


Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and MR spectroscopy of nerveregeneration and target muscle energy metabolism in a model ofprosthesis-guided reinnervation in rats Baldassarri, A.M.;Zetti, G.;Masson, S.;Gatti, S.;Albani, A.P.;Ferla, G.;Boicelli, A.C.; Academic Radiology 1995-02-01 查看
Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and MR spectroscopy of nerveregeneration and target muscle energy metabolism in a model ofprosthesis-guided reinnervation in rats Baldassarri, A.M.;Zetti, G.;Masson, S.;Gatti, S.;Albani, A.P.;Ferla, G.;Boicelli, A.C.; Academic Radiology 1995-02-01 查看
Intraarticular tolerability and kinetics of gadoliniumtetra-azacyclododecane tetraacetic acid Rahmouni, A.;Mathieu, D.;Chambon, C.;Dao, T.H.;Hemigou, P.;Vasile, N.; Academic Radiology 1995-05-01 查看
Intraarticular tolerability and kinetics of gadoliniumtetra-azacyclododecane tetraacetic acid Rahmouni, A.;Mathieu, D.;Chambon, C.;Dao, T.H.;Hemigou, P.;Vasile, N.; Academic Radiology 1995-05-01 查看
Effect of magnetic resonance exposure combined with gadopentetatedimeglumine on chromosomes in animal specimens Rofsky, N.M.;Pizzarello, D.J.;Duhaney, M.O.;Falick, A.K.;Prendergast, N.;Weinreb, J.C.; Academic Radiology 1995-06-01 查看
Effect of magnetic resonance exposure combined with gadopentetatedimeglumine on chromosomes in animal specimens Rofsky, N.M.;Pizzarello, D.J.;Duhaney, M.O.;Falick, A.K.;Prendergast, N.;Weinreb, J.C.; Academic Radiology 1995-06-01 查看
Cartilage and subchondral bone thickness distribution with MR imaging McGibbon, C.A.;Dupuy, D.E.;Palmer, W.E.;Krebs, D.E.; Academic Radiology 1998-01-01 查看
Cartilage and subchondral bone thickness distribution with MR imaging McGibbon, C.A.;Dupuy, D.E.;Palmer, W.E.;Krebs, D.E.; Academic Radiology 1998-01-01 查看
Cartilage and subchondral bone thickness distribution with MR imaging McGibbon, C.A.;Dupuy, D.E.;Palmer, W.E.;Krebs, D.E.; Academic Radiology 1998-01-01 查看
Micro-imaging of articular cartilage: T2, proton density, and the magicangle effect Goodwin, D.W.;Wadghiri, Y.Z.;Dunn, J.F.; Academic Radiology 1998-11-01 查看
Micro-imaging of articular cartilage: T2, proton density, and the magicangle effect Goodwin, D.W.;Wadghiri, Y.Z.;Dunn, J.F.; Academic Radiology 1998-11-01 查看
Doppler US gating of cardiac MR imaging Rubin, J.M.;Brian Fowlkes, J.;Prince, M.R.;Rhee, R.T.;Chenevert, T.L.; Academic Radiology 2000-12-01 查看
Doppler US gating of cardiac MR imaging Rubin, J.M.;Brian Fowlkes, J.;Prince, M.R.;Rhee, R.T.;Chenevert, T.L.; Academic Radiology 2000-12-01 查看
Quantitation of T2 lesion load in patients with multiple sclerosis: Anovel semiautomated segmentation technique Raff, U.;Rojas, G.M.;Hutchinson, M.;Simon, J.H.; Academic Radiology 2000-04-01 查看
Quantitation of T2 lesion load in patients with multiple sclerosis: Anovel semiautomated segmentation technique Raff, U.;Rojas, G.M.;Hutchinson, M.;Simon, J.H.; Academic Radiology 2000-04-01 查看
Volume assessment of the normal female cervix with MR imaging:Comparison of the segmentation technique and two geometric formulas Dumanli, H.;Fielding, J.R.;Gering, D.T.;Kikinis, R.; Academic Radiology 2000-07-01 查看
Volume assessment of the normal female cervix with MR imaging:Comparison of the segmentation technique and two geometric formulas Dumanli, H.;Fielding, J.R.;Gering, D.T.;Kikinis, R.; Academic Radiology 2000-07-01 查看
Prolonged General Anesthesia in MR Studies of Rats Wood, A.K.W.;Klide, A.M.;Pickup, S.;Kundel, H.L.; Academic Radiology 2001-11-01 查看
Prolonged General Anesthesia in MR Studies of Rats Wood, A.K.W.;Klide, A.M.;Pickup, S.;Kundel, H.L.; Academic Radiology 2001-11-01 查看
A Combined Architectural and Kinetic Interpretation Model for Breast MRImages Schnall, M.D.;Rosten, S.;Englander, S.;Orel, S.G.;Nunes, L.W.; Academic Radiology 2001-07-01 查看
Functional MR Imaging of Vision in the Deaf Shibata, D.K.;Kwok, E.;Zhong, J.;Shrier, D.;Numaguchi, Y.; Academic Radiology 2001-07-01 查看
A Combined Architectural and Kinetic Interpretation Model for Breast MRImages Schnall, M.D.;Rosten, S.;Englander, S.;Orel, S.G.;Nunes, L.W.; Academic Radiology 2001-07-01 查看
Functional MR Imaging of Vision in the Deaf Shibata, D.K.;Kwok, E.;Zhong, J.;Shrier, D.;Numaguchi, Y.; Academic Radiology 2001-07-01 查看
Mr and fluorescent imaging of low-density lipoprotein receptors^1 Li, H.;Gray, B.D.;Corbin, I.;Lebherz, C.;Choi, H.;Lund-Katz, S.;Wilson, J.M.;Glickson, J.D.;Zhou, R.; Academic Radiology 2004-11-01 查看
Validation of the CBF, CBV, and MTT values by perfusion MRI in chronicocclusive cerebrovascular disease - A comparison with ^1^5O-PET^1 Kaneko, K.;Kuwabara, Y.;Mihara, F.;Yoshiura, T.;Nakagawa, M.;Tanaka, A.;Sasaki, M.;Koga, H.;Hayashi, K.;Honda, H.; Academic Radiology 2004-05-01 查看
Assessment of parallel acquisition techniques in adrenal magnetic resonanceimaging - Does increased temporal resolution significantly improvevisualization of adrenal lesions? Boll, D.T.;Hillenbrand, C.M.;Lewin, J.S.;Merkle, E.M.; Academic Radiology 2004-07-01 查看
Comparison of iron oxide labeling properties of hematopoietic progenitorcells from umbilical cord blood and from peripheral blood for subsequent invivo tracking in a xenotransplant mouse model XXX^1 Daldrup-Link, H.E.;Rudelius, M.;Oostendorp, R.A.J.;Jacobs, V.R.;Simon, G.H.;Gooding, C.;Rummeny, E.J.; Academic Radiology 2005-04-01 查看
Three-dimensional assessment of MR imaging-guided percutaneous cryotherapyusing multi-performer repeated segmentations - The value of supervisedlearning^1 Zou, K.H.;Tuncali, K.;Warfield, S.K.;Zentai, C.P.;Worku, D.;Morrison, P.R.;Silverman, S.G.; Academic Radiology 2005-04-01 查看
Effect of Age on Visuomotor Functional MR Imaging^1 Tekes, A.;Mohamed, M.A.;Browner, N.M.;Calhoun, V.D.;Yousem, D.M.; Academic Radiology 2005-06-01 查看
Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron-Oxide-enhanced MR Imaging of NormalBone Marrow in Rodents: Original Research Simon, G.H.;Raatschen, H.J.;Wendland, M.F.;von Vopelius-Feldt, J.;Fu, Y.;Chen, M.H.;Daldrup-Link, H.E.; Academic Radiology 2005-09-01 查看
Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron-Oxide-enhanced MR Imaging of NormalBone Marrow in Rodents: Original Research Simon, G.H.;Raatschen, H.J.;Wendland, M.F.;von Vopelius-Feldt, J.;Fu, Y.;Chen, M.H.;Daldrup-Link, H.E.; Academic Radiology 2005-09-01 查看
Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron-Oxide-enhanced MR Imaging of NormalBone Marrow in Rodents: Original Research Simon, G.H.;Raatschen, H.J.;Wendland, M.F.;von Vopelius-Feldt, J.;Fu, Y.;Chen, M.H.;Daldrup-Link, H.E.; Academic Radiology 2005-09-01 查看
Statistical Combination Schemes of Repeated Diagnostic Test Data Zou, K.H.;Bhagwat, J.G.;Carrino, J.A.; Academic Radiology 2006-05-01 查看
Statistical Combination Schemes of Repeated Diagnostic Test Data Zou, K.H.;Bhagwat, J.G.;Carrino, J.A.; Academic Radiology 2006-05-01 查看
Enhancing Lesions of the Brain Essig, M.;Tartaro, A.;Tartaglione, T.;Pirovano, G.;Kirchin, M.A.;Spinazzi, A.; Academic Radiology 2006-06-01 查看
Enhancing Lesions of the Brain Essig, M.;Tartaro, A.;Tartaglione, T.;Pirovano, G.;Kirchin, M.A.;Spinazzi, A.; Academic Radiology 2006-06-01 查看
Hyperpolarized ^3He MR Imaging of the Lung: Effect of SubjectImmobilization on the Occurrence of Ventilation Defects Mata, J.;Altes, T.;Knake, J.;Mugler, J.;Brookeman, J.;de Lange, E.; Academic Radiology 2008-02-01 查看
Hyperpolarized ^3He MR Imaging of the Lung: Effect of SubjectImmobilization on the Occurrence of Ventilation Defects Mata, J.;Altes, T.;Knake, J.;Mugler, J.;Brookeman, J.;de Lange, E.; Academic Radiology 2008-02-01 查看
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