篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Single-cell analysis of the RhD blood type for use in preimplantationdiagnosis in the prevention of severe hemolytic disease of the newborn |
Van den Veyver, I.B.;Chong, S.S.;Cota, J.;Bennett, P.R.;Fisk, N.M.;Handyside, A.H.;Cartron, J.P.;Le Van Kim, C.;Colin, Y.;Snabes, M.C.;Moise, K.J.;Hughes, M.R.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1995-02-01 |
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Amniotic fluid interleukin-6: A sensitive test for antenatal diagnosis ofacute inflammatory lesions of preterm placenta and prediction of perinatalmorbidity |
Yoon, B.H.;Romero, R.;Kim, C.J.;Jun, J.K.;Gomez, R.;Choi, J.-H.;Syu, H.C.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1995-03-01 |
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A genetic male infant with female phenotype in compatomelic syndrome: Apossible relationship to exposure to oral contraceptives during pregnancy |
Kim, M.R.;Qazi, Q.H.;Anderson, V.M.;Valencia, G.B.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1995-03-01 |
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Multimodal treatment for the locally advanced stage IB, IIA, IIB patientsof cervical cancer |
Kim, S.J.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
1995-07-01 |
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Characteristics of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in women infectedwith the human immunodeficiency virus |
Fruchter, R.G.;Maiman, M.;Sillman, F.H.;Camilien, L.;Webber, C.A.;Kim, D.S.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
1995-05-01 |
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Solitary breast metastasis as first manifestation of ovarian carcinoidtumor |
Fishman, A.;Kim, H.-S.;Girtanner, R.E.;Kaplan, A.L.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
1995-05-01 |
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A comparison of intravenous versus intraperitoneal chemotherapy for theinitial treatment of ovarian cancer |
Kirmani, S.;Braly, P.S.;McClay, E.F.;Saltzstein, S.L.;Plaxe, S.C.;Kim, S.;Cates, C.;Howell, S.B.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
1995-06-01 |
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Clinical management of benign and malignant trophoblastic disease inNorth-east Asia |
Kim, S.J.; |
Current Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
1995-03-01 |
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Clinical management of benign and malignant trophoblastic disease inNorth-east Asia |
Kim, S.J.; |
Current Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
1995-03-01 |
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Serum neopterin levels in ovarian tumors |
Park, I.S.;Lee, Y.S.;Kim, J.C.;Hwang, S.G.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
1995-12-01 |
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The Efficacy of Cranial Irradiation in Ovarian Cancer Metastatic to theBrain: Analysis of 32 Cases |
Corn, B.W.;Greven, K.M.;Randall, M.E.;Wolfson, A.H.;Kim, R.Y.;Lanciano, R.M.; |
Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1995-12-01 |
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Interleukin-6 concentrations in umbilical cord plasma are elevated inneonates with white matter lesions associated with periventricularleukomalacia |
Yoon, B.H.;Romero, R.;Yang, S.H.;Jun, J.K.;Kim, I.O.;Choi, J.H.;Syn, H.C.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1996-05-01 |
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Serum insulin-like growth factor binding protein profiles inpostmenopausal women: Their correlation with bone mineral density |
Kim, J.G.;Lee, J.Y.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1996-05-01 |
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Central hemodynamic changes associated with pregnancy in a long-termcardiac transplant recipient |
Kim, K.M.;Sukhani, R.;Slogoff, S.;Tomich, P.G.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1996-05-01 |
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Interleukin-6 concentrations in umbilical cord plasma are elevated inneonates with white matter lesions associated with periventricularleukomalacia |
Yoon, B.H.;Romero, R.;Yang, S.H.;Jun, J.K.;Kim, I.O.;Choi, J.H.;Syn, H.C.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1996-05-01 |
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Serum insulin-like growth factor binding protein profiles inpostmenopausal women: Their correlation with bone mineral density |
Kim, J.G.;Lee, J.Y.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1996-05-01 |
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Central hemodynamic changes associated with pregnancy in a long-termcardiac transplant recipient |
Kim, K.M.;Sukhani, R.;Slogoff, S.;Tomich, P.G.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1996-05-01 |
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What is the role of reassessment laparoscopy in the management ofgynecologic cancers in 1995? |
Casey, A.C.;Farias-Eisner, R.;Pisani, A.L.;Cirisano, F.D.;Kim, Y.B.;Muderspach, L.;Futoran, R.;Leuchter, R.S.;Lagasse, L.D.;Karlan, B.Y.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
1996-09-01 |
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The Effect of Glucagon on Spontaneous Contractility of Isolated PregnantUterine Muscle |
Shin, Y.K.;Collea, J.V.;Kim, Y.D.; |
Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1996-11-01 |
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Hepatitis B (HBV) transmission associated with breast-feeding ininfants of chronic carriers |
Kim, M.J.;Alexander, J.M.;Sercecley, B.;Jackson, G.;Wendel, G.D.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-01-01 |
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Experimentally-induced intrauterine infection causes fetal brain whitematter lesions in rabbits |
Yoon, B.H.;Kim, C.J.;Jun, J.K.;Park, K.H.;Chi, J.G.;Gomez, R.;Romero, R.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-01-01 |
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The effect of bacterial endotoxin on the synthesis of interleukin-1@band prostaglandin E"2 by dispersed cells from human decidua |
Kim, Y.J.;Ahn, J.J.;Woo, B.H.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-01-01 |
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Hepatitis B (HBV) transmission associated with breast-feeding ininfants of chronic carriers |
Kim, M.J.;Alexander, J.M.;Sercecley, B.;Jackson, G.;Wendel, G.D.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-01-01 |
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Experimentally-induced intrauterine infection causes fetal brain whitematter lesions in rabbits |
Yoon, B.H.;Kim, C.J.;Jun, J.K.;Park, K.H.;Chi, J.G.;Gomez, R.;Romero, R.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-01-01 |
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The effect of bacterial endotoxin on the synthesis of interleukin-1@band prostaglandin E"2 by dispersed cells from human decidua |
Kim, Y.J.;Ahn, J.J.;Woo, B.H.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-01-01 |
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Iatrogenic secondary infertility caused by residual intrauterine fetalbone after midtrimester abortion |
Moon, H.S.;Park, Y.H.;Kwon, H.Y.;Hong, S.H.;Kim, S.K.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-02-01 |
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Isthmic ectopic gestation: A contraindication to methotrexate therapy? |
Kim, P.Y.;de La Vallee, C.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-03-01 |
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Farewell to a friend |
Zuspan, F.P.;Quilligan, E.J.;Gabbe, S.G.;Garite, T.J.;Kim, M.H.;Manetta, A.;Trumbold, C.;Patterson, S.;Goehler, K.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-04-01 |
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Amniotic fluid inflammatory cytokines (interleukin-6, interleukin-1@b,and tumor necrosis factor-@a), neonatal brain white matter lesions, andcerebral palsy |
Yoon, B.H.;Jun, J.K.;Romero, R.;Park, K.H.;Gomez, R.;Choi, J.H.;Kim, I.O.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-07-01 |
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Amniotic fluid inflammatory cytokines (interleukin-6, interleukin-1@b,and tumor necrosis factor-@a), neonatal brain white matter lesions, andcerebral palsy |
Yoon, B.H.;Jun, J.K.;Romero, R.;Park, K.H.;Gomez, R.;Choi, J.H.;Kim, I.O.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-07-01 |
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Amniotic fluid inflammatory cytokines (interleukin-6, interleukin-1@b,and tumor necrosis factor-@a), neonatal brain white matter lesions, andcerebral palsy |
Yoon, B.H.;Jun, J.K.;Romero, R.;Park, K.H.;Gomez, R.;Choi, J.H.;Kim, I.O.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-07-01 |
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Amniotic fluid inflammatory cytokines (interleukin-6, interleukin-1@b,and tumor necrosis factor-@a), neonatal brain white matter lesions, andcerebral palsy |
Yoon, B.H.;Jun, J.K.;Romero, R.;Park, K.H.;Gomez, R.;Choi, J.H.;Kim, I.O.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-07-01 |
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Amniotic fluid inflammatory cytokines (interleukin-6, interleukin-1@b,and tumor necrosis factor-@a), neonatal brain white matter lesions, andcerebral palsy |
Yoon, B.H.;Jun, J.K.;Romero, R.;Park, K.H.;Gomez, R.;Choi, J.H.;Kim, I.O.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-07-01 |
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High expression of tumor necrosis factor-@a and interleukin-6 inperiventricular leukomalacia |
Yoon, B.H.;Romero, R.;Kim, C.J.;Koo, J.N.;Choe, G.;Syn, H.C.;Chi, J.G.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-08-01 |
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Sleep pattern changes in menstrual cycles of women with premenstrualsyndrome: A preliminary study |
Chuong, C.;Kim, S.R.;Taskin, O.;Karacan, I.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-09-01 |
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Sleep pattern changes in menstrual cycles of women with premenstrualsyndrome: A preliminary study |
Chuong, C.;Kim, S.R.;Taskin, O.;Karacan, I.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-09-01 |
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Experimentally induced intrauterine infection causes fetal brain whitematter lesions in rabbits |
Yoon, B.H.;Kim, C.J.;Romero, R.;Jun, J.K.;Park, K.H.;Choi, S.T.;Chi, J.G.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-10-01 |
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Amniotic fluid cytokines (interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-@a,interleukin-1@b, and interleukin-8) and the risk for the development ofbronchopulmonary dysplasia |
Yoon, B.H.;Romero, R.;Jun, J.K.;Park, K.H.;Park, J.D.;Ghezzi, F.;Kim, B.I.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-10-01 |
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Intracytoplasmic injection with late spermatids: A successful procedure inachieving childbirth for couples in which the male partner suffers fromazoospermia due to deficient spermatogenesis |
Araki, Y.;Kim, S.-Y.;Motoyama, M.;Sung, H.;Yoshida, A.;Araki, S.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
1997-06-01 |
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Intracytoplasmic injection with late spermatids: A successful procedure inachieving childbirth for couples in which the male partner suffers fromazoospermia due to deficient spermatogenesis |
Araki, Y.;Kim, S.-Y.;Motoyama, M.;Sung, H.;Yoshida, A.;Araki, S.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
1997-06-01 |
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Routine Endocrine Screening for Patients With Karyotypically NormalSpontaneous Premature Ovarian Failure |
Kim, T.J.;Anasti, J.N.;Flack, M.R.;Kimzey, L.M.;Defensor, R.A.;Nelson, L.M.; |
Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-05-01 |
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Routine Endocrine Screening for Patients With Karyotypically NormalSpontaneous Premature Ovarian Failure |
Kim, T.J.;Anasti, J.N.;Flack, M.R.;Kimzey, L.M.;Defensor, R.A.;Nelson, L.M.; |
Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-05-01 |
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Cerebral and Umbilical Vascular Resistance Response to VibroacousticStimulation in Growth-Restricted Fetuses |
Loy, G.L.;Lin, C.-C.;Chien, E.K.S.;Kim, J.H.;Chiang, L.-M.; |
Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-12-01 |
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Cerebral and Umbilical Vascular Resistance Response to VibroacousticStimulation in Growth-Restricted Fetuses |
Loy, G.L.;Lin, C.-C.;Chien, E.K.S.;Kim, J.H.;Chiang, L.-M.; |
Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-12-01 |
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Cardiovascular and metabolic responses to two receptor-selective opioidagonists in pregnant sheep |
Clapp, J.F.;Kett, A.;Olariu, N.;Omoniyi, A.T.;Wu, D.;Kim, H.;Szeto, H.H.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1998-02-01 |
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Baroreflex-mediated bradycardia but not tachycardia is bluntedperipherally by intravenous @m-opioid agonists |
Kett, A.;Omoniyi, A.T.;Kim, H.;Olariu, N.;Wu, D.;Szeto, H.H.;Clapp, J.F.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1998-05-01 |
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The effect of cytokine mediators on prostaglandin inhibition by humandecidual cells |
Kim, Y.J.;Ahn, J.J.;Woo, B.H.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1998-07-01 |
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Microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity with Ureaplasma urealyticumis associated with a robust host response in fetal, amniotic, and maternalcompartments |
Yoon, B.H.;Romero, R.;Park, J.S.;Chang, J.W.;Kim, Y.A.;Kim, J.C.;Kim, K.S.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1998-11-01 |
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Effects of multiagent chemotherapy and independent risk factors in thetreatment of high-risk GTT - 25 years experiences of KRI-TRD - |
Kim, S.J.;Bae, S.N.;Kim, J.H.;Kim, C.T.;Han, K.T.;Lee, J.M.;Jung, J.K.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
1998-04-01 |
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Changing face of gestational trophoblastic tumor |
Martin, B.H.;Kim, J.H.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
1998-04-01 |
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Epidemiology and time trends of gestational trophoblastic disease in Korea |
Kim, S.J.;Bae, S.N.;Kim, J.H.;Kim, C.J.;Han, K.T.;Chung, J.K.;Lee, J.M.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
1998-04-01 |
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Incidence and Predictors of Cervical Dysplasia in Patients With MinimallyAbnormal Papanicolaou Smears |
Kobelin, M.H.;Kobelin, C.G.;Burke, L.;Lavin, P.;Niloff, J.M.;Kim, Y.B.; |
Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1998-09-01 |
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