenyon, P.R.;Breier, B.H.;Gluckman, P.D.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-58 Neonatal leptin exposure alters PPAR@a promoter use in adiposetissue Phillips, E.S.;Lillycrop, K.A.;Vickers, M.;Gluckman, P.D.;Hanson, M.A.;Burdge, G.C.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-59 A global approach to investigating epigenetic change in anundernourished rat model Morris, T.J.;Affara, N.;Gilmour, S.;Vickers, M.;Gluckman, P.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-60 The uncounted casualties of war: epigenetics and theintergenerational transference of PTSD symptoms among children andgrandchildren of Vietnam veterans in Australia O'Brien, K.J.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-61 Polymorphic variation in DNA methyltransferase genes in relationto birth weight, smoking and folate status Relton, C.L.;Groom, A.;McKay, J.A.;Ford, D.;Mathers, J.C.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-62 Polymorphic variation in the haemochromatosis gene is associatedwith increased birth weight Relton, C.L.;Mackay, R.;Dorak, M.T.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-63 DNA methylation status at the Igf2 locus in offspring of a mousemodel of maternal diet-induced obesity Groom, A.;Relton, C.L.;McKay, J.A.;Steedman, L.;Mathers, J.C.;Taylor, P.;Poston, L.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-64 Epigenetic regulation of the HNF4@a (MODY 1) gene: role indevelopmental programming of type 2 diabetes Sandovici, I.;Smith, N.H.;Constancia, M.;Ozanne, S.E.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-65 Periconceptional undernutrition (PCUN) and twinning in sheepdifferently alter the ontogeny of adrenocorticotrophin receptor (ACTH-R),steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) and P450C17 (CYP17) in fetaladrenal glands Bloomfield, F.H.;Connor, K.L.;Jaquiery, A.L.;Phua, H.H.;Oliver, M.H.;Challis, J.R.G.;Harding, J.E.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-66 Impact of genotype and fetal and pre-weaning growth onsteroidogenic capacity of the adult bovine adrenal Coulter, C.L.;Greenwood, P.L.;Dunn, S.L.;Salkeld, M.D.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-67 Plasma and tissue glucocorticoid components are not altered bymaternal protein restriction in neonatal or juvenile microswine offspring DuPriest, E.A.;Kupfer, P.;Lin, B.;Bagby, S.P.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-68 Body size at birth predicts hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axisresponse to psychosocial stress at age 60 to 70: the Helsinki Birth CohortStudy Feldt, K.;Kajantie, E.;Raikkonen, K.;Phillips, D.I.W.;Osmond, C.;Heinonen, K.;Pesonen, A.K.;Andersson, S.;Barker, D.J.P.;Eriksson, J.G.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-69 Maternal cortisol and birth weight at term: results of theAmsterdam Born Children and their Development study Goedhart, G.;Vrijkotte, T.G.;Van der Wal, M.F.;Cuijpers, P.;Bonsel, G.J.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-70 Pain responses and fetal programming of thehypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis of infants born to opioiddependent mothers; a pilot study Hurrion, E.M.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-71 Prenatal dexamethasone exposure results in gender-specificresponses of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in lambs Li, S.;Moss, T.J.M.;Nitsos, I.;Polglase, G.;Braun, T.;Challis, J.R.G.;Newnham, J.P.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-72 Adrenal gene expression in sheep is altered by maternaldexamethasone treatment in early gestation Li, S.;Nitsos, I.;Polglase, G.;Braun, T.;Moss, T.J.M.;Challis, J.R.G.;Newnham, J.P.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-73 Aldosterone does not increase cell cycle activity in near-termfetal sheep cardiomyocytes Louey, S.;O'Tierney, P.F.;Chattergoon, N.N.;Giraud, G.D.;Thornburg, K.L.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-74 Placental multidrug resistance phosphoglycoprotein (ABCB1)expression is reduced by glucocorticoids during late gestation in the rat Mark, P.J.;Augustus, S.;Hewitt, D.P.;Waddell, B.J.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-75 Is the cortisol awakening response altered in German subjectsreporting pronounced early life adversities due to World War II? Puetz, P.;Steffke, T.;Frank, S.;Hellhammer, D.H.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-76 Programming of hypertension: associations of plasma aldosteronein adult men and women with birthweight and blood pressure Reynolds, R.M.;Walker, B.R.;Phillips, D.I.;Syddall, H.E.;Fraser, R.;Davies, E.;Connell, J.M.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-77 Does preterm birth change circadian rhythmicity in youngadulthood? The Helsinki Study of very low Birth Weight Adults Strang-Karlsson, S.;Raikkonen, K.;Kajantie, E.;Andersson, S.;Hovi, P.;Heinonen, K.;Pesonen, A.K.;Jarvenpaa, A.L.;Eriksson, J.G.;Paavonen, E.J.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-78 Effects of intrauterine exposure to synthetic glucocorticoids onhypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis reactivity to non-pharmacologicalstress in infants Tegethoff, M.;Meinlschmidt, G.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-79 Effects of dam size and nutrition during pregnancy on HPA-axisfunction in offspring van der Linden, D.S.;Kenyon, P.R.;Jenkinson, C.M.C.;Lopez-Villalobos, N.;Peterson, S.W.;Blair, H.T.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-80 Impact of neonatal infection on adult hippocampal corticosteronereceptor abundance and circulating corticosterone Wynne, O.;Horvat, J.C.;Smith, R.;Hansbro, P.M.;Clifton, V.L.;Hodgson, D.M.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-81 Protective renal adaptations in obese young sheep exposed tomaternal nutrient restriction between early to mid gestation Fainberg, H.P.;Gardner, D.S.;Symonds, M.E.;Budge, H.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-82 Contribution of the renal sympathetic nerves in a model ofprogrammed hypertension Denton, K.M.;Flower, R.L.;McArdle, A.;Wintour, E.M.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-83 Impact of periconceptional undernutrition (PCUN) and embryonumber on the development of the renin angiotensin (RAS) system in thefetal sheep kidney during early gestation MacLaughlin, S.M.;McMillen, I.C.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-84 Uteroplacental insufficiency is not associated with hypertensionand renal dysfunction in 1 year old female offspring Mazzuca, M.Q.;Moritz, K.M.;Tare, M.;Parkington, H.C.;Siebel, A.L.;Wlodek, M.E.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-85 Kidney renin-angiotenisn system and 11@b-hydroxysterioddehydrogenase type 2 gene expression in offspring from chronicallyhypertensive mothers at 5 weeks of age in rabbits McArdle, A.M.;Maduwegedera, D.;Mortiz, K.;Flower, R.L.;Wintour, E.M.;Denton, K.M.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-86 Size at birth and blood pressure in early adolescence: aprospective birth cohort study Menezes, A.M.B.;Hallal, P.C.;Horta, B.L.;Araujo, C.L.P.;de F. Vieira, M.;Neutzling, M.;Barros, F.C.;Victora, C.G.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-87 Blood pressure and renal function in adult sheep treatedprenatally with glucocorticoids: effects of a high salt diet Moritz, K.M.;Evans, R.G.;Jefferies, A.J.;Wintour, E.M.;Dodic, M.;Probyn, M.;Arena, D.;De Matteo, R.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-88 Low sodium status in neonatal increased aldosterone level inadulthood Murakami, D.;Nagata, M.;Hoshi, S.;Takahashi, T.;Kaneko, T.;Kaneko, T.;Kusuda, S.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-89 Postnatal nutrition influences renal damage and glomerular numberafter intrauterine growth restriction in the rat Plank, C.;Ostreicher, I.;Amann, K.;Rascher, W.;Dotsch, J.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-90 Elevated HBA1c and hyperglycemic response to oral glucosetolerance test in school age children born preterm Rakow, A.;Kistner, A.;Brismar, K.;Norman, M.;Vanpee, M.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-91 Blood vessels from maternal food restricted offspring areresistant to the angiogenic effects of leptin Khorram, M.;Han, G.;Calvaria, G.;Desai, M.;Ross, M.G.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-92 In utero programming of microvascular endothelial cell responseto glucocorticoids Khorram, O.;Han, G.;Ross, M.G.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-93 Prenatal hyperglycemia alters kallikrein activity response tohigh sodium diet in adult rats Salas, S.P.;Giacaman, A.;Guarda, F.J.;Acosta, J.;Vio, C.P.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-94 Adult chronic kidney disease patients have lower birth weightthan the general Australian population al Salmi, I.;Hoy, W.E.;Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan, S.;Wang, Z.;Gobe, G.C.;Healy, H.;Atkins, R.A.;Shaw, J.E.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-95 Lower glomerular filtration rate in adults with low birthweight:results from the AusDiab study al Salmi, I.;Hoy, W.E.;Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan, S.;Wang, Z.;Atkins, R.A.;Barr, E.L.M.;Shaw, J.E.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-96 Birthweight is inversely correlated with blood pressureindependent of socioeconomic status: results from the AusDiab study al Salmi, I.;Hoy, W.E.;Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan, S.;Wang, Z.;Gobe, G.C.;Barr, E.L.M.;Shaw, J.E.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
P1-97 Reduced kidney volume in premature compared to full termchildren: preliminary results al Salmi, I.;Hoy, W.E.;Gray, P.H.;Lamont, T.;Hannawi, S.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
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