


Quantitative chest computed tomography as a means of predictingexercise performance in severe emphysema Crausman, R.S.;Ferguson, G.;Irvin, C.G.;Make, B.;Newell, J.D.; Academic Radiology 1995-06-01 查看
Quantitative chest computed tomography as a means of predictingexercise performance in severe emphysema Crausman, R.S.;Ferguson, G.;Irvin, C.G.;Make, B.;Newell, J.D.; Academic Radiology 1995-06-01 查看
Does hyperexpansion of the native lung adversely affect outcome aftersingle lung transplantation for emphysema? Preliminary findings Malchow, S.C.;Page McAdams, H.;Palmer, S.M.;Tapson, V.F.;Pulman, C.E.; Academic Radiology 1998-10-01 查看
Does hyperexpansion of the native lung adversely affect outcome aftersingle lung transplantation for emphysema? Preliminary findings Malchow, S.C.;Page McAdams, H.;Palmer, S.M.;Tapson, V.F.;Pulman, C.E.; Academic Radiology 1998-10-01 查看
Does hyperexpansion of the native lung adversely affect outcome aftersingle lung transplantation for emphysema? Preliminary findings Malchow, S.C.;Page McAdams, H.;Palmer, S.M.;Tapson, V.F.;Pulman, C.E.; Academic Radiology 1998-10-01 查看
Does hyperexpansion of the native lung adversely affect outcome aftersingle lung transplantation for emphysema? Preliminary findings Malchow, S.C.;Page McAdams, H.;Palmer, S.M.;Tapson, V.F.;Pulman, C.E.; Academic Radiology 1998-10-01 查看
Characterization of the interstitial lung diseases via density-based andtexture-based analysis of computed tomography images of lung structure andfunction^1 Hoffman, E.A.;Reinhardt, J.M.;Sonka, M.;Simon, B.A.;Guo, J.;Saba, O.;Chon, D.;Samrah, S.;Shikata, H.;Tschirren, J.;Palagyi, K.;Beck, K.C.;McLennan, G.; Academic Radiology 2003-10-01 查看
Quantitative Computed Tomography of Chronic Obstructive PulmonaryDisease^1 Coxson, H.O.;Rogers, R.M.; Academic Radiology 2005-11-01 查看
Quantitative Computed Tomography of Chronic Obstructive PulmonaryDisease^1 Coxson, H.O.;Rogers, R.M.; Academic Radiology 2005-11-01 查看
Quantitative Computed Tomography of Chronic Obstructive PulmonaryDisease^1 Coxson, H.O.;Rogers, R.M.; Academic Radiology 2005-11-01 查看
Computerized Estimation of the Lung Volume Removed During Lung VolumeReduction Surgery Gilbert, S.;Zheng, B.;Leader, J.K.;Luketich, J.D.;Fuhrman, C.R.;Landreneau, R.J.;Gur, D.;Sciurba, F.C.; Academic Radiology 2006-11-01 查看
Computerized Estimation of the Lung Volume Removed During Lung VolumeReduction Surgery Gilbert, S.;Zheng, B.;Leader, J.K.;Luketich, J.D.;Fuhrman, C.R.;Landreneau, R.J.;Gur, D.;Sciurba, F.C.; Academic Radiology 2006-11-01 查看
Computerized Estimation of the Lung Volume Removed During Lung VolumeReduction Surgery Gilbert, S.;Zheng, B.;Leader, J.K.;Luketich, J.D.;Fuhrman, C.R.;Landreneau, R.J.;Gur, D.;Sciurba, F.C.; Academic Radiology 2006-11-01 查看
Computerized Estimation of the Lung Volume Removed During Lung VolumeReduction Surgery Gilbert, S.;Zheng, B.;Leader, J.K.;Luketich, J.D.;Fuhrman, C.R.;Landreneau, R.J.;Gur, D.;Sciurba, F.C.; Academic Radiology 2006-11-01 查看
Loss of Anteroposterior Intralobar Attenuation Gradient of the Lung:Correlation with Pulmonary Function Nishino, M.;Roberts, D.H.;Sitek, A.;Raptopoulos, V.;Boiselle, P.M.;Hatabu, H.; Academic Radiology 2006-05-01 查看
Loss of Anteroposterior Intralobar Attenuation Gradient of the Lung:Correlation with Pulmonary Function Nishino, M.;Roberts, D.H.;Sitek, A.;Raptopoulos, V.;Boiselle, P.M.;Hatabu, H.; Academic Radiology 2006-05-01 查看
Prevalence of Tracheal Collapse in an Emphysema Cohort as Measured WithEnd-expiration CT Ochs, R.A.;Petkovska, I.;Kim, H.J.;Abtin, F.;Brown, M.;Goldin, J.; Academic Radiology 2009-01-01 查看
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