篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
In vitro replication of a reptilian adenovirus |
Ahne, W.;Juhasz, A.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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Viruses associated with the epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS) of fish insouth-east Asia |
Frerichs, G.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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Aquareovirus interference mediated resistance to infectious hematopoieticnecrosis virus |
LaPatra, S.;Lauda, K.;Jones, G.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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Genetic diversity and phylogenetic classification of viral hemorrhagicsepticemia virus (VHSV) |
Basurco, B.;Vende, P.;Monnier, A.;Winton, J.;de Kinkelin, P.;Benmansour, A.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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Use of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to differentiate serologicallysimilar viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS) virus isolates from Europe andAmerica |
Einer-Jensen, K.;Olesen, N.;Lorenzen, N.;Jorgensen, P.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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Comparison of 6 different reoviruses of various reptiles |
Blahak, S.;Ott, I.;Vieler, E.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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The NV genes of fish rhabdoviruses: development of RNase protection assaysfor rapid assessment of genetic variation |
Kurath, G.;Higman, K.;Bjorklund, H.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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Salmonid herpesvirus 2. Epizootiology and serological relationship |
Yoshimizu, M.;Fukuda, H.;Sano, T.;Kimura, T.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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Application of 3 techniques for diagnosing birnavirus infection in turbot |
Novoa, B.;Blake, S.;Nicholson, B.;Figueras, A.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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Demonstration of infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) viral antigens in cellcultures and tissue sections |
Falk, K.;Dannevig, B.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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Pathogenesis of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus: cellular aspects |
Chilmonczyk, S.;Voccia, I.;Monge, D.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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Serum neutralization test for epidemiological studies of salmonidrhabdoviroses in France |
Hattenberger-Baudouy, A.;Danton, M.;Merle, G.;de Kinkelin, P.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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Mapping of the G and N regions of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus(VHSV) inducing lymphoproliferation by pepscan |
Lorenzo, G.;Estepa, A.;Chilmonczyk, S.;Coll, J.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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Antibodies specific for channel catfish virus cross-react with Pacificoyster, Crassostrea gigas, herpes-like virus |
Le Deuff, R.;Renault, t.;Cochennec, N.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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Detection of trout haemorrhagic septicaemia rhabdovirus by capture withmonoclonal antibodies and amplification with PCR |
Estepa, A.;De Blas, C.;Ponz, F.;Coll, J.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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Detection of spring viremia of carp virus by hybridization withbiotinylated DNA probes |
Oreshkova, S.;Tikunova, N.;Shchelkunov, I.;Ilyichev, A.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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Comparative antiviral effects of dsRNA on lower and higher vertebrates |
Masycheva, V.;Alikin, Y.;Klimenko, V.;Fadina, V.;Shchelkunov, I.;Shchelkunova, T.;Kupinskaya, O.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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Herpes-like viruses associated with high mortality levels in larvae andspat of Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas: a comparative study, thethermal effects on virus detection in hatchery-reared larvae, reproductionof the disease in axenic larvae |
Renault, T.;Le Deuff, R.;Cochennec, N.;Chollet, B.;Maffart, P.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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Identification of a cellular receptor for fish rhabdoviruses |
Bearzotti, M.;Lamoureux, A.;Chilmonczyk, S.;Bremont, M.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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Delineation of an RNA-binding region in the viral hemorrhagic septicemiavirus nucleoprotein |
Said, T.;Bruley, H.;Lamoureux, A.;Bremont, M.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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Expression of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus structural proteins in thebaculovirus expression system |
Vautherot, D.;Lamoureux, A.;Chilmonczyk, S.;Bremont, M.; |
Veterinary Research |
1995-01-01 |
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Antagonism of lactic acid bacteria towards Staphylococcus aureus andEscherichia coli on agar plates and in milk |
W, F.;M, S.;L, H.;J, C.;Y, W.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Chiral inversion of fenoprofen in horses and dogs: an in vivo-in vitrostudy |
Soraci, A.;Jaussaud, P.;Benoit, E.;Delatour, P.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Full length article |
Renard, L.;Gicquel, M.;Laurentie, M.;Sanders, P.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Reconstitution of mastitic milk by adding blood plasma and leukocytes intolow cell count milk |
W, F.;Vikerpuur, M.;Sandholm, M.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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The neuraminidase of Newcastle disease virus inhibited in theelution-inhibition reaction |
Graves, I.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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In vivo replication of African swine fever virus (Malawi '83) inneutrophils |
Carrasco, L.;Gomez-Villamandos, J.;Bautista, M.;de las Mulas, J.M.;Villeda, C.;Wilkinson, P.;Sierra, M.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Full length article |
Martinot, S.;Robin, J.;Vedrinne, C.;Franck, M.;Champsaur, G.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Pulmonary intravascular macrophages in deer |
Carrasco, L.;Gomez-Villamandos, J.;Bautista, M.;Hervas, J.;Pulido, B.;Sierra, M.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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The development of tissue lesions in the snail Lymnaea glabra exposed to asublethal dose of molluscicide |
Rondelaud, D.;Dreyfuss, G.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Full length article |
Camara, L.;Pfister, K.;Aeschlimann, A.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Healing of muscle trauma after intramuscular injection of antibiotics insheep: correlations between clinical, macroscopic and microscopic scores |
Mikaelian, I.;Poul, J.;Cabanie, P.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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The proliferative responses of cow stripping milk and blood lymphocytes topokeweed mitogen and ginseng in vitro |
Concha, C.;S, H.;Holmberg, O.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Pharmacokinetic analysis of @b-aminopropionitrile in rabbits |
Sevil, M.;Anadon-Baselga, M.;Frejo, M.;Llama, E.;Capo, M.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Changes in inflammation-related blood constituents of mastitic cows |
Atroshi, F.;Parantainen, J.;Sankari, S.;Jarvinen, M.;Lindberg, L.;Saloniemi, H.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Full length article |
Verlinde, V.;Mikaelian, I.;Laurentie, M.;Sanders, P.;Poul, J.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Pharmacokinetics of penicillin G in plasma and interstitial fluid collectedwith dialysis fiber bundles in sheep |
Cooke, I.;Bevill, R.;Nelson, D.;Koritz, G.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Are stable flies (Diptera: Stomoxyinae) vectors of Trypanosoma vivax in theCentral African Republic? |
D'Amico, F.;Gouteux, J.;Le Gall, F.;Cuisance, D.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Caprine and bovine B rotaviruses in western France: group identification byNorthern hybridization |
Gueguen, C.;Maga, A.;McCrae, M.;Bataillon, G.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Uterine estrogen and progesterone receptors in prepubertal ewes:distribution in myometrium, endometrium and caruncles |
Garofalo, E.;Tasende, C.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Assessment of the conventional detection of fecal Cryptosporidium serpentisoocysts in subclinically infected captive snakes |
Graczyk, T.;Cranfield, M.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Urine concentrations in the spaces of the sheep renal pelvis |
Faix, S.;Szanyiova, M.;Leng, L.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Field trial evaluation of two teat dips containing nisin orpolyvinylpyrrolidone iodophor designed for use before and after milking |
Serieys, F.;Poutrel, B.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Virus association with lymphocytes in acute African swine fever |
Carrasco, L.;de Lara, F.C.-M.;de las Mulas, J.M.;Gomez-Villamandos, J.;Hervas, J.;Wilkinson, P.;Sierra, M.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Comparative pharmacokinetics of an ampicillin/sulbactam combinationadministered intramuscularly in lactating sheep and goats |
Escudero, E.;Espuny, A.;Vicente, M.;Carceles, C.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Newcastle disease viruses in birds in the Atlantic flyway: isolations,haemagglutination-inhibition and elution-inhibition antibody profiles |
Graves, I.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Influences of type of anaesthesia on cortisol, @b-endorphin and heart ratein pigs |
Gerard, H.;Sensky, P.;Broom, D.;Perremans, S.;Geers, R.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Variation factors of pregnancy rates after oestrus synchronizationtreatment in French Charolais beef cows |
Ponsart, C.;Sanaa, M.;Humblot, P.;Grimard, B.;Jeanguyot, N.;Ponter, A.;Viel, J.;Mialot, J.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Full length article |
Le Grand, A.;Kobisch, M.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Comparison of the efficacy of the antirabies vaccines used for foxes inFrance |
Masson, E.;Aubert, M.;Barrat, J.;Vuillaume, P.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Serum sensitivity and apathogenicity for chickens and chick embryos ofEscherichia coli J5 strain |
Abdul-Aziz, T.;El-Sukhon, S.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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Full length article |
Le Gall, F.;Guillerme, J.;Demba, D.;Gouteux, J.; |
Veterinary Research |
1996-01-01 |
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