



Commentary: Can this evaluation be saved? The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-21-01 查看
Commentary: An opportunity for mentoring? The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-21-01 查看
2002 AEA Awards Rogers, P.J.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-21-01 查看
AJE contribution categories The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-21-01 查看
fm ii: Editorial board The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-21-01 查看
fm vi: Contents The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-21-01 查看
Welcome to the first issue of the American Journal of Evaluation for 2004! The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-21-01 查看
Shoestring Evaluation: Designing Impact Evaluations under Budget, Time andData Constraints Bamberger, M.;Rugh, J.;Church, M.;Fort, L.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-21-01 查看
Strategies for Values Inquiry: An Exploratory Case Study Renger, R.;Bourdeau, B.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-21-01 查看
Formative Evaluation for Implementation: Evaluating Educational TechnologyApplications and Lessons Weston, T.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-21-01 查看
Utilizing Collaboration Theory to Evaluate Strategic Alliances Gajda, R.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-21-01 查看
A Low-Cost, Post Hoc Method to Rate Overall Site Quality in a Multi-SiteDemonstration Barth, M.C.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-21-01 查看
A Note on the Purposes, Development, and Applicability of the JointCommittee Evaluation Standards Stufflebeam, D.L.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-21-01 查看
How Far Dare an Evaluator Go Toward Saving the World? Stake, B.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-21-01 查看
Using Corporate Data in Workplace Program Evaluation Spicer, R.;Nelkin, V.;Miller, T.;Becker, L.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-21-01 查看
Ethical Challenges-The Steering Committee The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-21-01 查看
Editorial Board The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
Contents The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
From the Editor Mark, M.M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
Theory-Based Evaluation: The Case of Social Funds CARVALHO, S.;WHITE, H.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
Modeling Trajectories in Social Program Outcomes for PerformanceAccountability GORDON, R.A.;HEINRICH, C.J.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
Using Concept Mapping to Develop a Logic Model and Articulate a ProgramTheory: A Case Example YAMPOLSKAYA, S.;NESMAN, T.M.;HERNANDEZ, M.;KOCH, D.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
How Might We Strengthen Evaluation Capacity to Manage Evaluation Contracts? NEWCOMER, K.E.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
What's All the Talk About? Examining EVALTALK, an Evaluation Listserv CHRISTIE, C.A.;AZZAM, T.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
Ethical Challenges Morris, M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
The Oral History of Evaluation Part II: The Professional Development ofLois-ellin Datta Miller, R.;THE ORAL HISTORY PROJECT TEAM; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
Editorial Board The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
Contents The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
From the Editor Mark, M.M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
Theory-Based Evaluation: The Case of Social Funds CARVALHO, S.;WHITE, H.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
Modeling Trajectories in Social Program Outcomes for PerformanceAccountability GORDON, R.A.;HEINRICH, C.J.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
Using Concept Mapping to Develop a Logic Model and Articulate a ProgramTheory: A Case Example YAMPOLSKAYA, S.;NESMAN, T.M.;HERNANDEZ, M.;KOCH, D.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
How Might We Strengthen Evaluation Capacity to Manage Evaluation Contracts? NEWCOMER, K.E.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
What's All the Talk About? Examining EVALTALK, an Evaluation Listserv CHRISTIE, C.A.;AZZAM, T.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
Ethical Challenges Morris, M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
The Oral History of Evaluation Part II: The Professional Development ofLois-ellin Datta Miller, R.;THE ORAL HISTORY PROJECT TEAM; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
Practical Training in Evaluation: A Review of the Literature TREVISAN, M.S.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
AJE contribution categories The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
The Evaluators Institute Certificate The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
Practical Training in Evaluation: A Review of the Literature TREVISAN, M.S.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
AJE contribution categories The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
The Evaluators Institute Certificate The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-22-01 查看
Editorial Board The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-23-01 查看
Contents The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-23-01 查看
From the Editor The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-23-01 查看
Creating a Culture of Data Use for Continuous Improvement: A Case Study ofan Edison Project School SUTHERLAND, S.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-23-01 查看
Do Family Caps on Welfare Affect Births Among Welfare Recipients? -Reconciling Efficacy and Effectiveness Estimates of Impact through aBlended Design Strategy JAGANNATHAN, R.;CAMASSO, M.J.;KILLINGSWORTH, M.R.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-23-01 查看
Improving Design Sensitivity through Intervention-Sensitive Measures MEIER, S.T.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-23-01 查看
Evaluating Youth Justice in the UK PAYLOR, I.;SIMMILL-BINNING, C.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-23-01 查看
Quality in Early Childhood Programs: Reflections from Program EvaluationPractices LEE, J.-H.;WALSH, D.J.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-23-01 查看
Teaching Evaluation through Modeling: Using the Delphi Technique to AssessProblems in Academic Programs GARAVALIA, L.;GREDLER, M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-23-01 查看
Ethical Challenges MORRIS, M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2004-23-01 查看
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