



Sponsors Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Preface Bettmann, M.A.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
The Problematic Determination of Proton Magnetic Relaxation Rates ofProtein-Containing Solutions de Haen, C.;Calabi, L.;La Ferla, R.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Three Types of Physical Measurements Needed to Characterize Iron OxideNanoparticles for MRI and MRA - Magnetization, Relaxometry, and LightScattering Koenig, S.H.;Kellar, K.E.;Fujii, D.K.;Gunther, W.H.H.;Briley-Saebo, K.;Spiller, M.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Water-Proton Relaxation by a Noncovalent Albumin-Binding Gadolinium Chelate- An NMRD Study of a Potential Blood Pool Agent Adzamli, K.;Spiller, M.;Koenig, S.H.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
P760 - A New Gadolinium Complex Characterized by a Low Rate of InterstitialDiffusion Port, M.;Corot, C.;Raynal, I.;Dencausse, A.;Schaefer, M.;Rousseaux, O.;Simonot, C.;Devoldere, L.;Lin, J.;Foulon, M.;Bourrinet, P.;Bonnemain, B.;Meyer, D.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Gadolinium-Containing Mixed Micelle Formulations - A New Class of BloodPool MRI/MRA Contrast Agents Tournier, H.;Hyacinthe, R.;Schneider, M.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Pharmacokinetics of a High-Generation Dendrimer-Gd-DOTA Bryant, L.H.;Jordan, E.K.;Bulte, J.W.M.;Herynek, V.;Frank, J.A.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Important Considerations in the Design of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles asContrast Agents for Tl-Weighted MRI and MRA Kellar, K.E.;Fujii, D.K.;Gunther, W.H.H.;Briley-Saebo, K.;Bjornerod, A.;Spiller, M.;Koenig, S.H.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Microbubble Volume Concentration - A Better Efficacy Parameter for USContrast Agents than the Number Concentration Ostensen, J.;Sontum, P.C.;Hoff, L.;Bendiksen, R.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Destruction of Contrast Agent Microbubbles in the Ultrasound Field - TheFate of the Microbubble Shell and the Importance of the Bubble Gas Content Klibanov, A.L.;Hughes, M.S.;Wojdyla, J.K.;Wible, J.H.;Brandenburger, G.H.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Ultrasonic Imaging of Organ Perfusion with SH U 563A Bauer, A.;Becher, H.;Blomley, M.;Borges, A.;Cosgrove, D.;Leen, E.;Schlief, R.;Tiemann, K.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Use of Microbubbles as an Optical Coherence Tomography Contrast Agent Barton, J.K.;Hoying, J.B.;Sullivan, C.J.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Biomedical Implications of a Thrombus-Specific US Contrast Agent Unger, E.C.;Matsunaga, T.O.;McCreery, T.P.;Sweitzer, R.H.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Biliary Excretion and Biliary Clearance from Plasma of Iohexol in Normaland Nephrectomized Pigs Almen, T.H.;van Westen, D.;Frennby, B.;Sterner, G.;Chai, C.-M.;Mansson, S.A.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
The Rabbit Renal Toxicity Test - A Sensitive in Vivo Test for theNephrotoxicity of Contrast Agents Pettersson, G.;Towart, R.;Grant, D.;Thyberg, K.;Golman, K.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Trends in Adverse Events from Iodinated Contrast Media Cochran, S.T.;Bomyea, K.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Delayed Adverse Reactions to Nonionic Contrast Medium (Iohexol) in IV Use -Multicentric Study Munechika, H.;Hiramatsu, Y.;Kudo, S.;Sugimura, K.;Hamada, C.;Yamaguchi, K.;Katayama, H.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Mechanisms of Blood Pressure Change after Bolus Injections of X-rayContrast Media Lasser, E.C.;Lamkin, G.E.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Contrast Agent Reactions and Free Will Siegle, R.L.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Optimal Characterization of Myocardial Perfusion with AngioMARK Bluemke, D.A.;Kraitchman, D.L.;Heldman, A.;Chin, B.B.;Steinert, C.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Utility of NC100150 Injection in Cardiac MRI Johansson, L.O.;Bjerner, T.;Bjornerud, A.;Ahlstrom, H.;Tarlo, K.S.;Lorenz, C.H.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Thallium-Like Test for Myocardial Viability with MnDPDP-enhanced MRI Wendland, M.F.;Saeed, M.;Bremerich, J.;Arheden, H.;Higgins, C.B.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Assessment of Myocardial Viability Using Standard Extracellular andNecrosis Specific MR Contrast Media Saeed, M.;Wendland, M.F.;Lund, G.;Bremerich, J.;Weinmann, H.-J.;Higgins, C.B.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Evaluation of MR Contrast Agents with High Relaxivity and ReducedInterstitial Diffusion for Contrast Material-enhanced MRA and MyocardialPerfusion Studies Soulas, E.P.C.;Marchand, B.;Casali, C.;Corot, C.;Douek, P.;Revel, D.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Coronary Angiography with Synchrotron X-Ray Source on Pigs after Iodine orGadolinium Intravenous Injection Esteve, F.;Elleaume, H.;Bertrand, B.;Charvet, A.M.;Fiedler, S.;Le Duc, G.;Corde, S.;Nemoz, C.;Renier, M.;Lefaix, J.L.;Leplat, J.J.;Suortti, P.;Thomlinson, W.;Le Bas, J.F.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Necrosis-Avid Contrast Agents - Introducing Nonporphyrin Species Ni, Y.;Cresens, E.;Adriaens, P.;Miao, Y.;Verbeke, K.;Dymarkowski, S.;Verbruggen, A.;Marchall, G.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Gd-DTPA-DeA - A Novel, Liver-Specific MRI Contrast Agent Kawamura, Y.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Overhauser-enhanced MRI Golman, K.;Leunbach, I.;Stefan Petersson, J.;Holz, D.;Overweg, J.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
An Intelligent MRI Contrast Agent for Tumor Sensing Mikawa, M.;Yokawa, T.;Miwa, N.;Brautigam, M.;Akaike, T.;Maruyama, A.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Dynamic MRI Enhanced with Albumin-(Gd-DTPA)"3"0 or UltrasmallSuperparamagnetic Iron Oxide Particles (NC100150 Injection) for theMeasurement of Microvessel Permeability in Experimental Breast Tumors Turetschek, K.;Huber, S.;Helbich, T.;Floyd, E.;Tarlo, K.S.;Roberts, T.P.L.;Shames, D.M.;Wendland, M.F.;Brasch, R.C.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Functional and Anatomic Imaging of Tumor Vasculature - High-Resolution MRSpectroscopic Imaging Combined with a Superparamagnetic Contrast Agent Karczmar, G.S.;Fan, X.;Al-Hallaq, H.;River, J.N.;Tarlo, K.;Kellar, K.E.;Zamora, M.;Rinker-Schaeffer, C.;Lipton, M.J.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Contrast-Enhanced MRI of Focal Liver Tumors Using a Hepatobiliary MRContrast Agent - Detection and Differential Diagnosis UsingGd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced Versus Gd-DTPA-enhanced MRI in the Same Patient Hammerstingl, R.;Zangos, S.;Schwarz, W.;Rosen, T.;Bechstein, W.-O.;Balzer, T.;Vogl, T.J.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Low-Dose Gadobenate Dimeglumine-Enhanced MRI in the Detection andCharacterization of Focal Liver Lesions Kirchin, M.A.;Spinazzi, A.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
3D MRA Visualization and Artery-Vein Separation Using Blood-Pool ContrastAgent MS-325 Lei, T.;Udupa, J.K.;Saha, P.K.;Odhner, D.;Baum, R.;Tadikonda, S.K.;Yucel, E.K.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Improvement of Vascular Signal Intensity in Contrast-Enhanced MRA withGd-BOPTA - Comparison with Gd-DTPA Pavone, P.;Catalano, C.;Cademartiri, F.;Luccichenti, G.;Passariello, R.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Comparative Studies on the Efficacy of MRI Contrast Agents in MRA Weinmann, H.-J.;Bauer, H.;Ebert, W.;Frenzel, T.;Raduchel, B.;Platzek, J.;Schmitt-Willich, H.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Arterial Concentration Profiles of Two Blood Pool Agents and Gd-DOTA afterIntravenous Injection in Rabbits Corot, C.A.;Violas, X.;Robert, P.;Port, M.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Visualization Techniques for Blood Pool Contrast-Enhanced MagneticResonance Angiography Yucel, E.K.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide-enhanced MR Imaging ofAtherosclerotic Plaque in Hyperlipidemic Rabbits Ruehm, S.G.;Corot, C.;Vogt, P.;Cristina, H.;Debatin, J.F.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Noninvasive Assessment of Wound-Healing Angiogenesis with Contrast-EnhancedMRI Helbich, T.H.;Roberts, T.P.L.;Rollins, M.D.;Shames, D.M.;Turetschek, K.;Hopf, H.W.;Muhler, M.;Hunt, T.K.;Brasch, R.C.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Magnetically Labeled Glial Cells as Cellular MR Contrast Agents Bulte, J.W.M.;Zhang, S.-C.;van Gelderen, P.;Herynek, V.;Jordan, E.K.;Janssen, C.H.C.;Duncan, I.D.;Frank, J.A.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Quantitative Estimation of Microvascular Permeability in Human Brain Tumors- Correlation of Dynamic Gd-DTPA-enhanced MR Imaging with HistopathologicGrading Roberts, H.C.;Roberts, T.P.L.;Ley, S.;Dillon, W.P.;Brasch, R.C.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Correlation between Clinical Status and Macrophage Activity Imaging in theCentral Nervous System of Rats Dousset, V.;Doche, B.;Petry, K.G.;Brochet, B.;Delalande, C.;Caille, J.-M.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Perfusion-Weighted MRI in Human Acute Ischemic Stroke - A Comparison withthe Progression of the Infarct on Diffusion-weighted Images Aronen, H.J.;Perkio, J.;Karonen, J.O.;Vanninen, R.L.;Ostergaard, L.;Liu, Y.;Kononen, M.;Vanninen, E.J.;Soimakallio, S.;Kuikka, J.T.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Gas-Based Vascular Imaging Lang, E.V.;Chen, Q.;Gossler, A.;Edelman, R.;Kozlov, D.;Hoffman, E.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
The Toxic Effects of Angiographic Carbon Dioxide in the CerebralVasculature Wilson, A.J.;Boxer, M.M.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Evaluation of Iotrolan after Oral Application to Neonates, Infants, andChildren - Japanese Experience Kuwatsuru, R.;Katayama, H.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
ICJ 3393 - A New Iodinated Nonionic Low Osmolal Dimer with Low Viscosity AsContrast Agent for X-Ray Riefke, B.;Gonzalez, L.;Carretero, J.;Gonzalez, C.;Jimenez, I.;Alguacil, L.F.;Bohle, F.;Martin, F.;Martin, J.L.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Contrast-enhanced Brachytherapy for Prostate Cancer Norman, A.;Mesa, A.;Solberg, T.D.;Cochran, S.T.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
New RES-Specific Contrast Agents for CT Rummeny, E.J.;Berning, W.;Fuest, M.;Bick, U.;Niggemann, B.;Tournier, P.;Fouillet, X.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Percutaneous CT Lymphography Using a New Polyiodinated BiomimeticMicroemulsion Wisner, E.R.;Weichert, J.P.;Longino, M.A.;Counsell, R.E.;Weisbrode, S.E.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
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