


Digital Mammography - Wavelet Transform and Kalman-Filtering Neural Networkin Mass Segmentation and Detection Qian, W.;Sun, X.;Song, D.;Clark, R.A.; Academic Radiology 2001-11-01 查看
Interreader Variability and Predictive Value of US Descriptions of SolidBreast Masses - Pilot Study Arger, P.H.;Sehgal, C.M.;Conant, E.F.;Zuckerman, J.;Rowling, S.E.;Patton, J.A.; Academic Radiology 2001-04-01 查看
Role of US-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration with On-Site CytopathologicEvaluation in Management of Nonpalpable Breast Lesions Buchbinder, S.S.;Gurell, D.S.;Tarlow, M.M.;Salvatore, M.;Suhrland, M.J.;Kader, K.; Academic Radiology 2001-04-01 查看
Role of US-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration with On-Site CytopathologicEvaluation in Management of Nonpalpable Breast Lesions Buchbinder, S.S.;Gurell, D.S.;Tarlow, M.M.;Salvatore, M.;Suhrland, M.J.;Kader, K.; Academic Radiology 2001-04-01 查看
Interreader Variability and Predictive Value of US Descriptions of SolidBreast Masses - Pilot Study Arger, P.H.;Sehgal, C.M.;Conant, E.F.;Zuckerman, J.;Rowling, S.E.;Patton, J.A.; Academic Radiology 2001-04-01 查看
Digital Mammography - Observer Performance Study of the Effects of PixelSize on the Characterization of Malignant and Benign Microcalcifications Chan, H.-P.;Helvie, M.A.;Petrick, N.;Sahiner, B.;Adler, D.D.;Paramagul, C.;Roubidoux, M.A.;Blane, C.E.;Joynt, L.K.;Wilson, T.E.;Hadjiiski, L.M.;Goodsitt, M.M.; Academic Radiology 2001-06-01 查看
Digital Mammography - Observer Performance Study of the Effects of PixelSize on the Characterization of Malignant and Benign Microcalcifications Chan, H.-P.;Helvie, M.A.;Petrick, N.;Sahiner, B.;Adler, D.D.;Paramagul, C.;Roubidoux, M.A.;Blane, C.E.;Joynt, L.K.;Wilson, T.E.;Hadjiiski, L.M.;Goodsitt, M.M.; Academic Radiology 2001-06-01 查看
Sonographic Discrimination between Benign and Malignant Breast Lesions withUse of Disparity Processing Steinberg, B.D.;Carlson, D.L.;Birnbaum, J.A.; Academic Radiology 2001-08-01 查看
Sonographic Discrimination between Benign and Malignant Breast Lesions withUse of Disparity Processing Steinberg, B.D.;Carlson, D.L.;Birnbaum, J.A.; Academic Radiology 2001-08-01 查看
Improving the Detection of Simulated Masses in Mammograms through TwoDifferent Image-Processing Techniques Hemminger, B.M.;Zong, S.;Muller, K.E.;Coffey, C.S.;DeLuca, M.C.;Johnston, R.E.;Pisano, E.D.; Academic Radiology 2001-09-01 查看
Improving the Detection of Simulated Masses in Mammograms through TwoDifferent Image-Processing Techniques Hemminger, B.M.;Zong, S.;Muller, K.E.;Coffey, C.S.;DeLuca, M.C.;Johnston, R.E.;Pisano, E.D.; Academic Radiology 2001-09-01 查看
Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Masses with Full-Field Digital Mammography Li, L.;Clark, R.A.;Thomas, J.A.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Masses with Full-Field Digital Mammography Li, L.;Clark, R.A.;Thomas, J.A.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Computer-Aided Detection in Mammography - An Assessment of Performance onCurrent and Prior Images Zheng, B.;Shah, R.;Wallace, L.;Hakim, C.;Ganott, M.A.;Gur, D.; Academic Radiology 2002-11-01 查看
Dynamic MR Mammography - Three-Dimensional Real-Time Visualization ofContrast Enhancement in Virtual Reality Hellwig, G.;Brix, G.;Griebel, J.;Lucht, R.;Delorme, S.;Siebert, M.;Englmeier, K.-H.; Academic Radiology 2002-11-01 查看
Computer-Aided Detection in Mammography - An Assessment of Performance onCurrent and Prior Images Zheng, B.;Shah, R.;Wallace, L.;Hakim, C.;Ganott, M.A.;Gur, D.; Academic Radiology 2002-11-01 查看
Dynamic MR Mammography - Three-Dimensional Real-Time Visualization ofContrast Enhancement in Virtual Reality Hellwig, G.;Brix, G.;Griebel, J.;Lucht, R.;Delorme, S.;Siebert, M.;Englmeier, K.-H.; Academic Radiology 2002-11-01 查看
Comparison of Full-Field Digital Mammography to Screen-Film Mammographywith Respect to Diagnostic Accuracy of Lesion Characterization in BreastTissue Biopsy Specimens Kuzmiak, C.M.;Millnamow, G.A.;Qaqish, B.;Pisano, E.D.;Cole, E.B.;Brown, M.E.; Academic Radiology 2002-12-01 查看
Comparison of Full-Field Digital Mammography to Screen-Film Mammographywith Respect to Diagnostic Accuracy of Lesion Characterization in BreastTissue Biopsy Specimens Kuzmiak, C.M.;Millnamow, G.A.;Qaqish, B.;Pisano, E.D.;Cole, E.B.;Brown, M.E.; Academic Radiology 2002-12-01 查看
Near-Infrared Optical Imaging of the Breast with Model-Based Reconstruction Jiang, H.;Iftimia, N.V.;Xu, Y.;Eggert, J.A.;Fajardo, L.L.;Klove, K.L.; Academic Radiology 2002-02-01 查看
Factors Affecting Radiologist Inconsistency in Screening Mammography Beam, C.A.;Conant, E.F.;Sickles, E.A.; Academic Radiology 2002-05-01 查看
Factors Affecting Radiologist Inconsistency in Screening Mammography Beam, C.A.;Conant, E.F.;Sickles, E.A.; Academic Radiology 2002-05-01 查看
Should FDG PET be used to Decide Whether a Patient with an AbnormalMammogram or Breast Finding at Physical Examination should Undergo Biopsy? Samson, D.J.;Flamm, C.R.;Pisano, E.D.;Aronson, N.; Academic Radiology 2002-07-01 查看
Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Breast Tumors with Different US Systems Kuo, W.-J.;Chang, R.-F.;Moon, W.K.;Lee, C.C.;Chen, D.-R.; Academic Radiology 2002-07-01 查看
Should FDG PET be used to Decide Whether a Patient with an AbnormalMammogram or Breast Finding at Physical Examination should Undergo Biopsy? Samson, D.J.;Flamm, C.R.;Pisano, E.D.;Aronson, N.; Academic Radiology 2002-07-01 查看
Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Breast Tumors with Different US Systems Kuo, W.-J.;Chang, R.-F.;Moon, W.K.;Lee, C.C.;Chen, D.-R.; Academic Radiology 2002-07-01 查看
Use of Serial FDG PET to Measure the Response of Bone-Dominant BreastCancer to Therapy Stafford, S.E.;Gralow, J.R.;Schubert, E.K.;Rinn, K.J.;Dunnwald, L.K.;Livingston, R.B.;Mankoff, D.A.; Academic Radiology 2002-08-01 查看
Feasibility of MR Imaging-Guided Breast Lumpectomy for Malignant Tumors ina 0.5-T Open-Configuration MR Imaging System Hirose, M.;Kacher, D.F.;Smith, D.N.;Kaelin, C.M.;Jolesz, F.A.; Academic Radiology 2002-08-01 查看
Feasibility of MR Imaging-Guided Breast Lumpectomy for Malignant Tumors ina 0.5-T Open-Configuration MR Imaging System Hirose, M.;Kacher, D.F.;Smith, D.N.;Kaelin, C.M.;Jolesz, F.A.; Academic Radiology 2002-08-01 查看
Use of Serial FDG PET to Measure the Response of Bone-Dominant BreastCancer to Therapy Stafford, S.E.;Gralow, J.R.;Schubert, E.K.;Rinn, K.J.;Dunnwald, L.K.;Livingston, R.B.;Mankoff, D.A.; Academic Radiology 2002-08-01 查看
The Perception of Breast Cancer - What Differentiates Missed from ReportedCancers in Mammography? Mello-Thoms, C.;Dunn, S.;Nodine, C.F.;Kundel, H.L.;Weinstein, S.P.; Academic Radiology 2002-09-01 查看
The Perception of Breast Cancer - What Differentiates Missed from ReportedCancers in Mammography? Mello-Thoms, C.;Dunn, S.;Nodine, C.F.;Kundel, H.L.;Weinstein, S.P.; Academic Radiology 2002-09-01 查看
Perception of Breast Cancer - Eye-Position Analysis of MammogramInterpretation Mello-Thoms, C.; Academic Radiology 2003-01-01 查看
Animal-Based Model to Investigate the Minimum Tumor Size Detectable with anElectrical Impedance Scanning Technique Malich, A.;Bohm, T.;Fritsch, T.;Facius, M.;Freesmeyer, M.G.;Anderson, R.;Fleck, M.;Kaiser, W.A.; Academic Radiology 2003-01-01 查看
Perception of Breast Cancer - Eye-Position Analysis of MammogramInterpretation Mello-Thoms, C.; Academic Radiology 2003-01-01 查看
Animal-Based Model to Investigate the Minimum Tumor Size Detectable with anElectrical Impedance Scanning Technique Malich, A.;Bohm, T.;Fritsch, T.;Facius, M.;Freesmeyer, M.G.;Anderson, R.;Fleck, M.;Kaiser, W.A.; Academic Radiology 2003-01-01 查看
Support Vector Machines for Diagnosis of Breast Tumors on US Images Chang, R.-F.;Wu, W.-J.;Moon, W.K.;Chou, Y.-H.;Chen, D.-R.; Academic Radiology 2003-02-01 查看
Classification of Galactograms with Ramification Matrices - PreliminaryResults Bakic, P.R.;Albert, M.;Maidment, A.D.A.; Academic Radiology 2003-02-01 查看
Support Vector Machines for Diagnosis of Breast Tumors on US Images Chang, R.-F.;Wu, W.-J.;Moon, W.K.;Chou, Y.-H.;Chen, D.-R.; Academic Radiology 2003-02-01 查看
Classification of Galactograms with Ramification Matrices - PreliminaryResults Bakic, P.R.;Albert, M.;Maidment, A.D.A.; Academic Radiology 2003-02-01 查看
Performance Change of Mammographic CAD Schemes Optimized with Most-Recentand Prior Image Databases Zheng, B.;Good, W.F.;Armfield, D.R.;Cohen, C.;Hertzberg, T.;Sumkin, J.H.;Gur, D.; Academic Radiology 2003-03-01 查看
Performance Change of Mammographic CAD Schemes Optimized with Most-Recentand Prior Image Databases Zheng, B.;Good, W.F.;Armfield, D.R.;Cohen, C.;Hertzberg, T.;Sumkin, J.H.;Gur, D.; Academic Radiology 2003-03-01 查看
Detection and Quantification of Breast Tumor Necrosis with MR Imaging -Value of the Necrosis-Avid Contrast Agent Gadophrin-3 Metz, S.;Daldrup-Link, H.E.;Richter, T.;Rath, C.;Ebert, W.;Settles, M.;Rummeny, E.J.;Link, T.M.;Piert, M.; Academic Radiology 2003-05-01 查看
Detection and Quantification of Breast Tumor Necrosis with MR Imaging -Value of the Necrosis-Avid Contrast Agent Gadophrin-3 Metz, S.;Daldrup-Link, H.E.;Richter, T.;Rath, C.;Ebert, W.;Settles, M.;Rummeny, E.J.;Link, T.M.;Piert, M.; Academic Radiology 2003-05-01 查看
Neural network approach to the segmentation and classification of dynamicmagnetic resonance images of the breast: Comparison with empiric andquantitative kinetic parameters^1 Szabo, B.K.;Aspelin, P.;Wiberg, M.K.; Academic Radiology 2004-12-01 查看
The Positive Predictive Value for Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Seo, B.K.;Pisano, E.D.;Kuzmiak, C.M.;Koomen, M.;Pavic, D.;McLelland, R.;Lee, Y.;Cole, E.B.;Mattingly, D.;Lee, J.; Academic Radiology 2006-10-01 查看
The Positive Predictive Value for Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Seo, B.K.;Pisano, E.D.;Kuzmiak, C.M.;Koomen, M.;Pavic, D.;McLelland, R.;Lee, Y.;Cole, E.B.;Mattingly, D.;Lee, J.; Academic Radiology 2006-10-01 查看
Evaluation of 11-Gauge and 9-Gauge Vacuum-Assisted Breast BiopsySystems in a Breast Parenchymal Model Poellinger, A.;Bick, U.;Freund, T.;Diekmann, S.;Hamm, B.;Diekmann, F.; Academic Radiology 2007-06-01 查看
Evaluation of 11-Gauge and 9-Gauge Vacuum-Assisted Breast BiopsySystems in a Breast Parenchymal Model Poellinger, A.;Bick, U.;Freund, T.;Diekmann, S.;Hamm, B.;Diekmann, F.; Academic Radiology 2007-06-01 查看
Evaluation of 11-Gauge and 9-Gauge Vacuum-Assisted Breast BiopsySystems in a Breast Parenchymal Model Poellinger, A.;Bick, U.;Freund, T.;Diekmann, S.;Hamm, B.;Diekmann, F.; Academic Radiology 2007-06-01 查看
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