


The Lung Image Database Consortium (LIDC) Armato, S.G.;Roberts, R.Y.;McNitt-Gray, M.F.;Meyer, C.R.;Reeves, A.P.;McLennan, G.;Engelmann, R.M.;Bland, P.H.;Aberle, D.R.;Kazerooni, E.A.;MacMahon, H.;van Beek, E.J.R.;Yankelevitz, D.;Croft, B.Y.;Clarke, L.P.; Academic Radiology 2007-12-01 查看
The Lung Image Database Consortium (LIDC) Reeves, A.P.;Biancardi, A.M.;Apanasovich, T.V.;Meyer, C.R.;MacMahon, H.;van Beek, E.J.R.;Kazerooni, E.A.;Yankelevitz, D.;McNitt-Gray, M.F.;McLennan, G.;Armato, S.G.;Henschke, C.I.;Aberle, D.R.;Croft, B.Y.;Clarke, L.P.; Academic Radiology 2007-12-01 查看
The Effect of Lung Volume on Nodule Size on CT Petkovska, I.;Brown, M.S.;Goldin, J.G.;Kim, H.J.;McNitt-Gray, M.F.;Abtin, F.G.;Ghurabi, R.J.;Aberle, D.R.; Academic Radiology 2007-04-01 查看
The Effect of Lung Volume on Nodule Size on CT Petkovska, I.;Brown, M.S.;Goldin, J.G.;Kim, H.J.;McNitt-Gray, M.F.;Abtin, F.G.;Ghurabi, R.J.;Aberle, D.R.; Academic Radiology 2007-04-01 查看
Evaluation of Computer-aided Diagnosis (CAD) Software for the Detectionof Lung Nodules on Multidetector Row Computed Tomography (MDCT) Hirose, T.;Nitta, N.;Shiraishi, J.;Nagatani, Y.;Takahashi, M.;Murata, K.; Academic Radiology 2008-12-01 查看
Computerized Detection of Lung Nodules in Thin-Section CT Images by Useof Selective Enhancement Filters and an Automated Rule-Based Classifier Li, Q.;Li, F.;Doi, K.; Academic Radiology 2008-02-01 查看
Computerized Detection of Lung Nodules in Thin-Section CT Images by Useof Selective Enhancement Filters and an Automated Rule-Based Classifier Li, Q.;Li, F.;Doi, K.; Academic Radiology 2008-02-01 查看
Lung Nodule CAD Software as a Second Reader White, C.S.;Pugatch, R.;Koonce, T.;Rust, S.W.;Dharaiya, E.; Academic Radiology 2008-03-01 查看
Assessment of Radiologist Performance in the Detection of Lung Nodules Armato, S.G.;Roberts, R.Y.;Kocherginsky, M.;Aberle, D.R.;Kazerooni, E.A.;MacMahon, H.;van Beek, E.J.R.;Yankelevitz, D.;McLennan, G.;McNitt-Gray, M.F.;Meyer, C.R.;Reeves, A.P.;Caligiuri, P.;Quint, L.E.;Sundaram, B.;Croft, B.Y.;Clarke, L.P.; Academic Radiology 2009-01-01 查看
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