篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Risk factors for visual loss in giant cell (temporal) arteritis: aprospective study of 174 patients |
Liozon, E.;Herrmann, F.;Ly, K.;Robert, P.-Y.;Loustaud, V.;Soria, P.;Vidal, E.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2001-08-15 |
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The relation of C-reactive protein levels to total and cardiovascularmortality in older U.S. women |
Tice, J.A.;Browner, W.;Tracy, R.P.;Cummings, S.R.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2001-02-15 |
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Current medical therapies for patients with peripheral arterial disease: acritical review |
Regensteiner, J.G.;Hiatt, W.R.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2002-01-01 |
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Cigarette smoking and the risk of rheumatoid arthritis among postmenopausalwomen: - Results from the Iowa Women's Health Study |
Criswell, L.A.;Merlino, L.A.;Cerhan, J.R.;Mikuls, T.R.;Mudano, A.S.;Burma, M.;Folsom, A.R.;Saag, K.G.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2002-04-15 |
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Homocysteine and cardiovascular disease: - Current evidence and futureprospects |
Mangoni, A.A.;Jackson, S.H.D.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2002-05-01 |
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Risk factors for nephrolithiasis in patients with familial idiopathichypercalciuria |
Lerolle, N.;Lantz, B.;Paillard, F.;Gattegno, B.;Flahault, A.;Ronco, P.;Houillier, P.;Rondeau, E.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2002-08-01 |
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An independently derived and validated predictive model for selectingpatients with myocardial infarction who are likely to benefit from tissueplasminogen activator compared with streptokinase |
Kent, D.M.;Hayward, R.A.;Griffith, J.L.;Vijan, S.;Beshansky, J.R.;Califf, R.M.;Selker, H.P.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2002-08-01 |
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Novel risk factors for peripheral arterial disease in young women |
Bloemenkamp, D.G.M.;van den Bosch, M.A.A.J.;Mali, W.P.T.h.M.;Tanis, B.C.;Rosendaal, F.R.;Kemmeren, J.M.;Algra, A.;Visseren, F.L.J.;van der Graaf, Y.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2002-10-15 |
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The relation of C-reactive protein levels to total and cardiovascularmortality in older U.S. women |
Tice, J.A.;Browner, W.;Tracy, R.P.;Cummings, S.R.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2003-02-15 |
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Potential cost-effectiveness of C-reactive protein screening followed bytargeted statin therapy for the primary prevention of cardiovasculardisease among patients without overt hyperlipidemia |
Blake, G.J.;Ridker, P.M.;Kuntz, K.M.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2003-04-15 |
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Perioperative cardiovascular mortality in noncardiac surgery:Validation of the Lee cardiac risk index |
Boersma, E.;Kertai, M.D.;Schouten, O.;Bax, J.J.;Noordzij, P.;Steyerberg, E.W.;Schinkel, A.F.L.;van Santen, M.;Simoons, M.L.;Thomson, I.R.;Klein, J.;van Urk, H.;Poldermans, D.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-10-01 |
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Expanding the use of hepatitis vaccines in obstetrics and gynecology |
Gall, S.A.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-10-01 |
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Travel-related hepatitis B: risk factors and prevention using anaccelerated vaccination schedule |
Keystone, J.S.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-10-01 |
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Perioperative cardiovascular mortality in noncardiac surgery:Validation of the Lee cardiac risk index |
Boersma, E.;Kertai, M.D.;Schouten, O.;Bax, J.J.;Noordzij, P.;Steyerberg, E.W.;Schinkel, A.F.L.;van Santen, M.;Simoons, M.L.;Thomson, I.R.;Klein, J.;van Urk, H.;Poldermans, D.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-10-01 |
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Expanding the use of hepatitis vaccines in obstetrics and gynecology |
Gall, S.A.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-10-01 |
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Travel-related hepatitis B: risk factors and prevention using anaccelerated vaccination schedule |
Keystone, J.S.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-10-01 |
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Aspirin use for the primary prevention of coronary heart disease inolder adults |
Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study research group;Rodondi, N.;Vittinghoff, E.;Cornuz, J.;Butler, J.;Ding, J.;Satterfield, S.;Newman, A.B.;Harris, T.B.;Hulley, S.B.;Bauer, D.C.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-11-01 |
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Aspirin use for the primary prevention of coronary heart disease inolder adults |
Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study research group;Rodondi, N.;Vittinghoff, E.;Cornuz, J.;Butler, J.;Ding, J.;Satterfield, S.;Newman, A.B.;Harris, T.B.;Hulley, S.B.;Bauer, D.C.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-11-01 |
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Aspirin use for the primary prevention of coronary heart disease inolder adults |
Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study research group;Rodondi, N.;Vittinghoff, E.;Cornuz, J.;Butler, J.;Ding, J.;Satterfield, S.;Newman, A.B.;Harris, T.B.;Hulley, S.B.;Bauer, D.C.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-11-01 |
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The impact of risk status, preexisting morbidity, and polypharmacy ontreatment decisions concerning menopausal symptoms |
Col, N.F.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-12-19 |
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What impact will current trial data have on future guidelinerecommendations? |
Graham, I.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-12-01 |
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Potential vascular benefits of statins |
Kinlay, S.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-12-01 |
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Cardiovascular risk factors in minorities |
LaRosa, J.C.;Brown, C.D.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-12-01 |
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Low-risk patients admitted with community-acquired pneumonia |
Marrie, T.J.;Huang, J.Q.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-12-01 |
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Airway obstruction in never smokers: Results from the Third NationalHealth and Nutrition Examination Survey |
Celli, B.R.;Halbert, R.J.;Nordyke, R.J.;Schau, B.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-12-01 |
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The preoperative cardiovascular evaluation of the intermediate-riskpatient: New data, changing strategies |
Wesorick, D.H.;Eagle, K.A.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-12-01 |
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The impact of risk status, preexisting morbidity, and polypharmacy ontreatment decisions concerning menopausal symptoms |
Col, N.F.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-12-19 |
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Cardiovascular risk factors in minorities |
LaRosa, J.C.;Brown, C.D.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-12-01 |
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Low-risk patients admitted with community-acquired pneumonia |
Marrie, T.J.;Huang, J.Q.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-12-01 |
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Airway obstruction in never smokers: Results from the Third NationalHealth and Nutrition Examination Survey |
Celli, B.R.;Halbert, R.J.;Nordyke, R.J.;Schau, B.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-12-01 |
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The preoperative cardiovascular evaluation of the intermediate-riskpatient: New data, changing strategies |
Wesorick, D.H.;Eagle, K.A.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-12-01 |
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Cardiovascular risk factors in minorities |
LaRosa, J.C.;Brown, C.D.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-12-01 |
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Low-risk patients admitted with community-acquired pneumonia |
Marrie, T.J.;Huang, J.Q.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-12-01 |
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Airway obstruction in never smokers: Results from the Third NationalHealth and Nutrition Examination Survey |
Celli, B.R.;Halbert, R.J.;Nordyke, R.J.;Schau, B.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-12-01 |
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The preoperative cardiovascular evaluation of the intermediate-riskpatient: New data, changing strategies |
Wesorick, D.H.;Eagle, K.A.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-12-01 |
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Atrial flutter and the risk of thromboembolism: A systematic review andmeta-analysis |
Ghali, W.A.;Wasil, B.I.;Brant, R.;Exner, D.V.;Cornuz, J.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-02-01 |
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A randomized trial of a primary care-based disease management program toimprove cardiovascular risk factors and glycated hemoglobin levels inpatients with diabetes |
Rothman, R.L.;Malone, R.;Bryant, B.;Shintani, A.K.;Crigler, B.;Dewalt, D.A.;Dittus, R.S.;Weinberger, M.;Pignone, M.P.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-03-01 |
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Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy |
Kravetz, J.D.;Federman, D.G.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-03-01 |
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A randomized trial of a primary care-based disease management program toimprove cardiovascular risk factors and glycated hemoglobin levels inpatients with diabetes |
Rothman, R.L.;Malone, R.;Bryant, B.;Shintani, A.K.;Crigler, B.;Dewalt, D.A.;Dittus, R.S.;Weinberger, M.;Pignone, M.P.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-03-01 |
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Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy |
Kravetz, J.D.;Federman, D.G.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-03-01 |
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Community-acquired pneumonia as the initial manifestation of seriousunderlying diseases |
Falguera, M.;Martin, M.;Ruiz-Gonzalez, A.;Pifarre, R.;Garcia, M.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-04-01 |
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Community-acquired pneumonia as the initial manifestation of seriousunderlying diseases |
Falguera, M.;Martin, M.;Ruiz-Gonzalez, A.;Pifarre, R.;Garcia, M.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-04-01 |
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Community-acquired pneumonia as the initial manifestation of seriousunderlying diseases |
Falguera, M.;Martin, M.;Ruiz-Gonzalez, A.;Pifarre, R.;Garcia, M.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-04-01 |
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How should patients with unstable angina and non-ST-segment elevationmyocardial infarction be managed? A meta-analysis of randomized trials |
Choudhry, N.K.;Singh, J.M.;Barolet, A.;Tomlinson, G.A.;Detsky, A.S.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-05-01 |
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How should patients with unstable angina and non-ST-segment elevationmyocardial infarction be managed? A meta-analysis of randomized trials |
Choudhry, N.K.;Singh, J.M.;Barolet, A.;Tomlinson, G.A.;Detsky, A.S.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-05-01 |
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Serum uric acid and cardiovascular disease: Recent developments, andwhere do they leave us? |
Baker, J.F.;Krishnan, E.;Chen, L.;Schumacher, H.R.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-08-01 |
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Serum uric acid and cardiovascular disease: Recent developments, andwhere do they leave us? |
Baker, J.F.;Krishnan, E.;Chen, L.;Schumacher, H.R.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2005-08-01 |
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Acute, Severe Noncardiac Conditions in Patients with Acute MyocardialInfarction |
Lichtman, J.H.;Fathi, A.;Radford, M.J.;Lin, Z.;Loeser, C.S.;Krumholz, H.M.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2006-10-01 |
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Acute, Severe Noncardiac Conditions in Patients with Acute MyocardialInfarction |
Lichtman, J.H.;Fathi, A.;Radford, M.J.;Lin, Z.;Loeser, C.S.;Krumholz, H.M.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2006-10-01 |
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Hazardous to Your Health: Kinetic Foundations of Risk Stratificationand Therapeutic Triage |
Diamond, G.A.;Kaul, S.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2006-03-01 |
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Hazardous to Your Health: Kinetic Foundations of Risk Stratificationand Therapeutic Triage |
Diamond, G.A.;Kaul, S.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2006-03-01 |
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Hazardous to Your Health: Kinetic Foundations of Risk Stratificationand Therapeutic Triage |
Diamond, G.A.;Kaul, S.; |
The American Journal of Medicine |
2006-03-01 |
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