


Educational outreach to mammography facility staff to assist withcompliance with the mammography quality standards act in rural NorthCarolina Pisano, E.D.;Burns, C.B.;Washburn, D.; Academic Radiology 1998-07-01 查看
Educational outreach to mammography facility staff to assist withcompliance with the mammography quality standards act in rural NorthCarolina Pisano, E.D.;Burns, C.B.;Washburn, D.; Academic Radiology 1998-07-01 查看
Interpolation algorithms for digital mammography systems with multipledetectors Liu, H.;Wang, G.;Chen, J.;Fajardo, L.L.; Academic Radiology 1999-03-01 查看
Interpolation algorithms for digital mammography systems with multipledetectors Liu, H.;Wang, G.;Chen, J.;Fajardo, L.L.; Academic Radiology 1999-03-01 查看
A sequential chart for the audit-based evaluation of screeningmammogram interpretation Beam, C.A.;Guse, C.E.;Sullivan, D.C.; Academic Radiology 1999-04-01 查看
A sequential chart for the audit-based evaluation of screeningmammogram interpretation Beam, C.A.;Guse, C.E.;Sullivan, D.C.; Academic Radiology 1999-04-01 查看
Effect of Training with the American College of Radiology Breast ImagingReporting and Data System Lexicon on Mammographic Interpretation Skills inDeveloping Countries^1 Lehman, C.D.;Miller, L.;Rutter, C.M.;Tsu, V.; Academic Radiology 2001-07-01 查看
Effect of Training with the American College of Radiology Breast ImagingReporting and Data System Lexicon on Mammographic Interpretation Skills inDeveloping Countries^1 Lehman, C.D.;Miller, L.;Rutter, C.M.;Tsu, V.; Academic Radiology 2001-07-01 查看
Factors Affecting Phantom Scores at Annual Mammography Facility Inspectionsby the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Pisano, E.D.;Britt, G.G.;Lin, Y.;Schell, M.J.;Burns, C.B.;Brown, M.E.; Academic Radiology 2001-09-01 查看
Factors Affecting Phantom Scores at Annual Mammography Facility Inspectionsby the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Pisano, E.D.;Britt, G.G.;Lin, Y.;Schell, M.J.;Burns, C.B.;Brown, M.E.; Academic Radiology 2001-09-01 查看
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