


Underappreciated risks of the elderly multipara Bobrowski, R.A.;Bottoms, S.F.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1995-06-01 查看
High delivery intervention rates in nulliparous women over age 35 Ezra, Y.;McParland, P.;Farine, D.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 1995-10-01 查看
High delivery intervention rates in nulliparous women over age 35 Ezra, Y.;McParland, P.;Farine, D.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 1995-10-01 查看
Very advanced maternal age: Pregnancy after age 45 Dildy;Jackson;Fowers;Oshiro;Varner;Clark; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1996-09-01 查看
Ultrasonographically adjusted midtrimester risk of trisomy 21 andsignificant chromosomal defects in advanced maternal age Bahado-Singh, R.O.;Deren, O.;Tan, A.;D'Ancona, R.L.;Hunter, D.;Copel, J.A.;Mahoney, M.J.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1996-12-01 查看
The geriatric gravida: Multifetal pregnancy reduction, donor eggs, andaggressive infertility treatments Evans, M.I.;Hume, R.F.;Polak, S.;Yaron, Y.;Drugan, A.;Diamond, M.P.;Johnson, M.P.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-10-01 查看
Maternal age as an independent risk factor for cesarean delivery Lialios, G.;Kaponis, A.;Adonakis, G.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 1999-12-01 查看
Maternal age as an independent risk factor for cesarean delivery Lialios, G.;Kaponis, A.;Adonakis, G.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 1999-12-01 查看
Maternal age as an independent risk factor for cesarean delivery Lialios, G.;Kaponis, A.;Adonakis, G.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 1999-12-01 查看
The relationship between maternal age and uterine dysfunction: A continuouseffect throughout reproductive life Main, D.M.;Main, E.K.;Moore, D.H.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2000-06-01 查看
A population-based cohort study of birth and neonatal outcome in olderprimipara Yuan, W.;Steffensen, F.H.;Nielsen, G.L.;Moller, M.;Olsen, J.;Sorensen, H.T.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2000-02-01 查看
A population-based cohort study of birth and neonatal outcome in olderprimipara Yuan, W.;Steffensen, F.H.;Nielsen, G.L.;Moller, M.;Olsen, J.;Sorensen, H.T.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2000-02-01 查看
A population-based cohort study of birth and neonatal outcome in olderprimipara Yuan, W.;Steffensen, F.H.;Nielsen, G.L.;Moller, M.;Olsen, J.;Sorensen, H.T.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2000-02-01 查看
Regression of liver metastases after high-dose chemotherapy andperipheral-blood progenitor-cell support in Stage IV ovarian cancer Yamashiro, C.;Yanagihara, T.;Hata, T.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2000-12-01 查看
Does preterm cervical dilatation imply imminent labor in multifetalpregnancies? Simchen, M.J.;Dulitzky, M.;Mashiach, S.;Schiff, E.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2002-07-10 查看
Does preterm cervical dilatation imply imminent labor in multifetalpregnancies? Simchen, M.J.;Dulitzky, M.;Mashiach, S.;Schiff, E.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2002-07-10 查看
The older obstetric patient Freeman-Wang, T.;Beski, S.; Current Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2002-02-01 查看
The older obstetric patient Freeman-Wang, T.;Beski, S.; Current Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2002-02-01 查看
The older obstetric patient Freeman-Wang, T.;Beski, S.; Current Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2002-02-01 查看
Chemotherapy for advanced epithelial ovarian carcinoma Neder Kalil, N.G.;McGuire, W.P.; Best Practice & Research in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2002-08-01 查看
Chemotherapy for advanced epithelial ovarian carcinoma Neder Kalil, N.G.;McGuire, W.P.; Best Practice & Research in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2002-08-01 查看
Age at diagnosis and other prognosticators in epithelial ovarian cancers Chudecka-Glaz, A.;Rzepka-Gorska, I.;Kosmider, M.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2002-07-01 查看
Squamous-cell carcinoma of the vulva: locally advanced disease Hoffman, M.S.; Best Practice & Research in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2003-08-01 查看
GnRH analogues as an adjuvant therapy for ovarian cancer patients Rzepka-Gorska, I.;Chudecka-Glaz, A.;Kosmider, M.;Malecha, J.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2003-05-01 查看
Screening for trisomy 21 in Flanders: a 10 years review of 40.490pregnancies screened by maternal serum Gyselaers, W.J.A.;Vereecken, A.J.;Van Herck, E.J.H.;Straetmans, D.P.L.;Martens, G.E.I.;de Jonge, E.T.M.;Ombelet, W.U.A.M.;Nijhuis, J.G.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004-08-10 查看
Screening for trisomy 21 in Flanders: a 10 years review of 40.490pregnancies screened by maternal serum Gyselaers, W.J.;Vereecken, A.J.;Van Herck, E.J.;Straetmans, D.P.;Martens, G.E.;de Jonge, E.T.;Ombelet, W.U.;Nijhuis, J.G.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2004-08-10 查看
Effect of advanced maternal age on early mortality among quadruplets andquintuplets Salihu, H.M.;Aliyu, M.H.;Kirby, R.S.;Alexander, G.R.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-02-01 查看
Effect of advanced maternal age on early mortality among quadruplets andquintuplets Salihu, H.M.;Aliyu, M.H.;Kirby, R.S.;Alexander, G.R.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-02-01 查看
Trial of labor in patients with a previous cesarean section: does maternalage influence the outcome? Bujold, E.;Hammoud, A.O.;Hendler, I.;Berman, S.;Blackwell, S.C.;Duperron, L.;Gauthier, R.J.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-04-01 查看
CA-125 levels in predicting optimal cytoreductive surgery in patients withadvanced epithelial ovarian carcinoma Alcazar, J.L.;Miranda, D.;Unanue, A.;Novoa, E.;Aleman, S.;Madariaga, L.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2004-02-01 查看
Managing advanced-stage cervical cancer Allen, D.;Narayan, K.; Best Practice & Research in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2005-08-01 查看
Is advanced maternal age an independent risk factor for uteroplacentalinsufficiency? Miller, D.A.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-06-01 查看
The reproductive performance of women at 40 years and over Diejomaoh, M.F.E.;Al-Shamali, I.A.;Al-Kandari, F.;Al-Qenae, M.;Mohd, A.T.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2006-05-01 查看
The reproductive performance of women at 40 years and over Diejomaoh, M.F.E.;Al-Shamali, I.A.;Al-Kandari, F.;Al-Qenae, M.;Mohd, A.T.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2006-05-01 查看
Induction of labor with misoprostol in pregnancies with advancedmaternal age Zeteroglu, S.;Sahin, G.H.;Sahin, H.A.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2006-12-01 查看
Induction of labor with misoprostol in pregnancies with advancedmaternal age Zeteroglu, S.;Sahin, G.H.;Sahin, H.A.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2006-12-01 查看
Risk factors for previable premature rupture of membranes or advancedcervical dilation: A case control study Kilpatrick, S.J.;Patil, R.;Connell, J.;Nichols, J.;Studee, L.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-04-01 查看
Risk factors for previable premature rupture of membranes or advancedcervical dilation: A case control study Kilpatrick, S.J.;Patil, R.;Connell, J.;Nichols, J.;Studee, L.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-04-01 查看
Skin autofluorescence, a marker of advanced glycation end products andoxidative stress, is increased in recently preeclamptic women Blaauw, J.;Smit, A.J.;van Pampus, M.G.;van Doormaal, J.J.;Aarnoudse, J.G.;Rakhorst, G.;Graaff, R.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-09-01 查看
Ambulatory hysteroscopy: evidence-based guide to diagnosis and therapy Bakour, S.H.;Jones, S.E.;O'Donovan, P.; Best Practice & Research in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2006-12-01 查看
Operative laparoscopy in The Netherlands: Diffusion and acceptance Kolkman, W.;Trimbos-Kemper, T.C.M.;Jansen, F.W.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2007-02-01 查看
Operative laparoscopy in The Netherlands: Diffusion and acceptance Kolkman, W.;Trimbos-Kemper, T.C.M.;Jansen, F.W.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2007-02-01 查看
Pregnancy outcome in primiparae of advanced maternal age Delbaere, I.;Verstraelen, H.;Goetgeluk, S.;Martens, G.;De Backer, G.;Temmerman, M.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2007-11-01 查看
Pregnancy outcome in primiparae of advanced maternal age Delbaere, I.;Verstraelen, H.;Goetgeluk, S.;Martens, G.;De Backer, G.;Temmerman, M.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2007-11-01 查看
Pregnancy at or beyond age 40 years is associated with an increasedrisk of fetal death and other adverse outcomes Hoffman, M.C.;Jeffers, S.;Carter, J.;Duthely, L.;Cotter, A.;Gonzalez-Quintero, V.H.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-05-01 查看
Pregnancy at or beyond age 40 years is associated with an increasedrisk of fetal death and other adverse outcomes Hoffman, M.C.;Jeffers, S.;Carter, J.;Duthely, L.;Cotter, A.;Gonzalez-Quintero, V.H.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-05-01 查看
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus radical surgery in locally advancedcervical cancer during pregnancy: a case report Palaia, I.;Pernice, M.;Graziano, M.;Bellati, F.;Panici, P.B.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-10-01 查看
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus radical surgery in locally advancedcervical cancer during pregnancy: a case report Palaia, I.;Pernice, M.;Graziano, M.;Bellati, F.;Panici, P.B.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-10-01 查看
Oncologic progression of patients with advanced breast carcinomaundergoing immediate breast reconstruction Trinconi, A.F.;Pinotti, J.A.;Fonseca, A.M.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2007-04-01 查看
Oncologic progression of patients with advanced breast carcinomaundergoing immediate breast reconstruction Trinconi, A.F.;Pinotti, J.A.;Fonseca, A.M.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2007-04-01 查看
Advanced extrauterine pregnancy: diagnostic and therapeutic challenges Worley, K.C.;Hnat, M.D.;Cunningham, F.G.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2008-03-01 查看
Impact of ALSO training on the management of prolonged labor andneonatal care at Kagera Regional Hospital, Tanzania Sorensen, B.L.;Rasch, V.;Massawe, S.;Nyakina, J.;Elsass, P.;Nielsen, B.B.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2010-10-01 查看
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