


In vivo bromodeoxyuridine(BrdU)-labelling index of rat thymus: influence ofdifferent BrdU doses and exposure times as analyzed both in tissue sectionsand in single cell suspensions Carbajo, S.;Orfao, A.;Alberca, V.;Ciudad, J.;Lopez, A.;Hernandez, L.C.;Carbajo-Perez, E.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-01-01 查看
Automated screening for cytomegalovirus infected cells using imageanalysis. Comparison of two immunoenzymatic staining methods with respectto colour segmentation Mesker, W.E.;Knepfle, C.F.H.M.;Ploem-Zaaijer, J.J.;Schipper, N.W.;Boland, G.J.;Tanke, H.J.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-01-01 查看
Differences in quantitative nuclear features between ductal carcinoma insitu (DCIS) with and without accompanying invasive carcinoma in thesurrounding breast Susnik, B.;Worth, A.;Palcic, B.;Poulin, N.;LeRiche, J.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-01-01 查看
Simultaneous in situ hybridization with biotin-labeled centromeric andlibrary DNA probes: a useful method for identifying translocations Wang, M.-R.;Perissel, B.;Malet, P.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-01-01 查看
Higher reproducibility of morphometric analysis over the counting methodfor interphase AgNOR quantification Trere, D.;Migaldi, M.;Trentini, G.P.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-01-01 查看
Consensus report of the ESACP task force on standardization of diagnosticDNA image cytometry Bocking, A.;Giroud, F.;Reith, A.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-01-01 查看
Reproducibility of semi-automated cell cycle analysis of flow cytometricDNA-histograms of fresh breast cancer material Bergers, E.;van Diest, P.J.;Baak, J.P.A.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-01-01 查看
Grading of transitional cell bladder carcinoma by image analysis ofhistological sections Jarkrans, T.;Vasko, J.;Bengtsson, E.;Choi, H.-K.;Malmstrom, P.-U.;Wester, K.;Busch, C.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-03-01 查看
Changes in the activities of signal transduction and transport membraneenzymes in CEM lymphoblastoid cells by glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis Graber, R.;Losa, G.A.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-03-01 查看
Decreased E-cadherin expression correlates with poor survival in patientswith gastric cancer Yonemura, Y.;Ninomiya, I.;Kaji, M.;Sugiyama, K.;Fujimura, T.;Tsuchihara, K.;Kawamura, T.;Miyazaki, I.;Endou, Y.;Tanaka, M.;Sasaki, T.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-03-01 查看
Automated grading of astrocytomas based on histomorphometric analysis ofKi-67 and Feulgen stained paraffin sections. Classification results ofneuronal networks and discriminant analysis Kolles, H.;Wangenheim, A.v.;Vince, G.H.;Niedermayer, I.;Feiden, W.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-03-01 查看
Invariance of textural features in image cytometry under variation of sizeand pixel magnitude Rodenacker, K.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-03-01 查看
Flow cytometric DNA analysis of fine-needle aspirates of prostatic benignlesions Paz-Bouza, J.I.;Abad, M.;Orfao, A.;Garcia, C.;Ciudad, J.;Lopez, A.;Bullon, A.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-04-01 查看
Application of image analysis to the study of skin granulomas Esterre, P.;Guerret, S.;Grimaud, J.-A.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-04-01 查看
Expression of c-erbB-2 and p53 in colorectal adenocarcinoma Sun, X.-F.;Carstensen, J.M.;Nordenskjold, B.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-04-01 查看
Heterogeneity of the chromatin fine structure in DNA-diploid breast cancercells Haroske, G.;Friedrich, K.;Theissig, F.;Meyer, W.;Kunze, K.D.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-04-01 查看
Quantitative immunohistochemistry using the CAS 200486 image analysissystem in invasive breast carcinoma: a reproducibility study Makkink-Nombrado, S.V.;Baak, J.P.A.;Schuurmans, L.;Theeuwes, J.-W.;van der Aa, T.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-04-01 查看
Flow cytometric analysis of c-myc oncoprotein in non-small-cell lungcarcinoma: comparison with immunohistochemical results De Santis, L.;Mangili, F.;Sassi, I.;Di Rocco, M.;Rossi, C.;Cantaboni, A.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-04-01 查看
DNA content in colorectal carcinoma: a flow cytometric study of theepithelial fraction Bergstrom, C.;Emdin, S.;Roos, G.;Stenling, R.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-06-01 查看
Abnormalities of esterase and glycogen in developing macrophages innon-Hodgkin's lymphoma: A quantitative cytochemical study Sokol, R.J.;Hudson, G.;Wales, J.M.;Goldstein, D.J.;James, N.T.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-06-01 查看
Primary gastric lymphomas (MALTomas): a nuclear image analysis comparisonwith lymph node monocytoid B-cells and marginal zones of spleen and Peyer'spatches Spina, D.;del Vecchio, M.T.;Leoncini, L.;Vindigni, C.;Minacci, C.;Valente, G.;Palestro, G.;Tosi, P.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-06-01 查看
Intratumoral regional heterogeneity of DNA ploidy patterns in colorectalcarcinomas Sasaki, K.;Kurose, A.;Uesugi, N.;Sugai, T.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-06-01 查看
Immunohistochemical analysis of dendritic/Langerhans cells in thyroidcarcinomas Yamakawa, M.;Yamada, K.;Orui, H.;Tsuge, T.;Ogata, T.;Dobashi, M.;Imai, Y.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-06-01 查看
A simple and rapid flow cytometric method to measure lymphocyte activationin HIV^+ subjects. Diminished response to pokeweed mitogen in earlydisease Jagers, E.;De Brabander, M.;Baisier, A.;De Cree, J.;Verhaegen, H.;Verbiest, W.;Stoffels, P.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-06-01 查看
Assessment and significance of diploid-range epithelial populations in DNAaneuploid breast carcinomas using multi-parametric flow cytometry Visscher, D.W.;Sochacki, P.;Ottosen, S.;Wykes, S.;Crissman, J.D.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-06-01 查看
Morphometry of experimental lung contusion: An improved quantitative method Malkusch, W.;Hellinger, A.;Konerding, M.;Bruch, J.;Obertacke, U.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-06-01 查看
Increase of precision and accuracy of DNA cytometry by correctingdiffraction and glare errors Haroske, G.;Meyer, W.d.;Theissig, F.;Kunze, K.D.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-07-01 查看
Fluorescence image analysis of the MCF-7 cycle related changes in chromatintexture. Differences between AT- and GC-rich chromatin Santisteban, M.S.;Brugal, G.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-07-01 查看
How thick is your section? The influence of section thickness onDNA-cytometry on histological sections Gschwendtner, A.;Mairinger, T.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-07-01 查看
Re-evaluating the AgNOR staining response in Triton X-100-treated livercells by image analysis de Campos Vidal, B.;S. Mello, M.L.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-07-01 查看
Optimization of immunohistochemical staining of proliferating cells inparaffin sections of breast carcinoma using antibodies to proliferatingcell nuclear antigen and the Ki-67 antigen Yu, C.C.-W.;Dublin, E.A.;Camplejohn, R.S.;Levison, D.A.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-07-01 查看
Expert consultation by use of telepathology - the Heidelberg experiences Kayser, K.;Fritz, P.;Drlicek, M.;Rahn, W.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-07-01 查看
False positive cervical smears: a cytometric and histological study Nenning, H.;Horn, L.-C.;Kuhndel, K.;Bilek, K.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-07-01 查看
Combined malignancy associated change and contextual analysis forcomputerized classification of cervical cell monolayers Isenstein, L.M.;Zahniser, D.J.;Hutchinson, M.L.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-09-01 查看
Aneuploidy occurrence in human tumours: a logical-automaton approach Kiss, R.;Salmon, I.;Kruczynski, A.;Camby, I.;Pasteels, J.-L.;Van Ham, P.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-09-01 查看
Exposure of macrophages to PLA2-modified lipoproteins leads to cellularlipid accumulations Menschikowski, M.;Lattke, P.;Bergmann, S.;Jaross, W.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-09-01 查看
Interest of argyrophilic proteins nucleolar organizer regions (AgNOR) toestimate the reactivity of T cell clones against autologous malignant B-NHLcells Wozniak, Z.M.;Bonnefoix, T.;Zheng, X.;Seigneurin, D.;Sotto, J.J.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-09-01 查看
Immunohistochemical detection of @a"1-antitrypsin, @a"1-antichymotrypsin,transferrin and ferritin in ameloblastoma Takahashi, H.;Tsuda, N.;Yamabe, S.;Fujita, S.;Okabe, H.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-09-01 查看
Immunohistochemical correlation of steroid receptors and disease-freeinterval in 206 consecutive cases of breast cancer: validation oftelequantification based on global scene segmentation Roca, O.F.;Ramos, A.;Cardama, A.D.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-09-01 查看
Progress in the measurement of ciliary beat frequency by automated imageanalysis: application to mammalian tracheal epithelium Nasr, G.;Schoevaert, D.;Marano, F.;Venant, A.;Legrand, J.J.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-10-01 查看
The HOME tutor: A new tool for training in microscope skills Gray, E.;Sowter, C.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-10-01 查看
Malignancy associated changes in cervical smears: systematic changes incytometric features with the grade of dysplasia Guillaud, M.;Doudkine, A.;Garner, D.;MacAulay, C.;Palcic, B.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-10-01 查看
Quantitative immunochemistry of endothelial cells in cutaneous tissue Shen, N.;Souchier, C.;Benchaib, M.;Bryon, P.-A.;Dechavanne, M.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-10-01 查看
Analysis of isolated zymogen granules from rat pancreas using flowcytometry de Dios, I.;Orfao, A.;Garcia-Montero, A.C.;Rodriguez, A.I.;Manso, M.A.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-10-01 查看
Loss of cytokeratins in breast cancer cells using multiparameter DNA flowcytometry is related to both cellular factors and preparation procedure Wingren, S.;Guerrieri, C.;Franlund, B.;Stal, O.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-10-01 查看
Subcutaneous nodules in a patient hyposensitized with aluminium-containingallergen extracts: a microanalytical study Morroni, M.;Barbatelli, G.;Carboni, V.;Sbarbati, A.;Cinti, S.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-10-01 查看
Classification of colorectal adenomas with quantitative pathology.Evaluation of morphometry, stereology, mitotic counts and syntacticstructure analysis Meijer, G.A.;Meuwissen, S.G.M.;Baak, J.P.A.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-12-01 查看
Vascular changes in major and lingual minor salivary glands in primarySjogren's syndrome Takahashi, H.;Tezuka, F.;Fujita, S.;Okabe, H.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-12-01 查看
Hematoxylin staining in quantitative DNA cytometry: an image analysis study Schulte, E.K.W.;Fink, D.K.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-12-01 查看
Histometry and the H.O.M.E. concept: An aid to the grading ofintra-cervical neoplasia? Sowter, C.;Bertolino, P.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-12-01 查看
Flow-cytometric analysis of oxidative and proteolytical activities intissue-associated phagocytes from normal and hypertrophic muscles Lohrke, B.;Wegner, J.;Viergutz, T.;Dietl, G.;Ender, K.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-12-01 查看
Application of recent stereological tools for unbiased three-dimensionalestimation of number and size of nuclei in renal cell carcinoma samples Artacho-Perula, E.;Roldan-Villalobos, R.;Blanco-Rodriguez, A.; Analytical Cellular Pathology 1995-12-01 查看
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