



CCII-based PID controllers employing grounded passive components Yuce, E.;Tokat, S.;Kizilkaya, A.;Cicekoglu, O.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2006-05-02 查看
On the implementation of the floating simulators employing a singleactive device Yuce, E.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2007-07-02 查看
Stability problems in universal current-mode filters Yuce, E.;Tokat, S.;Minaei, S.;Cicekoglu, O.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2007-10-01 查看
Signal limitations of the current-mode filters employing currentconveyors Yuce, E.;Minaei, S.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2008-03-03 查看
Fully integrable mixed-mode universal biquad with specific applicationof the CFOA Yuce, E.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2010-04-01 查看
Multiplier, frequency doubler and squarer circuits based on voltagecontrolled resistors Yuce, E.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2011-03-01 查看
A simple CMOS-based inductor simulator and frequency performanceimprovement techniques Minaei, S.;Yuce, E.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2012-11-01 查看
CCII based more tunable voltage-mode all-pass filters and theirquadrature oscillator applications Yucel, F.;Yuce, E.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2014-01-01 查看
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