


Management of neonatal hydronephrosis Belarmino, J.M.;Kogan, B.A.; Early Human Development 2006-01-01 查看
Long-term neurodevelopmental outcome of preterm children withunilateral cerebral lesions diagnosed by neonatal ultrasound Vollmer, B.;Roth, S.;Riley, K.;O'Brien, F.;Baudin, J.;De Haan, M.;Khadem, F.V.;Neville, B.G.R.;Wyatt, J.S.; Early Human Development 2006-10-01 查看
The role of cranial ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in thediagnosis of infections of the central nervous system de Vries, L.S.;Verboon-Maciolek, M.A.;Cowan, F.M.;Groenendaal, F.; Early Human Development 2006-12-01 查看
Using cerebral ultrasound effectively in the newborn infant Leijser, L.M.;de Vries, L.S.;Cowan, F.M.; Early Human Development 2006-12-01 查看
Hemodynamic evaluation of a prenatal thoracoamniotic shunt for fetalpleural effusion Yonemoto, H.;Itoh, S.;Nakamura, Y.;Yoshida, K.;Kinoshita, K.; Early Human Development 2006-06-01 查看
The management of multiple pregnancy Taylor, M.J.O.; Early Human Development 2006-06-01 查看
Bone disease of prematurity Sharp, M.; Early Human Development 2007-10-01 查看
Bone disease of prematurity Sharp, M.; Early Human Development 2007-10-01 查看
Quality control of prenatal sonography in detecting trisomy 18. Thevalue of perinatal autopsy Szigeti, Z.;Csapo, Z.;Joo, J.;Pete, B.;Papp, Z.;Papp, C.; Early Human Development 2007-08-01 查看
The relationship between fetal inferior vena cava diameter pulse andflow velocity waveforms in normal and compromised pregnancies Akira, M.;Noa, U.;Atsuko, T.;Kanako, M.;Mikio, M.; Early Human Development 2008-02-01 查看
Maternal psychological impact of medical information in the neonatalperiod after premature birth Sophie, D.;Le Quen, V.;Bureau, V.;Ancel, P.Y.;Breart, G.;Roze, J.C.; Early Human Development 2009-12-01 查看
Muscle ultrasound density in human fetuses with spina bifida aperta Verbeek, R.J.;van der Hoeven, J.H.;Sollie, K.M.;Maurits, N.M.;Bos, A.F.;den Dunnen, W.F.A.;Brouwer, O.F.;Sival, D.A.; Early Human Development 2009-08-01 查看
Routine TORCH screening is not warranted in neonates with subependymalcysts van der Weiden, S.;Steggerda, S.J.;Te Pas, A.B.;Vossen, A.C.T.M.;Walther, F.J.;Lopriore, E.; Early Human Development 2010-04-01 查看
Predicting neurosensory disabilities at two years of age in a nationalcohort of extremely premature infants Leversen, K.T.;Sommerfelt, K.;Ronnestad, A.;Kaaresen, P.I.;Farstad, T.;Skranes, J.;Stoen, R.;Elgen, I.B.;Rettedal, S.;Eide, G.E.;Irgens, L.M.;Markestad, T.; Early Human Development 2010-09-01 查看
Predicting neurosensory disabilities at two years of age in a nationalcohort of extremely premature infants Leversen, K.T.;Sommerfelt, K.;Ronnestad, A.;Kaaresen, P.I.;Farstad, T.;Skranes, J.;Stoen, R.;Elgen, I.B.;Rettedal, S.;Eide, G.E.;Irgens, L.M.;Markestad, T.; Early Human Development 2010-09-01 查看
Evidence based management guidelines for the detection and treatment ofcongenital CMV Kadambari, S.;Williams, E.J.;Luck, S.;Griffiths, P.D.;Sharland, M.; Early Human Development 2011-11-01 查看
First trimester umbilical cord and vitelline duct measurements usingvirtual reality Rousian, M.;Verwoerd-Dikkeboom, C.M.;Koning, A.H.J.;Hop, W.C.;van der Spek, P.J.;Steegers, E.A.P.;Exalto, N.; Early Human Development 2011-02-01 查看
Cerebral measurements made using cranial ultrasound in term Ugandannewborns Hagmann, C.F.;Robertson, N.J.;Acolet, D.;Nyombi, N.;Ondo, S.;Nakakeeto, M.;Cowan, F.M.; Early Human Development 2011-05-01 查看
Sonographic markers of aneuploidies at 6-10weeks of gestation Papaioannou, G.K.I.;Syngelaki, A.;Maiz, N.;Ross, J.A.;Nicolaides, K.H.; Early Human Development 2011-07-01 查看
Prenatal diagnosis: Types and techniques Collins, S.L.;Impey, L.; Early Human Development 2012-01-01 查看
Maternal use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors duringpregnancy and neonatal bone density Dubnov-Raz, G.;Hemila, H.;Vurembrand, Y.;Kuint, J.;Maayan-Metzger, A.; Early Human Development 2012-03-01 查看
Fetal behavior in normal dichorionic twin pregnancy Mulder, E.J.H.;Derks, J.B.;de Laat, M.W.M.;Visser, G.H.A.; Early Human Development 2012-03-01 查看
Blood flow in the foetal superior vena cava and the effect of foetalbreathing movements Nyberg, M.K.;Johnsen, S.L.;Rasmussen, S.;Kiserud, T.; Early Human Development 2012-03-01 查看
The differences in testicular volumes in boys 8-36months old withundescended, retractile and hydrocele testis - Usefulness of scrotalscreening ultrasound Jedrzejewski, G.;Wozniak, M.M.;Madej, T.;Kryza, R.;Zielonka-Lamparska, E.;Wieczorek, A.P.; Early Human Development 2012-03-01 查看
Increased nuchal translucency and congenital heart disease Mogra, R.;Alabbad, N.;Hyett, J.; Early Human Development 2012-05-01 查看
Fetal myocardial tissue Doppler indices before birth physiologicallychange in proportion to body size adjusted for gestational age in low-riskterm pregnancies Sekii, K.;Ishikawa, T.;Ogata, T.;Itoh, H.;Iwashima, S.; Early Human Development 2012-07-01 查看
Fetal myocardial tissue Doppler indices before birth physiologicallychange in proportion to body size adjusted for gestational age in low-riskterm pregnancies Sekii, K.;Ishikawa, T.;Ogata, T.;Itoh, H.;Iwashima, S.; Early Human Development 2012-07-01 查看
Prenatal isolated mild ventriculomegaly is associated with persistentventricle enlargement at ages 1 and 2 Lyall, A.E.;Woolson, S.;Wolfe, H.M.;Goldman, B.D.;Reznick, J.S.;Hamer, R.M.;Lin, W.;Styner, M.;Gerig, G.;Gilmore, J.H.; Early Human Development 2012-08-01 查看
Bone status and associated factors measured by quantitative ultrasoundin preterm and full-term newborn infants Chen, H.L.;Tseng, H.I.;Yang, S.N.;Yang, R.C.; Early Human Development 2012-08-01 查看
Genetic variants associated with adult blood pressure and kidneyfunction do not affect fetal kidney volume. The Generation R Study Taal, H.R.;van den Hil, L.C.L.;Hofman, A.;van der Heijden, A.J.;Jaddoe, V.W.V.; Early Human Development 2012-09-01 查看
Brain ultrasound findings in neonates treated with intrauterinetransfusion for fetal anaemia Leijser, L.M.;Vos, N.;Walther, F.J.;van Wezel-Meijler, G.; Early Human Development 2012-09-01 查看
Lung ultrasound: its role in neonatology and pediatrics Cattarossi, L.; Early Human Development 2013-06-01 查看
Lung ultrasound: its role in neonatology and pediatrics Cattarossi, L.; Early Human Development 2013-06-01 查看
The predictive value of first trimester fetal volume measurements, aprospective cohort study Smeets, N.A.C.;Winkens, B.;Prudon, M.;de Ven, J.v.;Gondrie, V.P.J.;van Deursen, F.;Oei, S.G.; Early Human Development 2013-05-01 查看
The predictive value of first trimester fetal volume measurements, aprospective cohort study Smeets, N.A.C.;Winkens, B.;Prudon, M.;de Ven, J.v.;Gondrie, V.P.J.;van Deursen, F.;Oei, S.G.; Early Human Development 2013-05-01 查看
Feasibility of using ultrasound to measure preterm body composition andto assess macronutrient influences on tissue accretion rates McLeod, G.;Geddes, D.;Nathan, E.;Sherriff, J.;Simmer, K.;Hartmann, P.; Early Human Development 2013-08-01 查看
Feasibility of using ultrasound to measure preterm body composition andto assess macronutrient influences on tissue accretion rates McLeod, G.;Geddes, D.;Nathan, E.;Sherriff, J.;Simmer, K.;Hartmann, P.; Early Human Development 2013-08-01 查看
Real-time 3D ultrasound imaging of infant tongue movements duringbreast-feeding Burton, P.;Deng, J.;McDonald, D.;Fewtrell, M.S.; Early Human Development 2013-09-01 查看
Cerebral volume at term age: Comparison between preterm and term-borninfants using cranial ultrasound Graca, A.M.;Cardoso, K.R.V.;da Costa, J.M.F.P.;Cowan, F.M.; Early Human Development 2013-09-01 查看
Real-time 3D ultrasound imaging of infant tongue movements duringbreast-feeding Burton, P.;Deng, J.;McDonald, D.;Fewtrell, M.S.; Early Human Development 2013-09-01 查看
Cerebral volume at term age: Comparison between preterm and term-borninfants using cranial ultrasound Graca, A.M.;Cardoso, K.R.V.;da Costa, J.M.F.P.;Cowan, F.M.; Early Human Development 2013-09-01 查看
Lung ultrasound findings in meconium aspiration syndrome Piastra, M.;Yousef, N.;Brat, R.;Manzoni, P.;Mokhtari, M.;De Luca, D.; Early Human Development 2014-09-01 查看
Neonatal neurological examination in well newborn term Ugandan infants Hagmann, C.F.;Chan, D.;Robertson, N.J.;Acolet, D.;Nyombi, N.;Nakakeeto, M.;Cowan, F.M.; Early Human Development 2015-12-01 查看
Early second trimester transvaginal ultrasound anomaly scan does notcause adverse perinatal outcome Levmore-Tamir, M.;Tsafrir, A.;Boldes, R.;Rabinowitz, R.;Armon, S.;Shen, O.; Early Human Development 2015-03-01 查看
The etiology of lenticulostriate vasculopathy and the role ofcongenital infections Cantey, J.B.;Sisman, J.; Early Human Development 2015-07-01 查看
Lenticulostriate vasculopathy in neonates: Perspective of theradiologist Koral, K.;Sisman, J.;Pritchard, M.;Rosenfeld, C.R.; Early Human Development 2015-07-01 查看
The etiology of lenticulostriate vasculopathy and the role ofcongenital infections Cantey, J.B.;Sisman, J.; Early Human Development 2015-07-01 查看
Lenticulostriate vasculopathy in neonates: Perspective of theradiologist Koral, K.;Sisman, J.;Pritchard, M.;Rosenfeld, C.R.; Early Human Development 2015-07-01 查看
Ethnic differences in fetal size and growth in a multi-ethnic population Sletner, L.;Rasmussen, S.;Jenum, A.K.;Nakstad, B.;Jensen, O.H.R.;Vangen, S.; Early Human Development 2015-09-01 查看
Effect of (minor or major) maternal trauma on fetal motility: Aprospective study van der Knoop, B.J.;van Schie, P.E.M.;Vermeulen, R.J.;Pistorius, L.R.;van Weissenbruch, M.M.;de Vries, J.I.P.; Early Human Development 2015-09-01 查看
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