篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Acute maternal hydration in third-trimester oligohydramnios: Effects onamniotic fluid volume, uteroplacental perfusion, and fetal blood flow andurine output |
Flack, N.J.;Sepulveda, W.;Bower, S.;Fisk, N.M.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1995-10-01 |
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Accuracy of prenatal diagnosis of renal agenesis with color flow imaging insevere second-trimester oligohydramnios |
Sepulveda, W.;Stagiannis, K.D.;Flack, N.J.;Fisk, N.M.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1995-12-01 |
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Transvaginal pulsed and color Doppler imaging for the evaluation of benignand malignant uterine tumors |
Hirai, M.;Sagai, H.;Sekiya, S.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
1995-05-01 |
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Adnexal torsion: the contribution of color Doppler sonography to diagnosisand post-operative follow-up |
Tepper, R.;Lerner-Geva, L.;Zalel, Y.;Shilon, M.;Cohen, I.;Beyth, Y.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
1995-09-01 |
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Adnexal torison: the contribution of color Doppler sonography todiagnosis and post-operative follow-up |
Tepper, R.;Lerner-Geva, L.;Zalel, Y.;Shilon, M.;Cohen, I.;Beyth, Y.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
1995-09-01 |
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Early detection of ovarian carcinoma with transvaginal color Dopplerultrasonography |
Fleischer, A.C.;Cullinan, J.A.;Peery, C.V.;Jones, H.W.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1996-01-01 |
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Transvaginal ultrasonography of pelvic masses: Evaluation of B-modetechnique and Doppler ultrasonography |
Rehn, M.;Lohmann, K.;Rempen, A.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1996-07-01 |
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Transvaginal color Doppler assessment of the uteroplacental circulation innormal and abnormal pregnancies in the first trimester |
Dilmen, G.;Turhan, N.O.;Seckin, N.C.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
1996-03-01 |
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Doppler sonographic criteria for viability in ectopic pregnancy incorrelation with histology |
Kemp, B.;Funk, A.;Rath, W.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
1996-08-01 |
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Vascularity of uterine myomas: assessment by color and pulsed Dopplerultrasound |
Sosic, A.;Skupski, D.W.;Streltzoff, J.;Yun, H.;Chervenak, F.A.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
1996-09-01 |
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Diagnostic value of transvaginal color Doppler flow in ovarian torsion |
Tepper, R.;Zalel, Y.;Goldberger, S.;Cohen, I.;Markov, S.;Beyth, Y.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
1996-09-01 |
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Hemodynamic assessment in pelvic inflammatory disease by transvaginal colorDoppler ultrasonography |
Alatas, C.;Aksoy, E.;Akarsu, C.;Yakin, K.;Bahceci, M.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
1996-12-01 |
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Hemodynamic assessment in pelvic inflammatory disease by transvaginal colorDoppler ultrasonography |
Alatas, C.;Aksoy, E.;Akarsu, C.;Yakin, K.;Bahceci, M.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
1996-12-01 |
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Hemodynamic assessment in pelvic inflammatory disease by transvaginalcolor Doppler ultrasonography |
Alatas, C.;Aksoy, E.;Akarsu, C.;Yakin, K.;Bahceci, M.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
1996-12-01 |
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Color Doppler ultrasound, pregnancy-induced hypertension andsmall-for-gestational-age fetuses |
Hung, J.H.;Ng, H.T.;Pan, Y.P.;Yang, M.J.;Shu, L.P.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
1997-01-01 |
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Color Doppler ultrasound, pregnancy-induced hypertension andsmall-for-gestational-age fetuses |
Hung, J.H.;Ng, H.T.;Pan, Y.P.;Yang, M.J.;Shu, L.P.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
1997-01-01 |
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The assessment of uterine and ovarian perfusion in infertile patients |
Kupesic, S.;Kurjak, A.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
1997-02-01 |
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The assessment of uterine and ovarian perfusion in infertile patients |
Kupesic, S.;Kurjak, A.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
1997-02-01 |
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The assessment of uterine and ovarian perfusion in infertile patients |
Kupesic, S.;Kurjak, A.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
1997-02-01 |
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The assessment of normal and abnormal luteal function by transvaginal colorDoppler sonography |
Kupesic, S.;Kurjak, A.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
1997-03-01 |
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The assessment of normal and abnormal luteal function by transvaginal colorDoppler sonography |
Kupesic, S.;Kurjak, A.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
1997-03-01 |
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The assessment of normal and abnormal luteal function by transvaginalcolor Doppler sonography |
Kupesic, S.;Kurjak, A.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
1997-03-01 |
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Discordant uterine artery velocity waveforms as a predictor ofsubsequent miscarriage in early viable pregnancies |
Leible, S.;Cumsille, F.;Walton, R.;Munoz, H.;Jankelevich, J.;Sepulveda, W.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1998-12-01 |
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Pelvic examination, transvaginal ultrasound and transvaginal color Dopplersonography as predictors of ovarian cancer |
Buckshee, K.;Temsu, I.;Bhatla, N.;Deka, D.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
1998-04-01 |
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A comparison of methods for preoperative discrimination betweenmalignant and benign adnexal masses: The development of a new logisticregression model |
Timmerman, D.;Bourne, T.H.;Tailor, A.;Collins, W.P.;Verrelst, H.;Vandenberghe, K.;Vergote, I.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1999-07-01 |
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Different placentation patterns in viable compared with nonviable tubalpregnancy suggest a divergent clinical management |
Kemp, B.;Kertschanska, S.;Handt, S.;Funk, A.;Kaufmann, P.;Rath, W.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1999-09-01 |
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Color Doppler energy and related quantitative analysis of gestationaltrophoblastic tumors |
Xie, H.;Hata, K.;Lu, M.;Kong, Q.;Miyazaki, K.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
1999-06-01 |
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Transvaginal color Doppler ultrasonography and CA-125 in suspicious adnexalmasses |
Alcazar, J.L.;Errasti, T.;Zornoza, A.;Mnguez, J.A.;Galan, M.J.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
1999-09-01 |
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Vascular malformations in the uterus: ultrasonographic diagnosis andconservative management |
Timmerman, D.;Van den Bosch, T.;Peeraer, K.;Debrouwere, E.;Van Schoubroeck, D.;Stockx, L.;Spitz, B.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2000-09-01 |
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Vascular malformations in the uterus: ultrasonographic diagnosis andconservative management |
Timmerman, D.;Van den Bosch, T.;Peeraer, K.;Debrouwere, E.;Van Schoubroeck, D.;Stockx, L.;Spitz, B.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2000-09-01 |
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Transvaginal color Doppler ultrasonography in the management offirst-trimester spontaneous abortion |
Alcazar, J.L.;Ortiz, C.A.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2002-04-10 |
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Transvaginal color Doppler ultrasonography in the management offirst-trimester spontaneous abortion |
Alcazar, J.L.;Ortiz, C.A.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2002-04-10 |
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Assessment of uterine circulation in ectopic pregnancy by transvaginalcolor Doppler |
Szabo, I.;Csabay, L.;Belics, Z.;Fekete, T.;Papp, Z.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2003-02-10 |
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Assessment of uterine circulation in ectopic pregnancy by transvaginalcolor Doppler |
Szabo, I.;Csabay, L.;Belics, Z.;Fekete, T.;Papp, Z.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2003-02-10 |
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Severity of symptoms in primary dysmenorrhea-a doppler study |
Dmitrovic, R.;Peter, B.;Cvitkovic-Kuzmic, A.;Strelec, M.;Kereshi, T.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2003-04-25 |
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Severity of symptoms in primary dysmenorrhea-a doppler study |
Dmitrovic, R.;Peter, B.;Cvitkovic-Kuzmic, A.;Strelec, M.;Kereshi, T.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2003-04-25 |
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The diagnosis of functional ovarian cysts using transvaginal ultrasoundcombined with clinical parameters, CA125 determinations, and color Doppler |
Guerriero, S.;Ajossa, S.;Lai, M.P.;Alcazar, J.L.;Paoletti, A.M.;Marisa, O.;Melis, G.B.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2003-09-10 |
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The diagnosis of functional ovarian cysts using transvaginal ultrasoundcombined with clinical parameters, CA125 determinations, and color Doppler |
Guerriero, S.;Ajossa, S.;Lai, M.P.;Alcazar, J.L.;Paoletti, A.M.;Marisa, O.;Melis, G.B.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2003-09-10 |
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Doppler flow and arterial location in ovarian tumors |
Itakura, T.;Kikkawa, F.;Kajiyama, H.;Mitsui, T.;Kawai, M.;Mizutani, S.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
2003-12-01 |
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Doppler flow and arterial location in ovarian tumors |
Itakura, T.;Kikkawa, F.;Kajiyama, H.;Mitsui, T.;Kawai, M.;Mizutani, S.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
2003-12-01 |
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Applications of Ultrasonography in Female Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms:Diagnosis and Intervention |
Huang, W.C.;Yang, J.M.;Yang, S.H.; |
Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2004-09-01 |
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Transvaginal Doppler ultrasound with color flow imaging in luteal phasedefect |
Jain, M.;Sinha, M.;Shukla, R.C.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
2004-03-01 |
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Doppler cerebroplacental ratio for the prediction of adverse perinataloutcome |
Jain, M.;Farooq, T.;Shukla, R.C.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
2004-09-01 |
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Detection of feeding artery improves the ultrasound diagnosis ofendometrial polyps in asymptomatic patients |
Jakab, A.;Ovari, L.;Juhasz, B.;Birinyi, L.;Bacsko, G.;Toth, Z.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2005-03-01 |
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Detection of feeding artery improves the ultrasound diagnosis ofendometrial polyps in asymptomatic patients |
Jakab, A.;Ovari, L.;Juhasz, B.;Birinyi, L.;Bacsko, G.;Toth, Z.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2005-03-01 |
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Aberrant right subclavian artery as a new cardiac sign in second- andthird-trimester fetuses with Down syndrome |
Chaoui, R.;Heling, K.-S.;Sarioglu, N.;Schwabe, M.;Dankof, A.;Bollmann, R.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2005-01-01 |
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Aberrant right subclavian artery as a new cardiac sign in second- andthird-trimester fetuses with Down syndrome |
Chaoui, R.;Heling, K.-S.;Sarioglu, N.;Schwabe, M.;Dankof, A.;Bollmann, R.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2005-01-01 |
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Ultrasonography and color Doppler-based triage for adnexal masses toprovide the most appropriate surgical approach |
Guerriero, S.;Ajossa, S.;Garau, N.;Piras, B.;Paoletti, A.M.;Melis, G.B.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2005-02-01 |
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Recent advances in the sonographic assessment of vascularity and bloodflow in gynecologic conditions |
Fleischer, A.C.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2005-07-01 |
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Transvaginal color Doppler sonographic assessment of uterus and ovariesin postmenopausal women: The effect of local estrogen treatment |
Manonai, J.;Chittacharoen, A.;Theppisai, U.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2006-08-01 |
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Transvaginal color Doppler sonographic assessment of uterus and ovariesin postmenopausal women: The effect of local estrogen treatment |
Manonai, J.;Chittacharoen, A.;Theppisai, U.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2006-08-01 |
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Transvaginal color Doppler sonographic assessment of uterus and ovariesin postmenopausal women: The effect of local estrogen treatment |
Manonai, J.;Chittacharoen, A.;Theppisai, U.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2006-08-01 |
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