


Fetal urine production at different gestational ages: correlation tovarious compromised fetuses in utero Takeuchi, H.;Koyanagi, T.;Yoshizato, T.;Takashima, T.;Satoh, S.;Nakano, H.; Early Human Development 1994-12-16 查看
Growth deficient fetuses with absent or reversed umbilical arteryend-diastolic flow are metabolically compromised Steiner, H.;Staudach, A.;Spitzer, D.;Schaffer, K.H.;Gregg, A.;Weiner, C.P.; Early Human Development 1995-03-17 查看
Pulmonary hypoplasia and fetal breathing in preterm premature rupture ofmembranes Roberts, A.B.;Mitchell, J.; Early Human Development 1995-03-17 查看
Three-dimensional ultrasound image of the fetal stomach: congenitalduodenal obstruction in utero Yoshizato, T.;Koyanagi, T.;Nagata, S.;Takashima, T.;Fukushima, S.;Nakano, H.; Early Human Development 1995-03-17 查看
Doppler velocimetry and behavioural state development in relation toperinatal outcome in pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes Gazzolo, D.;Scopesi, F.;Russo, A.;Camoriano, R.;Santi, F.;Di Renzo, G.C.;Visser, G.H.A.;Bruschettini, P.L.; Early Human Development 1995-04-28 查看
Fetal behaviour in normal and compromised fetuses. An overview Romanini, C.;Rizzo, G.; Early Human Development 1995-10-02 查看
Influence of perinatal, developmental and environmental factors oncognitive abilities of preterm children without major impairments at 5years Fawer, C.L.;Besnier, S.;Forcada, M.;Buclin, T.;Calame, A.; Early Human Development 1995-10-02 查看
Behavioural development and Doppler velocimetry in relation to perinataloutcome in small for dates fetuses Gazzolo, D.;Visser, G.H.A.;Santi, F.;Magliano, C.P.;Scopesi, F.;Russo, A.;Pittaluga, C.;Nigro, M.;Camoriano, R.;Bruschettini, P.L.; Early Human Development 1995-10-02 查看
To what extent does a given heart rate correlate with following heart ratesin the developing human fetus? Ogawa, M.;Yoshizato, T.;Takashima, T.;Koyanagi, T.;Suzuki, T.;Nakano, H.; Early Human Development 1996-02-23 查看
Mode of delivery and perinatal cerebral blood flow Maesel, A.;Sladkevicius, P.;Gudmundsson, S.;Marsal, K.; Early Human Development 1996-03-22 查看
Body proportionality of the small-for-date fetus: is it related toaetiological factors? Todros, T.;Plazzotta, C.;Pastorin, L.; Early Human Development 1996-07-05 查看
Body proportionality of the small-for-date fetus: is it related toaetiological factors? Todros, T.;Plazzotta, C.;Pastorin, L.; Early Human Development 1996-07-05 查看
Fetal pharyngeal distention -- Is it a normal component of fetalswallowing? Petrikovsky, B.;Gross, B.;Kaplan, G.; Early Human Development 1996-09-20 查看
Second trimester ultrasound markers for fetal aneuploidy Bilardo, C.; Early Human Development 1996-12-30 查看
Ultrasound screening for fetal trisomies at 10-14 weeks' gestation Pajkrt, E.;Bilardo, C.M.;van Lith, J.M.M.;Mol, B.W.J.;Hansson, K.;van Prooijen Knegt, A.C.;Bleker, O.P.; Early Human Development 1996-12-30 查看
Prenatal screening for Down syndrome: should first trimester ultrasoundreplace maternal serum screening? Muller, F.;Dommergues, M.;Bussieres, L.;Aegerter, P.;Le Fiblec, B.;Uzan, S.;Oury, J.-F.;Colau, J.-C.;Dumez, Y.; Early Human Development 1996-12-30 查看
Variability in cerebral blood flow velocity: observations over one minutein preterm babies Coughtrey, H.;Rennie, J.M.;Evans, D.H.; Early Human Development 1997-01-03 查看
Variability in cerebral blood flow velocity: observations over one minutein preterm babies Coughtrey, H.;Rennie, J.M.;Evans, D.H.; Early Human Development 1997-01-03 查看
Intrauterine growth correlation to postnatal growth -- influence of riskfactors and complications in pregnancy Larsen, T.;Greisen, G.;Petersen, S.; Early Human Development 1997-01-20 查看
Intrauterine growth correlation to postnatal growth -- influence of riskfactors and complications in pregnancy Larsen, T.;Greisen, G.;Petersen, S.; Early Human Development 1997-01-20 查看
Hemodynamic effects of intravenous morphine infusion in ventilated pretermbabies Sabatino, G.;Quartulli, L.;Di Fabio, S.;Ramenghi, L.A.; Early Human Development 1997-02-20 查看
Fetal redistribution of blood flow and amniotic fluid volume ingrowth-retarded fetuses Yoshimura, S.;Masuzaki, H.;Gotoh, H.;Ishimaru, T.; Early Human Development 1997-02-20 查看
Fetal redistribution of blood flow and amniotic fluid volume ingrowth-retarded fetuses Yoshimura, S.;Masuzaki, H.;Gotoh, H.;Ishimaru, T.; Early Human Development 1997-02-20 查看
Hemodynamic effects of intravenous morphine infusion in ventilated pretermbabies Sabatino, G.;Quartulli, L.;Di Fabio, S.;Ramenghi, L.A.; Early Human Development 1997-02-20 查看
Doppler velocimetry of the uterine arteries in nulliparous women Frusca, T.;Soregaroli, M.;Valcamonico, A.;Guandalini, F.;Danti, L.; Early Human Development 1997-04-25 查看
Doppler velocimetry of the uterine arteries in nulliparous women Frusca, T.;Soregaroli, M.;Valcamonico, A.;Guandalini, F.;Danti, L.; Early Human Development 1997-04-25 查看
Transvaginal fetal biometry in early pregnancy Rosati, P.;Guariglia, L.; Early Human Development 1997-09-19 查看
Transvaginal fetal biometry in early pregnancy Rosati, P.;Guariglia, L.; Early Human Development 1997-09-19 查看
Which better predicts later outcome in fullterm infants: quality of generalmovements or neurological examination? Cioni, G.;Prechtl, H.F.R.;Ferrari, F.;Paolicelli, P.B.;Einspieler, C.;Roversi, M.F.; Early Human Development 1997-11-24 查看
Pregnancy-induced hypertension, antihypertensive drugs and the developmentof fetal behavioural states Gazzolo, D.;Visser, G.H.A.;Russo, A.;Scopesi, F.;Santi, F.;Bruschettini, P.L.; Early Human Development 1998-01-09 查看
Routine ultrasound screening in pregnancy and the children's subsequenthandedness Kieler, H.;Axelsson, O.;Haglund, B.;Nilsson, S.;Salvesen, K.A.; Early Human Development 1998-01-09 查看
Pregnancy-induced hypertension, antihypertensive drugs and the developmentof fetal behavioural states Gazzolo, D.;Visser, G.H.A.;Russo, A.;Scopesi, F.;Santi, F.;Bruschettini, P.L.; Early Human Development 1998-01-09 查看
Routine ultrasound screening in pregnancy and the children's subsequenthandedness Kieler, H.;Axelsson, O.;Haglund, B.;Nilsson, S.;Salvesen, K.A.; Early Human Development 1998-01-09 查看
Hourly fetal urine production rate in the near term fetus: is it reallyincreased during fetal quiet sleep? Stigter, R.H.;Mulder, E.J.H.;Visser, G.H.A.; Early Human Development 1998-02-27 查看
Prenatal development of arm posture Ververs, I.A.P.;Van Gelder-Hasker, M.R.;De Vries, J.I.P.;Hopkins, B.;Van Geijn, H.P.; Early Human Development 1998-04-17 查看
Neurodevelopmental outcome at three years of age after fetal`brain-sparing' Scherjon, S.A.;Oosting, H.;Smolders-DeHaas, H.;Zondervan, H.A.;Kok, J.H.; Early Human Development 1998-08-28 查看
State transitions in uncomplicated pregnancies after term Nijhuis, J.G.;van de Pas, M.;Jongsma, H.W.; Early Human Development 1998-09-01 查看
Effects of pulsed ultrasound on sphenoid bone temperature and the heartrate in guinea-pig foetuses Horder, M.M.;Barnett, S.B.;Vella, G.J.;Edwards, M.J.; Early Human Development 1998-10-01 查看
Rhythmic changes in the stomach movement of the human fetus with congenitalduodenal obstruction during the third trimester of pregnancy Hussein, S.M.;Yoshizato, T.;Fukushima, S.;Koyanagi, T.;Akazawa, K.;Nakano, H.; Early Human Development 1999-02-01 查看
Upper arm measurements of healthy neonates comparing ultrasonography andanthropometric methods Pereira-da-Silva, L.;Gomes, J.V.;Clington, A.;Videira-Amaral, J.M.;Bustamante, S.A.; Early Human Development 1999-03-01 查看
The neurodevelopmental outcome of term infants with different intrauterinegrowth characteristics Roth, S.;Chang, T.C.;Robson, S.;Spencer, J.A.D.;Wyatt, J.S.;Stewart, A.L.; Early Human Development 1999-05-01 查看
Three-dimensional ultrasonographic imaging of fetal tooth buds forcharacterization of facial clefts Ulm, M.R.;Kratochwil, A.;Ulm, B.;Lee, A.;Dieter Bettelheim,;Bernaschek, G.; Early Human Development 1999-05-01 查看
Ventriculo-vascular interaction in the normal development of the fetalcirculation Gardiner, H.;Brodszki, J.;Eriksson, A.;Stale, H.;Marsal, K.; Early Human Development 2001-12-01 查看
Three-dimensional first trimester fetal volumetry: comparison with crownrump length Aviram, R.;Shpan, D.K.;Markovitch, O.;Fishman, A.;Tepper, R.; Early Human Development 2004-10-01 查看
Prenatal assessment of foot deformity Barry, M.; Early Human Development 2005-10-01 查看
The biologic error in gestational length related to the use of thefirst day of last menstrual period as a proxy for the start of pregnancy Nakling, J.;Buhaug, H.;Backe, B.; Early Human Development 2005-10-01 查看
Arterial and venous Doppler in the diagnosis and management of earlyonset fetal growth restriction Baschat, A.A.; Early Human Development 2005-11-01 查看
Magnetic resonance and ultrasound brain imaging in preterm infants O'Shea, T.M.;Counsell, S.J.;Bartels, D.B.;Dammann, O.; Early Human Development 2005-03-01 查看
Ultrasound evaluation of the normal fetal pharynx Tez, S.;Koktener, A.;Aksoy, F.G.;Turhan, N.O.;Dilmen, G.; Early Human Development 2005-07-01 查看
Is an excessive number of prenatal echographies a risk for fetal growth? Bellieni, C.V.;Buonocore, G.;Bagnoli, F.;Cordelli, D.M.;Gasparre, O.;Calonaci, F.;Filardi, G.;Merola, A.;Petraglia, F.; Early Human Development 2005-08-01 查看
Management of neonatal hydronephrosis Belarmino, J.M.;Kogan, B.A.; Early Human Development 2006-01-01 查看
Long-term neurodevelopmental outcome of preterm children withunilateral cerebral lesions diagnosed by neonatal ultrasound Vollmer, B.;Roth, S.;Riley, K.;O'Brien, F.;Baudin, J.;De Haan, M.;Khadem, F.V.;Neville, B.G.R.;Wyatt, J.S.; Early Human Development 2006-10-01 查看
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