


Trial of labor after cesarean delivery with a lower-segment, verticaluterine incision: Is it safe? Naef, R.W.;Ray, M.A.;Chauhan, S.P.;Roach, H.;Blake, P.G.;Martin, J.N.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1995-06-01 查看
The partograph in the management of labor following cesarean section Khan, K.S.;Rizvi, A.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 1995-08-01 查看
Predictive score for vaginal birth after cesarean section Weinstein, D.;Benshushan, A.;Tanos, V.;Zilberstein, R.;Rojansky, N.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1996-01-01 查看
Amnioinfusion in women with previous cesarean births: A preliminaryreport Ouzounian, J.G.;Miller, D.A.;Paul, R.H.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1996-02-01 查看
Compound presentation resulting from the forward-roll technique ofexternal cephalic version: A possible mechanism Brost, B.C.;Calhoun, B.C.;Van Dorsten, J.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1996-03-01 查看
Compound presentation resulting from the forward-roll technique ofexternal cephalic version: A possible mechanism Brost, B.C.;Calhoun, B.C.;Van Dorsten, J.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1996-03-01 查看
Vaginal birth after cesarean section in twin gestation Miller, D.A.;Mullin, P.;Hou, D.;Paul, R.H.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1996-07-01 查看
Analysis of repeat cesarean delivery indications: Implications ofheterogeneity Hanley, M.L.;Smulian, J.C.;Lake, M.F.;McLean, D.A.;Vintzileos, A.M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1996-10-01 查看
Vaginal birth after cesarean section: current opinion Weinstein, D.;Benshushan, A.;Ezra, Y.;Rojansky, N.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 1996-04-01 查看
Vaginal birth after cesarean section: current opinion Weinstein, D.;Benshushan, A.;Ezra, Y.;Rojansky, N.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 1996-04-01 查看
Randomized controlled trial of a prenatal vaginal birth after cesareansection education and support program Childbirth Alternatives Post-Cesarean Study Group;Fraser, W.;Maunsell, E.;Hodnett, E.;Moutquin, J.M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-02-01 查看
Characteristics of successful claims for payment by the FloridaNeurologic Injury Compensation Association Fund Stalnaker, B.L.;Maher, J.E.;Kleinman, G.E.;Macksey, J.M.;Fishman, L.A.;Bernard, J.M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997-08-01 查看
Trial of labor after cesarean birth in Iraq Al-Chalabi, K.A.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 1997-08-01 查看
Trial of labor after cesarean birth in Iraq Al-Chalabi, K.A.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 1997-08-01 查看
Trial of labor after cesarean delivery: The effect of previous vaginaldelivery Caughey, A.B.;Shipp, T.D.;Repke, J.T.;Zelop, C.;Cohen, A.;Lieherman, E.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1998-10-01 查看
Uterine rupture associated with the use of misoprostol in the gravidpatient with a previous cesarean section Plaut, M.M.;Schwartz, M.L.;Lubarsky, S.L.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999-06-01 查看
Rate of uterine rupture during a trial of labor in women with one ortwo prior cesarean deliveries Caughey, A.B.;Shipp, T.D.;Repke, J.T.;Zelop, C.M.;Cohen, A.;Lieberman, E.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999-10-01 查看
Incidence of uterine rupture among women with mu @?llerian ductanomalies who attempt vaginal birth after cesarean delivery Ravasia, D.J.;Brain, P.H.;Pollard, J.K.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999-10-01 查看
Uterine rupture during induced or augmented labor in gravid women withone prior cesarean delivery Zelop, C.M.;Shipp, T.D.;Repke, J.T.;Cohen, A.;Caughey, A.B.;Lieberman, E.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999-10-01 查看
Is vaginal birth after cesarean less expensive than repeat cesareandelivery? Clark, S.L.;Scott, J.R.;Porter, T.F.;Schlappy, D.A.;McClellan, V.;Burton, D.A.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2000-03-01 查看
Maternal and neonatal outcomes after uterine rupture in labor Yap, O.;Kim, E.S.;Laros, R.K.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001-06-01 查看
Failed vaginal birth after a cesarean section: How risky is it? Hibbard, J.U.;Ismail, M.A.;Wang, Y.;Te, C.;Karrison, T.;Ismail, M.A.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001-06-01 查看
Using active management of labor and vaginal birth after previouscesarean delivery to lower cesarean delivery rates: A 10-year experience Naiden, J.;Deshpande, P.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001-06-01 查看
Factors associated with vaginal birth after cesarean in a maternityhospital of Rio de Janeiro d'Orsi, E.;Chor, D.;Giffin, K.;Barbosa, G.P.;Angulo-Tuesta, A.J.;Gama, A.S.;Pessoa, L.G.;Shiraiwa, T.;Fonseca, M.J.M.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2001-08-01 查看
Factors associated with vaginal birth after cesarean in a maternityhospital of Rio de Janeiro d'Orsi, E.;Chor, D.;Giffin, K.;Barbosa, G.P.;Angulo-Tuesta, A.J.;Gama, A.S.;Pessoa, L.G.;Shiraiwa, T.;Fonseca, M.J.M.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2001-08-01 查看
Factors associated with vaginal birth after cesarean in a maternityhospital of Rio de Janeiro d'Orsi, E.;Chor, D.;Giffin, K.;Barbosa, G.P.;Angulo-Tuesta, A.J.;Gama, A.S.;Pessoa, L.G.;Shiraiwa, T.;Fonseca, M.J.M.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2001-08-01 查看
Deciding on route of delivery for obese women with a prior cesareandelivery Edwards, R.K.;Scott Harnsberger, D.;Johnson, I.M.;William Treloar, R.;Cruz, A.C.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003-08-01 查看
Maternal and perinatal complications with uterine rupture in 142,075patients who attempted vaginal birth after cesarean delivery: A review ofthe literature Chauhan, S.P.;Martin, J.N.;Henrichs, C.E.;Morrison, J.C.;Magann, E.F.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003-08-01 查看
Vaginal birth after cesarean section: Trial of labor or repeat cesareansection? A decision analysis Mankuta, D.D.;Leshno, M.M.;Menasche, M.M.;Brezis, M.M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003-09-01 查看
Uterine rupture, perioperative and perinatal morbidity after single-layerand double-layer closure at cesarean delivery Durnwald, C.;Mercer, B.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003-10-01 查看
Predicting vaginal birth after cesarean delivery: A review of prognosticfactors and screening tools Hashima, J.N.;Eden, K.B.;Osterweil, P.;Nygren, P.;Guise, J.-M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-02-01 查看
Predicting vaginal birth after cesarean delivery: A review of prognosticfactors and screening tools Hashima, J.N.;Eden, K.B.;Osterweil, P.;Nygren, P.;Guise, J.-M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-02-01 查看
Diet-controlled gestational diabetes mellitus does not influence thesuccess rates for vaginal birth after cesarean delivery Marchiano, D.;Elkousy, M.;Stevens, E.;Peipert, J.;Macones, G.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-03-01 查看
Diet-controlled gestational diabetes mellitus does not influence thesuccess rates for vaginal birth after cesarean delivery Marchiano, D.;Elkousy, M.;Stevens, E.;Peipert, J.;Macones, G.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-03-01 查看
Trial of labor in patients with a previous cesarean section: does maternalage influence the outcome? Bujold, E.;Hammoud, A.O.;Hendler, I.;Berman, S.;Blackwell, S.C.;Duperron, L.;Gauthier, R.J.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-04-01 查看
Risk of uterine rupture in labor induction of patients with prior cesareansection: an inner city hospital experience Lin, C.;Raynor, B.D.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-05-01 查看
Risk of uterine rupture in labor induction of patients with prior cesareansection: an inner city hospital experience Lin, C.;Raynor, B.D.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-05-01 查看
Risk of uterine rupture in labor induction of patients with priorcesarean section: an inner city hospital experience Lin, C.;Raynor, B.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-05-01 查看
The magnetic resonance imaging-based fetal-pelvic index: A pilot study inthe community hospital Fox, L.K.;Huerta-Enochian, G.S.;Hamlin, J.A.;Katz, V.L.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-06-01 查看
Uterine rupture: differences between a scarred and an unscarred uterus Ofir, K.;Sheiner, E.;Levy, A.;Katz, M.;Mazor, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-08-01 查看
The impact of maternal obesity and weight gain on vaginal birth aftercesarean section success Durnwald, C.P.;Ehrenberg, H.M.;Mercer, B.M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-09-01 查看
Comparison of maternal mortality and morbidity between trial of labor andelective cesarean section among women with previous cesarean delivery Wen, S.W.;Rusen, I.D.;Walker, M.;Liston, R.;Kramer, M.S.;Baskett, T.;Heaman, M.;Liu, S.;for the Maternal Health Study Group;Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-10-01 查看
Comparison of maternal mortality and morbidity between trial of labor andelective cesarean section among women with previous cesarean delivery Wen, S.W.;Rusen, I.D.;Walker, M.;Liston, R.;Kramer, M.S.;Baskett, T.;Heaman, M.;Liu, S.;for the Maternal Health Study Group;Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-10-01 查看
Is vaginal birth after cesarean delivery a safe option in India? George, A.;Arasi, K.V.;Mathai, M.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2004-04-01 查看
Predictors of labor and vaginal birth after cesarean section Cameron, C.A.;Roberts, C.L.;Peat, B.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2004-06-01 查看
Predictive factors for vaginal birth after cesarean delivery Cho, M.K.;Kim, Y.H.;Song, T.B.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2004-09-01 查看
Mode of delivery after one cesarean section van Bogaert, L.-J.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2004-10-01 查看
Mode of delivery after one cesarean section van Bogaert, L.-J.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2004-10-01 查看
Obstetric outcomes in women with two prior cesarean deliveries: Is vaginalbirth after cesarean delivery a viable option? Macones, G.A.;Cahill, A.;Pare, E.;Stamilio, D.M.;Ratcliffe, S.;Stevens, E.;Sammel, M.;Peipert, J.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-04-01 查看
Obesity as a risk factor for failed trial of labor in patients withprevious cesarean delivery Goodall, P.T.;Ahn, J.T.;Chapa, J.B.;Hibbard, J.U.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-05-01 查看
Repeat cesarean section and primary elective cesarean section: Recentlytrained obstetrician-gynecologist practice patterns and opinions Kenton, K.;Brincat, C.;Mutone, M.;Brubaker, L.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-06-01 查看
Maternal complications with vaginal birth after cesarean delivery: Amulticenter study Macones, G.A.;Peipert, J.;Nelson, D.B.;Odibo, A.;Stevens, E.J.;Stamilio, D.M.;Pare, E.;Elovitz, M.;Sciscione, A.;Sammel, M.D.;Ratcliffe, S.J.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-11-01 查看
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