


Neonatal dietary gangliosides Rueda, R.;Maldonado, J.;Narbona, E.;Gil, A.; Early Human Development 1998-12-01 查看
Variation of the ganglioside compositions of human milk, cow's milk andinfant formulas Pan, X.L.;Izumi, T.; Early Human Development 2000-01-01 查看
Dietary essential fatty acids, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, andvisual resolution acuity in healthy fullterm infants: a systematic review SanGiovanni, J.P.;Berkey, C.S.;Dwyer, J.T.;Colditz, G.A.; Early Human Development 2000-03-01 查看
Dietary essential fatty acids, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids,and visual resolution acuity in healthy fullterm infants: a systematicreview SanGiovanni, J.P.;Berkey, C.S.;Dwyer, J.T.;Colditz, G.A.; Early Human Development 2000-03-01 查看
Lactoferrin is responsible for the fungistatic effect of human milk Andersson, Y.;Lindquist, S.;Lagerqvist, C.;Hernell, O.; Early Human Development 2000-08-01 查看
Physiological aspects of human milk lipids Koletzko, B.;Rodriguez-Palmero, M.;Demmelmair, H.;Fidler, N.;Jensen, R.;Sauerwald, T.; Early Human Development 2001-11-01 查看
Maternal lactation for preterm newborn infants Aguayo, J.; Early Human Development 2001-11-01 查看
Dietary trans fatty acids in early life: a review Larque, E.;Zamora, S.;Gil, A.; Early Human Development 2001-11-01 查看
The influence of dietary palmitic acid triacylglyceride position on thefatty acid, calcium and magnesium contents of at term newborn faeces Lopez-Lopez, A.;Castellote-Bargallo, A.I.;Campoy-Folgoso, C.;Rivero-Urgel, M.;Tormo-Carnice, R.;Infante-Pina, D.;Lopez-Sabater, M.C.; Early Human Development 2001-11-01 查看
Diet and organochlorine contaminants in women of reproductive age under 40years old Campoy, C.;Olea-Serrano, F.;Jimenez, M.;Bayes, R.;Canabate, F.;Rosales, M.J.;Blanca, E.;Olea, N.; Early Human Development 2001-11-01 查看
Analysis of organochlorine pesticides in human milk: preliminary results Campoy, C.;Jimenez, M.;Olea-Serrano, M.F.;Moreno Frias, M.;Canabate, F.;Olea, N.;Bayes, R.;Molina-Font, J.A.; Early Human Development 2001-11-01 查看
sCD31/sPECAM-1 levels in breast milk and sera of mother-infant pairs in theearly postpartum period Giannaki, G.;Rizos, D.;Xyni, K.;Sarandakou, A.;Phocas, I.;Creatsas, G.; Early Human Development 2002-04-01 查看
Nitric oxide metabolites and adrenomedullin in human breast milk Ohta, N.;Tsukahara, H.;Ohshima, Y.;Nishii, M.;Ogawa, Y.;Sekine, K.;Kasuga, K.;Mayumi, M.; Early Human Development 2004-06-01 查看
Influences of maternal dietary intake and suckling on breast milk lipidand fatty acid composition in low-income women from Brasilia, Brazil da Cunha, J.;Macedo da Costa, T.H.;Ito, M.K.; Early Human Development 2005-03-01 查看
Benefits of maternal and donor human milk for premature infants Heiman, H.;Schanler, R.J.; Early Human Development 2006-12-01 查看
Fatty acids and early human development Innis, S.M.; Early Human Development 2007-12-01 查看
Fatty acids and early human development Innis, S.M.; Early Human Development 2007-12-01 查看
High levels of growth factors in human breast milk Kobata, R.;Tsukahara, H.;Ohshima, Y.;Ohta, N.;Tokuriki, S.;Tamura, S.;Mayumi, M.; Early Human Development 2008-01-01 查看
Benefits of donor human milk for preterm infants: Current evidence Bertino, E.;Giuliani, F.;Occhi, L.;Coscia, A.;Tonetto, P.;Marchino, F.;Fabris, C.; Early Human Development 2009-10-01 查看
Human milk fortifiers in very low birth weight infants Maggio, L.;Costa, S.;Gallini, F.; Early Human Development 2009-10-01 查看
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): From the maternal-foetal dyad to thecomplementary feeding period Agostoni, C.; Early Human Development 2010-07-01 查看
Asymmetric dimethylarginine, an endogenous NO synthase inhibitor, inhuman breast milk Tsukahara, H.;Nagasaka, H.; Early Human Development 2010-02-01 查看
Standard fortification of preterm human milk fails to meet recommendedprotein intake: Bedside evaluation by Near-Infrared-Reflectance-Analysis Corvaglia, L.;Aceti, A.;Paoletti, V.;Mariani, E.;Patrono, D.;Ancora, G.;Capretti, M.G.;Faldella, G.; Early Human Development 2010-04-01 查看
The influence of early postnatal nutrition on retinopathy ofprematurity in extremely low birth weight infants Porcelli, P.J.;Weaver, R.G.; Early Human Development 2010-06-01 查看
Leptin determination in colostrum and early human milk from mothers ofpreterm and term infants Eilers, E.;Ziska, T.;Harder, T.;Plagemann, A.;Obladen, M.;Loui, A.; Early Human Development 2011-06-01 查看
Leptin determination in colostrum and early human milk from mothers ofpreterm and term infants Eilers, E.;Ziska, T.;Harder, T.;Plagemann, A.;Obladen, M.;Loui, A.; Early Human Development 2011-06-01 查看
Analysis of the influence of pasteurization, freezing/thawing, andoffer processes on human milk's macronutrient concentrations Vieira, A.A.;Soares, F.V.M.;Pimenta, H.P.;Abranches, A.D.;Moreira, M.E.L.; Early Human Development 2011-08-01 查看
The nutrition of preterm infants De Curtis, M.;Rigo, J.; Early Human Development 2012-03-01 查看
Longitudinal study of vitamins A, E and lipid oxidative damage in humanmilk throughout lactation Szlagatys-Sidorkiewicz, A.;Zagierski, M.;Jankowska, A.;Luczak, G.;Macur, K.;Baczek, T.;Korzon, M.;Krzykowski, G.;Martysiak-Zurowska, D.;Kaminska, B.; Early Human Development 2012-06-01 查看
Longitudinal study of vitamins A, E and lipid oxidative damage in humanmilk throughout lactation Szlagatys-Sidorkiewicz, A.;Zagierski, M.;Jankowska, A.;Luczak, G.;Macur, K.;Baczek, T.;Korzon, M.;Krzykowski, G.;Martysiak-Zurowska, D.;Kaminska, B.; Early Human Development 2012-06-01 查看
Association of complex lipids containing gangliosides with cognitivedevelopment of 6-month-old infants Gurnida, D.A.;Rowan, A.M.;Idjradinata, P.;Muchtadi, D.;Sekarwana, N.; Early Human Development 2012-08-01 查看
Benefits of donor milk in the feeding of preterm infants Bertino, E.;Giuliani, F.;Baricco, M.;Di Nicola, P.;Peila, C.;Vassia, C.;Chiale, F.;Pirra, A.;Cresi, F.;Martano, C.;Coscia, A.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Establishment, operation and development of a donor human milk bank Biasini, A.;Stella, M.;Malaigia, L.;China, M.;Azzalli, M.;Laguardia, M.C.;Rizzo, V.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Human milk feeding prevents retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in pretermVLBW neonates on behalf of the Italian Task Force for the study and prevention of;Neonatal Fungal Infections; the Italian Society of Neonatology;Manzoni, P.;Stolfi, I.;Pedicino, R.;Vagnarelli, F.;Mosca, F.;Pugni, L.;Bollani, L.;Pozzi, M.;Gomez, K.;Tzialla, C.;Borghesi, A.;Decembrino, L.;Mostert, M.;Latino, M.A.;Priolo, C.;Galletto, P.;Gallo, E.;Rizzollo, S.;Tavella, E.;Luparia, M.;Corona, G.;Barberi, I.;Tridapalli, E.;Faldella, G.;Vetrano, G.;Memo, L.;Saia, O.S.;Bordignon, L.;Messner, H.;Cattani, S.;Casa, E.D.;Laforgia, N.;Quercia, M.;Romeo, M.;Betta, P.M.;Rinaldi, M.;Magaldi, R.;Maule, M.;Stronati, M.;Farina, D.; Early Human Development 2013-06-01 查看
Benefits of donor milk in the feeding of preterm infants Bertino, E.;Giuliani, F.;Baricco, M.;Di Nicola, P.;Peila, C.;Vassia, C.;Chiale, F.;Pirra, A.;Cresi, F.;Martano, C.;Coscia, A.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Establishment, operation and development of a donor human milk bank Biasini, A.;Stella, M.;Malaigia, L.;China, M.;Azzalli, M.;Laguardia, M.C.;Rizzo, V.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Benefits of donor milk in the feeding of preterm infants Bertino, E.;Giuliani, F.;Baricco, M.;Di Nicola, P.;Peila, C.;Vassia, C.;Chiale, F.;Pirra, A.;Cresi, F.;Martano, C.;Coscia, A.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Establishment, operation and development of a donor human milk bank Biasini, A.;Stella, M.;Malaigia, L.;China, M.;Azzalli, M.;Laguardia, M.C.;Rizzo, V.; Early Human Development 2013-10-01 查看
Human milk feeding prevents retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in pretermVLBW neonates on behalf of the Italian Task Force for the study and prevention of;Neonatal Fungal Infections; the Italian Society of Neonatology;Manzoni, P.;Stolfi, I.;Pedicino, R.;Vagnarelli, F.;Mosca, F.;Pugni, L.;Bollani, L.;Pozzi, M.;Gomez, K.;Tzialla, C.;Borghesi, A.;Decembrino, L.;Mostert, M.;Latino, M.A.;Priolo, C.;Galletto, P.;Gallo, E.;Rizzollo, S.;Tavella, E.;Luparia, M.;Corona, G.;Barberi, I.;Tridapalli, E.;Faldella, G.;Vetrano, G.;Memo, L.;Saia, O.S.;Bordignon, L.;Messner, H.;Cattani, S.;Casa, E.D.;Laforgia, N.;Quercia, M.;Romeo, M.;Betta, P.M.;Rinaldi, M.;Magaldi, R.;Maule, M.;Stronati, M.;Farina, D.; Early Human Development 2013-06-01 查看
An intention to achieve better postnatal in-hospital-growth for preterminfants: Adjustable protein fortification of human milk Alan, S.;Atasay, B.;Cakir, U.;Yildiz, D.;Kilic, A.;Kahvecioglu, D.;Erdeve, O.;Arsan, S.; Early Human Development 2013-12-01 查看
An intention to achieve better postnatal in-hospital-growth for preterminfants: Adjustable protein fortification of human milk Alan, S.;Atasay, B.;Cakir, U.;Yildiz, D.;Kilic, A.;Kahvecioglu, D.;Erdeve, O.;Arsan, S.; Early Human Development 2013-12-01 查看
The lipid fraction of human milk initiates adipocyte differentiation in3T3-L1 cells Fujisawa, Y.;Yamaguchi, R.;Nagata, E.;Satake, E.;Sano, S.;Matsushita, R.;Kitsuta, K.;Nakashima, S.;Nakanishi, T.;Nakagawa, Y.;Ogata, T.; Early Human Development 2013-09-01 查看
The lipid fraction of human milk initiates adipocyte differentiation in3T3-L1 cells Fujisawa, Y.;Yamaguchi, R.;Nagata, E.;Satake, E.;Sano, S.;Matsushita, R.;Kitsuta, K.;Nakashima, S.;Nakanishi, T.;Nakagawa, Y.;Ogata, T.; Early Human Development 2013-09-01 查看
Enteral nutrition and infections: the role of human milk Civardi, E.;Garofoli, F.;Mazzucchelli, I.;Angelini, M.;Manzoni, P.;Stronati, M.; Early Human Development 2014-03-01 查看
Gut microbiota in preterm infants with gross blood in stools: Aprospective, controlled study Said, M.B.;Hays, S.;Maucort-Boulch, D.;Oulmaati, A.;Hantova, S.;Loys, C.M.;Jumas-Bilak, E.;Picaud, J.C.; Early Human Development 2014-10-01 查看
Donor milk volume and characteristics of donors and their children Sierra-Colomina, G.;Garcia-Lara, N.R.;Escuder-Vieco, D.;Alonso-Diaz, C.;Esteban, E.M.A.;Pallas-Alonso, C.R.; Early Human Development 2014-05-01 查看
Donor milk volume and characteristics of donors and their children Sierra-Colomina, G.;Garcia-Lara, N.R.;Escuder-Vieco, D.;Alonso-Diaz, C.;Esteban, E.M.A.;Pallas-Alonso, C.R.; Early Human Development 2014-05-01 查看
Human breast milk: A review on its composition and bioactivity Andreas, N.J.;Kampmann, B.;Mehring Le-Doare, K.; Early Human Development 2015-11-01 查看
Human breast milk: A review on its composition and bioactivity Andreas, N.J.;Kampmann, B.;Mehring Le-Doare, K.; Early Human Development 2015-11-01 查看
Human breast milk: A review on its composition and bioactivity Andreas, N.J.;Kampmann, B.;Mehring Le-Doare, K.; Early Human Development 2015-11-01 查看
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