


Placental anatomy, fetal demise and therapeutic intervention inmonochorionic twins and the transfusion syndrome: New hypotheses van Gemert, M.J.C.;Major, A.L.;Scherjon, S.A.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 1998-05-01 查看
Placental anatomy, fetal demise and therapeutic intervention inmonochorionic twins and the transfusion syndrome: New hypotheses van Gemert, M.J.C.;Major, A.L.;Scherjon, S.A.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 1998-05-01 查看
Laminaria, induced fetal demise and misoprostol in late abortion Hern, W.M.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2001-12-01 查看
Pathologic uterine torsion associated with placental abruption,maternal shock, and intrauterine fetal demise Cook, K.E.;Jenkins, S.M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-06-01 查看
Protein Z in patients with pregnancy complications Bretelle, F.;Arnoux, D.;Shojai, R.;D'Ercole, C.;Sampol, J.;Dignat, F.;Camoin-Jau, L.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-11-01 查看
Protein Z in patients with pregnancy complications Bretelle, F.;Arnoux, D.;Shojai, R.;D'Ercole, C.;Sampol, J.;Dignat, F.;Camoin-Jau, L.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-11-01 查看
Misoprostol as an adjunctive medication in late surgical abortion Hern, W.M.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2005-03-01 查看
Prior cesarean delivery is not associated with an increased risk ofstillbirth in a subsequent pregnancy: Analysis of U.S. perinatal mortalitydata, 1995-1997 Bahtiyar, M.O.;Julien, S.;Robinson, J.N.;Lumey, L.;Zybert, P.;Copel, J.A.;Lockwood, C.J.;Norwitz, E.R.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-11-01 查看
Umbilical Cord Stricture Causing Intrauterine Fetal Death in a 22-WeekFetus Ling, S.Y.;Hwang, J.L.;Huang, L.W.; Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-03-01 查看
Misoprostol for intrauterine fetal death Gomez Ponce de Leon, R.;Wing, D.;Fiala, C.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2007-12-01 查看
Misoprostol for intrauterine fetal death Gomez Ponce de Leon, R.;Wing, D.;Fiala, C.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2007-12-01 查看
Misoprostol for intrauterine fetal death Gomez Ponce de Leon, R.;Wing, D.;Fiala, C.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2007-12-01 查看
Sublingual compared with oral and vaginal misoprostol for terminationof pregnancy with second-trimester fetal demise Elhassan, E.M.;Abubaker, M.S.;Adam, I.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2008-01-01 查看
Sublingual compared with oral and vaginal misoprostol for terminationof pregnancy with second-trimester fetal demise Elhassan, E.M.;Abubaker, M.S.;Adam, I.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2008-01-01 查看
Sublingual compared with oral and vaginal misoprostol for terminationof pregnancy with second-trimester fetal demise Elhassan, E.M.;Abubaker, M.S.;Adam, I.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2008-01-01 查看
Women's decision making regarding choice of second trimestertermination method for pregnancy complications Kerns, J.;Vanjani, R.;Freedman, L.;Meckstroth, K.;Drey, E.A.;Steinauer, J.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2012-03-01 查看
Labor induction outcomes in third-trimester stillbirths Gawron, L.M.;Kiley, J.W.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2013-12-01 查看
Labor induction outcomes in third-trimester stillbirths Gawron, L.M.;Kiley, J.W.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2013-12-01 查看
Labor induction outcomes in third-trimester stillbirths Gawron, L.M.;Kiley, J.W.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2013-12-01 查看
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