



Safety and the car size effect: a fundamental explanation Wood, D.P.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 1997-03-01 查看
Safety and the car size effect: a fundamental explanation Wood, D.P.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 1997-03-01 查看
Car size and injury risk: a model for injury risk in frontal collisions Wood, D.P.;Simms, C.K.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2002-01-01 查看
Limits for survivability in frontal collisions: Theory and real-lifedata combined Wood, D.P.;Veyrat, N.;Simms, C.;Glynn, C.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2007-07-01 查看
Pedestrian head translation, rotation and impact velocity: Theinfluence of vehicle speed, pedestrian speed and pedestrian gait Elliott, J.R.;Simms, C.K.;Wood, D.P.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-03-01 查看
Pedestrian head translation, rotation and impact velocity: Theinfluence of vehicle speed, pedestrian speed and pedestrian gait Elliott, J.R.;Simms, C.K.;Wood, D.P.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-03-01 查看
Impact characteristics of a vehicle population in low speed front torear collisions Nishimura, N.;Simms, C.K.;Wood, D.P.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-06-01 查看
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