


Multifetal pregnancy reduction: Evaluation of fetal growth in theremaining twins Depp, R.;Macones, G.A.;Rosenn, M.F.;Turzo, E.;Wapner, R.J.;Weinblatt, V.J.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1996-04-01 查看
Multifetal pregnancy reduction: Evaluation of fetal growth in theremaining twins Depp, R.;Macones, G.A.;Rosenn, M.F.;Turzo, E.;Wapner, R.J.;Weinblatt, V.J.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1996-04-01 查看
Aggressive perinatal care for high-order multiple gestations: Does goodperinatal outcome justify aggressive assisted reproductive techniques? Angel, J.L.;Kalter, C.S.;Morales, W.J.;Rasmussen, C.;Caron, L.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999-08-01 查看
Multiple pregnancies in women after renal transplantation - Case reportthat rises a management dilemma Furman, B.;Wiznitzer, A.;Hackmon, R.;Gohar, J.;Mazor, M.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 1999-05-01 查看
Multiple pregnancies in women after renal transplantation Furman, B.;Wiznitzer, A.;Hackmon, R.;Gohar, J.;Mazor, M.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 1999-05-01 查看
Multiple pregnancies in women after renal transplantation Furman, B.;Wiznitzer, A.;Hackmon, R.;Gohar, J.;Mazor, M.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 1999-05-01 查看
Management of a triplet pregnancy with two anencephalic fetuses andpolyhydramnios Soriano, D.;Seidman, D.S.;Lipitz, S.;Zalel, Y.;Schiff, E.;Achiron, R.;Mashiach, S.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2001-06-01 查看
Management of a triplet pregnancy with two anencephalic fetuses andpolyhydramnios Soriano, D.;Seidman, D.S.;Lipitz, S.;Zalel, Y.;Schiff, E.;Achiron, R.;Mashiach, S.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2001-06-01 查看
Fetal reduction Whittle, M.; Current Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2002-04-01 查看
Fetal reduction Whittle, M.; Current Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2002-04-01 查看
Fetal reduction Whittle, M.; Current Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2002-04-01 查看
Delayed Uterine Rupture After Fetal Reduction in a Case of CornualHeterotopic Pregnancy Su, M.T.;Kuo, P.L.;Hsu, K.F.; Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-09-01 查看
Inhibin A level in early pregnancy following in-vitro fertilization andembryo transfer Hwang, J.L.;Chen, H.J.;Tzeng, C.R.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2006-07-01 查看
Multiple pregnancy: Legal and ethical issues Dickens, B.M.;Cook, R.J.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2008-12-01 查看
Fetal reduction Morris, R.K.;Kilby, M.D.; Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine 2010-11-01 查看
Ruptured pyosalpinx following a fetal reduction procedure Kim, Y.S.;Kwon, H.;Choi, D.H.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2012-10-01 查看
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