



Improving credibility of instructions in the balanced placebo design: amisattribution manipulation Epps, J.;Monk, C.;Savage, S.;Marlatt, G.A.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
Causal relationships of processes of change and decisional balance:stage-specific models for smoking Pollak, K.I.;Carbonari, J.P.;DiClemente, C.C.;Niemann, Y.F.;Mullen, P.D.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
Reliability and validity of the cocaine selective severity assessment Kampman, K.M.;Volpicelli, J.R.;McGinnis, D.E.;Alterman, A.I.;Weinrieb, R.M.;D'Angelo, L.;Epperson, L.E.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
The eating disorders as addiction: a psychobiological perspective Davis, C.;Claridge, G.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
The relationship between pre-, during-, post-treatment factors, andadolescent substance abuse behaviors Hsieh, S.;Hoffmann, N.G.;Hollister, C.D.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
Verbal expectancies and performance after alcohol Hammersley, R.;Finnigan, F.;Millar, K.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
The relationship of NEO-PI performance to coping styles, patterns of use,and triggers for use among substance abusers McCormick, R.A.;Dowd, E.T.;Quirk, S.;Zegarra, J.H.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
Fear of negative evaluation and gender interact to predict alcoholicbeverage preference Corcoran, K.J.;Segrist, D.J.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
The nature and predictors of substance use among lesbians Heffernan, K.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
Levels of cotinine associated with long-term ad-libitum nicotine polacrilexuse in a clinical trial Murray, R.P.;Nides, M.A.;Istvan, J.A.;Daniels, K.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
Natural resolution of alcohol problems without treatment: environmentalcontexts surrounding the initiation and maintenance of stable abstinence ormoderation drinking King, M.P.;Tucker, J.A.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
The nature and predictors of substance use among lesbians - A conceptualframework HeffernanHeffernan, K.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
This study was supported by Contract N01-HR-46002 from the Division of LungDiseases of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. BoeringerIngelheim Pharmaceuticals, Marion Merrell Dow, and Merrell DowPharmaceuticals (Canada) contributed drugs used in the study.This articlewas written on behalf of the Lung Health Study Research Group.Levels ofcotinine associated with long-term ad-libitum nicotine polacrilex use in aclinical trial - Baseline characteristics of randomized participants MurrayMurray, R.P.;NidesNides, M.A.;IstvanIstvan, J.A.;DanielsDaniels, K.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
This research was based on a dissertation completed by Michele King underthe direction of Jalie Tucker. It was supported in part by a grant-in-aidaward to Jalie Tucker from the Office of the Vice President for Research atAuburn University. Manuscript preparation was supported by Grants R01AA08972 and K02 AA00209 to Jalie Tucker from the National Institute onAlcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Portions of the research were presented atthe 102nd annual convention of the American Psychological Association, LosAngeles, August 1994.Natural resolution of alcohol problems withouttreatment - Prevalence in two population studies KingKing, M.P.;TuckerTucker, J.A.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
Survey of drug and alcohol use by lesbian women in new zealand -Development of a construct WelchWelch, S.;Howden-ChapmanHowden-Chapman, P.;CollingsCollings, S.C.D.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
This project was funded by NCI grant CA27821-16.Smoking patterns oflow-income ethnoculturally diverse pregnant women: - Achieving the Year2000 objectives RuggieroRuggiero, L.;de Grootde Groot, M.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
Clara M. Bradizza and Paul R. Stasiewicz are now at the Research Instituteon Addictions, Buffalo, NY.An extended version of this article is availableby contacting Clara M. Bradizza.High-risk alcohol and drug use situationsamong seriously mentally ill inpatients - A shortened version of theMichigan Alcoholism Screening Test BradizzaBradizza, C.M.;StasiewiczStasiewicz, P.R.;CareyCarey, K.B.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
The Center for Education and Drug Abuse Research (CEDAR) is a consortium ofthe University of Pittsburgh and St. Francis Medical Center.Earlyadolescent gateway drug use in sons of fathers with substance use disorders- A review of the literature ClarkClark, D.B.;KirisciKirisci, L.;MossMoss, H.B.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
This project was supported by Grant CA68186 from the National CancerInstitute, National Institutes of Health.Developing a brief measure ofsmoking in the home - A review and meta-analysis GlasgowGlasgow, R.E.;FosterFoster, L.S.;LeeLee, M.E.;HammondHammond, S.K.;LichtensteinLichtenstein, E.;AndrewsAndrews, J.A.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
Verbal expectancies and performance after alcohol - The compensation foralcohol effects HammersleyHammersley, R.;FinniganFinnigan, F.;MillarMillar, K.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
Portions of this article were presented at the 1996 Annual Meeting of theAmerican Psychological Association, Toronto.The relationship of neo-piperformance to coping styles, patterns of use, and triggers for use amongsubstance abusers - The big three, the big five, and the alternative five MccormickMccormick, R.A.;DowdDowd, E.T.;QuirkQuirk, S.;ZegarraZegarra, J.H.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
Fear of negative evaluation and gender interact to predict alcoholicbeverage preference - An update of a 1982 proposal CorcoranCorcoran, K.J.;SegristSegrist, D.J.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
Survey of drug and alcohol use by lesbian women in New Zealand Welch, S.;Howden-Chapman, P.;Collings, S.C.D.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
Smoking patterns of low-income ethnoculturally diverse pregnant women: arewe casting the net wide enough? Ruggiero, L.;de Groot, M.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
High-risk alcohol and drug use situations among seriously mentally illinpatients: a preliminary investigation Bradizza, C.M.;Stasiewicz, P.R.;Carey, K.B.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
Early adolescent gateway drug use in sons of fathers with substance usedisorders Clark, D.B.;Kirisci, L.;Moss, H.B.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
Developing a brief measure of smoking in the home: description andpreliminary evaluation Glasgow, R.E.;Foster, L.S.;Lee, M.E.;Hammond, S.K.;Lichtenstein, E.;Andrews, J.A.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
This research was funded by a grant (410-94-1510) to the first author fromthe Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Ottawa, Canada.Theeating disorders as addiction - Beyond the optimal level of arousal DavisDavis, C.;ClaridgeClaridge, G.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
The relationship between pre-, during-, post-treatment factors, andadolescent substance abuse behaviors - Follow-up study of treatmentadmissions to DARP during 1969-1971 HsiehHsieh, S.;HoffmannHoffmann, N.G.;HollisterHollister, C.D.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-07-08 查看
Regret, substance abuse, and readiness to change in a dually diagnosedsample Blume, A.W.;Schmaling, K.B.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-09-10 查看
Predictors of participation in a smoking cessation intervention group amonglow-income women Pohl, J.M.;Martinelli, A.;Antonakos, C.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-09-10 查看
Predicting drug use: application of behavioral theories of choice Correia, C.J.;Simons, J.;Carey, K.B.;Borsari, B.E.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-09-10 查看
Creativity of undergraduates with and without family history of alcohol andother drug problems Plucker, J.A.;Dana, R.Q.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-09-10 查看
The incidence and characteristics of violent men in substance abusetreatment Brown, T.G.;Werk, A.;Caplan, T.;Shields, N.;Seraganian, P.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-09-10 查看
Social skills, expectancies, and drinking in adolescents Gaffney, L.R.;Thorpe, K.;Young, R.;Collett, R.;Occhipinti, S.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-09-10 查看
Habit control expectancy for drinking, smoking, and eating Schneider, H.G.;Busch, M.N.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-09-10 查看
The role of weight concern and self-efficacy in smoking cessation andweight gain among smokers in a clinic-based cessation program Borrelli, B.;Mermelstein, R.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-09-10 查看
Frequent childhood geographic relocation: its impact on drug use initiationand the development of alcohol and other drug-related problems amongadolescents and young adults DeWit, D.J.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-09-10 查看
Effects of maternal cigarette smoking during pregnancy on long-termphysical and cognitive parameters of child development Lassen, K.;Oei, T.P.S.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-09-10 查看
Application of the transtheoretical model of behavior change for obesity inMexican American women Suris, A.M.;Trapp, M.d.C.;DiClemente, C.C.;Cousins, J.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-09-10 查看
Hazelden's model of treatment and its outcome Stinchfield, R.;Owen, P.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-09-10 查看
A prototype analysis of psychological situations through the lens ofalcohol expectancies and gender Corcoran, K.J.;Michels, J.L.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-09-10 查看
Managing anxiety and depression in alcohol and drug dependence - Does ithelp? Scott, J.;Gilvarry, E.;Farrell, M.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-11-12 查看
Alcohol dependence and mood disorders - Diagnostic criteria for research Raimo, E.B.;Schuckit, M.A.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-11-12 查看
Course and treatment of patients with both substance use and posttraumaticstress disorders - Mapping the territory Ouimette, P.C.;Brown, P.J.;Najavits, L.M.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-11-12 查看
Functional associations among trauma, ptsd, and substance-related disorders- Mapping the territory Stewart, S.H.;Pihl, R.O.;Conrod, P.J.;Dongier, M.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-11-12 查看
Epidemiological evidence about the relationship between ptsd and alcoholabuse - Mapping the territory Mcfarlane, A.C.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-11-12 查看
Investigations of causal pathways between ptsd and drug use disorders -Current method and practice Chilcoat, H.D.;Breslau, N.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-11-12 查看
Personality disorders in drug abusers - An overview Kokkevi, A.;Stefanis, N.;Anastasopoulou, E.;Kostogianni, C.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-11-12 查看
Predicting personality pathology among adult patients with substance usedisorders - Are they at increased risk? Bernstein, D.P.;Stein, J.A.;Handelsman, L.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-11-12 查看
Personality disorders predict relapse in alcoholic patients - Visies op eenbruikbaar concept en de meting ervan Verheul, R.;van den BRINK, W.;Hartgers, C.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-11-12 查看
Manualized treatment for substance abusers with personality disorders - Aschema-focused approach Ball, S.A.; Addictive Behaviors 1998-11-12 查看
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