篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Differences in risk factors, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular diseasebetween ethnic groups in Canada: the study of health assessment and risk inethnic groups (SHARE) |
Anand, S.S.;Yusuf, S.;Vuksan, V.;for the SHARE Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2001-01-01 |
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Impact of thrombolysis, intra-aortic balloon pump counterpulsation, andtheir combination in cardiogenic shock complicating acute myocardialinfarction: a report from the SHOCK trial registry |
Sanborn, T.A.;Sleeper, L.A.;Bates, E.R.;for the Shock investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2001-01-01 |
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Very early risk stratification after thrombolytic therapy with a bedsidemyoglobin assay and the 12-lead electrocardiogram |
De Lemos, J.A.;Antman, E.A.;Giugliano, R.P.;for the InTIME-II investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2001-01-01 |
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Management of patients with acute coronary syndromes in the United Statesby platelet/IIIa inhibition: insights from the platelet glycoproteinIIb/IIIa in unstable angina: receptor suppression using integrelin therapy(PURSUIT) trial |
Lincoff, A.M.;Harrington, R.A.;Califf, R.M.;for PURSUIT Trial Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2001-01-01 |
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Novel dosing regimen of eptifibatide in planned coronary stent implantation(ESPRIT): a randomized, placebo-controlled trial |
The ESPRIT Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2001-05-01 |
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Effects of long-term, moderate-intensity oral anticoagulation in additionto aspirin in unstable angina |
The Organization to Assess Strategies for Ischemic Syndromes (OASIS);Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2001-07-01 |
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A synthetic pentasaccharide for the prevention of deep-vein thrombosisafter total hip replacement |
Turpie, A.G.;Gallus, A.S.;Hoek, J.A.;for the Pentasaccharide Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2001-07-01 |
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Longitudinal assessment of neurocognitive function after coronary-arterybypass surgery |
Newman, M.F.;Kirchner, J.L.;Phillips-Bute, B.;et al;for the Neurological Outcome Research Group and the Cardiothoracic;Anesthesiology Research Endeavors Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2001-07-01 |
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Effects of atorvastatin on early recurrent ischemic events in acutecoronary syndromes. the miracl study: a randomized controlled trial |
Schwartz, G.G.;Olsson, A.G.;Ezekowitzet al, M.D.;for the Myocardial Ischemia Reduction with Aggressive Cholesterol-Lowering;(MIRACL) Study Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2001-09-01 |
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Randomized trial of aspirin, sibrafiban, or both for secondary preventionafter acute coronary syndromes |
Second SYMPHONY Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2001-09-01 |
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Use of transesophageal echocardiography to guide cardioversion in patientswith atrial fibrillation |
Klein, A.L.;Grimm, R.A.;Murray, R.D.;for the Assessment of Cardioversion Using Transesophageal Echocardiography;Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2001-09-01 |
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Effects of multisite biventricular pacing in patients with heart failureand intraventricular conduction delay |
Cazeau, S.;Leclercq, C.;Lavergne, T.;for the Multisite Stimulation in Cardiomyopathies (MUSTIC) Study;Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2001-09-01 |
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Electrical storm presages nonsudden death. The antiarrhythmics vs.implantable defibrillators (AVID) trial |
Exner, D.V.;Pinski, S.L.;Wyse, G.;the AVID Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2001-09-01 |
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Baroreflex sensitivity and heart rate variability in the identification ofpatients at risk for life-threatening arrhythmia. Implications for clinicaltrials |
La Rovere, M.T.;Pinna, G.D.;Hohnloser, S.H.;on behalf of the Autonomic Tone and Reflexes after Myocardial Infarction;(ATRAMI) Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2001-09-01 |
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Percutaneous coronary intervention vs. coronary artery bypass graft surgeryfor patients with medically refractory myocardial ischemia and risk factorsfor adverse outcomes with bypass: a multicenter, randomized trial |
Morrison, D.A.;Sethi, G.;Sacks, J.;the Investigators of the Department of Veterans Administration Affairs;Cooperative Study #385, the Angina with Extremely Serious Operative;Mortality Evaluation (AWESOME); |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2001-11-01 |
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Platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibition with coronary stenting for acutemyocardial infarction |
Montalescot, G.;Barragan, P.;Wittenberg, O.;the ADMIRAL Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2001-11-01 |
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Reperfusion therapy for acute myocardial infarction with fibrinolytictherapy or combination reduced fibrinolytic therapy and plateletglycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibition: the GUSTO V randomised trial |
the GUSTO V investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2001-11-01 |
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Prognostic value of ST segment depression in acute coronary syndromes:insights from PARAGON-A applied to GUSTO-IIb |
Kaul, P.;Fu, Y.;Chang, W.C.;the Paragon-A and GUSTO-IIB investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2001-11-01 |
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Measurement of C-reactive protein for the targeting of statin therapy inthe primary prevention of acute coronary events |
Ridker, P.M.;Rifai, N.;Clearfield, M.;the Air Force/Texas Coronary Atherosclerosis Prevention Study Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2001-11-01 |
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Comparison of 3 and 6 months of oral anticoagulant therapy after a firstepisode of proximal deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism andcomparison of 6 and 12 weeks of therapy after isolated calf deep veinthrombosis |
Pinede, L.;Ninet, J.;Duhaut, P.;the Investigators of the Duree Optimale du Traitement AntiVitamines K;(DTAVK) Study.; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2001-11-01 |
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Three months vs. one year of oral anticoagulant therapy for idiopathic deepvenous thrombosis |
Agnelli, G.;Prandoni, P.;Santamaria, M.G.;Warfarin Optimal Duration Italian Trial Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-01-01 |
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Effects of losartan on renal and cardiovascular outcomes in patients withtype 2 diabetes and nephropathy |
Brenner, B.M.;Cooper, M.E.;de Zeeuw, D.;RENAAL Study Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-01-01 |
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Effects of ramipril on coronary events in high-risk persons. Results of theheart outcomes prevention evaluation study |
Dangenias, G.R.;Yusuf, S.;Bourassa, M.G.;HOPE Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-01-01 |
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Early coronary intervention following pharmacologic therapy for acutemyocardial infarction (the combined TIMI 10B-TIMI 14 experience) |
Schweiger, M.J.;Cannon, C.P.;Murphy, S.A.;TIMI 10B;TIMI 14 Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-01-01 |
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Clinical and economic impact of diabetes mellitus on percutaneous andsurgical treatment of multivessel coronary disease patients: insights fromthe arterial revascularization therapy study (ARTS) trial |
Abizaid, A.;Costa, M.A.;Centemeroet al, M.;ARTS Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-01-01 |
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Resumption of driving after life-threatening ventricular tachyarrhythmia |
Akiyama, T.;Powell, J.L.;Mitchell, L.B.;Ehlert, F.A.;Baessler, C.;Antiarrhythmics vs. Implantable Defibrillators Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-01-01 |
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Prospective multicenter study of pregnancy outcomes in women with heartdisease |
Siu, S.C.;Sermer, M.;Colman, J.M.;Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy (CARPREG) Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-01-01 |
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Mechanisms behind the prognostic value of troponin T in unstable coronaryartery disease: a FRISC II substudy |
Lindahl, B.;Diderholm, E.;Lagerqvist, B.;Venge, P.;Wallentin, L.;FRISC II Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-03-01 |
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Trial of invasive vs. medical therapy in elderly patients with chronicsymptomatic coronary artery disease (TIME): a randomized trial |
The TIME Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-03-01 |
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Absence of gender differences in clinical outcomes in patients withcardiogenic shock complicating acute myocardial infarction. a report fromthe SHOCK trial registry |
Wong, S.C.;Sleeper, L.A.;Monrad, E.S.;SHOCK Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-03-01 |
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Circulation cell adhesion molecules and death in patients with coronaryartery disease |
Blankenberg, S.;Rupprecht, H.J.;Bickel, C.;AtheroGene Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-03-01 |
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Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the 6-minute walk test inpatients with heart failure |
Demers, C.;McKelvie, R.S.;Negassa, A.;Yusuf, S.;RESOLVD Pilot Study Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-03-01 |
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Mechanism of syncope in patients with bundle branch block and negativeelectrophysiological test |
Brignole, M.;Menozzi, C.;Moya, A.;International Study on Syncope of Uncertain Etiology (ISSUE) Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-03-01 |
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Survival following coronary angioplasty vs. coronary artery bypass surgeryin anatomic subsets in which coronary artery bypass surgery improvessurvival compared with medical therapy. Results from the bypass angioplastyrevascularization investigation (BARI) |
Berger, P.B.;Velianou, J.L.;Vlachos, H.A.;on behalf of BARI Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-03-01 |
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Mechanisms behind the prognostic value of troponin T in unstable coronaryartery disease: a FRISC II substudy |
Lindahl, B.;Diderholm, E.;Lagerqvist, B.;Venge, P.;Wallentin, L.;FRISC II Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-03-01 |
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Trial of invasive vs. medical therapy in elderly patients with chronicsymptomatic coronary artery disease (TIME): a randomized trial |
The TIME Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-03-01 |
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Absence of gender differences in clinical outcomes in patients withcardiogenic shock complicating acute myocardial infarction. a report fromthe SHOCK trial registry |
Wong, S.C.;Sleeper, L.A.;Monrad, E.S.;SHOCK Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-03-01 |
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Circulation cell adhesion molecules and death in patients with coronaryartery disease |
Blankenberg, S.;Rupprecht, H.J.;Bickel, C.;AtheroGene Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-03-01 |
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Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the 6-minute walk test inpatients with heart failure |
Demers, C.;McKelvie, R.S.;Negassa, A.;Yusuf, S.;RESOLVD Pilot Study Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-03-01 |
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Mechanism of syncope in patients with bundle branch block and negativeelectrophysiological test |
Brignole, M.;Menozzi, C.;Moya, A.;International Study on Syncope of Uncertain Etiology (ISSUE) Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-03-01 |
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Survival following coronary angioplasty vs. coronary artery bypass surgeryin anatomic subsets in which coronary artery bypass surgery improvessurvival compared with medical therapy. Results from the bypass angioplastyrevascularization investigation (BARI) |
Berger, P.B.;Velianou, J.L.;Vlachos, H.A.;on behalf of BARI Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-03-01 |
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Thrombin-specific anticoagulation with bivalirudin vs. heparin in patientsreceiving fibrinolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction: the HERO-2randomised trial |
The Hirulog and Early Reperfusion or Occlusion (HERO)-2 Trial Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-05-01 |
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Incidence and predictors of bleeding events after fibrinolytic therapy withfibrin-specific agents: a comparison of TNK-tPA and rt-PA |
Van de Werf, F.;Barron, H.V.;Armstrong, P.W.;for the ASSENT-2 Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-05-01 |
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ST depression in ECG at entry indicates severe coronary lesions and largebenefits of an early invasive treatment strategy in unstable coronaryartery disease |
Diderholm, E.;Andren, B.;Frostfeldt, G.;The Fast Revascularization during InStability in Coronary artery disease;(FRISC II) Investigators. The FRISC II ECG Substudy; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-05-01 |
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Predicting death in patients with acute type A aortic dissection |
Mehta, R.H.;Suzuki, T.;Hagan, P.G.;on behalf of the International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection (RAD);Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-05-01 |
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Chelation therapy for ischemic heart disease. A randomized controlled trial |
Knudtson, M.L.;Wyse, K.G.;Galbraith, P.D.;for the Program to Assess Alterntive Treatment Strategies to Achieve;Cardiac Health (PATCH) Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-05-01 |
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The relationships of left ventricular ejection fraction, end-systolicvolume index and infarct size to 6-month mortality after hospital dischargefollowing myocardial infarction treated by thombolysis |
Burns, R.J.;Gibbons, R.J.;Yi, Q.;for the CORE Study Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-05-01 |
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A randomized trial of the angiotensin-receptor blocker valsartan in chronicheart failure |
Cohn, J.N.;Tognoni, G.;for the Valsartan Heart Failure Trial Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-05-01 |
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The VA AWESOME Multicenter Registry: comparison with the randomizedclinical trial |
Morrison, D.A.;Sethi, G.;Sacks, J.;for the Investigators of the Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative;Study #385, the Angina with Extremely Serious Operative Mortality;Evaluation (AWESOME). Percutaneous Coronary Intervention vs. Coronary;Bypass Graft Surgery for Patients With Medically Refractory Myocardial;Ischemia and Risk Factors for Adverse Outcomes With Bypass; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-05-01 |
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Thrombin-specific anticoagulation with bivalirudin vs. heparin in patientsreceiving fibrinolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction: the HERO-2randomised trial |
The Hirulog and Early Reperfusion or Occlusion (HERO)-2 Trial Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-05-01 |
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Incidence and predictors of bleeding events after fibrinolytic therapy withfibrin-specific agents: a comparison of TNK-tPA and rt-PA |
Van de Werf, F.;Barron, H.V.;Armstrong, P.W.;for the ASSENT-2 Investigators; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-05-01 |
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ST depression in ECG at entry indicates severe coronary lesions and largebenefits of an early invasive treatment strategy in unstable coronaryartery disease |
Diderholm, E.;Andren, B.;Frostfeldt, G.;The Fast Revascularization during InStability in Coronary artery disease;(FRISC II) Investigators. The FRISC II ECG Substudy; |
ACC Current Journal Review |
2002-05-01 |
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