



Social physique anxiety and disordered eating: what@?s the connection? -The BULIT-R Diehl, N.S.;Johnson, C.E.;Rogers, R.L.;Petrie, T.A.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-01-02 查看
Cue reactivity in cocaine-dependent subjects: effects of cue type and cuemodality - Mechanisms and treatment Johnson, B.A.;Chen, Y.R.;Schmitz, J.;Bordnick, P.;Shafer, A.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-01-02 查看
Alcohol outcome expectancies and coping styles as predictors of alcohol usein young adults - The role of alcohol expectancies in the understanding andtreatment of problem drinking McKEE, S.A.;Hinson, R.E.;Wall, A.-M.;Spriel, P.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-01-02 查看
Is the intention to quit smoking influenced by other heart-healthylifestyle habits in 30- to 60-year-old men? - National health promotion anddisease prevention objectives (DHHS Publication No. [PHS] 91-50212. Officeof the Assistant Secretary for Health, Office of Disease Prevention andHealth Promotion) Nguyet, N.M.;Beland, F.;Otis, J.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-01-02 查看
Body image and obesity: effects of gender and weight on perceptual measuresof body image - Which self-beliefs predict body size overestimation? Leonhard, M.L.;Barry, N.J.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-01-02 查看
Complaints that predict drop-out from a detoxification and counselling unit- A prospective study Berg, J.E.;Brevik, J.I.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-01-02 查看
A prospective evaluation of the relationship between reasons for drinkingand dsm-iv alcohol-use disorders - Their relationship to psychosocialvariables and alcohol consumption Carpenter, K.M.;Hasin, D.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-01-02 查看
A comprehensive investigation of putative correlates of bulimia amongcollege-age women: object relations, dependency, ego defenses, traitanxiety, and depression - Validation with DSM-IV criteria for bulimianervosa Zborowski, M.J.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-01-02 查看
Cessation of cocaine use during pregnancy: effects of contingencymanagement interventions on maintaining abstinence and complying withprenatal care - A psychological perspective Elk, R.;Mangus, L.;Rhoades, H.;Andres, R.;Grabowski, J.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-01-02 查看
Social anxiety, alcohol expectancies, and drinking-game participation -Clinical and Experimental Research Johnson, T.J.;Wendel, J.;Hamilton, S.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-01-02 查看
Perceived coercion among clients entering substance abuse treatment:structural and psychological determinants - Effects on expectancy formationand task engagement Wild, T.C.;Newton-Taylor, B.;Alletto, R.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-01-02 查看
Effects of a personalized system of skill acquisition and an educationalprogram in the treatment of obesity - 1993-4 evolution Fuller, P.R.;Perri, M.G.;Leermakers, E.A.;Guyer, L.K.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-01-02 查看
Gender differences in the effect of job stressors on alcohol consumption -Clinical and Experimental Research Roxburgh, S.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-01-02 查看
Is smoking associated with lower body mass in adolescents?: a large-scalebiracial investigation - A comprehensive review of the literature Klesges, R.C.;Robinson, L.A.;Zbikowski, S.M.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-01-02 查看
A comparison of the three-factor eating questionnaire and the restraintscale and consideration of lowe@?s three-factor model - A test of restrainttheory@?s disinhibition hypothesis Ridgway, P.S.;Jeffrey, D.B.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-01-02 查看
Cocaine use associated with increased suicidal behavior in depressedalcoholics - Clinical and Experimental Research Cornelius, J.R.;Thase, M.E.;Salloum, I.M.;Cornelius, M.D.;Black, A.;Mann, J.J.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-01-02 查看
The role of cognitive factors in cue reactivity: extinction on demand -Implications for a stimulus control of drinking Corty, E.W.;Minehart, R.E.;Campbell, N.M.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-01-02 查看
Gender in relation to relapse crisis situations, coping, and outcome amongtreated alcoholics - Clinical and Experimental Research Annis, H.M.;Sklar, S.M.;Moser, A.E.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-01-02 查看
Intention to stop smoking among norwegian smokers: the role of nicotinedependence, type of cigarettes, and age at onset of daily smoking - Test ofan expectancy-value approach Kraft, P.;Svendsen, T.;Hauknes, A.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-01-02 查看
Dynamic typology clustering within the stages of change for smokingcessation - An integrative model Norman, G.J.;Velicer, W.F.;Fava, J.L.;Prochaska, J.O.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-03-04 查看
Psychological and behavioural factors associated with relapse among heroinabusers treated in therapeutic communities - Observations and reflections del POZO, J.M.L.;G@?MEZ, C.F.;Fraile, M.G.;P@?REZ, I.V.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-03-04 查看
Eating behavior and weight control among women using smokeless tobacco,cigarettes, and normal controls - An interview study of 94 adult malesmokeless tobacco users Gerend, M.A.;Boyle, R.G.;Peterson, C.B.;Hatsukami, D.K.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-03-04 查看
Variations in psychosocial functioning associated with patterns ofprogression in cocaine-dependent men - Methodology and preliminary findings Kasarabada, N.D.;Anglin, M.D.;Khalsa-Denison, E.;Paredes, A.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-03-04 查看
Measuring readiness and motivation to quit smoking among women in publichealth clinics: predictive validity - Applications to addictive behaviors Crittenden, K.S.;Manfredi, C.;Warnecke, R.B.;Cho, Y.I.;Parsons, J.A.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-03-04 查看
The role of weight control as a motivation for cocaine abuse - A profile Cochrane, C.;Malcolm, R.;Brewerton, T.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-03-04 查看
Individual differences in cue reactivity among smokers trying to quit:effects of gender and cue type - Heuristics and biases Niaura, R.;Shadel, W.G.;Abrams, D.B.;Monti, P.M.;Rohsenow, D.J.;Sirota, A.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-03-04 查看
The applicability of the theory of planned behavior to the intention toquit smoking across workplaces in southern taiwan - Prevalence rates andrisk factors Hu, S.-C.;Lanese, R.R.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-03-04 查看
Substance abuse treatment for pregnant women: a window of opportunity? -Obstetrical, neonatal and child development outcomes Daley, M.;Argeriou, M.;McCARTY, D.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-03-04 查看
Heart rate responses indicate locked-in attention in alcoholics immediatelyprior to drinking - Role of automatic and nonautomatic processes Stormark, K.M.;Laberg, J.C.;Nordby, H.;Hugdahl, K.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-03-04 查看
The frequency and impact of violent traumaAmong pregnant substance abusers- A clinically-oriented review Thompson, M.P.;Kingree, J.B.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-03-04 查看
Smoking and cognitive deficits in schizophrenia: a pilot study - Adouble-blind placebo-controlled study Taiminen, T.J.;Salokangas, R.K.R.;Saarijarvi, S.;Niemi, H.;Lehto, H.;Ahola, V.;Syvalahti, E.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-03-04 查看
Psychophysiological reactivity to alcohol advertising in light and moderatesocial drinkers - Stimulus specificity and extinction of the responses Cassisi, J.E.;Delehant, M.;Tsoutsouris, J.S.;Levin, J.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-03-04 查看
Drug problem recognition among african american drug-using arrestees - Theexperience of using and quitting Longshore, D.;Grills, C.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-03-04 查看
The effect of electronic surveillance on alcohol misuse and everydaybehavior - An interactional perspective Magneberg, R.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-05-06 查看
Stages of acquisition and cessation for adolescent smoking: an empiricalintegration - Concepts, issues, and applications Pallonen, U.E.;Prochaska, J.O.;Velicer, W.F.;Prokhorov, A.V.;Smith, N.F.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-05-06 查看
The topography of relapse in clinical samples - A 10-year follow-up Westerberg, V.S.;Miller, W.R.;Harris, R.J.;Tonigan, J.S.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-05-06 查看
Smokers in four stages of readiness to change - An integrative model Dijkstra, A.;Roijackers, J.;De VRIES, H.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-05-06 查看
Stages of change and self-efficacy for controlling drinking and driving: apsychometric analysis - Methods for classification and policy implications Wells-Parker, E.;Williams, M.;Dill, P.;Kenne, D.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-05-06 查看
The impact of substance abusers@? readiness to change on psychological andbehavioral functioning - Process of Change Hile, M.G.;Adkins, R.E.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-05-06 查看
Alcohol consumption in university students: the role of reasons fordrinking, coping strategies, expectancies, and personality traits - Anational survey of students at 140 campuses Williams, A.;Clark, D.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-05-06 查看
Alcohol and marijuana use among rural youth: interaction of social andintrapersonal influences - Prevention and early intervention approaches Botvin, G.J.;Malgady, R.G.;Griffin, K.W.;Scheier, L.M.;Epstein, J.A.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-05-06 查看
Stages of change profiles among incarcerated drug-using women - Aself-reported depression scale for research in the general population El-Bassel, N.;Schilling, R.F.;Ivanoff, A.;Chen, D.-R.;Hanson, M.;Bidassie, B.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-05-06 查看
Who smokes in hollywood? characteristics of smokers in popular films from1940 to 1989 - The changing influence of gender and race McINTOSH, W.D.;Bazzini, D.G.;Smith, S.M.;Wayne, S.M.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-05-06 查看
Awareness of self-change as a pathway to recovery for alcohol abusers:results from five different groups - A research note Cunningham, J.A.;Sobell, L.C.;Sobell, M.B.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-05-06 查看
Self-reported high-risk locations of adolescent drug use - Youth at riskfor drug abuse Sussman, S.;Stacy, A.W.;Ames, S.L.;Freedman, L.B.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-05-06 查看
Alcoholism and emotional reactivity: more heterogeneous film-inducedemotional response in newly detoxified alcoholics compared to controls-apreliminary study - A multidimensional analysis incorporating startle-probemethodology Kornreich, C.;Philippot, P.;Verpoorten, C.;Dan, B.;Baert, I.;Le BON, O.;Verbanck, P.;Pelc, I.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-05-06 查看
Sexual adjustment of male alcoholics: changes from before to afterreceiving alcoholism counseling with and without marital therapy - Thequest for a new diagnostic instrument O@?FARRELL, T.J.;Kleinke, C.L.;Cutter, H.S.G.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-05-06 查看
Improving credibility of instructions in the balanced placebo design - Thecompensation for alcohol effect EppsEpps, J.;MonkMonk, C.;SavageSavage, S.;MarlattMarlatt, G.A.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
Causal relationships of processes of change and decisional balance - Dotailored messages make a difference? PollakPollak, K.I.;CarbonariCarbonari, J.P.;DiclementeDiclemente, C.C.;NiemannNiemann, Y.F.;MullenMullen, P.D.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
Reliability and validity of the cocaine selective severity assessment - Theeffect on sleep and mood KampmanKampman, K.M.;VolpicelliVolpicelli, J.R.;McginnisMcginnis, D.E.;AltermanAlterman, A.I.;WeinriebWeinrieb, R.M.;D'angeloD'Angelo, L.;EppersonEpperson, L.E.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
Improving credibility of instructions in the balanced placebo design: amisattribution manipulation Epps, J.;Monk, C.;Savage, S.;Marlatt, G.A.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
Causal relationships of processes of change and decisional balance:stage-specific models for smoking Pollak, K.I.;Carbonari, J.P.;DiClemente, C.C.;Niemann, Y.F.;Mullen, P.D.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
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