


Social aspects of malaria in Heping, Hainan Linhua, T.;Manderson, L.;Da, D.;Kaichen, W.;Xianzheng, C.;Changxiong, L.;Zhengcheng, G.;Ke-an, W.; Acta Tropica 1995-03-01 查看
Inoculum size and severity of malaria induced with Plasmodium ovale Glynn, J.R.;Bradley, D.J.; Acta Tropica 1995-03-01 查看
Seroprevalences of toxoplasma, malaria, rubella, cytomegalovirus, HIV andtreponemal infections among pregnant women in Cotonou, Republic of Benin Rodier, M.H.;Berthonneau, J.;Bourgoin, A.;Giraudeau, G.;Agius, G.;Burucoa, C.;Hekpazo, A.;Jacquemin, J.L.; Acta Tropica 1995-08-01 查看
Seroprevalences of toxoplasma, malaria, rubella, cytomegalovirus, HIV andtreponemal infections among pregnant women in Cotonou, Republic of Benin Rodier, M.H.;Berthonneau, J.;Bourgoin, A.;Giraudeau, G.;Agius, G.;Burucoa, C.;Hekpazo, A.;Jacquemin, J.L.; Acta Tropica 1995-08-01 查看
Seroprevalences of toxoplasma, malaria, rubella, cytomegalovirus, HIVand treponemal infections among pregnant women in Cotonou, Republic of Benin Rodier, M.H.;Berthonneau, J.;Bourgoin, A.;Giraudeau, G.;Agius, G.;Burucoa, C.;Hekpazo, A.;Jacquemin, J.L.; Acta Tropica 1995-08-01 查看
The potential for malaria control with the biological larvicide Bacillusthuringiensis israelensis (Bti) in Peru and Ecuador Kroeger, A.;Horstick, O.;Riedl, C.;Kaiser, A.;Becker, N.; Acta Tropica 1995-09-01 查看
Mefloquine insusceptibility of malaria in Thailand not promoted bynonregulated drug-use Plasai, V.;Spielman, A.; Acta Tropica 1996-02-01 查看
Mefloquine insusceptibility of malaria in Thailand not promoted bynonregulated drug-use Plasai, V.;Spielman, A.; Acta Tropica 1996-02-01 查看
Efficacy of artemether in severe falciparum malaria in African children Sowunmi, A.;Oduola, A.M.J.; Acta Tropica 1996-03-01 查看
Community participation in malaria control in Tigray region Ethiopia Ghebreyesus, T.A.;Alemayehu, T.;Bosman, A.;Witten, K.H.;Teklehaimanot, A.; Acta Tropica 1996-04-01 查看
Village-based diagnosis and treatment of malaria Okanurak, K.;Ruebush, T.K.; Acta Tropica 1996-04-01 查看
Village-based diagnosis and treatment of malaria Okanurak, K.;Ruebush, T.K.; Acta Tropica 1996-04-01 查看
Community participation in malaria control in Tigray region Ethiopia Adhanom Ghebreyesus, T.;Alemayehu, T.;Bosma, A.;Hanna Witten, K.;Teklehaimanot, A.; Acta Tropica 1996-04-01 查看
Lack of association between levels of transplacentally acquired Plasmodiumfalciparum-specific antibodies and age of onset of clinical malaria ininfants in a malaria endemic area of Nigeria Achidi, E.A.;Salimonu, L.S.;Perlmann, H.;Perlmann, P.;Berzins, K.;Williams, A.I.O.; Acta Tropica 1996-08-01 查看
High prevalence of chloroquine resistant Plasmodium falciparum infection inRajasthan epidemic Sharma, Y.D.;Biswas, S.;Pillai, C.R.;Ansari, M.A.;Adak, T.;Devi, C.U.; Acta Tropica 1996-12-16 查看
Community based studies on childhood mortality in a malaria holoendemicarea on the Tanzanian coast Premji, Z.;Ndayanga, P.;Shiff, C.;Minjas, J.;Lubega, P.;MacLeod, J.; Acta Tropica 1997-02-01 查看
In vitro susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum isolates in Vietnam toartemisinin derivatives and other antimalarials Wongsrichanalai, C.;The Dung, N.;Nguyen Trung, T.;Wimonwattrawatee, T.;Sookto, P.;Gray Heppner, D.;Kawamoto, F.; Acta Tropica 1997-02-01 查看
Seasonal variation of anti-Plasmodium falciparum antibodies directedagainst a repetitive peptide of gametocyte antigen Pfs2400 in inhabitantsin the State of Amapa, Brazil Marrelli, M.T.;Malafronte, R.S.;Kloetzel, J.K.; Acta Tropica 1997-02-01 查看
Community based studies on childhood mortality in a malaria holoendemicarea on the Tanzanian coast Premji, Z.;Ndayanga, P.;Shiff, C.;Minjas, J.;Lubega, P.;MacLeod, J.; Acta Tropica 1997-02-01 查看
In vitro susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum isolates in Vietnam toartemisinin derivatives and other antimalarials Wongsrichanalai, C.;The Dung, N.;Nguyen Trung, T.;Wimonwattrawatee, T.;Sookto, P.;Gray Heppner, D.;Kawamoto, F.; Acta Tropica 1997-02-01 查看
Seasonal variation of anti-Plasmodium falciparum antibodies directedagainst a repetitive peptide of gametocyte antigen Pfs2400 in inhabitantsin the State of Amapa, Brazil Marrelli, M.T.;Malafronte, R.S.;Kloetzel, J.K.; Acta Tropica 1997-02-01 查看
Profile of Morong, Bataan, an area of low malaria endemicity in thePhilippines Bustos, M.D.G.;Saul, A.;Salazar, N.P.;Gomes, M.; Acta Tropica 1997-03-01 查看
Vector abundance and behaviour in an area of low malaria endemicity inBataan, the Philippines Torres, E.P.;Salazar, N.P.;Belizario, V.Y.;Saul, A.; Acta Tropica 1997-03-01 查看
Perceptions of malaria in a low endemic area in the Philippines:transmission and prevention of disease Espino, F.;Manderson, L.;Acuin, C.;Domingo, F.;Ventura, E.; Acta Tropica 1997-03-01 查看
Field epidemiological studies on malaria in a low endemic area in thePhilippines Belizario, V.Y.;Saul, A.;Bustos, M.D.G.;Lansang, M.A.;Pasay, C.J.;Gatton, M.;Salazar, N.P.; Acta Tropica 1997-03-01 查看
Risk factors for infection with malaria in a low endemic community inBataan, the Philippines Lansang, M.A.D.;Belizario, V.Y.;Bustos, M.D.G.;Saul, A.;Aguirre, A.; Acta Tropica 1997-03-01 查看
Stability of malaria in a community in Bataan, The Philippines: prospectsfor control Saul, A.;Belizario, V.Y.;Bustos, M.D.G.;Espino, F.;Lansang, M.A.;Salazar, N.P.;Torres, E.; Acta Tropica 1997-03-01 查看
Profile of Morong, Bataan, an area of low malaria endemicity in thePhilippines Bustos, M.D.G.;Saul, A.;Salazar, N.P.;Gomes, M.; Acta Tropica 1997-03-01 查看
Vector abundance and behaviour in an area of low malaria endemicity inBataan, the Philippines Torres, E.P.;Salazar, N.P.;Belizario, V.Y.;Saul, A.; Acta Tropica 1997-03-01 查看
Perceptions of malaria in a low endemic area in the Philippines:transmission and prevention of disease Espino, F.;Manderson, L.;Acuin, C.;Domingo, F.;Ventura, E.; Acta Tropica 1997-03-01 查看
Field epidemiological studies on malaria in a low endemic area in thePhilippines Belizario, V.Y.;Saul, A.;Bustos, M.D.G.;Lansang, M.A.;Pasay, C.J.;Gatton, M.;Salazar, N.P.; Acta Tropica 1997-03-01 查看
Risk factors for infection with malaria in a low endemic community inBataan, the Philippines Lansang, M.A.D.;Belizario, V.Y.;Bustos, M.D.G.;Saul, A.;Aguirre, A.; Acta Tropica 1997-03-01 查看
Stability of malaria in a community in Bataan, The Philippines: prospectsfor control Saul, A.;Belizario, V.Y.;Bustos, M.D.G.;Espino, F.;Lansang, M.A.;Salazar, N.P.;Torres, E.; Acta Tropica 1997-03-01 查看
Humoral immune response to the 72 kDa heat shock protein from Plasmodiumfalciparum in populations at hypoendemic areas of malaria in westernBrazilian Amazon Alexandre, C.O.P.;Camargo, L.M.A.;Mattei, D.;Ferreira, M.U.;Katzin, A.M.;Plessmann Camargo, E.;Pereira da Silva, L.H.; Acta Tropica 1997-04-15 查看
Knowledge and practice of residents about malaria in southeast Iran (1994) Zaim, M.;Naseeri-Nejad, D.;Azoordegan, F.;Emadi, A.M.; Acta Tropica 1997-04-15 查看
Knowledge and practice of residents about malaria in southeast Iran (1994) Zaim, M.;Naseeri-Nejad, D.;Azoordegan, F.;Emadi, A.M.; Acta Tropica 1997-04-15 查看
Humoral immune response to the 72 kDa heat shock protein from Plasmodiumfalciparum in populations at hypoendemic areas of malaria in westernBrazilian Amazon Alexandre, C.O.P.;Camargo, L.M.A.;Mattei, D.;Ferreira, M.U.;Katzin, A.M.;Plessmann Camargo, E.;Pereira da Silva, L.H.; Acta Tropica 1997-04-15 查看
Repetitive dosing of artemisinin and quinine against Plasmodium falciparumin vitro: a simulation of the in vivo pharmacokinetics Bwijo, B.;Alin, M.H.;Abbas, N.;Eriksson, O.;Bjorkman, A.; Acta Tropica 1997-04-30 查看
Repetitive dosing of artemisinin and quinine against Plasmodium falciparumin vitro: a simulation of the in vivo pharmacokinetics Bwijo, B.;Alin, M.H.;Abbas, N.;Eriksson, O.;Bjorkman, A.; Acta Tropica 1997-04-30 查看
Repetitive dosing of artemisinin and quinine against Plasmodiumfalciparum in vitro: a simulation of the in vivo pharmacokinetics Bwijo, B.;Hassan Alin, M.;Abbas, N.;Eriksson, O.;Bjorkman, A.; Acta Tropica 1997-04-30 查看
Fine epitope specificity of antibodies to region II of the Plasmodium vivaxcircumsporozoite protein correlates with ability to bind recombinantprotein and sporozoites Bilsborough, J.;Baumgart, K.;Bathurst, I.;Barr, P.;Good, M.F.; Acta Tropica 1997-05-15 查看
Fine epitope specificity of antibodies to region II of the Plasmodium vivaxcircumsporozoite protein correlates with ability to bind recombinantprotein and sporozoites Bilsborough, J.;Baumgart, K.;Bathurst, I.;Barr, P.;Good, M.F.; Acta Tropica 1997-05-15 查看
A comparative study of clinical and sociocultural aspects of anaemia amongadolescent girls in rural Ghana Akua Agyepong, I.;Koryo Wellington, E.;Ablordey Abbey, M.; Acta Tropica 1997-05-30 查看
The age-specific prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum in migrants to IrianJaya is not attributable to agglutinating antibody repertoire Reeder, J.C.;Davern, K.M.;Baird, J.K.;Rogerson, S.J.;Brown, G.V.; Acta Tropica 1997-05-30 查看
A comparative study of clinical and sociocultural aspects of anaemia amongadolescent girls in rural Ghana Akua Agyepong, I.;Koryo Wellington, E.;Ablordey Abbey, M.; Acta Tropica 1997-05-30 查看
The age-specific prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum in migrants to IrianJaya is not attributable to agglutinating antibody repertoire Reeder, J.C.;Davern, K.M.;Baird, J.K.;Rogerson, S.J.;Brown, G.V.; Acta Tropica 1997-05-30 查看
Post treatment sensitivity studies with the parasight(R)-F test for malariadiagnosis in Zimbabwe Mharakurwa, S.;Shiff, C.J.; Acta Tropica 1997-08-01 查看
Post treatment sensitivity studies with the parasight@?-F test for malariadiagnosis in Zimbabwe Mharakurwa, S.;Shiff, C.J.; Acta Tropica 1997-08-01 查看
In vivo sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum to chloroquine andsulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in school children in Hoima district, WesternUganda Ndyomugyenyi, R.;Magnussen, P.; Acta Tropica 1997-09-10 查看
Plasma chloroquine concentrations in young and older malaria patientstreated with chloroquine Maitland, K.;Williams, T.N.;Kotecka, B.M.;Edstein, M.D.;Rieckmann, K.H.; Acta Tropica 1997-09-10 查看
In vivo sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum to chloroquine andsulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in school children in Hoima district, WesternUganda Ndyomugyenyi, R.;Magnussen, P.; Acta Tropica 1997-09-10 查看
Plasma chloroquine concentrations in young and older malaria patientstreated with chloroquine Maitland, K.;Williams, T.N.;Kotecka, B.M.;Edstein, M.D.;Rieckmann, K.H.; Acta Tropica 1997-09-10 查看
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