


Routing and Wavelength Assignment in All-Optical Networks with MultihopConnections Sun, Y.;Gu, J.;Tsang, D.H.K.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2001-01-01 查看
Optimal multi-topology routing for IP resilience Scheffel, M.C.;Gruber, C.G.;Schwabe, T.;Prinz, R.G.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2006-01-02 查看
A multi-class fluid model for a contact center with skill-based routing Whitt, W.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2006-02-13 查看
On efficient traffic engineering with DV-based routing protocols inDiffServ-aware IP networks Stojanovic, M.D.;Acimovic-Raspopovic, V.S.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2006-05-02 查看
Optimum VoIP packet routing using a communications processor Zupancic, S.;Polansek, G.;Zemva, A.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2008-02-01 查看
Routing correctness proof and reliability analysis of thetwo-dimensional Ring-banyan network Park, J.-H.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2009-11-01 查看
A new integrated auxiliary graph based routing algorithm in wavebandswitching optical networks Guo, L.;Wang, X.;Hou, W.;Li, Y.;Wang, H.;Li, H.;Wang, C.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2010-01-01 查看
Data processing and communication strategies for lifetime optimizationin wireless sensor networks Tavli, B.;Kayaalp, M.;Ceylan, O.;Bagci, I.E.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2010-10-01 查看
Energy-efficient utility maximization for wireless networkswith/without multipath routing Zhang, J.;Lee, H.-N.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2010-02-01 查看
Routing multicast sessions with differentiated reliability requirementin WDM mesh networks Luo, H.;Li, L.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2010-03-01 查看
Reliable routing protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Kim, J.H.;Lee, S.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2011-03-01 查看
Performance of QoS routing using genetic algorithm for Polar-orbit LEOsatellite networks Rao, Y.;Wang, R.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2011-06-01 查看
Performance of QoS routing using genetic algorithm for Polar-orbit LEOsatellite networks Rao, Y.;Wang, R.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2011-06-01 查看
A reconfigurable and adaptive routing method for fault-tolerantmesh-based networks-on-chip Valinataj, M.;Mohammadi, S.;Plosila, J.;Liljeberg, P.;Tenhunen, H.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2011-07-01 查看
A dynamic cross-layer routing protocol for Mobile Ad hoc Networks Hawa, M.;Taifour, S.;Qasem, M.;Tuffaha, W.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2012-12-01 查看
Evaluating performance of two-hop routing in DTN based on Home-MEG model Wu, Y.;Deng, S.;Huang, H.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2013-11-01 查看
A hierarchical scheme on achieving all-IP communication between WSN andIPv6 networks Wang, X.;Zhong, S.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2013-05-01 查看
A hierarchical scheme on achieving all-IP communication between WSN andIPv6 networks Wang, X.;Zhong, S.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2013-05-01 查看
Window-constrained interconnect-efficient progressive edge growth LDPCcodes El-Maleh, A.H.;Landolsi, M.A.;AlGhoneim, E.A.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2013-07-01 查看
Rendezvous point based approach to the multi-constrained multicastrouting problem Stachowiak, K.;Zwierzykowski, P.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2014-06-01 查看
Rendezvous point based approach to the multi-constrained multicastrouting problem Stachowiak, K.;Zwierzykowski, P.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2014-06-01 查看
A new evolutionary based application specific routing protocol forclustered wireless sensor networks Shokouhifar, M.;Jalali, A.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2015-01-01 查看
Extended AODV routing method based on distributed minimum transmission(DMT) for WSN Zhang, D.g.;Song, X.d.;Wang, X.;Ma, Y.y.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2015-01-01 查看
On-demand source routing with reduced packets protocol in mobile ad-hocnetworks Omar, M.;Hedjaz, S.;Rebouh, S.;Aouchar, K.;Abbache, B.;Tari, A.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2015-10-01 查看
A decentralized energy efficient hierarchical cluster-based routingalgorithm for wireless sensor networks Sabet, M.;Naji, H.R.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2015-05-01 查看
A decentralized energy efficient hierarchical cluster-based routingalgorithm for wireless sensor networks Sabet, M.;Naji, H.R.; AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 2015-05-01 查看
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