


PP-36. Purpura fulminans in newborn case series and report of threerare causative agents in the neonatal period Akar, M.;Demirel, G.;Sandal, G.;Erdeve, O.;Uras, N.;Oguz, S.S.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-70. Does polycythemia affect interleukin-6 response pattern in earlypostnatal period? Akdag, A.;Dilli, D.;Erdeve, O.;Oguz, S.S.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-09. Total oxidant status and antioxidant capacity related to beingsmall gestational age in preterm and term infants Sandal, G.;Uras, N.;Gokmen, T.;Erdeve, O.;Oguz, S.S.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-285. An unusual mimicker of a sepsis outbreak: Neonatal ergotintoxication Bas, A.Y.;Demirel, N.;Soysal, A.;Arslan, K.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-214. Perinatal outcome of women with isolated low unconjugatedestriol levels in the maternal triple-marker screening Sarikaya, E.;Bozdag, S.;Dilmen, U.;Mollamahmutoglu, L.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-317. Effects of treatment of ureaplasma urealyticum colonizationwith clarithromycin in respiratory system of extremely low birth weightedinfants in development of chronic lung disease: Preliminary report Ozdemir, R.;Dizdar, E.;Erdeve, O.;Oguz, S.S.;Uras, N.;Biyikli, Z.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-131. What are the cut-off levels for IL-6 and CRP in neonatal sepsis? Celik, I.H.;Dilmen, U.;Demirel, G.K.;Biyikli, Z.;Uras, N.;Oguz, S.S.;Erdeve, O.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-53. Does ibuprofen treatment in PDA alter the oxygen free radicalsin VLBW infants? Gokmen, T.;Erdeve, O.;Altug, N.;Uras, N.;Akar, M.;Sandal, G.;Oguz, S.S.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-302. Single versus multiple dose intravenous immunoglobulin in thetreatment of ABO hemolytic disease of newborn in field of led phototherapy Demirel, G.;Akar, M.;Celik, I.H.;Erdeve, O.;Uras, N.;Oguz, S.S.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
AO-27. Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) codon 54 gene polymorphism inrelation to risk of nosocomial invasive fungal infection in pretermneonates in the neonatal intensive care unit Aydemir, C.;Onay, H.;Oguz, S.S.;Ozdemir, T.R.;Erdeve, O.;Ozkinay, F.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-09. Total oxidant status and antioxidant capacity related to beingsmall gestational age in preterm and term infants Sandal, G.;Uras, N.;Gokmen, T.;Erdeve, O.;Oguz, S.S.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-36. Purpura fulminans in newborn case series and report of threerare causative agents in the neonatal period Akar, M.;Demirel, G.;Sandal, G.;Erdeve, O.;Uras, N.;Oguz, S.S.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-37. Whole body cooling treatment in hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy:Preliminary results of a level III NICU in Turkey Akar, M.;Aydemir, O.;Oguz, S.;Erdeve, O.;Aydemir, C.;Gokmen, T.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-50. Efficacy and safety of oral versus intravenous ibuprofen invery-low-birth-weight preterms with patent ductus arteriosus Gokmen, T.;Erdeve, O.;Altug, N.;Oguz, S.S.;Uras, N.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-53. Does ibuprofen treatment in PDA alter the oxygen free radicalsin VLBW infants? Gokmen, T.;Erdeve, O.;Altug, N.;Uras, N.;Akar, M.;Sandal, G.;Oguz, S.S.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-70. Does polycythemia affect interleukin-6 response pattern in earlypostnatal period? Akdag, A.;Dilli, D.;Erdeve, O.;Oguz, S.S.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-78. Evaluation and treatment of neonatal thrombus formation in theneonatal intensive care unit Demirel, G.;Oguz, S.S.;Celik, I.H.;Altug, N.;Uras, N.;Erdeve, O.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-106. Total antioxidant capacity and total oxidant status in preterminfants with respiratory distress syndrome Dizdar, E.A.;Uras, N.;Oguz, S.;Erdeve, O.;Sari, F.N.;Aydemir, C.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-107. Comparison of beractant and poractant rescue treatment inneonatal respiratory distress syndrome Dizdar, E.A.;Sari, F.N.;Oguz, S.;Erdeve, O.;Uras, N.;Aydemir, C.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-131. What are the cut-off levels for IL-6 and CRP in neonatal sepsis? Celik, I.H.;Dilmen, U.;Demirel, G.K.;Biyikli, Z.;Uras, N.;Oguz, S.S.;Erdeve, O.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-132. Compassionate usage of voriconazole in newborn infantsdiagnosed with liposomal amphotericin B resistant fungal sepsis: Aretrospective study Celik, I.H.;Demirel, G.K.;Oguz, S.S.;Uras, N.;Erdeve, O.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-165. A comparison of erythromycin and ursodeoxycholic acid inpreventing liver function abnormalities during parenteral nutrition in VLBWinfants Gokmen, T.;Oguz, S.S.;Bozdag, S.;Erdeve, O.;Uras, N.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-166. Is clarithromycin treatment effective in facilitating enteralfeeding in VLBW infants? Gokmen, T.;Ozdemir, R.;Bozdag, S.;Oguz, S.S.;Erdeve, O.;Uras, N.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-174. Oral probiotics: Lactobacillus sporogenes in prevention ofnecrotizing enterocolitis in very low birth weight infants: A randomized,controlled trial Sari, F.N.;Dizdar, E.A.;Oguz, S.;Erdeve, O.;Uras, N.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-186. Association between the duration of hyperglycemia andretinopathy of prematurity in very-low-birth weight infants and predictivevalue of serum fructosamine Bozdag, S.;Oguz, S.;Gokmen, T.;Tok, L.;Tunay, Z.;Ugras, N.;Erdeve, O.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-187. Poor weight gain adjusted for birth weight and gestational ageas a predictor of severe ROP in VLBW infants Aydemir, O.;Sarikabadayi, U.;Aydemir, C.;Tunay, Z.O.;Erdeve, O.;Tok, L.;Oguz, S.S.;Uras, N.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-190. Screening for retinopathy of prematurity in a large tertiaryneonatal intensive care unit in Turkey: Frequency and risk factors Sarikabadayi, U.;Aydemir, O.;Tunay, Z.O.;Aydemir, C.;Oguz, S.S.;Tok, L.;Erdeve, O.;Uras, N.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-214. Perinatal outcome of women with isolated low unconjugatedestriol levels in the maternal triple-marker screening Sarikaya, E.;Bozdag, S.;Dilmen, U.;Mollamahmutoglu, L.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-246. The effects of water birth on neonatal outcomes: A-five-yearresults of a referal tertiary centre in Turkey Demirel, G.;Moraloglu, O.;Celik, I.H.;Oguz, S.S.;Uras, N.;Erdeve, O.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-265. Evaluation of total antioxidant capacity, total oxidant statusand oxidative stress index in preterm infants with necrotising enterocolitis Aydemir, C.;Dilli, D.;Uras, N.;Ulu, H.O.;Oguz, S.S.;Erdeve, O.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-267. Serum intestinal fatty acid binding protein level for earlydiagnosis and predicts severity of necrotizing enterocolitis Aydemir, C.;Dilli, D.;Oguz, S.S.;Ulu, H.O.;Uras, N.;Erdeve, O.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-285. An unusual mimicker of a sepsis outbreak: Neonatal ergotintoxication Bas, A.Y.;Demirel, N.;Soysal, A.;Arslan, K.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-286. The role of interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein innonthyroidal illness in premature infants followed-up in neonatal intensivecare unit Dilli, D.;Oguz, S.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-302. Single versus multiple dose intravenous immunoglobulin in thetreatment of ABO hemolytic disease of newborn in field of led phototherapy Demirel, G.;Akar, M.;Celik, I.H.;Erdeve, O.;Uras, N.;Oguz, S.S.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-304. The prevalence and prognostic significance of relative adrenalinsufficiency in preterm infants Sari, F.N.;Oguz, S.;Dizdar, E.A.;Andiran, N.;Erdeve, O.;Uras, N.;Memik, R.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
PP-317. Effects of treatment of ureaplasma urealyticum colonizationwith clarithromycin in respiratory system of extremely low birth weightedinfants in development of chronic lung disease: Preliminary report Ozdemir, R.;Dizdar, E.;Erdeve, O.;Oguz, S.S.;Uras, N.;Biyikli, Z.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
AO-27. Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) codon 54 gene polymorphism inrelation to risk of nosocomial invasive fungal infection in pretermneonates in the neonatal intensive care unit Aydemir, C.;Onay, H.;Oguz, S.S.;Ozdemir, T.R.;Erdeve, O.;Ozkinay, F.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2010-11-01 查看
Serum intestinal fatty acid binding protein level for early diagnosisand prediction of severity of necrotizing enterocolitis Aydemir, C.;Dilli, D.;Oguz, S.S.;Ulu, H.O.;Uras, N.;Erdeve, O.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2011-10-01 查看
Low platelet count is associated with ductus arteriosus patency inpreterm newborns Alyamac Dizdar, E.;Ozdemir, R.;Nur Sari, F.;Yurttutan, S.;Gokmen, T.;Erdeve, O.;Emre Canpolat, F.;Uras, N.;Suna Oguz, S.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2012-10-01 查看
Low platelet count is associated with ductus arteriosus patency inpreterm newborns Alyamac Dizdar, E.;Ozdemir, R.;Nur Sari, F.;Yurttutan, S.;Gokmen, T.;Erdeve, O.;Emre Canpolat, F.;Uras, N.;Suna Oguz, S.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2012-10-01 查看
The effects of ibuprofen on sepsis parameters in preterm neonates Demirel, G.;Celik, I.H.;Canpolat, F.E.;Erdeve, O.;Oguz, S.S.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2012-04-01 查看
The role of plasma N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide inpredicting the severity of transient tachypnea of the newborn Aydemir, O.;Aydemir, C.;Sarikabadayi, Y.U.;Altug, N.;Erdeve, O.;Uras, N.;Oguz, S.S.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2012-05-01 查看
Cerebral and mesenteric tissue oxygenation by positional changes invery low birth weight premature infants Demirel, G.;Oguz, S.S.;Celik, I.H.;Erdeve, O.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2012-06-01 查看
Cerebral and mesenteric tissue oxygenation by positional changes invery low birth weight premature infants Demirel, G.;Oguz, S.S.;Celik, I.H.;Erdeve, O.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2012-06-01 查看
The metabolic effects of two different lipid emulsions used inparenterally fed premature infants - A randomized comparative study Demirel, G.;Oguz, S.S.;Celik, I.H.;Erdeve, O.;Uras, N.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2012-07-01 查看
The metabolic effects of two different lipid emulsions used inparenterally fed premature infants - A randomized comparative study Demirel, G.;Oguz, S.S.;Celik, I.H.;Erdeve, O.;Uras, N.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2012-07-01 查看
Effects of red cell transfusion on cardiac output and perfusion indexin preterm infants Kanmaz, H.G.;Sarikabadayi, Y.U.;Canpolat, E.;Altug, N.;Oguz, S.S.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2013-09-01 查看
Effects of red cell transfusion on cardiac output and perfusion indexin preterm infants Kanmaz, H.G.;Sarikabadayi, Y.U.;Canpolat, E.;Altug, N.;Oguz, S.S.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2013-09-01 查看
5ICCN_015: The association of early postnatal weight loss with outcomein extremely low birth weight infants Tatar Aksoy, H.;Guzoglu, N.;Eras, Z.;Gokce, I.K.;Canpolat, F.E.;Uras, N.;Oguz, S.S.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2014-09-01 查看
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