


Endometrial blood flow response to hormone replacement therapy in womenwith premature ovarian failure: A transvaginal Doppler study Achiron, R.;Levran, D.;Sivan, E.;Lipitz, S.;Dor, J.;Maschiach, S.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 1995-11-01 查看
Treatment of pelvic peritoneal cysts by drainage and ethanol instillation Lipitz, S.;Seidman, D.S.;Schiff, E.;Achiron, R.;Menczer, J.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 1995-08-01 查看
Expectant Management of Twin Pregnancies Discordant for Anencephaly Lipitz, S.;Meizner, I.;Yagel, S.;Shapiro, I.;Achiron, R.;Schiff, E.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 1995-12-01 查看
Intraumbilical vein injection of prostaglandin F"2@a in retained placenta Bider, D.;Dulitzky, M.;Goldenberg, M.;Lipitz, S.;Mashiach, S.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 1996-01-01 查看
Intraumbilical vein injection of prostaglandin F"2@a in retainedplacenta Bider, D.;Dulitzky, M.;Goldenberg, M.;Lipitz, S.;Mashiach, S.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 1996-01-01 查看
Prelabour rupture of membranes at term: early induction of labour versusexpectant management Alcalay, M.;Hourvitz, A.;Reichman, B.;Luski, A.;Quint, J.;Barkai, G.;Mashiach, S.;Lipitz, S.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 1996-12-27 查看
Prelabour rupture of membranes at term: early induction of labour versusexpectant management Alcalay, M.;Hourvitz, A.;Reichman, B.;Luski, A.;Quint, J.;Barkai, G.;Mashiach, S.;Lipitz, S.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 1996-12-27 查看
Prelabour rupture of membranes at term: early induction of labourversus expectant management Alcalay, M.;Hourvitz, A.;Reichman, B.;Luski, A.;Quint, J.;Barkai, G.;Mashiach, S.;Lipitz, S.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 1996-12-27 查看
Outcome of Twin Pregnancies Reduced From Triplets Compared With NonreducedTwin Gestations Lipitz, S.;Uval, J.;Achiron, R.;Schiff, E.;Lusky, A.;Reichman, B.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 1996-04-01 查看
Hyperechogenic Fetal Bowel and Elevated Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein: A PoorFetal Prognosis Achiron, R.;Seidman, D.S.;Horowitz, A.;Mashiach, S.;Goldman, B.;Lipitz, S.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 1996-09-01 查看
New birth weight nomograms for twin gestation on the basis of accurategestational age Cohen, S.B.;Dulitzky, M.;Lipitz, S.;Mashiach, S.;Schiff, E.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-11-01 查看
Late selective termination of fetal abnormalities in twin pregnancies: Amulticenter report Lipitz, S.;Shalev, E.;Meizner, I.;Yagel, S.;Weinraub, Z.;Jaffa, A.;Shalev, J.;Achiron, R.;Schiff, E.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 1997-04-01 查看
Late selective termination of fetal abnormalities in twin pregnancies: Amulticenter report Lipitz, S.;Shalev, E.;Meizner, I.;Yagel, S.;Weinraub, Z.;Jaffa, A.;Shalev, J.;Achiron, R.;Schiff, E.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 1997-04-01 查看
Cerebral lateral ventricular asymmetry: Is this a normal ultranographicfinding in the fetal brain? Achiron, R.;Yagel, S.;Rotstein, Z.;Inbar, O.;Mashiach, S.;Lipitz, S.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 1997-05-01 查看
Cerebral lateral ventricular asymmetry: Is this a normal ultranographicfinding in the fetal brain? Achiron, R.;Yagel, S.;Rotstein, Z.;Inbar, O.;Mashiach, S.;Lipitz, S.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 1997-05-01 查看
Fetomaternal haemorrhage discovered after trauma and treated by fetalintravascular transfusion Lipitz, S.;Achiron, R.;Horoshovski, D.;Rotstein, Z.;Sherman, D.;Schiff, E.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 1997-01-01 查看
Fetomaternal haemorrhage discovered after trauma and treated by fetalintravascular transfusion Lipitz, S.;Achiron, R.;Horoshovski, D.;Rotstein, Z.;Sherman, D.;Schiff, E.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 1997-01-01 查看
Fetomaternal haemorrhage discovered after trauma and treated by fetalintravascular transfusion Lipitz, S.;Achiron, R.;Horoshovski, D.;Rotstein, Z.;Sherman, D.;Schiff, E.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 1997-01-01 查看
Cerebral Lateral Ventricular Asymmetry: Is This a Normal UltrasonographicFinding in the Fetal Brain? Achiron, R.;Yagel, S.;Rotstein, Z.;Inbar, O.;Mashiach, S.;Lipitz, S.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-02-01 查看
Cerebral Lateral Ventricular Asymmetry: Is This a Normal UltrasonographicFinding in the Fetal Brain? Achiron, R.;Yagel, S.;Rotstein, Z.;Inbar, O.;Mashiach, S.;Lipitz, S.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-02-01 查看
Prenatal Diagnosis of Fetal Primary Cytomegalovirus Infection Lipitz, S.;Yagel, S.;Shalev, E.;Achiron, R.;Mashiach, S.;Schiff, E.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-05-01 查看
Prenatal Diagnosis of Fetal Primary Cytomegalovirus Infection Lipitz, S.;Yagel, S.;Shalev, E.;Achiron, R.;Mashiach, S.;Schiff, E.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-05-01 查看
Prenatal Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Fetal Heart Echogenic Foci: NoCorrelation With Down Syndrome Achiron, R.;Lipitz, S.;Gabbay, U.;Yagel, S.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-06-01 查看
Prenatal Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Fetal Heart Echogenic Foci: NoCorrelation With Down Syndrome Achiron, R.;Lipitz, S.;Gabbay, U.;Yagel, S.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-06-01 查看
Progression of labor in twin versus singleton gestations Schiff, E.;Cohen, S.B.;Dulitzky, M.;Novikov, I.;Friedman, S.A.;Mashiach, S.;Lipitz, S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1998-11-01 查看
Selective termination for structural, chromosomal, and mendeliananomalies: International experience Evans, M.I.;Goldberg, J.D.;Horenstein, J.;Wapner, R.J.;Ayoub, M.A.;Stone, J.;Lipitz, S.;Achiron, R.;Holzgreve, W.;Brambati, B.;Johnson, A.;Johnson, M.P.;Shalhoub, A.;Berkowitz, R.L.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999-10-01 查看
Management of a triplet pregnancy with two anencephalic fetuses andpolyhydramnios Soriano, D.;Seidman, D.S.;Lipitz, S.;Zalel, Y.;Schiff, E.;Achiron, R.;Mashiach, S.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2001-06-01 查看
Management of a triplet pregnancy with two anencephalic fetuses andpolyhydramnios Soriano, D.;Seidman, D.S.;Lipitz, S.;Zalel, Y.;Schiff, E.;Achiron, R.;Mashiach, S.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2001-06-01 查看
Echogenic bowel in intrauterine growth restriction fetuses: does thisjeopardize the gut? Achiron, R.;Mazkereth, R.;Orvieto, R.;Kuint, J.;Lipitz, S.;Rotstein, Z.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002-07-01 查看
Outcome of pregnancies with vertical transmission of primarycytomegalovirus infection Lipitz, S.;Achiron, R.;Zalel, Y.;Mendelson, E.;Tepperberg, M.;Gamzu, R.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002-09-01 查看
Outcome of pregnancies with vertical transmission of primarycytomegalovirus infection Lipitz, S.;Achiron, R.;Zalel, Y.;Mendelson, E.;Tepperberg, M.;Gamzu, R.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002-09-01 查看
Outcome of pregnancies with vertical transmission of primarycytomegalovirus infection Lipitz, S.;Achiron, R.;Zalel, Y.;Mendelson, E.;Tepperberg, M.;Gamzu, R.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002-09-01 查看
Effect of raloxifene on the ovarian circulation in women after menopause Lidor, A.L.;Cohen, S.B.;Seidman, D.S.;Novikov, I.;Rabinovici, J.;Mashiach, S.;Lipitz, S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002-05-01 查看
Effect of raloxifene on the ovarian circulation in women after menopause Lidor, A.L.;Cohen, S.B.;Seidman, D.S.;Novikov, I.;Rabinovici, J.;Mashiach, S.;Lipitz, S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002-05-01 查看
Impact of fetal reduction on the incidence of gestational diabetes Sivan, E.;Maman, E.;Homko, C.J.;Lipitz, S.;Cohen, S.;Schiff, E.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002-01-01 查看
Impact of fetal reduction on the incidence of gestational diabetes Sivan, E.;Maman, E.;Homko, C.J.;Lipitz, S.;Cohen, S.;Schiff, E.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002-01-01 查看
Antenatal non-invasive management of neonatal alloimmunethrombocytopenia Yinon, Y.;Spira, M.;Daniel-Spiegel, E.;Shalev, E.;Chayen, B.;Schiff, E.;Lipitz, S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Antenatal non-invasive management of neonatal alloimmunethrombocytopenia Yinon, Y.;Spira, M.;Daniel-Spiegel, E.;Shalev, E.;Chayen, B.;Schiff, E.;Lipitz, S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Antenatal non-invasive management of neonatal alloimmunethrombocytopenia Yinon, Y.;Spira, M.;Daniel-Spiegel, E.;Shalev, E.;Chayen, B.;Schiff, E.;Lipitz, S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Antenatal non-invasive management of neonatal alloimmunethrombocytopenia Yinon, Y.;Spira, M.;Daniel-Spiegel, E.;Shalev, E.;Chayen, B.;Schiff, E.;Lipitz, S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Antenatal non-invasive management of neonatal alloimmunethrombocytopenia Yinon, Y.;Spira, M.;Daniel-Spiegel, E.;Shalev, E.;Chayen, B.;Schiff, E.;Lipitz, S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Antenatal noninvasive treatment of patients at risk for alloimmunethrombocytopenia without a history of intracranial hemorrhage Yinon, Y.;Spira, M.;Solomon, O.;Weisz, B.;Chayen, B.;Schiff, E.;Lipitz, S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-10-01 查看
Fetal outcome following preconceptional, periconceptional andgestational primary cytomegalovirus infection Feldman, B.;Yinon, Y.;Tepperberg-Dikawa, M.;Schiff, E.;Lipitz, S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-12-01 查看
216: Prenatal diagnosis of fetal cytomegalovirus infection in 543 casesof suspected maternal non-primary infection Yoeli-Ullman, R.;Lipitz, S.;Schiff, E.;Feldman, B.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
216: Prenatal diagnosis of fetal cytomegalovirus infection in 543 casesof suspected maternal non-primary infection Yoeli-Ullman, R.;Lipitz, S.;Schiff, E.;Feldman, B.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
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