


Determinants of fetal growth impairment Bukowski, R.;Saade, G.;Malone, F.;Porter, F.;Nyberg, D.;Comstock, C.;Eddleman, K.;Gross, S.;Dugoff, L.;Craigo, S.;Timor, I.;Carr, S.R.;Wolfe, H.;Traister, K.;D'alton, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-12-01 查看
The effect of vaginal bleeding on maternal serum PAPP-A, free @b-hCG, andnuchal translucency. A population based screening study (the FASTER trial) Dugoff, L.;Faber, V.;Hobbins, J.;Malone, F.;Canick, J.;Porter, F.;Luthy, D.;Comstock, C.;Bukowski, R.;Eddleman, K.;Gross, S.;Craigo, S.;Timor-Trisch, I.;Carr, S.;Wolfe, H.;D'alton, M.E.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-12-01 查看
Multiple marker first and second trimester serum screening for adversepregnancy outcome: A FASTER trial study Dugoff, L.;Sullivan, L.;Canick, J.;Hobbins, J.;Malone, F.;Porter, F.;Nyberg, D.;Comstock, C.;Saade, G.;Eddleman, K.;Gross, S.;Craigo, S.;Timor-Trisch, I.;Carr, S.;Wolfe, H.;D'lton, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-12-01 查看
First and second trimester down syndrome screening markers in pregnanciesachieved through assisted reproductive technologies (ART): A FASTER trialstudy Lambert-Messerlian, G.;Dugoff, L.;Vidaver, J.;Canick, J.;Malone, F.;Porter, F.;Comstock, C.;Luthy, D.;Bukowski, R.;Eddleman, K.;Gross, S.;Craigo, S.;Timor, I.;Carr, S.;Wolfe, H.;D'alton, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-12-01 查看
The contribution of birth defects to prematurity and low birthweight in apopulation-based screening study (The FASTER Trial) Dolan, S.;Gross, S.;Merkatz, I.R.;Faber, V.;Malone, F.;Porter, F.;Nyberg, D.;Comstock, C.H.;Hankins, G.;Eddleman, K.;Dugoff, L.;Craigo, S.;Timor-Tritsch, I.;Carr, S.R.;Wolfe, H.M.;D'Alton, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-12-01 查看
Characterization of isoimmunized pregnancies and their management Holmgren (F), C.;Frias, A.;Aagaard-Tillery, K.;Porter, F.;Varner, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Characterization of isoimmunized pregnancies and their management Holmgren (F), C.;Frias, A.;Aagaard-Tillery, K.;Porter, F.;Varner, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Characterization of isoimmunized pregnancies and their management Holmgren (F), C.;Frias, A.;Aagaard-Tillery, K.;Porter, F.;Varner, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Characterization of isoimmunized pregnancies and their management Holmgren (F), C.;Frias, A.;Aagaard-Tillery, K.;Porter, F.;Varner, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Characterization of isoimmunized pregnancies and their management Holmgren (F), C.;Frias, A.;Aagaard-Tillery, K.;Porter, F.;Varner, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Influence of maternal BMI on the role of second trimester geneticsonography in the faster trial Aagaard-Tillery, K.;Malone, F.D.;Nyberg, D.;Collins, J.;Porter, F.;Comstock, C.H.;Saade, G.;Eddleman, K.;Dugoff, L.;Wolfe, H.;Mary, D.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-12-01 查看
Polymorphisms in the promoter region of the tumor necrosis alpha (TNF-)gene in women with cervical insufficiency Warren, J.;Silver, R.;Dalton, J.;Nelson, L.;Nelson, K.;Porter, F.;Branch, W.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-12-01 查看
NIH sponsored prospective randomized clinical trial of amnioreductionvs selective fetoscopic laser photocoagulation for twin-twin transfusionsyndrome Crombleholme, T.;Shera, D.;Porter, F.;Lee, H.;Jacquelyn, C.;Silver, R.K.;Abuhamad, A.;Johnson, M.;Saade, G.R.;Mary, D.;Shields, L.;David, K.;Stone, J.;Livingston, J.;Polzin, W.;Lorenz, R.;Young, B.;Miller, D.A.;Odibo, A.;Rychik, J.;Simpson, L.;Feldstein, V.;Coleman, B.;Ruchelli, E.;Bilaniuk, L.;Simon, E.;Vohr, B.;Seri, I.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-12-01 查看
A prospective, randomized, multicenter trial of amnioreduction vsselective fetoscopic laser photocoagulation for the treatment of severetwin-twin transfusion syndrome Crombleholme, T.M.;Shera, D.;Lee, H.;Johnson, M.;D'Alton, M.;Porter, F.;Chyu, J.;Silver, R.;Abuhamad, A.;Saade, G.;Shields, L.;Kauffman, D.;Stone, J.;Albanese, C.T.;Bahado-Singh, R.;Ball, R.H.;Bilaniuk, L.;Coleman, B.;Farmer, D.;Feldstein, V.;Harrison, M.R.;Hedrick, H.;Livingston, J.;Lorenz, R.P.;Miller, D.A.;Norton, M.E.;Polzin, W.J.;Robinson, J.N.;Rychik, J.;Sandberg, P.L.;Seri, I.;Simon, E.;Simpson, L.L.;Yedigarova, L.;Wilson, R.D.;Young, B.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-10-01 查看
A prospective, randomized, multicenter trial of amnioreduction vsselective fetoscopic laser photocoagulation for the treatment of severetwin-twin transfusion syndrome Crombleholme, T.M.;Shera, D.;Lee, H.;Johnson, M.;D'Alton, M.;Porter, F.;Chyu, J.;Silver, R.;Abuhamad, A.;Saade, G.;Shields, L.;Kauffman, D.;Stone, J.;Albanese, C.T.;Bahado-Singh, R.;Ball, R.H.;Bilaniuk, L.;Coleman, B.;Farmer, D.;Feldstein, V.;Harrison, M.R.;Hedrick, H.;Livingston, J.;Lorenz, R.P.;Miller, D.A.;Norton, M.E.;Polzin, W.J.;Robinson, J.N.;Rychik, J.;Sandberg, P.L.;Seri, I.;Simon, E.;Simpson, L.L.;Yedigarova, L.;Wilson, R.D.;Young, B.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-10-01 查看
5: Preconceptional folate prevents preterm delivery Bukowski, R.;Malone, F.D.;Porter, F.;Nyberg, D.A.;Comstock, C.;Hankins, G.;Eddleman, K.;Gross, S.;Dugoff, L.;Craigo, S.;Timor-Tritsch, I.E.;Carr, S.R.;Wolfe, H.M.;D'Alton, M.E.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
28: Combining first and second trimester Down syndrome screeningresults: A simple, effective approximation Rosen, T.;Cuckle, H.;Malone, F.;Porter, F.;Nyberg, D.;Comstock, C.;Bukowski, R.;Berkowitz, R.;Gross, S.J.;Dugoff, L.;Craigo, S.;Timor-Tritsch, I.E.;Carr, S.R.;Wolfe, H.M.;Bianchi, D.;D'Alton, M.E.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
33: Assessment of risk for fetal loss by maternal characteristics withfirst and second trimester maternal serum markers Dugoff, L.;Cuckle, H.;Hobbins, J.;Malone, F.D.;Porter, F.;Nyberg, D.A.;Comstock, C.H.;Saade, G.;Eddleman, K.;Gross, S.J.;Craigo, S.D.;Timor, I.;Carr, S.R.;Wolfe, H.M.;D'Alton, M.E.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
121: Extremes of fetal growth are associated with spontaneous pretermbirth Bukowski, R.;Malone, F.D.;Porter, F.;Nyberg, D.A.;Comstock, C.;Hankins, G.;Eddleman, K.;Gross, S.;Dugoff, L.;Craigo, S.D.;Timor-Tritsch, I.E.;Carr, S.R.;Wolfe, H.M.;D'alton, M.E.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
5: Preconceptional folate prevents preterm delivery Bukowski, R.;Malone, F.D.;Porter, F.;Nyberg, D.A.;Comstock, C.;Hankins, G.;Eddleman, K.;Gross, S.;Dugoff, L.;Craigo, S.;Timor-Tritsch, I.E.;Carr, S.R.;Wolfe, H.M.;D'Alton, M.E.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
28: Combining first and second trimester Down syndrome screeningresults: A simple, effective approximation Rosen, T.;Cuckle, H.;Malone, F.;Porter, F.;Nyberg, D.;Comstock, C.;Bukowski, R.;Berkowitz, R.;Gross, S.J.;Dugoff, L.;Craigo, S.;Timor-Tritsch, I.E.;Carr, S.R.;Wolfe, H.M.;Bianchi, D.;D'Alton, M.E.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
33: Assessment of risk for fetal loss by maternal characteristics withfirst and second trimester maternal serum markers Dugoff, L.;Cuckle, H.;Hobbins, J.;Malone, F.D.;Porter, F.;Nyberg, D.A.;Comstock, C.H.;Saade, G.;Eddleman, K.;Gross, S.J.;Craigo, S.D.;Timor, I.;Carr, S.R.;Wolfe, H.M.;D'Alton, M.E.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
121: Extremes of fetal growth are associated with spontaneous pretermbirth Bukowski, R.;Malone, F.D.;Porter, F.;Nyberg, D.A.;Comstock, C.;Hankins, G.;Eddleman, K.;Gross, S.;Dugoff, L.;Craigo, S.D.;Timor-Tritsch, I.E.;Carr, S.R.;Wolfe, H.M.;D'alton, M.E.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
587: Assessment of risk for birth weight < 5th percentile forgestational age by maternal characteristics with nuchal translucency andmaternal serum markers Dugoff, L.;Cuckle, H.;Hobbins, J.C.;Malone, F.D.;Porter, F.;Nyberg, D.A.;Comstock, C.H.;Saade, G.;Berkowitz, R.;Gross, S.;Craigo, S.;Timor, I.;Carr, S.;Wolfe, H.M.;D'Alton, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
587: Assessment of risk for birth weight < 5th percentile forgestational age by maternal characteristics with nuchal translucency andmaternal serum markers Dugoff, L.;Cuckle, H.;Hobbins, J.C.;Malone, F.D.;Porter, F.;Nyberg, D.A.;Comstock, C.H.;Saade, G.;Berkowitz, R.;Gross, S.;Craigo, S.;Timor, I.;Carr, S.;Wolfe, H.M.;D'Alton, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
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