


O098 EMERGENCY BLOOD TRANSFUSION IN OBSTETRIC PATIENTS Begum, M.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2012-10-01 查看
Achievements of the FIGO Initiative for the Prevention of UnsafeAbortion and its Consequences in South-Southeast Asia Zaidi, S.;Begum, F.;Tank, J.;Chaudhury, P.;Yasmin, H.;Dissanayake, M.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2014-07-01 查看
Improving manual vacuum aspiration service delivery, introducingmisoprostol for cases of incomplete abortion, and strengtheningpostabortion contraception in Bangladesh Begum, F.;Zaidi, S.;Fatima, P.;Shamsuddin, L.;Anowar-ul-Azim, A.K.M.;Begum, R.A.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2014-07-01 查看
Achievements of the FIGO Initiative for the Prevention of UnsafeAbortion and its Consequences in South-Southeast Asia Zaidi, S.;Begum, F.;Tank, J.;Chaudhury, P.;Yasmin, H.;Dissanayake, M.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2014-07-01 查看
Improving manual vacuum aspiration service delivery, introducingmisoprostol for cases of incomplete abortion, and strengtheningpostabortion contraception in Bangladesh Begum, F.;Zaidi, S.;Fatima, P.;Shamsuddin, L.;Anowar-ul-Azim, A.K.M.;Begum, R.A.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2014-07-01 查看
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