


Randomised efficacy and safety study of two 3-day artesunate rectalcapsule/mefloquine regimens versus artesunate alone for uncomplicatedmalaria in Ecuadorian children Gomez L, E.A.;Jurado, M.H.;Cambon, N.; Acta Tropica 2003-12-01 查看
Randomised efficacy and safety study of two 3-day artesunate rectalcapsule/mefloquine regimens versus artesunate alone for uncomplicatedmalaria in Ecuadorian children Gomez L, E.A.;Jurado, M.H.;Cambon, N.; Acta Tropica 2003-12-01 查看
Naphthoquine phosphate and its combination with artemisinine Wang, J.-y.;Cao, W.-c.;Shan, C.-q.;Zhang, M.;Li, G.-f.;Ding, D.-b.;Shi, Y.-l.;Wu, B.-a.; Acta Tropica 2004-02-01 查看
Is combination therapy for malaria based on user-fees worthwhile andequitable to consumers? - Assessment of costs and willingness to pay inSoutheast Nigeria Onwujekwe, O.;Uzochukwu, B.;Shu, E.;Ibeh, C.;Okonkwo, P.; Acta Tropica 2004-07-01 查看
Efficacy of picroliv in combination with miltefosine, an orallyeffective antileishmanial drug against experimental visceral leishmaniasis Gupta, S.;Ramesh;Sharma, S.C.;Srivastava, V.M.L.; Acta Tropica 2005-04-01 查看
Population biology and antimalarial resistance: The transmission ofantimalarial drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum Barnes, K.I.;White, N.J.; Acta Tropica 2005-06-01 查看
Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs): Best hope for malariatreatment but inaccessible to the needy! Mutabingwa, T.K.; Acta Tropica 2005-09-01 查看
Multiple synergistic interactions between atovaquone and antifolatesagainst Plasmodium falciparum in vitro: A rational basis for combinationtherapy Nduati, E.W.;Kamau, E.M.; Acta Tropica 2006-03-01 查看
Efficacy of oral single dose therapy with artemisinin-naphthoquinephosphate in uncomplicated falciparum malaria Tun, T.;Tint, H.S.;Lin, K.;Kyaw, T.T.;Myint, M.K.;Khaing, W.;Tun, Z.W.; Acta Tropica 2009-09-01 查看
Public and private sector treatment of malaria in Lao PDR Nonaka, D.;Vongseththa, K.;Kobayashi, J.;Bounyadeth, S.;Kano, S.;Phompida, S.;Jimba, M.; Acta Tropica 2009-12-01 查看
Evaluation of effectiveness of diethylcarbamazine/albendazolecombination in reduction of Wuchereria bancrofti infection using multipleinfection parameters Wamae, C.N.;Njenga, S.M.;Ngugi, B.M.;Mbui, J.;Njaanake, H.K.; Acta Tropica 2011-09-01 查看
Evaluation of effectiveness of diethylcarbamazine/albendazolecombination in reduction of Wuchereria bancrofti infection using multipleinfection parameters Wamae, C.N.;Njenga, S.M.;Ngugi, B.M.;Mbui, J.;Njaanake, H.K.; Acta Tropica 2011-09-01 查看
Sahel, savana, riverine and urban malaria in West Africa: Similarcontrol policies with different outcomes Ceesay, S.J.;Bojang, K.A.;Nwakanma, D.;Conway, D.J.;Koita, O.A.;Doumbia, S.O.;Ndiaye, D.;Coulibaly, T.F.;Diakite, M.;Traore, S.F.;Coulibaly, M.;Ndiaye, J.L.;Sarr, O.;Gaye, O.;Konate, L.;Sy, N.;Faye, B.;Faye, O.;Sogoba, N.;Jawara, M.;Dao, A.;Poudiougou, B.;Diawara, S.;Okebe, J.;Sangare, L.;Abubakar, I.;Sissako, A.;Diarra, A.;Keita, M.;Kandeh, B.;Long, C.A.;Fairhurst, R.M.;Duraisingh, M.;Perry, R.;Muskavitch, M.A.T.;Valim, C.;Volkman, S.K.;Wirth, D.F.;Krogstad, D.J.; Acta Tropica 2012-03-01 查看
Improving malaria control in West Africa: Interruption of transmissionas a paradigm shift Doumbia, S.O.;Ndiaye, D.;Koita, O.A.;Diakite, M.;Nwakanma, D.;Coulibaly, M.;Traore, S.F.;Keating, J.;Milner, D.A.;Ndiaye, J.L.;Sene, P.D.;Ahouidi, A.;Dieye, T.N.;Gaye, O.;Okebe, J.;Ceesay, S.J.;Ngwa, A.;Oriero, E.C.;Konate, L.;Sy, N.;Jawara, M.;Faye, O.;Keita, M.;Cisse, M.;Sogoba, N.;Poudiougou, B.;Diawara, S.;Sangare, L.;Coulibaly, T.;Seck, I.;Abubakar, I.;Gomis, J.;Mather, F.J.;Sissako, A.;Diarra, A.;Kandeh, B.;Whalen, C.;Moyer, B.;Nnedu, O.;Thiero, O.;Bei, A.K.;Daniels, R.;Miura, K.;Long, C.A.;Fairhurst, R.M.;Duraisingh, M.;Muskavitch, M.A.T.;D'Alessandro, U.;Conway, D.J.;Volkman, S.K.;Valim, C.;Wirth, D.F.;Krogstad, D.J.; Acta Tropica 2012-03-01 查看
Malaria in Uganda: Challenges to control on the long road to elimination Yeka, A.;Gasasira, A.;Mpimbaza, A.;Achan, J.;Nankabirwa, J.;Nsobya, S.;Staedke, S.G.;Donnelly, M.J.;Wabwire-Mangen, F.;Talisuna, A.;Dorsey, G.;Kamya, M.R.;Rosenthal, P.J.; Acta Tropica 2012-03-01 查看
Malaria in Uganda: Challenges to control on the long road toelimination. II. The path forward Talisuna, A.;Adibaku, S.;Dorsey, G.;Kamya, M.R.;Rosenthal, P.J.; Acta Tropica 2012-03-01 查看
Malaria control in Malawi: Current status and directions for the future Mathanga, D.P.;Walker, E.D.;Wilson, M.L.;Ali, D.;Taylor, T.E.;Laufer, M.K.; Acta Tropica 2012-03-01 查看
Sahel, savana, riverine and urban malaria in West Africa: Similarcontrol policies with different outcomes Ceesay, S.J.;Bojang, K.A.;Nwakanma, D.;Conway, D.J.;Koita, O.A.;Doumbia, S.O.;Ndiaye, D.;Coulibaly, T.F.;Diakite, M.;Traore, S.F.;Coulibaly, M.;Ndiaye, J.L.;Sarr, O.;Gaye, O.;Konate, L.;Sy, N.;Faye, B.;Faye, O.;Sogoba, N.;Jawara, M.;Dao, A.;Poudiougou, B.;Diawara, S.;Okebe, J.;Sangare, L.;Abubakar, I.;Sissako, A.;Diarra, A.;Keita, M.;Kandeh, B.;Long, C.A.;Fairhurst, R.M.;Duraisingh, M.;Perry, R.;Muskavitch, M.A.T.;Valim, C.;Volkman, S.K.;Wirth, D.F.;Krogstad, D.J.; Acta Tropica 2012-03-01 查看
Improving malaria control in West Africa: Interruption of transmissionas a paradigm shift Doumbia, S.O.;Ndiaye, D.;Koita, O.A.;Diakite, M.;Nwakanma, D.;Coulibaly, M.;Traore, S.F.;Keating, J.;Milner, D.A.;Ndiaye, J.L.;Sene, P.D.;Ahouidi, A.;Dieye, T.N.;Gaye, O.;Okebe, J.;Ceesay, S.J.;Ngwa, A.;Oriero, E.C.;Konate, L.;Sy, N.;Jawara, M.;Faye, O.;Keita, M.;Cisse, M.;Sogoba, N.;Poudiougou, B.;Diawara, S.;Sangare, L.;Coulibaly, T.;Seck, I.;Abubakar, I.;Gomis, J.;Mather, F.J.;Sissako, A.;Diarra, A.;Kandeh, B.;Whalen, C.;Moyer, B.;Nnedu, O.;Thiero, O.;Bei, A.K.;Daniels, R.;Miura, K.;Long, C.A.;Fairhurst, R.M.;Duraisingh, M.;Muskavitch, M.A.T.;D'Alessandro, U.;Conway, D.J.;Volkman, S.K.;Valim, C.;Wirth, D.F.;Krogstad, D.J.; Acta Tropica 2012-03-01 查看
Malaria in Uganda: Challenges to control on the long road to elimination Yeka, A.;Gasasira, A.;Mpimbaza, A.;Achan, J.;Nankabirwa, J.;Nsobya, S.;Staedke, S.G.;Donnelly, M.J.;Wabwire-Mangen, F.;Talisuna, A.;Dorsey, G.;Kamya, M.R.;Rosenthal, P.J.; Acta Tropica 2012-03-01 查看
Malaria in Uganda: Challenges to control on the long road toelimination. II. The path forward Talisuna, A.;Adibaku, S.;Dorsey, G.;Kamya, M.R.;Rosenthal, P.J.; Acta Tropica 2012-03-01 查看
Malaria control in Malawi: Current status and directions for the future Mathanga, D.P.;Walker, E.D.;Wilson, M.L.;Ali, D.;Taylor, T.E.;Laufer, M.K.; Acta Tropica 2012-03-01 查看
Sahel, savana, riverine and urban malaria in West Africa: Similarcontrol policies with different outcomes Ceesay, S.J.;Bojang, K.A.;Nwakanma, D.;Conway, D.J.;Koita, O.A.;Doumbia, S.O.;Ndiaye, D.;Coulibaly, T.F.;Diakite, M.;Traore, S.F.;Coulibaly, M.;Ndiaye, J.L.;Sarr, O.;Gaye, O.;Konate, L.;Sy, N.;Faye, B.;Faye, O.;Sogoba, N.;Jawara, M.;Dao, A.;Poudiougou, B.;Diawara, S.;Okebe, J.;Sangare, L.;Abubakar, I.;Sissako, A.;Diarra, A.;Keita, M.;Kandeh, B.;Long, C.A.;Fairhurst, R.M.;Duraisingh, M.;Perry, R.;Muskavitch, M.A.T.;Valim, C.;Volkman, S.K.;Wirth, D.F.;Krogstad, D.J.; Acta Tropica 2012-03-01 查看
Improving malaria control in West Africa: Interruption of transmissionas a paradigm shift Doumbia, S.O.;Ndiaye, D.;Koita, O.A.;Diakite, M.;Nwakanma, D.;Coulibaly, M.;Traore, S.F.;Keating, J.;Milner, D.A.;Ndiaye, J.L.;Sene, P.D.;Ahouidi, A.;Dieye, T.N.;Gaye, O.;Okebe, J.;Ceesay, S.J.;Ngwa, A.;Oriero, E.C.;Konate, L.;Sy, N.;Jawara, M.;Faye, O.;Keita, M.;Cisse, M.;Sogoba, N.;Poudiougou, B.;Diawara, S.;Sangare, L.;Coulibaly, T.;Seck, I.;Abubakar, I.;Gomis, J.;Mather, F.J.;Sissako, A.;Diarra, A.;Kandeh, B.;Whalen, C.;Moyer, B.;Nnedu, O.;Thiero, O.;Bei, A.K.;Daniels, R.;Miura, K.;Long, C.A.;Fairhurst, R.M.;Duraisingh, M.;Muskavitch, M.A.T.;D'Alessandro, U.;Conway, D.J.;Volkman, S.K.;Valim, C.;Wirth, D.F.;Krogstad, D.J.; Acta Tropica 2012-03-01 查看
Malaria in Uganda: Challenges to control on the long road to elimination Yeka, A.;Gasasira, A.;Mpimbaza, A.;Achan, J.;Nankabirwa, J.;Nsobya, S.;Staedke, S.G.;Donnelly, M.J.;Wabwire-Mangen, F.;Talisuna, A.;Dorsey, G.;Kamya, M.R.;Rosenthal, P.J.; Acta Tropica 2012-03-01 查看
Malaria in Uganda: Challenges to control on the long road toelimination. II. The path forward Talisuna, A.;Adibaku, S.;Dorsey, G.;Kamya, M.R.;Rosenthal, P.J.; Acta Tropica 2012-03-01 查看
Malaria control in Malawi: Current status and directions for the future Mathanga, D.P.;Walker, E.D.;Wilson, M.L.;Ali, D.;Taylor, T.E.;Laufer, M.K.; Acta Tropica 2012-03-01 查看
In vitro and in vivo efficacy of tribendimidine and its metabolitesalone and in combination against the hookworms Heligmosomoides bakeri andAncylostoma ceylanicum Tritten, L.;Nwosu, U.;Vargas, M.;Keiser, J.; Acta Tropica 2012-04-01 查看
Field evaluation of rapid diagnostic tests for malaria in Yaounde,Cameroon Tahar, R.;Sayang, C.;Ngane Foumane, V.;Soula, G.;Moyou-Somo, R.;Delmont, J.;Basco, L.K.; Acta Tropica 2013-02-01 查看
Field evaluation of rapid diagnostic tests for malaria in Yaounde,Cameroon Tahar, R.;Sayang, C.;Ngane Foumane, V.;Soula, G.;Moyou-Somo, R.;Delmont, J.;Basco, L.K.; Acta Tropica 2013-02-01 查看
Combination therapy with nitazoxanide and amphotericin B,Glucantime^(R), miltefosine and sitamaquine against Leishmania (Leishmania)infantum intracellular amastigotes Mesquita, J.T.;Tempone, A.G.;Reimao, J.Q.; Acta Tropica 2014-02-01 查看
Combinations of ascaridole, carvacrol, and caryophyllene oxide againstLeishmania Pastor, J.;Garcia, M.;Steinbauer, S.;Setzer, W.N.;Scull, R.;Gille, L.;Monzote, L.; Acta Tropica 2015-05-01 查看
Leptin augments protective immune responses in murine macrophages andenhances potential of miltefosine against experimental visceralleishmaniasis Shivahare, R.;Ali, W.;Vishwakarma, P.;Natu, S.M.;Puri, S.K.;Gupta, S.; Acta Tropica 2015-10-01 查看
Trends in malaria case management following changes in the treatmentpolicy to artemisinin combination therapy at the Mbakong Health Centre,Cameroon 2006-2012: A retrospective study Ndong, I.C.;Reenen, M.v.;Boakye, D.A.;Mbacham, W.F.;Grobler, A.F.; Acta Tropica 2015-10-01 查看
Trends in malaria case management following changes in the treatmentpolicy to artemisinin combination therapy at the Mbakong Health Centre,Cameroon 2006-2012: A retrospective study Ndong, I.C.;Reenen, M.v.;Boakye, D.A.;Mbacham, W.F.;Grobler, A.F.; Acta Tropica 2015-10-01 查看
Leptin augments protective immune responses in murine macrophages andenhances potential of miltefosine against experimental visceralleishmaniasis Shivahare, R.;Ali, W.;Vishwakarma, P.;Natu, S.M.;Puri, S.K.;Gupta, S.; Acta Tropica 2015-10-01 查看
Leptin augments protective immune responses in murine macrophages andenhances potential of miltefosine against experimental visceralleishmaniasis Shivahare, R.;Ali, W.;Vishwakarma, P.;Natu, S.M.;Puri, S.K.;Gupta, S.; Acta Tropica 2015-10-01 查看
Trends in malaria case management following changes in the treatmentpolicy to artemisinin combination therapy at the Mbakong Health Centre,Cameroon 2006-2012: A retrospective study Ndong, I.C.;Reenen, M.v.;Boakye, D.A.;Mbacham, W.F.;Grobler, A.F.; Acta Tropica 2015-10-01 查看
Narrative review of current context of malaria and managementstrategies in Uganda (Part I) Kassam, R.;Collins, J.B.;Liow, E.;Rasool, N.; Acta Tropica 2015-12-01 查看
Caregivers' treatment-seeking behaviors and practices in Uganda-Asystematic review (Part II) Kassam, R.;Collins, J.B.;Liow, E.;Rasool, N.; Acta Tropica 2015-12-01 查看
Characterization of asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infection andits risk factors in pregnant women from the Republic of Congo Francine, N.;Damien, B.;Anna, F.;Michael, K.;Christevy, V.J.;Felix, K.K.; Acta Tropica 2016-01-01 查看
Prophylactic effect of artemether on human schistosomiasis mansoniamong Egyptian children: A randomized controlled trial Elmorshedy, H.;Tanner, M.;Bergquist, R.N.;Sharaf, S.;Barakat, R.; Acta Tropica 2016-06-01 查看
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