


Combination anti-gene therapy targeting c-myc and p53 in ovarian cancercell lines Janicek, M.F.;Sevin, B.-U.;Nguyen, H.N.;Averette, H.E.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 1996-06-01 查看
Detection of group B streptococcus by optical immunoassay and directagar plate culture: Comparison to broth enhanced culture Nguyen, T.;Gauthier, D.;Vengalil, S.;Schreckenberger, P.;Meyer, W.;Myles, T.;Nuwayhid, B.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-01-01 查看
The incidence of the jarisch-herxheimer reaction and fetal monitoringchanges in pregnant patients receiving syphilotherapy Myles, T.;Elam, G.;Park-Hwang, E.;Nguyen, T.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-01-01 查看
The effects of smoking, alcohol, and, drugs of abuse on the outcome of''expectantly'' managed cases of preterm premature rupture of membranes Myles, T.;Espinoza, R.;Meyer, W.;Bieniarz, A.;Nguyen, T.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-01-01 查看
Are teens at increased risk for poor obstetric outcomes? Gaudel, T.W.;Piper, J.M.;Nguyen, C.;Sayeed, A.;Gayz, C.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-01-01 查看
Detection of group B streptococcus by optical immunoassay and directagar plate culture: Comparison to broth enhanced culture Nguyen, T.;Gauthier, D.;Vengalil, S.;Schreckenberger, P.;Meyer, W.;Myles, T.;Nuwayhid, B.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-01-01 查看
The incidence of the jarisch-herxheimer reaction and fetal monitoringchanges in pregnant patients receiving syphilotherapy Myles, T.;Elam, G.;Park-Hwang, E.;Nguyen, T.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-01-01 查看
The effects of smoking, alcohol, and, drugs of abuse on the outcome of''expectantly'' managed cases of preterm premature rupture of membranes Myles, T.;Espinoza, R.;Meyer, W.;Bieniarz, A.;Nguyen, T.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-01-01 查看
Are teens at increased risk for poor obstetric outcomes? Gaudel, T.W.;Piper, J.M.;Nguyen, C.;Sayeed, A.;Gayz, C.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-01-01 查看
Postpartum/family planning in a school-age obstetric population Gaudet, T.W.;Aning, G.;Nguyen, C.;Piper, J.M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-01-01 查看
Postpartum/family planning in a school-age obstetric population Gaudet, T.W.;Aning, G.;Nguyen, C.;Piper, J.M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-01-01 查看
Postoperative Pain Relief Following Laparoscopic Tubal Sterilization WithSilastic Bands Tool, A.L.;Kammerer-Doak, D.N.;Nguyen, C.M.;Cousin, M.O.;Charsley, M.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-11-01 查看
Postoperative Pain Relief Following Laparoscopic Tubal Sterilization WithSilastic Bands Tool, A.L.;Kammerer-Doak, D.N.;Nguyen, C.M.;Cousin, M.O.;Charsley, M.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-11-01 查看
The effect of route of delivery on regression of abnormal cervicalcytologic findings in the postpartum period Ahdoot, D.;Van Nostrand, K.M.;Nguyen, N.J.;Tewari, D.S.;Kurasaki, T.;DiSaia, P.J.;Rose, G.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1998-06-01 查看
Prenatal diagnosis with use of fetal cells isolated from maternalblood: Five-color fluorescent in situ hybridization analysis on flow-sortedcells for chromosomes X, Y, 13, 18, and 21 Bischoff, F.Z.;Lewis, D.E.;Nguyen, D.D.;Murrell, S.;Schober, W.;Scott ^b, J.;Simpson, J.L.;Elias, S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1998-07-01 查看
The Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction and Fetal Monitoring Changes in PregnantWomen Treated for Syphilis Myles, T.D.;Elam, G.;Park-Hwang, E.;Nguyen, T.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 1998-11-01 查看
Prediction by maternal risk factors of neonatal intensive careadmissions: Evaluation of >59,000 women in national managed care programs Ross, M.G.;Downey, C.A.;Bemis-Heys, R.;Nguyen, M.;Jacques, D.L.;Stanziano, G.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999-10-01 查看
Idiopathic polyhydramnios and perinatal outcome Panting-Kemp, A.;Nguyen, T.;Chang, E.;Quillen, E.;Castro, L.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999-11-01 查看
Expectant management of severe preterm preeclampsia: Is intrauterine growthrestriction an indication for immediate delivery? Chammas, M.F.;Nguyen, T.M.;Li, M.A.;Nuwayhid, B.S.;Castro, L.C.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2000-10-01 查看
Expectant management of severe preterm preeclampsia: Is intrauterinegrowth restriction an indication for immediate delivery? Chammas, M.F.;Nguyen, T.M.;Li, M.A.;Nuwayhid, B.S.;Castro, L.C.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2000-10-01 查看
Maternal deaths in an urban perinatal network, 1992-1998 Panting-Kemp, A.;Geller, S.E.;Nguyen, T.;Simonson, L.;Nuwayhid, B.;Castro, L.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2000-11-01 查看
Maternal deaths in an urban perinatal network, 1992-1998 Panting-Kemp, A.;Geller, S.E.;Nguyen, T.;Simonson, L.;Nuwayhid, B.;Castro, L.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2000-11-01 查看
Lumbosacral spine and pelvic inlet changes associated with pelvic organprolapse Nguyen, J.K.;Lind, L.R.;Choe, J.Y.;McKindsey, F.;Sinow, R.;Bhatia, N.N.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2000-03-01 查看
Severe preterm preeclampsia diagnosed by proteinuria: better outcome? Chammas, M.;Nguyen, T.;Li, M.;Oh, E.;Nuwayhid, B.;Castro, L.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2000-04-01 查看
Increased adverse pregnancy outcomes with unreliable last menstruation Nguyen, T.h.;Larsen, T.;Engholm, G.;Moller, H.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2000-06-01 查看
Increased adverse pregnancy outcomes with unreliable last menstruation Nguyen, T.h.;Larsen, T.;Engholm, G.;Moller, H.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2000-06-01 查看
Increased adverse pregnancy outcomes with unreliable last menstruation Nguyen, T.h.;Larsen, T.;Engholm, G.;Moller, H.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2000-06-01 查看
Reversible acute renal failure in association with bilateral ureteralobstruction and hydronephrosis in pregnancy Khanna, N.;Nguyen, H.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001-01-01 查看
Reversible acute renal failure in association with bilateral ureteralobstruction and hydronephrosis in pregnancy Khanna, N.;Nguyen, H.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001-01-01 查看
Intravaginal misoprostol versus cervidil for cervical ripening in termpregnancies* Harms, K.;Nguyen, C.;Toy, E.C.;Baker, B.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001-04-01 查看
A randomized comparison of transcervical Foley catheter to intravaginalmisoprostol for preinduction cervical ripening Sciscione, A.C.;Nguyen, L.;Manley, J.;Pollock, M.;Maas, B.;Colmorgen, G.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001-04-01 查看
Survey of voiding dysfunction and urinary retention after anti-incontinenceprocedures Nguyen, J.K.;Glowacki, C.A.;Bhatia, N.N.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001-12-01 查看
Comparison of long-term outcomes of myomectomy and uterine arteryembolization Broder, M.S.;Goodwin, S.;Chen, G.;Tang, L.J.;Costantino, M.M.;Nguyen, M.H.;Yegul, T.N.;Erberich, H.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002-11-01 查看
Comparison of long-term outcomes of myomectomy and uterine arteryembolization Broder, M.S.;Goodwin, S.;Chen, G.;Tang, L.J.;Costantino, M.M.;Nguyen, M.H.;Yegul, T.N.;Erberich, H.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002-11-01 查看
Substance abuse and polyhydramnios Panting-Kemp, A.;Nguyen, T.;Castro, L.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002-09-01 查看
Multiple anomalies in a fetus exposed to low-dose methotrexate in the firsttrimester Nguyen, C.;Duhl, A.J.;Escallon, C.S.;Blakemore, K.J.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002-04-01 查看
Multiple anomalies in a fetus exposed to low-dose methotrexate in the firsttrimester Nguyen, C.;Duhl, A.J.;Escallon, C.S.;Blakemore, K.J.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002-04-01 查看
The cost-effectiveness of fetal fibronectin testing in suspected pretermlabor: a randomized trial Nguyen, T.-C.Q.;Toy, E.C.;Baker, B.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002-04-01 查看
Human papillomavirus and abnormal Papanicolaou smears in VietnameseAmerican women Vo, P.D.H.;Nguyen, T.T.;Nguyen, P.;McPhee, S.J.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003-04-01 查看
Relationship between 27-KDA heat shock protein-cytochrome c complexes andinterleukin-1 receptor antagonist in cord blood and preterm prematurerupture of fetal membranes (PPROM) Sharma, G.;Bongiovanni, A.M.;Rosenberg, V.A.;Nguyen, D.;Vardhana, S.;Paraskevas, L.-R.;Kalish, R.B.;Witkin, S.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003-12-01 查看
Maternal plasma and second-trimester amniotic fluid levels of placentagrowth factor and the development of preeclampsia Mays, J.;Ducey, J.;Davidov, A.;Nguyen, J.;Maimen, M.;Patel, K.;Visintainer, P.;Kaminsky, S.;Digiovanni, J.;Zellers, N.;Sehgal, P.B.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003-12-01 查看
Women's knowledge and opinions of emergency contraception Nguyen, L.;Bianchi-Demicheli, F.;Ludicke, F.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2003-08-01 查看
Association of neonatal tumor necrosis factor receptor 2 (TNFR2) genepolymorphism with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in the first bornneonate of multifetal pregnancies Kalish, R.B.;Nguyen, D.;Vardhana, S.;Perni, S.C.;Gupta, M.;Witkin, S.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-12-01 查看
An A>G polymorphism at position -670 in the Fas gene and risk forpreeclampsia (PEC) and PEC-associated intrauterine growth restriction Sziller, I.;Nguyen, D.;Halmos, A.;Hupuczi, P.;Papp, Z.;Witkin, S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-12-01 查看
Association between method of conception, cytokines in cord blood andpregnancy outcome Sharma, G.;Bongiovanni, A.M.;Rosenberg, V.R.;Vardhana, S.;Fridman, F.M.;Shorenstein, E.S.;Ratushny, V.;Nguyen, D.;Paraskevas, L.-R.;Kalish, R.B.;Witkin, S.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-12-01 查看
Risk factors for preterm birth in Vietnam Nguyen, N.;Savitz, D.A.;Thorp, J.M.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2004-07-01 查看
A single nucleotide A>G polymorphism at position -670 in the Fas genepromoter: Relationship to preterm premature rupture of fetal membranes inmultifetal pregnancies Kalish, R.B.;Nguyen, D.P.;Vardhana, S.;Gupta, M.;Perni, S.C.;Witkin, S.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-01-01 查看
A single nucleotide A>G polymorphism at position -670 in the Fas genepromoter: Relationship to preterm premature rupture of fetal membranes inmultifetal pregnancies Kalish, R.B.;Nguyen, D.P.;Vardhana, S.;Gupta, M.;Perni, S.C.;Witkin, S.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-01-01 查看
Who randomized trial of calcium supplementation among low calciumintake pregnant women Villar, J.;Aleem, H.A.;Merialdi, M.;Mathai, M.;Ali, M.;Zavaleta, N.;Purwar, M.;Hofmeyr, J.;Nguyen, N.N.;Campodonico, L.;Landoulsi, S.;Carroli, G.;Lindheimer, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Who randomized trial of calcium supplementation among low calciumintake pregnant women Villar, J.;Aleem, H.A.;Merialdi, M.;Mathai, M.;Ali, M.;Zavaleta, N.;Purwar, M.;Hofmeyr, J.;Nguyen, N.N.;Campodonico, L.;Landoulsi, S.;Carroli, G.;Lindheimer, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Amniotic fluid interleukin-18-mediated apoptosis is invoved inintraamniotic infection Hsu, C.D.;Hong, S.;Nguyen, J.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Who randomized trial of calcium supplementation among low calciumintake pregnant women Villar, J.;Aleem, H.A.;Merialdi, M.;Mathai, M.;Ali, M.;Zavaleta, N.;Purwar, M.;Hofmeyr, J.;Nguyen, N.N.;Campodonico, L.;Landoulsi, S.;Carroli, G.;Lindheimer, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
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