篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Hyperechogenic fetal bowel: An ultrasonographic marker for adverse fetaland neonatal outcome |
Muller, F.;Dommergues, M.;Aubry, M.-C.;Simon-Bouy, B.;Gautier, E.;Oury, J.-F.;Narcy, F.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1995-08-01 |
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Low incidence of congenital toxoplasmosis in children born to womeninfected with human immunodeficiency virus - European Collaborative Studyand Research Network on Congenital Toxoplasmosis |
Dunn, D.;Newell, M.-L.;Gilbert, R.;Mok, J.;Petersen, E.;Peckham, C.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
1996-09-01 |
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Vertical transmission of toxoplasma by human immunodeficiencyvirus-infected women |
Minkoff, H.;Remington, J.S.;Holman, S.;Ramirez^c, R.;Goodwin, S.;Landesman, S.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-03-01 |
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Discordant prenatal diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis in a dizygoticpregnancy |
Tjalma, W.;Vanderheyden, T.;Naessens, A.;Vanderheyden, J.;Foulon, W.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
1998-07-01 |
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Discordant prenatal diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis in adizygotic pregnancy |
Tjalma, W.;Vanderheyden, T.;Naessens, A.;Vanderheyden, J.;Foulon, W.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
1998-07-01 |
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Double maternal seroconversion to cytomegalovirus and Toxoplasma gondii |
Aubard, Y.;Rogez, S.;Darde, M.L.;Fermeaux, V.;Servaud, M.;Lienhardt, A.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
1998-10-01 |
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Double maternal seroconversion to cytomegalovirus and Toxoplasma gondii |
Aubard, Y.;Rogez, S.;Darde, M.;Fermeaux, V.;Servaud, M.;Lienhardt, A.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
1998-10-01 |
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Prenatal diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis: A multicenterevaluation of different diagnostic parameters |
Foulon, W.;Pinon, J.M.;Stray-Pedersen, B.;Pollak, A.;Lappalainen, M.;Decoster, A.;Villena, I.;Jenum, P.A.;Hayde, M.;Naessens, A.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1999-10-01 |
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Neonatal screening for congenital toxoplasmosis in a cohort of 165 womeninfected during pregnancy and influence of in utero treatment on theresults of neonatal tests |
Bessieres, M.H.;Berrebi, A.;Rolland, M.;Bloom, M.C.;Roques, C.;Cassaing, S.;Courjault, C.;Seguela, J.-P.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2001-01-01 |
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Neonatal screening for congenital toxoplasmosis in a cohort of 165women infected during pregnancy and influence of in utero treatment on theresults of neonatal tests |
Bessieres, M.;Berrebi, A.;Rolland, M.;Bloom, M.;Roques, C.;Cassaing, S.;Courjault, C.;Seguela, J.P.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2001-01-01 |
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Pregnancy as a risk factor for acute toxoplasmosis seroconversion |
Avelino, M.M.;Campos, D.;de Parada, J.d.C.B.;de Castro, A.M.;Institutions associated with the research: Medical School of the Federal;University of Goias (FM-UFG), Institute of Tropical Pathology and Public;Health of the Federal University of Goias (IPTESP-UFG), National Foundation;of Support to Research (FUNAPE), State Secretary of Health of Goias, and;Municipal Secretary of Health of Goiania (GO). Study accomplished between;January 1997 and 1999.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2003-05-01 |
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Pregnancy as a risk factor for acute toxoplasmosis seroconversion |
Avelino, M.M.;Campos, D.;de Parada, J.d.C.B.;de Castro, A.M.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2003-05-01 |
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Incidence of toxoplasmosis in 5532 pregnant women in Crete, Greece:management of 185 cases at risk |
Antoniou, M.;Tzouvali, H.;Sifakis, S.;Galanakis, E.;Georgopoulou, E.;Liakou, V.;Giannakopoulou, C.;Koumantakis, E.;Tselentis, Y.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2004-12-01 |
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Incidence of toxoplasmosis in 5532 pregnant women in Crete, Greece:management of 185 cases at risk |
Antoniou, M.;Tzouvali, H.;Sifakis, S.;Galanakis, E.;Georgopoulou, E.;Liakou, V.;Giannakopoulou, C.;Koumantakis, E.;Tselentis, Y.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2004-12-01 |
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Usefulness of quantitative polymerase chain reaction in amniotic fluid asearly prognostic marker of fetal infection with Toxoplasma gondii |
Romand, S.;Chosson, M.;Franck, J.;Wallon, M.;Kieffer, F.;Kaiser, K.;Dumon, H.;Peyron, F.;Thulliez, P.;Picot, S.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2004-03-01 |
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Usefulness of quantitative polymerase chain reaction in amniotic fluidas early prognostic marker of fetal infection with Toxoplasma gondii |
Romand, S.;Chosson, M.;Franck, J.;Wallon, M.;Kieffer, F.;Kaiser, K.;Dumon, H.;Peyron, F.;Thulliez, P.;Picot, S.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2004-03-01 |
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Risk factors for Toxoplasma gondii infection in mothers of infants withcongenital toxoplasmosis: Implications for prenatal management andscreening |
Boyer, K.M.;Holfels, E.;Roizen, N.;Swisher, C.;Mack, D.;Remington, J.;Withers, S.;Meier, P.;McLeod, R.;the Toxoplasmosis Study Group; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2005-02-01 |
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Biases in observational studies of the effect of prenatal treatment forcongenital toxoplasmosis |
Thiebaut, R.;Leroy, V.;Alioum, A.;Binquet, C.;Poizat, G.;Salmi, L.R.;Gras, L.;Salamon, R.;Gilbert, R.;Chene, G.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2006-01-01 |
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Biases in observational studies of the effect of prenatal treatment forcongenital toxoplasmosis |
Thiebaut, R.;Leroy, V.;Alioum, A.;Binquet, C.;Poizat, G.;Salmi, L.R.;Gras, L.;Salamon, R.;Gilbert, R.;Chene, G.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2006-01-01 |
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Effectiveness of health education on Toxoplasma-related knowledge,behaviour, and risk of seroconversion in pregnancy |
the European Toxoprevention Study Group (EUROTOXO);Gollub, E.L.;Leroy, V.;Gilbert, R.;Chene, G.;Wallon, M.; |
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology |
2008-02-01 |
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Cesarean delivery or induction of labor does not prevent verticaltransmission of toxoplasmosis in late pregnancy |
Wallon, M.;Kieffer, F.;Huissoud, C.;Peyron, F.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
2015-05-01 |
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Cesarean delivery or induction of labor does not prevent verticaltransmission of toxoplasmosis in late pregnancy |
Wallon, M.;Kieffer, F.;Huissoud, C.;Peyron, F.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
2015-05-01 |
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Cesarean delivery or induction of labor does not prevent verticaltransmission of toxoplasmosis in late pregnancy |
Wallon, M.;Kieffer, F.;Huissoud, C.;Peyron, F.; |
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics |
2015-05-01 |
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