


Development of culturally appropriate pictorial cards to facilitatematernal health histories in rural Ghana Sabet Sarvestani, A.;Konney, T.O.;Sienko, K.H.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2013-12-01 查看
Development of culturally appropriate pictorial cards to facilitatematernal health histories in rural Ghana Sabet Sarvestani, A.;Konney, T.O.;Sienko, K.H.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2013-12-01 查看
Development of culturally appropriate pictorial cards to facilitatematernal health histories in rural Ghana Sabet Sarvestani, A.;Konney, T.O.;Sienko, K.H.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2013-12-01 查看
Community mobilization and service strengthening to increase awarenessand use of postabortion care and family planning in Kenya Undie, C.C.;Van Lith, L.M.;Wahome, M.;Obare, F.;Oloo, E.;Curtis, C.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2014-07-01 查看
Community mobilization and service strengthening to increase awarenessand use of postabortion care and family planning in Kenya Undie, C.C.;Van Lith, L.M.;Wahome, M.;Obare, F.;Oloo, E.;Curtis, C.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2014-07-01 查看
Advance distribution of misoprostol for the prevention of postpartumhemorrhage in South Sudan Smith, J.M.;Dimiti, A.;Dwivedi, V.;Ochieng, I.;Dalaka, M.;Currie, S.;Luka, E.E.;Rumunu, J.;Orero, S.;Mungia, J.;McKaig, C.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2014-11-01 查看
The content and delivery of psychological interventions for perinataldepression by non-specialist health workers in low and middle incomecountries: A systematic review Chowdhary, N.;Sikander, S.;Atif, N.;Singh, N.;Ahmad, I.;Fuhr, D.C.;Rahman, A.;Patel, V.; Best Practice & Research in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2014-01-01 查看
Pairing community health workers with HPV self-sampling for cervicalcancer prevention in rural Haiti Mandigo, M.;Frett, B.;Laurent, J.R.;Bishop, I.;Raymondville, M.;Marsh, S.;Kobetz, E.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2015-03-01 查看
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