篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Testing surgical skills of obstetric and gynecologic residents in abench laboratory setting: Validity and reliability |
Lentz, G.M.;Mandel, L.S.;Lee, D.;Gardella, C.;Melville, J.;Goff, B.A.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2001-06-01 |
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Evaluation of pelvic and breast examination skills of interns in obstetricsand gynecology and internal medicine |
Dugoff, L.;Everett, M.R.;Vontver, L.;Barley, G.E.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2003-09-01 |
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Implementation and evaluation of a training program to improve residentteaching skills |
Frattarelli, L.C.;Kasuya, R.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2003-09-01 |
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Direct observation as a tool for needs assessment of resident teachingskills in the ambulatory setting |
Katz, N.T.;McCarty-Gillespie, L.;Magrane, D.M.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2003-09-01 |
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Is a resident's score on a videotaped objective structured assessment oftechnical skills affected by revealing the resident's identity? |
Vogt, V.Y.;Givens, V.M.;Keathley, C.A.;Lipscomb, G.H.;Summitt, R.L.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2003-09-01 |
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Evaluation of a clinical skills orientation program for residents |
Nielsen, P.E.;Holland, R.H.B.;Foglia, L.M.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2003-09-01 |
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Teaching residents how to teach improves quality of clerkship |
Hammoud, M.M.;Haefner, H.K.;Schigelone, A.;Gruppen, L.D.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2004-11-01 |
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Comparing the effects of physical practice and mental imagery rehearsal onlearning basic surgical skills by medical students |
Sanders, C.W.;Sadoski, M.;Bramson, R.;Wiprud, R.;Van Walsum, K.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2004-11-01 |
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Assessment of resident surgical skills: Is testing feasible? |
Goff, B.;Mandel, L.;Lentz, G.;VanBlaricom, A.;Oelschlager, A.-M.A.;Lee, D.;Galakatos, A.;Davies, M.;Nielsen, P.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2005-04-01 |
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Self-assessment of resident surgical skills: Is it feasible? |
Mandel, L.S.;Goff, B.A.;Lentz, G.M.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2005-11-01 |
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A new curriculum for hysteroscopy training as demonstrated by anobjective structured assessment of technical skills (OSATS) |
VanBlaricom, A.L.;Goff, B.A.;Chinn, M.;Icasiano, M.M.;Nielsen, P.;Mandel, L.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2005-11-01 |
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Self-assessment of resident surgical skills: Is it feasible? |
Mandel, L.S.;Goff, B.A.;Lentz, G.M.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2005-11-01 |
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A new curriculum for hysteroscopy training as demonstrated by anobjective structured assessment of technical skills (OSATS) |
VanBlaricom, A.L.;Goff, B.A.;Chinn, M.;Icasiano, M.M.;Nielsen, P.;Mandel, L.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2005-11-01 |
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A six-year study of surgical teaching and skills evaluation forobstetric/gynecologic residents in porcine and inanimate surgical models |
Lentz, G.M.;Mandel, L.S.;Goff, B.A.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2005-12-01 |
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Institution and validation of an observed structured assessment oftechnical skills (OSATS) for obstetrics and gynecology residents and faculty |
Swift, S.E.;Carter, J.F.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2006-08-01 |
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A surgical skills laboratory improves residents' knowledge andperformance of episiotomy repair |
Banks, E.;Pardanani, S.;King, M.;Chudnoff, S.;Damus, K.;Freda, M.C.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2006-11-01 |
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Clinical anatomy and surgical skills training (CASST): Development of amulticenter, multidisciplinary program |
Kenton, K.;Mueller, E.R.;Graziano, S.;Summers, S.;Rickey, L.;Oldham, L.;Pombar, X.;Turner, F.;Darrell, B.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2006-12-01 |
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Clinical anatomy and surgical skills training (CASST): Development of amulticenter, multidisciplinary program |
Kenton, K.;Mueller, E.R.;Graziano, S.;Summers, S.;Rickey, L.;Oldham, L.;Pombar, X.;Turner, F.;Darrell, B.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2006-12-01 |
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Basic surgical skills |
Oram, D.H.; |
Best Practice & Research in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
2006-02-01 |
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Training, assessment and competency in gynaecologic surgery |
Hammond, I.;Karthigasu, K.; |
Best Practice & Research in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
2006-02-01 |
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Role of the consultant in obstetrics and gynaecology |
Blott, M.; |
Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine |
2007-04-01 |
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Does a surgical simulator improve resident operative performance oflaparoscopic tubal ligation? |
Banks, E.H.;Chudnoff, S.;Karmin, I.;Wang, C.;Pardanani, S.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2007-11-01 |
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Does a surgical simulator improve resident operative performance oflaparoscopic tubal ligation? |
Banks, E.H.;Chudnoff, S.;Karmin, I.;Wang, C.;Pardanani, S.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2007-11-01 |
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Interobserver agreement in intrapartum estimation of fetal head station |
Buchmann, E.;Libhaber, E.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
2008-06-01 |
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Improving medical students' competence at breast examination |
White, C.B.;Ross, P.T.;Purkiss, J.A.;Hammoud, M.M.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
2008-08-01 |
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Impact of a structured, hands-on, surgical skills training program formidwives performing perineal repair |
Selo-Ojeme, D.;Ojutiku, D.;Ikomi, A.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
2009-09-01 |
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Impact of ALSO training on the management of prolonged labor andneonatal care at Kagera Regional Hospital, Tanzania |
Sorensen, B.L.;Rasch, V.;Massawe, S.;Nyakina, J.;Elsass, P.;Nielsen, B.B.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
2010-10-01 |
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Non-technical skills for obstetricians conducting forceps and vacuumdeliveries: qualitative analysis by interviews and video recordings |
Bahl, R.;Murphy, D.J.;Strachan, B.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2010-06-01 |
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The development of a new speciality training programme in obstetricsand gynaecology in the UK |
Jones, O.;Reid, W.; |
Best Practice & Research in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
2010-12-01 |
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Training and assessment in obstetrics: the role of simulation |
Ennen, C.S.;Satin, A.J.; |
Best Practice & Research in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
2010-12-01 |
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Training and assessment in gynaecologic surgery: the role of simulation |
Goff, B.A.; |
Best Practice & Research in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
2010-12-01 |
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Patterns in training, knowledge, and performance of skilled birthattendants providing emergency obstetric and newborn care in Afghanistan |
Partamin;Kim, Y.M.;Mungia, J.;Faqir, M.;Ansari, N.;Evans, C.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
2012-11-01 |
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Patterns in training, knowledge, and performance of skilled birthattendants providing emergency obstetric and newborn care in Afghanistan |
Partamin;Kim, Y.M.;Mungia, J.;Faqir, M.;Ansari, N.;Evans, C.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
2012-11-01 |
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Patterns in training, knowledge, and performance of skilled birthattendants providing emergency obstetric and newborn care in Afghanistan |
Partamin;Kim, Y.M.;Mungia, J.;Faqir, M.;Ansari, N.;Evans, C.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
2012-11-01 |
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Emergency obstetrics knowledge and practical skills retention amongmedical students in Rwanda following a short training course |
Homaifar, N.;Mwesigye, D.;Tchwenko, S.;Worjoloh, A.;Joharifard, S.;Kyamanywa, P.;Wilkinson, J.;Rulisa, S.;Thielman, N.M.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
2013-02-01 |
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The bionomic approach to patient safety and its application ingynaecological surgery |
Edozien, L.C.; |
Best Practice & Research in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
2013-08-01 |
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Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills (OSATS) evaluationof hysteroscopy training: a prospective study |
Alici, F.;Buerkle, B.;Tempfer, C.B.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2014-07-01 |
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The efficacy of robotic driven handheld instruments for the acquisitionof basic laparoscopic suturing skills |
Zapardiel, I.;Hernandez, A.;De Santiago, J.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2015-03-01 |
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Skills and drills: are they worth the effort? |
Collins, K.J.;Draycott, T.J.; |
Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine |
2015-12-01 |
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Impact of training on emergency resuscitation skills: Impact onMillennium Development Goals (MDGs) 4 and 5 |
Metin Gulmezoglu, A.;Lawrie, T.A.; |
Best Practice & Research in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
2015-11-01 |
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What is the impact of multi-professional emergency obstetric andneonatal care training? |
Bergh, A.M.;Baloyi, S.;Pattinson, R.C.; |
Best Practice & Research in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
2015-11-01 |
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Validation of a structured intensive laparoscopic course for basic andadvanced gynecologic skills training |
Enciso, S.;Diaz-Guemes, I.;Perez-Medina, T.;Zapardiel, I.;de Santiago, J.;Uson, J.;Sanchez-Margallo, F.M.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
2016-05-01 |
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Validation of a structured intensive laparoscopic course for basic andadvanced gynecologic skills training |
Enciso, S.;Diaz-Guemes, I.;Perez-Medina, T.;Zapardiel, I.;de Santiago, J.;Uson, J.;Sanchez-Margallo, F.M.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
2016-05-01 |
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Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgical Education and Assessment. A diplomaprogramme in gynaecological endoscopic surgery |
Campo, R.;Wattiez, A.;Tanos, V.;Di Spiezio Sardo, A.;Grimbizis, G.;Wallwiener, D.;Brucker, S.;Puga, M.;Molinas, R.;O'Donovan, P.;Deprest, J.;Van Belle, Y.;Lissens, A.;Herrmann, A.;Tahir, M.;Benedetto, C.;Siebert, I.;Rabischong, B.;De Wilde, R.L.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2016-04-01 |
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